85: To The Moon and Back
There’s not a dry eye in the whole damn conference room. Luci has Sydney and Stormi on the
phone sobbing as they listen. My Coconut is definitely a tough and brilliant boy.
Luci had cried very little until he said he wasn’t real. Then she lost it, burying her face in my
chest. She doesn’t know we’ve heard about her issues with that word…yet. I want her to tell
- me. And I want every damn word of what those people did to her. I’ve located her social
worker and as soon as I know the whole story along with those monsters‘ names, I will make
sure they never foster another kid again. Along with showing them how “real” she is and how ”
real” my anger is for her pain.
Sydney murmurs proudly as Cole says he has people and he doesn’t need Lorelei. “That’s our
Coco. Little things are big things for kids.”
Luci remains in my lap as I hold her tight.
I know Kingston left because Lorelei begins shrieking at Jessie and Tamara. About how they
turned Cole against her. That Luci poisoned Cole and she would take her down. The fury that
replaces my sadness is swift and all–encompassing. I lift Luci back into her chair, kneeling
before her. “I’ll be right back sweetness. She just f****d up.”
“Easton wait, it’s being recorded.”
“No baby. She doesn’t threaten you. Stay here and wait for Cole.”
Becker steps behind her chair and rests a hand on her shoulder. I nod approvingly at him.
Jackson grips my shoulder as I go to walk past. “Annihilate her ass.”
Tamara can be heard talking to her softly about Lorelei needing to take a step back and think
about looking at her own issues.
I shove the door open to find Kingston approaching with Cole continuing to sing. First my
I lift him out of Kingston’s arms and he weaves his arms around my neck. “I’m very proud of you Cole. I love you to the moon and back a million times.”
He smiles. “I know Daddy. She not see me, but I don’t need to see her. She had no mom
answers. I have people.” Luci’s words from last night make me smile even in my anger.
“You do. Can you go see some of those people? They need hugs from you. Especially Luci.”
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He smiles at me almost with relief. “I hug Luci big.”
I hand him back to Kingston. “He’s going to need ear muffs and maybe noise–cancelling ones
if Jessie continues the feed.”
“Not a problem. Let’s turn on Bluey, Coconut.” I follow them to hold the door open. He runs to
Jackson, hugging him first, then Dad, and finally Becker. He leaves Luci for last, curling into
her. She whispers to him, kissing his head. Dad looks them over before hurrying to follow
behind me.
My feet eat up the distance to Jessie’s door rapidly. I throw it open, finding Tamara and Jessie
watching her warily.
Jessie hits a button as she takes in my fury. They won’t get to hear this. Which is fine. Luci
should hear it from me directly.
“You threatened Luci.”
She actually stomps her foot like a petulant child.
“Your girlfriend’s the nanny, Easton. How cliché. She’s after your money!” Lorelei spats.
“She’s not my girlfriend Lorelei.” My voice is cold. Lorelei’s face breaks into a huge smug smile
as she triumphantly interrupts me.
“About f*****g time you came to your senses….you and I….”
“You didn’t let me finish.” I put steel behind the words. It’s time she hears the truth and time to
push her into revealing her true intentions. “She is so much more. She is everything. She is
half of my heart and soul that you and everyone else can physically watch. Right beside Cole.”
I pause before dropping the next few words slowly and deliberately. “I belong to her. All of me.
She loves all of me and accepts all of me as is. Doesn’t try to manipulate me into what she wants. Sees pieces of me that no one else ever has. She changed me, but only because I want to do better for her. I want her to be proud of me beside her. I want to give her what she needs to thrive and succeed. I love her and I always will. No matter where she leaves me. I’ll always be the luckiest sonofabitch on earth that I got to have her for any part of my life.”
She staggers back like I slapped her. “No you can’t. You are mine. You’ve always been mine.” She whispers brokenly.
“No, Not so long ago, I thought I was.” My voice trails off. “But then I realized how wrong we were. You wanted me to be what you molded me into. Even if you’d stayed, we wouldn’t be together. Or we would be and we’d be miserable. Luci is who I was always supposed to be with. I know that. Sometimes you have to decide where to leave the people who come into
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your life. You gave me Cole and I will never regret that. But that is what your purpose in my life was. For us to make that beautiful soul who will change the world with his loving heart. And that’s where I need to leave you. In the past, as merely his biological egg donor.”
“No….Easton you can’t do this…” She whispers brokenly. “I can’t lose you too. My father…you….I can’t be all alone. We were always endgame. You said that. You sent that to me in so many messages….” Tears stream down her cheeks.
