Tale The 84

Tale The 84

84: Coco’s Interrogation 


Easton holds him tight whispering in his ear in this conference room Jessie said they could wait in. I know. I love you Daddy.” 

He sets him down and my big brother’s usual cold reserve has slipped showing the agony he’s in. Cole jumps into Luci’s arms. She sits in the chair holding him so they are face to face. I’ve always appreciated the way she gets on his level like that. “Remember this is Cole’s show. You get to ask your questions and talk about things you want. If there is something she asks that you don’t want to talk about, that’s what you say. I don’t want to talk about that today. And Uncle Kingston will be with you if you get very upset or sad and need to leave.” 

His eyes turn to me and I nod. I will break down walls if I need to for my coconut. I struggled hard with our parentage when I learned the truth. I won’t hesitate to protect him from the 

succubus on her way

You’ll be here Luci? You not leave right?He grips her hands tight. He’s asked her that question about five times already. As if him seeing Lorelei is going to cause Luci to disappear. 

No Coco. I’ll be waiting here for you. Remember Grandpappy is taking all of us to lunch. Barrett is going to meet us there.He nods and throws himself at her for a hug. A raven haired woman in a black suit who I’m guessing is Jessie, opens the door motioning to me. We’re 

letting Cole meet her and Tamara first

Let’s meet Mrs. Tamara and Mrs. Jessie, Coconut.” 

I hold my hand out. Love you Coco. See you when you are done.” Luci kisses his head, bravely smiling for him

Becker and Jackson hold out their knuckles for him. Syd and Stormi had to leave but they’d 

hugged him a lot before exiting the school

Jessie holds the door. Hi Cole, I’m Jessie. I heard you love Darth Vader. My son loves Boba Fett.She smiles at him, her light blue eyes full of kindness, and he grins back

He’s fun too. My daddy was him for trick or treat.” 

Cole, this is Mrs. Tamara.” The tall woman with a rich umber skin tone and black hair in

stylish pixie cut, approaches Cole unhurriedly before crouching down to his eye level and smiling. Her dark brown eyes sweep over him. Hi Cole. I’m happy to meet you. I’m going to be 

sitting next to you at the table. I like to help people when they get upset. You can ask me for 


84: Coco’s Interrogation 

help today if you need it.” 

He nods slowly. Can you help Luci with storms?” 

Her smile widens. Your daddy asked me about that. I can but only if Luci asks me to help.” 

Luci would be the boss. Like me today.He reasons

That is right. How about we pick our chairs?She points toward the table

He runs over and chooses his. I sit on his right and Tamara takes the left chair. Cole reaches for my hand as Lorelei knocks on the door. Jessie opens it and she peeks around. Lorelei, I have the paperwork you need to sign for today’s visitation.” Jessie hands her the papers and she scribbles her name quickly. Maybe we could hide papers where she signs her rights away

like that….. 

She steps to the table and smiles. “Cole you wanted to see me. Could I have a hug?” 

Great f*****g greeting Lorelei

Hi.” Cole holds tight to my hand. I’m not ready for hugs.” 

Oh. You look like your daddy a lot. I missed seeing you. He stopped sending me pictures of 

how big you were growing.” This b***hI glare at her

Daddy is busy.Cole is taking her in as she sits facing us

I’m sure he is. School and hockey keep him working hard. That’s why he had to get a nanny to 

help watch you.” 

Cole is silent for a minute. Lorelei can’t hold back. Did someone tell you not to hug me?” 

No. But I don’t know you. You don’t hug strangers. I only hug when I want to. Even family.He 

repeats the rules we’ve always had for him

I’m your mom, Cole not a stranger. Surely your daddy told you about me.She smiles at him

Only that you were sweethearts but you left.” 

We still are sweethearts. Your daddy and I are going to be a real family again. I missed you 


Did you 

like my tree today?He asks her innocently

You did very well with your lines for your age. I could help you with other plays. I clapped for 


Did you laugh?” 


+3 Point 

84: Coco’s Interrogation 

She looks puzzled. A little. Why?” 

“What made you laugh?” 

When you said your last line.Her irritation is showing. Get ready because Coconut can ask 

100 questions in a lunch session

Not when I was chopped down?” 

Why would I laugh then?Because it was funny if you’d been listening. She wasn’t paying 

attention to him and I’m guessing my shrewd nephew knows that now

Did you like my costume?” 

She’s perplexed again. Cole don’t you want to talk about me being your mom? Or about 

spending the day with you and your daddy soon? Or did your nanny tell you to ask me about 

the costume she made?” 

