Tale The 89

Tale The 89

89: Dating Fun Part

+8 Points 

89: Dating Fun Part


She and Cole choose a clear one in the medium size. They add in a snowy base with a tree

She returns with something flat and silver, gluing it on top. Go grab some of the skates.She 

tells Cole and he comes back with three small skates. Luci adds in a sled and she finds 

something that I think was meant to be a tree branch but she turns it into a hockey stick. See 


you can find a puck.I search and find a small black disk meant to be part of a snowman. She glues it down and then shows me

Look Daddy, it’s an outside rink.” 

It is. Now where do we put our names?I search and grab three snowmen. They are different 

sizes and one is clearly female with a pink scarf. I add our names to them and stick them at 

the edge up against the glass. How’s that?” 

That’s pretty great. You are fairly creative. I won’t tell anyone, don’t worry.She whispers as we 

walk to the front to buy it

I’ll buy your silence with dinner.I add as it’s bagged up

How did you know about that?Luci asks as we leave

Mrs. Hutchins again. She sent that home as a childfriendly activity for the weekend.” I admit 


I love her. She’s an amazing preschool teacher.Luci sounds wistful

I know someone else who would be an amazing preschool teacher.I tell her softly. “Which reminds me. Dean Rogers wants to meet with you a few days before the spring semester begins. I imagine he needs to finish cleaning up the absolute fuckery the Fuckphries trio created.I whisper in her ear. I’ll go with you. Dad might come too with Jessie.” 

I’ve never met with him. The associate dean below him is who I complained about Marshall to. She basically told me to be happy he paid any attention to me and keep my head down, hoping the team would leave me alone.” 

Cole is holding my hand staring at all the holiday decorations as we walk toward the 

restaurant I picked

He’ll be hearing about that too then. I mean it Luci. I want you to change your major if you want. I will pay for you to finish school if they have the nerve to ask you to pay for extra 


89: Dating Fun Part 3 

semesters after what Gina did to you.” 

I know. I’ll think about it.She answers softly

I’ll accept that for now. Discussion is still open. I’m very stubborn.I tell her

You are?She mocks me and I pull her more into my side


+8 Points 

Attitude again. I’ll deal with that later. Look over there. They are having an ice sculpture carving competition. Some of them use chainsaws.I tell them as we walk. I can hear one 

cutting into the ice already

We approach a large brown brick building with a huge cobblestone terrace. You can see the 

ice sculptures to the left of it

Look at those!She points excitedly at the clear thick plastic domes on the cobblestones

It’s called a snowglobe dinner.I walk closer to the entrance and a guy in a black parka moves 

our way

Good evening. May I help you?” 

Reservation for Easton Reed.Luci and Cole’s hands both squeeze mine

Right this way, Mr. Reed. Your snowglobe is this one. You should have an extraordinary view of the ice carving contest.He opens the door to it and we let Luci walk in first. “Ladies first 

Cole.I say quietly

He nods solemnly. You pull her chair out, Daddy?” 

I nod slowly. I hurry to do that as Luci spins slowly looking at the lights hung all over the 

insulated plastic. I patiently wait for her as she looks it over, that wondrous amazed smile on 

her face. Your server will be out shortly.I nod at him and he leaves. Cole moves next to Luci 

with his head tilted back. She grabs his hand and leads him to the table. Come sit here Luci

You can see the ice sculptures best.I hold her chair for her along with Cole’s. She sits down 

and grabs my hand

This is amazing. It’s like being in a snowglobe truly. And all the snow on the ground around 

us makes it seem like some kind of wonderland. How did you find this?” 

That happy face is amazing.I whisper to her before I press a soft kiss to her lips. Cole is 

grinning and bouncing in his seat as I push him closer to the table. Becker found this. He saw 

it on tv. They are going to do it all winter. It’s been popular.” 

The waiter comes, and we order before going back to watching the ice sculpting. One guy 

comes past with his chainsaw and Cole waves frantically to him. He was the one carving a 


89: Dating Fun Part

+8 Painti 

huge elephant with that. He waves to Cole after grabbing a glass of water and goes back to carving. We all three watch enraptured as he finishes it and begins making a swan with what 

appears to be a spray of water behind him. It’s hard to force ourselves to eat when the food arrives. That’s talent. I wonder how you discover you can use a chainsaw to carve huge ice 

sculptures and with such detail. That doesn’t seem like something you can simply stumble 

upon.Luci says with a laugh

I’ll agree there.I take a minute to search for the guy’s name. Ted Larkins and he has won a lot of competitions.” 

We’re having dessert when I see the chainsaw guy tapping on the little zip door to our plastic igloo. I move and open it. He nods to me. Hi, sorry to intrude. I’m Ted. I wanted to bring your son something. He’s been clapping and watching with so much attention.” 

We appreciate that.” 

No, I appreciate someone taking an interest.He holds out a small sculpture of a dragon with wings unfurling behind him

Cole’s eyes almost pop out of his head. “Daddy, look at the dragon!” 

It’s incredible.” Luci says. You are very talented. That elephant is unreal. Actually it looks 


Thank you.” He holds the dragon out to Cole. You can take it home and put it in your freezer. It will keep there for a long time.” 

