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I love you Mommy.
The whole room freezes around me as I let that sink in. All I can do is hug him tighter and kiss the top of his head.
Easton’s voice cuts through the fog briefly as my mind begins to spin.
“Cole, I think we might need to give Luci a minute.”
“Ok. Can I go play with Barrett?”
“Sounds good. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Ok. Bye Daddy. Bye Mommy.” He pulls away and takes off across the room. My heart stutters
He can’t…someone else will tell him I’m not that. I just chewed out his mom in front of him.
Said she abandoned him and didn’t love him. He had to hear all that! Dammit Luci you told
him she’s trying to take him away. He didn’t need to worry about that. The court system…ugh
my big mouth. They know about my issues. And now it will look like I manipulated him.
Lorelei will use that if she hears it. If I have to leave him….he can’t call me that and I leave
him. I can’t leave him….
“Luci….Luci love. Come back to me. Come back. Don’t go down that rabbit hole, love.” Easton
whispers against my neck and I slowly shake out of it.
I grip his hands at my waist and he spins me to face him. “There you are. That was a lot. Talk
to me Luci.”
“Easton….he….he can’t. If I have to leave….” My voice is shaking as I try to tell him.
His hands cup my face. “No. You aren’t leaving.”
“If they find a judge and convince him or whatever that I’m manipulating him, that I’m a danger….” I wrap my fingers around his wrists.
“No. That’s not happening. If we have to buy the judge off after they do, then we will. You are ours and I will not give you up. Do you understand that?”
“I know you mean that, but you need to be realistic.”
“Luci, people with ADHD have kids all the time. People with schizophrenia and depression and
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hell even psychosis. I researched this. They cannot take him from us because you have that. And I asked Jessie already. She’ll request a psych eval on both Lorelei and Vivienne if they even think about going for you. A very public request in light of their film careers. You. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere. Because. Of. Them.” He says fiercely. “Ratchet toads and ditch pigs do not get to touch him. Or you.”
“Biological children usually. When you are the extra person, it’s a little different usually. Courts favor biology a lot.” I mumble.
“We’ll deal with it. I promise.”
I close my eyes and tug on his arms. He moves his hands and I lean against him. “Take a minute. You’ve got some sharp teeth with a nasty bite. And I won’t upset Syd ever. That was one mean right hook. I’m guessing Banning taught her that.” I nod. “Jackson about came out of his shoes when she marched for her. He said he can’t ask her out, but wouldn’t tell me why.”
“Sydney has an on–again, off–again…..guy. I can’t say boyfriend because he isn’t. Tanner is his name and I don’t care for him. At least with her. He’s fine, but I want her to move on. She….she struggles with it for lots of reasons. But it’s been worse since she met your brother. I’m hoping he’s finally what she needs to cut the rope.” I reveal to him.
“And Sydney doesn’t listen to wise Luci?” He arches an eyebrow with disbelief.
“We don’t talk about him much because I can’t. It’s….complicated in lots of ways. I’ll take you down that rabbit hole one day. I told her my feelings about him once. She listened but then decided she’d keep going. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s just…..he’s not her spark. Her star in the sky that she would follow anywhere.”
“Am I your star in the sky?” His lips turn up barely.
“Hmmm…No.” I say, keeping my face blank.
The flash of disappointment that crosses his face is heartbreaking. “Don’t look hurt. You’re my own personal snow flurry. Cold and frosty to others, but soft, special and beautiful for only
He chuckles now. “Trying to find a way to tie me to Elsa. Fine… You thawed my frozen heart you goofy little rabbit.”
“I was thinking I’d call you Elsir instead, Elsir of Hockeydale.”
He throws his head back laughing heartily now.
“Made you laugh.” I sit up on my knees and push his hair back from his face. “Now this is
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cheesy so get ready, but it’s how my brain works. You are the flurry so deal with it but…. You’re my light in the storm because you know…you talk to me so I can get through them.” He eyes me and I shrug. “Or you can be the treasure that’s tethering the end of my rolling rainbow brain. Or you can be my star. Whatever makes you happy Elsir flurry.”
“Hmm…I get multiple positions huh?” He grins wickedly.
“Gutter minded hockey player.” I mutter as I playfully shove him.
“Can you blame me? I must be special to be your treasured light star flurry.” He shakes his head amused. “Are you ok with Cole calling you mommy?”
“I don’t want someone to hurt his feelings and tell him I can’t be. I…I wasn’t expecting that.”
“But do you not want him to? I told you that you are his mom because I knew he was going to do that at some point. I can ask him to wait.” He’s rubbing circles on the sides of my waist.
“Are you ok with it? I mean people will think….”
“People can go f**k off with whatever they think. That’s what you are. I want your feelings not
theirs.” He taps my nose.
“I shouldn’t be ok with it, should I?” I whisper to him trying to hold back the emotions Cole
stirred up. I’d love to be his mom. Nothing describes hearing your little one saying it, even if
he’s not fully mine. That warmth and joy.
“You absolutely should. You love him so much Luci. You know you’re his mom. I understand
being scared of it. To be trusted by him so much. I loved hearing him finally call you that.” He brushes a soft kiss across my lips.
“I do love it. I might have to get used to it. I’ll warn him that it’s new.”
“I’ll help. Want to go watch the game? Listen to us lose our minds at the tv?”