I don’t talk about Luci to you. Did you like my costume?He sounds very stubborn

She throws up one hand. It was ok. I would have ordered you a fancier one with more 

decorations. I know some amazing costume makers like Ondanne or Trivenza. You should see 

the pictures of me at some of my events. I can show you. They are very famous.” She smiles

Did you miss Daddy?” 

She swallows and puts on a sad face. All the time. You too. But I knew he’d wait for me to 

come home when I finished my work. See this ring, Cole? It means your daddy belongs to me

He bought it and gave it to me so I would know he wants to be a family.She flashes that 

ostentatious thing Easton bought

Did you send him words?” 

Words? I don’t understand.She looks to me

Text messages.” I say in a clipped tone

Yes for a while.” 

Why stop?” 

I missed him too much.” It takes everything on me not to call her out on her bullshit

I call people when I miss them.” 

He knew I missed him without me telling him, Cole. He was busy too. Always busy with you.I catch that undertone and Tamara leans forward a bit. Your daddy doesn’t like to talk much


84: Coco’s Interrogation 

He’s reserved and quiet. I always had to make him talk.” 

+3 Points 

Daddy talks a lot. He has to. I need things essplained and so doesother people. So he talks 

lots and lots.She purses her lips together sourly. That’s right. People change and grow. Especially when two of the people you love the most need you to give them more. Easton isn’t the same guy she left behind

Well I’m sure he doesn’t enjoy it and does it grudgingly. Whatever he says to you and Luci.

know the real Easton.” 

How many pictures of me and Daddy do you have by your bed?” 

None. I don’t have new pictures of you or him. I don’t like pictures on my nightstand.” 

Cole frowns

Does Luci let you look at old pictures of your daddy and me? She doesn’t know our story. I can talk to her about letting you have more pictures. What does she tell you about me? Bad 


Cole is angry though. He glares at her and I almost call him Easton. I told you. I not talk 

about Luci to you!” 

Cole no need to be upset. I just want to make sure she’s not telling you lies about me.She 

tries to look sad

Luci not like that! She’s nice. She told me I get to ask you questions and I not had to answer what I not like want.He’s getting more upset and having trouble finding his words

CoconutI’m here. Take a minute. What do you need?I lift his hand and squeeze it

Mrs. Tamarahelp.He implores her

She nods at him. Asking about Luci is causing Cole obvious distress. You should move to a different topic Miss Winters or he will shut down and this will be over.Her voice brooks no 


But then Lorelei argues. I don’t want the nanny separating me from my child.” 

Why didn’t you see me then? Did you leave Daddy cause of me?Cole’s voice rings out and everyone freezes

Cole, baby, I had to make movies and model clothes for a while far, far away. I had to leave your daddy for work. I couldn’t come see you because I made a promise before you were born to do that. You can’t break those promises. Your daddy took care of you while I was busy. I was very busy. But I’m back and you can see me now. All the time. We can be a family.” 


+8 Pain 

84: Coco’s Interrogation 

Lorelei gives him a dazzling smile. You can tell your daddy that’s what you want. Us all 


I shake my head at her in warning. Jessie calls her name in reprimand

You didn’t call or send videos or words.Cole says quietly. Nothing. I wasn’t real” 

With that, I’m ready to end this. Knowing his association with that word, this does not need to 

continue. Tamara holds a hand up to me though. Cole is staring at his hands as his mouth 

opens and closes. He nods before staring right at Lorelei. “I wasn’t real love. Not for 

you. You 

didn’t love me. That’s ok. I not need it. I have people.I squeeze his hand and smile proudly at 

him. Luci calls me so I know what to dream about erry night. She sends a video to Uncle 

Jackson if she’s got stuff. You send nothing.” 

He turns to me. “I want to go eat now. I’m done with questions.” 

Cole, wait. I won’t talk about Luci again.Lorelei says desperately

No I done. You don’t make Daddy’s heart happy. Or mine. Barrett and I were right. Bye.He 

hops off his chair with my help

He puts his hand on Tamara’s arm. I hope you come help with the storms.” 

She smiles widely at him. “I hope so too. It was my pleasure to meet you Cole Reed.” 

Lorelei is calling his name

Cole, I want you to sing we wish you a merry Christmas with your ear muffs on.” I tell him 


He nods at me and covers his ears as he begins singing loudly. I turn to Lorelei. You had

chance. He’s done. Stop calling his name and make sure you don’t say anything to upset him 

or I will make sure you have nightmares for the rest of your life.” 

She backs away a step and I lift Cole nodding at him to take him back to the conference 


Ivory Row 

Remember those glares proving whose son he was. The apple didn’t leave the tree for Cole Reed. I told you he loves his Luci and he knew she was something special


Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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