Cole’s mouth falls open. “For me? I get to keep him?” 

You do. I wanted to thank you for being so excited watching me. I love having an interested audience. My son loves to help me. He’s a little older than you but he used to watch me like you do when he was very little. You made me smile as I remembered that.” 

Thank you lots and lots. I’ll take care of him.” 

I bet you will. Goodnight.” He walks out after I thank him again

You made his night.” 

I sit down and Luci touches Cole’s hand. “See, you made a stranger smile. I told you that 

you’re real.” 

Luci! I need to name my dragon.” 

Hmm what about fireball since your other dragon is named icebreaker?” 


89: Dating Fun Part

Firetail.I suggest jokingly, but of course Cole loves it

Hi Firetail!” 

I pay the bill as Cole is having a full conversation with his dragon. I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.Luci says and slips out. She doesn’t return for a while and I’m beginning to get worried. I have sudden thoughts of Maxton following her when she steps in slowly. She’s 

pale but otherwise appears fine

Sweetness, you ok?I look her over

Yes. We need to go. I’ll tell you once we get home.” She glances at Cole

Porter?I ask cautiously

She shakes her head quickly. Alright. Let’s go then.” I bundle Cole back into his coat before slipping mine on. As we step out of the globe, our waiter tells us goodbye and I turn almost 

running smack into my mother

EastonShe says softly and puts her hand on my arm

Luci, take Cole to go see the ice sculptures up close. This won’t take long I’m sure.” 

Mother watches them walk away. You are very serious about her aren’t you?” 

What do you want Mother?I ask quietly. Can we not have a date without it ending in drama

I wanted to see you. Talk to you. I’m so sorry Easton. I can’t believe I listened to her. I want to come home and I want to do better. I know I can help you with Cole. I heard that Lorelei is 

back. I can help with her.” 

How?I bite out

Well for starters, I can talk to her. She’s not as bad as Vivienne. I can probably reason with 


I interrupt ruthlessly. You can’t reason with crazy, Mother. You should know that well.” 

I can sign over for you to have sole temporary custody. That should be something. I’ll come to the house and do it tomorrow. I’m sure your father can get the paperwork by then with his army of lawyers.She sounds bitter but I honestly have not an ounce of sympathy for her. I know I messed up Easton but I can fix what I did. I’ve seen the error of my ways. I miss my 


Did you not miss us for the last decade when you pulled away and decided to become the icy dragon lady? Did you never wish you were a real grandmother to that little boy?I ask her 


+9 Points 

89: Dating Fun Part


Easton please, we are in public.Her eyes dart around

I scoff. Still consumed by how your image appears…..goodbye Mother. I’ll talk to Dad about the paperwork. He might prefer to courier it to you and have them bring it back. That way he doesn’t have to see you.I turn to walk away and she grips my coat

No, I will only do it in person.The desperation in her voice is almost disgusting

Of course. I mean this kind gesture is about you after all. Not Cole or me. Excuse me. I want to go spend the rest of my date with my real family.I glare at her before turning again

Just….just be careful with her Easton.She says cautiously

I freeze in my tracks and tamp down the fury threatening to unleash at that. Luci is staring at me though and starting to walk back my way as she takes in my face and clenched fists.

throw over my shoulder. You know NOTHING about her.” 

I walk hurriedly toward them and lift Cole with one arm while tucking her against me with the other. “Let’s go home and see about making some hot chocolate.” 

Cole talks about the ice sculptures the whole way home with me holding Luci’s hand tightly

I’ll ask her if she ran into Mother on her own when Cole isn’t around. At the house, Luci offers 

to take him to the kitchen and start on the hot cocoa. I hug her briefly. I’ll go talk to Dad. Be 

back soon.” 

I find him in the living room watching a movie with Kingston. You look completely pissed off. 

Run into Maxton?” 

We ran into Mother at the restaurant, Dad. She wants to come sign over the paperwork for me to have full temporary custody of Cole. Tomorrow.I tell him grimly. Said she’ll only do it in 

person. Her 

way of getting to you in person.I tell him everything she said. Kingston shakes 

his head with irritation

He stares at me for a long time. I’ll take care of it. I thought we might have a hockey game watching party tomorrow. Maybe Luci would like to invite Banning, Barrett, Sydney and Stormi 

over. I’ll make sure your mother is long gone by then.” 

Dad, you don’t have to….” 

He holds up a hand. Easton, I can handle this. I know she’s using it to her advantage, but it’s 

what we want and I can definitely deal with her. I’m sorry if she ruined your family date.” 

She didn’t. I got them out of there though I think she talked to Luci first when she was alone.” 


89: Dating Fun Part

I rake 


hands through my hair

*B Points 

Go check on them. I’ll text her. And I want to know what she said to Luci. I have a feeling none 

of it was uplifting or encouraging.Dad’s mouth sets in a firm line and I doubt my mother 

knows she’s only made things worse for herself.

Ivory Row 

oh here comes the drama. Who wants to see what happens with Mommy dearest? I’ll put some pictures of their snowglobe dinner up on my book of faces. Also I found someone who might be even better for Easton’s voice. He is James Joseph and he nails it. Jamesjoseph_ on insta8ram and Tickity Tokk



Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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