88: Dating Fun Part 2
“I’ll grab your skates. I have to leave you before lunch. Becker will take you guys to drop Barrett off and then home. I’ll be back not long after Cole’s nap. Then we’ll leave.”
“Where are you going?” I ask curiously.
“That’s a secret.” He says quickly.
“Do we get to have secrets….” I joke and he gives me a worried look. “I’m kidding. I trust you.” I reach over to pat his arm and he grabs my hand, pressing a kiss to the inside of
“I promise it’s a good secret, Luci.”
“I believe you. What are we doing this afternoon?”
my wrist.
“There’s a giant train show at the kids‘ museum and he wants to go to that. Then glow bowling. Cole got to choose.” He sounds almost regretful. “I tried to talk him into some other
“Easton, it’s a family date and sounds like fun. After the day Cole had, I think he gets to
choose something he would like best.” I offer. “I haven’t been bowling in a long time, so no
“Me either. I got to choose dinner at least.” He parks in front of my apartment and I can’t help
but glance around for Maxton. “Lock the doors while I run in. Need anything else?”
“I need to get more clothes soon If I’m going to keep staying with you and my car probably
shouldn’t stay here.”
“Actually Marco made a good point. Your car should stay here so they don’t know where you
are exactly. We’ll come after bowling and pack you some more things. And yes you are
staying. Especially with Maxton on the loose.” He kisses my cheek and steps out with Cole
and Barrett whispering in the back.
I turn and face them after locking the doors. “What are you two scheming now?”
“What does scheming mean?” Barrett asks.
“Coming up with plans.”
“We can’t tell you.” Cole says with a big smile. These two are going to be the death of me with their romance plans.
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88: Dating Fun Part 2
I get a text while we are waiting and read it frowning. I jump when Easton knocks on his window and hurry to unlock the door. “Luci, what’s wrong?” He asks lowly.
“I got a text from Marco. He wants to know what Maxton called me all the time.”
“Little mouse.” He grits out angrily. “Why does he want to know that?”
I text Marco back and he answers quickly.
“Thanks Luci. Thought that was what Becker said. He won’t use it again, don’t worry. Especially since that’s what he’s become. He might find mice have terrifying teeth….
I read his answer to Easton, who slowly grins. “I really like them. Even Vince the model.” He
I hold in my laugh. “Vince has a gorgeous….” He glares at me hard. “wife and two adorable
daughters. His wife, Catalina is pregnant with a boy. Apparently she’s from Spain and is a
I watch him slowly relax. “How do you find out things like that?”
“While we waited for Cole, at the preschool I noticed something. He was smiling at the kids‘
artwork in the hallways like a parent does. So I asked.”
“Does it bother you when I call you little rabbit? You don’t associate that with Maxton do you?”
His brow is intensely furrowed.
“No it doesn’t. You never gave me the creeps like he did. I thought it was witty the first time
you did it since I told you I was chasing one. And it does fit me when I panic.”
“Almost had a problem…” he mutters.
At the rink, we walk in two bouncing boys. Jackson, Becker and Kingston are already here. Jackson comes out to help Barrett lace his skates while Easton does mine and Cole’s. “Are
you going to let me do mine ever?”
“No.” He stares at me intently.
Sadly he has to help me onto the ice while the two boys take off. “Just like we’ve practiced. Keep those hips over your skates.” It doesn’t take long before I can slowly make a lap around
without him holding onto me.
“Go play with them.” I attempt to push the ice wall he impersonates away, but naturally he
doesn’t budge a centimeter.
“Alright but stay near the edge. And you are going to hit the puck later.” He skates backwards
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88: Dating Fun Part 2
away and I narrow my eyes.
“Showoff.” I mouth.
He gives me a devil may care grin and starts doing something fancy with his feet. I watch him almost dance his way across to the others. Becker sees my face and starts laughing before. he joins him. Pretty soon all four of them are skating backwards and doing some jump off the ice along with some fancy footwork. They are giving instructions to Cole for it. Cole points to them and is explaining to Barrett. “Um Cole you might need to explain to me…” I laugh.
“They are doing loops and crossovers and choclates…”
“Choctaws, Coconut.” Kingston corrects, laughing. “Rockers too. Figure skating Luci.”
“Wait you can figure skate? Like the Olympics twirling in the air?” I watch them all laugh.
“No but we took figure skating lessons for a long time for specific hockey moves. It helps with edge work.” Becker explains.
“How did I not know this?” I look at Easton.
“Because you know nothing about hockey, love. You’re learning. In another month or two, we’ll have you whipped into a hockey fount of knowledge.” He moves in and they begin practicing with the boys while I focus on staying on my skates and not my ass.
After about an hour, the boys are ready to goof off a little. Easton comes flying my way and I almost flinch. He stops on a dime and lifts me off the ice. “I’d never check you on the ice. Come on. Time to see what kind of mean hockey stickhandling you have.”
