Tale The 92

Tale The 92

92: Classy Claws Part


I didn’t have time to show him that on Friday…Lorelei protests but Luci’s voice cuts across her last word sharply

You’ve had FOUR. YEARS. Four years….and you couldn’t even give him one word of mom hope. It’s way past time for you to act like he’s a piece of you. Like he’s real and important and special.She takes a deep breath. And I’ve never used him. I love Cole. Enough I’ll let him go 

if I have to. If that’s the price a judge sets for you to leave him with his father, I’ll leave and never set foot into his life again.Her voice wavers and everything in me collapses, shattering as she says that. He doesn’t deserve to be caught up in a war like this. No child should be used as a weapon. I will never be the cause or reason for that no matter what it means for me. I saw it enough in other kids. Saw how it turns the light in their eyes into nothing but sadness and despair. Those kids….it honestly was better to have no parent than to have two that lost sight of them and only wanted to use them to hurt the other. Cole has the brightest, sweetest little soul and I pray you don’t destroy it. If you want to be his mother so much, make sure you don’t! Because he’s the innocent one who will pay for it. Don’t you remember a time when you wished your mother was different to you? When you vowed not to treat your children the way she treated you? When you wished you had someone that simply loved you?Luci pauses and lets that seep in. Lorelei is unmoved though. Do better. All of you! Or get out of his life and don’t burden him with your childish bullshit. Because not having you would be better than you burdening him with your issues. He deserves more.” She stares at each one of them in turn. And if you hurt him regardless of me being part of his life, I will tear you to shreds. I will end you. Keep that in mind before you blow off what I said.She ends quietly. With that, she turns on her heel to stalk toward the playroom, only faltering as she sees Cole and Barrett there. I told you to take them…” 

Banning slowly shakes his head at her

No, they needed to see and hear that, Luci. How they should be loved. How they should be 

defended. What a real mother sounds like. How she puts her child first and not herself when 

it’s necessary.” Sydney says fiercely through her tears


Stormi nods vehemently. A real woman with a real heart, not a ratchet toad wrench wench or her sidekick mothers from hell, the lipsticked ditch pig and Ignorant Imogen.” 

WowBecker whistles. I am impressed.” 


+8 Points 

92: Classy Claws Part

Vivienne mockingly claps calling out bravo, bravoand we all face her

The disorganized ramblings of someone with a head disorder….Vivienne snarks

Banning sets the boys on the floor. Run to the playroom now.Their feet pound away

Luci barely turns to look over her shoulder

Shoe fits darling. Wait until Lorelei uses that in court. The defective nanny that no one ever wanted, bitterly trying to steal another woman’s family.” 

Before I can move, Sydney has marched over and her fist flies into Vivienne’s jaw. Vivienne 

howls with pain as she hits the floor holding her mouth. Blood trickling from the side of it

If anyone has a defective screw loose disorder in this house, it’s you! Don’t you ever insult my 

sister that way again or you’ll be finding your teeth embedded into the wall.” Her eyes flash 


Vivienne gets to her feet snarling. You b***h! I have a premiere.She lunges at Sydney, but 

Stormi is faster. Vivienne is suddenly yanked back by her hair

Oh no no no. You aren’t touching her. You think you can get a quick appointment for 

extensions along with a dentist before your precious premiere?Vivienne struggles to pull away. Stormi suddenly releases her and she falls face forward from trying to pull free

Nice punch Syd.Banning says with a grin

Luci glances at Syd’s hand. Ice pack.” She says softly. And maybe a rabies shot.” 

Game room fridge Luci Lou. We got this.Kingston answers her. We know she needs to get away from these three. I proudly watch her tug Sydney’s arm, holding her hand up to examine 

it as they leave our sight

We are all silent for a minute. I want to run after her but these three need to be gone first. Dad 

slow claps and we all turn to him. He smirks slowly at me

Lorelei opens her damn impertinent mouth, but her voice is shaky. Who does she think she 


I look down at the floor momentarily as I suppress my temper before opening my mouth.” She’s his MOTHER. She is the one and only Luci and she is amazing. She gave you a gift, her words and insight. One you won’t recognize but a gift nonetheless.” 

His real mom, at least.Kingston glares

Mama Bear showed those claws….” Jackson says with pride


+8 Point 

92: Classy Claws Part

Yep, you disturbed her cave and her cubs. You’re lucky she didn’t hit one of you.He indicates Lorelei and then Mother. But she’s too classy for the likes of you. Classy clawed Luci.” Becker adds before frowning. It does appear all the class in the house went to the playroom.” 