“Sure. I mean I lost mine in the kitchen and you all had to listen to that.” I give him a wry smile.
“It was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen. You were absolutely magnificent in your fury. Mama
bear Luci is hot.” He grins.
Dad stands staring out of his study window. “Dad….” Jackson calls out softly as we step in.
“I didn’t mean to derail the whole afternoon.” He turns and gives us a wry smile.
“Well if you could stop inviting the Winters witches, we’d appreciate that.” I joke quietly.” Maybe we need a salt line at the gate and front door.”
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“With holy water.” Kingston mutters.
“Luci ok?” He asks before sitting down.
“Easton went to check on her.” I tell him.
He nods. “Damn, she went off didn’t she? Cole won’t have to worry about anyone ever bothering him.” He chuckles softly.
“Hell we might let her come after the puck bunnies riled up like that.” Kingston retorts.
Dad takes a deep breath. “Look boys, it’s Christmas in two days and….and she’s your mother. If you want to see her, if you want her to come here for a little while it’s ok. I will completely
understand that.”
“No.” Jackson’s answer is immediate. I’m already shaking my head too.
Kingston also shakes his head.
“Is that your choice or are you worried about me?” He asks us sincerely.
“No it’s because I have no desire to see her.” Jackson tells him bluntly. “She….she abandoned
us first. She thought the worst of you but then decided to punish us too. The sins of the father thing but visited upon us by our own mother. Worse they were imaginary sins. The woman
who should have had her teeth bared like Luci did today. Who should have protected us.”
“And Cole. A totally innocent party that she treated poorly. Luci’s right. She can’t tell a snake from a butterfly and that’s within her own family.” I shake my head thinking about her.
“She needs to be alone for a while Dad. She might even need therapy honestly. Self–reflective therapy.” Kingston leans forward.
He nods slowly. “She might. But that’s on her. This is half my fault. I’m sorry I didn’t protect
you too.”
“You at least were still our parent Dad. And you started repairing this before we had to slap
you in the face with it.” I tell him honestly.
“I’m going to proceed with the divorce. After this today, I don’t think it can be fixed. I’m not really sure I even thought it could be when I initially kicked her out. But I know that what I felt staring at her before I walked away today wasn’t enough to stay with her.”
“We’re here Dad.” Kingston tells him.
“I know. Maybe you boys will live here with your old man for a few more months. The house would be awfully lonely without all of you. Luci can move in if she wants.”
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“Baker’s homemade meals, Cole’s laughter and those very Easton like glares lately, plus we might need to help the romance rascals with Banning….I mean I guess you can force us to stay here.” I grin at him.
“Twist my arm.” Jackson grins.
“I won’t screw up ever again with you boys. Let’s go watch the game. Listen to Cole trying to
teach Luci about hockey.” He chuckles at that.
“f**k Lorelei, could you step on it? I mean my tooth is loose from the little b***h. Is my cheek
swollen?” She snarls at me but it’s muffled since she’s trying not to move her jaw much. “Dr.
Pekarne said we had to hurry. Something about his family two days before Christmas. I mean
I have a premiere on Saturday!”
“Yes. We probably should have stopped and gotten an ice pack for it.” I grit my teeth as she
screeches again.
“And have me possibly miss him. I think you want me to look like some gutter rat. That would
make your day wouldn’t it? If I looked like absolute s**t while you are untouched.” She glares
at me.
“No what would make my day is if he wired your f*****g jaw shut. Then I wouldn’t have to
listen to this.” I snap at her.
“This is all your fault!” She shrieks.
“How is this my fault?! You followed me where you knew you wouldn’t be welcome!”
“Because you should already have had Easton and Cole in your back pocket. You screwed this
up in so many ways.”
“You didn’t help in any way!” I retort. We are entering the city and traffic is ridiculous.
“I swear you are worthless Lorelei. You didn’t help me keep your father and you haven’t done
anything of use with that brat you insisted on giving birth to.”
“What the hell does that mean?” I ask her quietly.
“Your father left even though I gave him a crotch goblin. He got his secretary pregnant and
was going to leave. So I took care of that and I got pregnant with you when he started straying again. He vowed to stay as long as you were under our roof. If he hadn’t I wold have given you
for adoption. What a f*****g lie he sold me.” She huffs and leans back.
My breath catches and I let her words filter through. I always wondered why she had me.
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Figured I was an accident on her part because she said I tried to ruin her figure. “You only had
me and kept me to trap him?” I finally ask softly.
“Green light Lorelei. GO! My face!” She points angrily out the front windshield. I hear the angry sound of horns behind me. I grip the steering wheel with both hands and slowly turn my head
to face her. “You used me to trap my father.”
“Yes but look how well it turned out. Only lasted eight years. I should have known better. He
was tired of me. Men are fickle, Lorelei.”
“Men are fickle?! Have you heard what you just said? You had a kid to keep your husband. I’m sure you were cheating on him too. Am I really Lloyd Winters’s daughter?”
“Of course. He’d have demanded a paternity test. I am not stupid Lorelei, unlike you.” She
gives me a disdainful look.
“I was definitely stupid about a few things. But hey, we all can wise up.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my purse. I step out as she screams at me.
“Where are you going?”
“Leaving. Bye Vivienne.” With that I stride off to call an Uber.
Ivory Row
The aftermath of all that. Next chapter will be fun and cuteness because sheesh, this was a lot of drama.