“This is not fair. You just move me where you want.” I lament as he puts me on my feet and lifts the stick off the ice. Kingston moves toward the goal and I laugh.
“I highly doubt you are going to need to be that far away.”
He shakes his head. “I aim for the motto, be ready to be knocked on your ass when you least expect it. Hockey or real life wise.”
“If that isn’t the damn truth lately.” Easton mutters.
“Wait, I thought the number one rule in hockey is do not touch the goalie. Wouldn’t that mean
you don’t get knocked on your tail in the game?”
They all nod but laugh. “That’s the rule but there are jerks who do it anyway. Always be ready to be hit. I’m impressed Luci Lou. Cole teach you that?” Kingston’s eyes watch Cole.
“Yes. He was very insistent.” I smile at Coco who nods seriously.
88: Dating Fun Part 2
“It’s portant Luci.”
“Alright, pay attention to my hands.” I force myself to concentrate. “This is a wrist shot. You haul Cole around so I bet your arm muscles can handle this and send it flying.”
I miss the first three times and start laughing too hard to concentrate. “Want to try again?”
Seeing the two rascals eyeing me, I nod.
* Pointy
I focus on trying to remember his words. “Don’t think too hard about it Luci. Just hit it.”
Jackson urges me. I manage to move my feet and arms at the same time and hear the sound
of the impact with the puck as it moves. But my back leg tries to keep going and I know I’m
going to fall. Easton’s hands grip my waist. “Gotcha. Nice shot.”
“Good job Luci.” Cole calls out.
“Thanks Coco.” Easton’s phone goes off.
“Gotta go. It’s lunchtime. They are probably starving.” He points out.
“We got them. Go, run, leave, shoo, so you’re not late for your….new hairdo.” Becker sings out facetiously as Easton gives him a warning look. He grins. “Come on boys. Let’s get those
skates off.”
I unlace mine and change back.
“What are we eating for lunch?” Barrett asks.
“How about Chinese?” Jackson offers. “Do you eat fried rice, Barrett?”
“I love fried rice.”
“He eats anything. I think Banning might need two jobs to feed him soon.” I tease. We head for the nearby Chinese restaurant and watch the boys eat more than normal. “Skating does that to their hunger….wow.” I say only to find three bigger heads nodding.
“Baker says when we first began playing, he had to repeat grocery shopping like three times in the first week. He learned to quadruple everything from then on.” Jackson explains.
“We’ll see you at the house.” Becker says as he helps us into Easton’s truck. He took Becker’s Jeep. “Let’s take Big Bear home.”
“Uncle Becker, Luci said she’ll help us get Barrett a mommy.” Cole says triumphantly.
“You used the please eyes didn’t you?” He asks with a chuckle.
“They did. You are encouraging them.” I fuss.
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He gives me that wide eyed innocent look he tries so hard at. “Moi? No, no no. But come on, the guy couldn’t stop staring at her. We can help him.”
The boys call out all sorts of suggestions. After we drop Barrett off, we head home for Cole’s nap. Easton shows up while he’s still sleeping. “Everything ok?” I ask.
Once Cole wakes, we head out for the train exhibit. I was shocked when we walked into the building. Huge intricate towns and landscapes were set up with train engines puffing along. Cole was fascinated by the tunnels they would disappear into. “Does he have a train?” I ask
“Dad bought him a small set for Christmas. Dad loves trains. It’ll be their project together.”
I nod happily. Glow in the dark bowling is hilarious. Mostly because Cole kept throwing his
ball into the lane next to us. The family there just laughed and said they’d add his score in too.
We leave the bowling alley and start driving toward downtown again.
“Next up on our fun list is a gift for someone.” I say cryptically and Cole laughs.
“Daddy, it’s for Luci.”
I shake my head. “Shhh, she didn’t know that.”
“Oh. Sorry Daddy.”
I turn and smile at him. “It’s alright. I was joking.”
We drive towards one of the parks near downtown and park. I walk them toward the park and there’s an outdoor row of tents set up. “They are having some winter competitions today. Ice sculpting, ice block smashing, mulled wine competition and some other things. But that last tent is what we want. The big one.” We walk into it and I see rows and rows of glass globes in
different sizes and pale, translucent colors.
“Hello there.” A short lady wearing a Santa hat moves our way.
“We’d like to make an ornament.” I tell her and Luci’s head tilts up to stare at me.
“Perfect. You choose a globe and what you want to add inside it. We can personalize it with
your names or whatever you’d like. Start here and then move down the rows.” She adds with a
“We are making an ornament?”
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88: Dating Fun Part 2
“I mean, I thought you might like this Miss Teacher Arts and Crafts maker. I saw the sweater
superhero Christmas banner along with all the homemade snowflakes you two put together. Is this not up your alley?” I tease her.
“No I love it but you….this is not your thing, Easton.”
“Grumpy hockey players can make ornaments. Now pick your glass.” I tell her.
Ivory Row
Just some fun in this chapter. Now what are Vince and Marco up to????