I think that young lady just summed up everything better than anyone else could have. Along with Sydney and Stormi. The three of you should take a long look at yourselves and hear her words over and over again. I wish I had a recording of it. Oh wait….I do.Dad glares at all of 

them. I’ll pull the house security footage and forward the audio to you, Imogen and Lorelei

Maybe every day for the next year or until you two get help. I’m leaving you out Vivienne

because I don’t care about you or your growth. She’s right. Cole deserves so much more and 

so much better. And know this Lorelei, you will be in for the fight of your life if you try to take 

him away. I will spend every dime I have to help Easton fight you. He wasn’t bluffing the other 

day when he warned you. We fight dirty and I have no compunction about going around the 

law for Cole. Now all of you get out. If not, the police can get here quickly.He begins walking 

away and Mother turns to chase after him. Jason, wait! Please!” 

He stops short, glaring at her with fury. To my surprise, Vivienne grabs Lorelei. Let’s go. You are following me home and then driving me to the dentist. I cannot look like this!” 

Ah vanity wins over psychosis.” Becker intones with disgust

Trash can walk itself out.Jackson says with a grin

But then we turn our attention back to Dad. Jason please let’s talk.” 

Sign the damn document, Imogen.He grits out. She steps over nervously and signs it

There you go Easton. That should help. II didn’t know she wanted him for a film promotion too. Easton, I called her honest to goodness trying to help you.She’s crying as she beseeches 

  1. me

Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, Imogen you’d get enough oxygen for your brain to function again. You really thought Lorelei popping back up after no contact with her baby was because she’s a good mother?! That she’s unlike her selfish mother who raised her?Dad 

shakes his head in disbelief

I got so caught up that I….I was hoping she was sincere. I wanted to see my family. I miss all of you. I know you don’t believe that but I do. I really miss you.” She swipes at the tears

Only because you’ve had to face being all alone at the penthouse. How would you know if you missed them? You know nothing about them anymore.” Dad drops that deliberately

Jason, you’re my husband. They are my kids. I know a lot about them.” She tries to defend 


  • B Point 

92: Classy Claws Part


Still can’t see it….He sighs and stares at her with sadness. You shut them out and pushed them away. They stopped bothering with you long ago. It’s blatantly obvious you don’t know your children. You’d never have ambushed Luci last night if you did. You didn’t notice that Easton and Cole have both been happier since she got here. You missed the way he looks at her. Like she is half the reason he gets up every day.” 

She fiddles with the belt of her coat nervously. I admit I might have been wrong about Luci.” 

Dad blinks rapidly in disbelief. Might have been wrong….Fuck, Imogen, that girl just dressed you down with brutal honesty, but she gave you grace in the same breath telling you how to fix 

your relationships with your boys. Did the same for Lorelei because Cole means that much to 

her. She just offered to leave them if it means Cole gets to be happy here. And you MIGHT 

have been wrong about her?! See if you can shop for some common sense and better 

instincts.” He blows out a slow breath. Leave. We have nothing to say to one another. I….I just 

can’t.He looks defeated as he walks away

Mother doesn’t chase him this time. She catches his broken tone. Her head turns our way and 

she opens her mouth before seeming to think better of it. She nods as her lip trembles before walking toward the front door

We got Dad, East. We’re all having a drink during the hockey game later.Kingston declares

I’ll see him in a minute.I turn and run down the hall

Game room Easton.Baker calls out

I open the door to find her cleaning Syd’s knuckles. Cole’s in Stormi’s lap looking unaffected

Daddy!He cries out and I lift him up

Go on Luci. I’m fine.” Syd tells her

She stands up and wraps her arms around my waist for a long hug. When she pulls away, Cole 

wants her. She takes him from me and I lead them out of the game room

Luci holds Cole in her arms with his head tucked against her shoulder

I walk them into my room and straight to the bed. I sit and pull them into my lap. Let it out Luci. We got you sweetness.” I whisper as I kiss her temple

Coco, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you heard all that. I didn’t want you to.” Luci holds him tight to her chest. I love you Coco. I’m sorry you saw that.” 

Don’t be sad.” He looks up at us and touches her cheek with his fingers splayed out. Then he 


92: Classy Claws Part

does the same to me, smiling at me

I love you Daddy.” 

I love you buddy.” 

He puts both hands on Luci’s cheeks. I love you Mommy.” 


Ivory Row 

+8 Points 

I know you want Luci to slap her but she wouldn’t do that in front of Cole or Barrett. Sydney and Stormi on the other hand defended Luci pretty nicely. Our Luci unfurled her claws well. I know her rant is not perfectly organized and she jumps around a little but that’s her brain in the heat of the moment


Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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