“Messages you ignored. Messages you never even bothered with until now, when you can’t
have your perfect little plan. Your perfect little life. We were your ‘when I have time and want to
deal with them‘ plan. You put us on the backburner and thought we’d just sit there waiting. You
used me for attention that you didn’t get at home. I know losing your father was painful. He
wronged you. You and I were not meant to be. It’s time for you to move on, Lorelei.” I tell her
honestly, holding back my fury for the little girl who was once my friend. Who cried on my
shoulder when her dad abandoned her. Giving her some of Luci’s grace she would have for the
child Lorelei.
“I deserve a chance, Easton! A chance to have my family back. I should get to fight for you.
Not come home and already be relegated to the sidelines. To have lost everything without
even knowing it. And you will give me that.” Her teeth are clenched as she says that. “If you
want to see Cole, you will give me a chance. You will get rid of that nanny and be with me! I
will rescind the temporary custody order and take him back. I hold sole custody behind it!”
My entire demeanor changes like lightning. That cold fury engulfs my entire body. “You will
not take my son from me! You don’t even deserve visitation, quite frankly. I will fight you with
everything at my disposal and I will win. I will spend everything I have and I will fight as low
down and dirty as I need to in order to keep him. I will not give them up! You are nothing better
than your vile, selfish mother; using an innocent child as a pawn.”
“I’m his MOTHER! She has to GO!”
“NO, LUCI IS HIS MOM! You are just the vessel he came from. You abandoned him and wanted
nothing to do with him. Did you even realize what he was asking you today? A real mom test.
A real mom would have paid attention to all his lines in the play and remembered them. A real
mom would have pictures of him even if they were old. A real mom would have focused on
him today instead of Luci. Would have apologized to him and asked for his forgiveness. You
basically told him work was more important and that he was less than.” I eye her with pure
disgust. “Luci has taken on everything for him like a mom would. She buys him new books
when she sees ones she thinks he’d like. Endlessly practicing his lines for his play. Taking
photos of him so he’ll have memories he can see later. She let him into her heart and loved
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+3 Point
him most of all. See the difference yet? You dare try to separate her from us and I will end you. What do you want with us anyway? You can move on with some actor.”
“Because I have to have Cole! You two will join me as I start my film career here in the states. The studio thinks our reunited tragic family story will greatly boost my popularity!”
Finally, there it is……“Just like your f*****g mother! I should have known….”
She glares at us and I turn on my heel, leaving rapidly. Shaken to my core, though I will not show her that, I race for my family. I already had this conversation with my brothers about
how she, at some point, would threaten to go for custody. I’d like to say she doesn’t have a
snowball’s chance in hell, but there are some crooked judges out there. Janet warned me
wholly and I believe her. I will never let her have him. I’ll find an island with no extradition agreements and stay there with him for the rest of his non–adult life if necessary.
Dad eyes me the minute we are in the hallway. “Not happening!” He vows.
Cole sees me stopping his show. “Daddy, I’m hungry. Can we eat tacos?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“You’re the boss for lunch, Cole. To the food truck park!” He lifts Cole into his arms and hugs
him tight.
“To the tacos, Grandpappy!” Cole orders excitedly. My brothers follow while I tug Luci out of
her chair.
“How we doing?” I rub circles on her back.
“Ok. Drained. Over it. Proud. Worried.” She says slowly.
agree. Let’s go stuff ourselves with tacos and melted cheese. Then home for a family nap to decompress. Tomorrow is family date day. Barrett can join in with us in the morning.”
“I think I could use a nap.” Luci leans against me. “Did you say what you needed to?”
“To her yes. I told her how done we are.”
Barrett waits in the lobby with Mrs. Isabelle who says nothing; simply hugs Cole, Luci and I. Dad reaches for my keys. “I’ll take your truck and the boys. Take the tank and tell them her
I nod as Luci grips my arm tighter. When I tell them she threatened me with custody, they all about lose their marbles. Luci looks more upset than angry though. I squeeze her hand.
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“Neither one of you are going anywhere.” I assure her.
+8 Paints
At the food truck park, Cole amazes me. He and Barrett laugh and cut up like this morning didn’t happen. The resilience of kids. I know it will come out later after he processes it all, but I’m glad he has this time with his friend. We leave there completely stuffed and crawl into bed; Cole in the middle. Barrett went to watch a short movie with Jackson. I thought I’d stay awake, but I’m out fast. I glare at the alarm. We walk to the kitchen once Cole is fully awake
for water. Dad walks in as we sit there.
“Perfect timing. Tamara and Vince are on their way with some news.”
Baker comes back from the door with both Vince and Mrs. Tamara. Vince looks grim and I
start with him first.
“Vince, did something happen?”
He holds Luci’s gaze. “Yes. Luci, you have a stalker. Maxton Porter. Actually, I’m fairly certain you have two of them….”
Ivory Row
Did you really think I’d let that douche potato hurt her? Let’s have a little fun with our stalkers shall we? Don’t worry. Easton will tell Luci just how much she means to him very soon. But he finally got Lorelei to reveal her true intentions.