76: The Wrench Wench
“Wake up, sweetness.” I whisper as I run my fingers through Luci’s hair. I hate to wake her, but ! need to take her home to get her car after I drop Cole at school, which means an earlier wake–up. She needs to sleep after yesterday. I could tell it took a toll on her mentally. I managed to sneak out of bed and workout without waking her an hour ago.
“mmmm…” She stirs very little.
“I wish I could let you sleep. Wake up, Luci.” I press a kiss to her forehead and rub her shoulders.
“Easton…” She mumbles as her eyes begin to open.
“Did I oversleep?” She sounds worried and turns her head, blinking her eyes in confusion.
“No. It’s very early. You’re in our bed sweetness, not in your apartment. We have to take Cole to school before I take you to your car.” I wait for her to wake up fully.
“I’m sorry. I’m not making you late, am I?” She tries to bolt upright, which is what I expected, and I keep a firm grip on her shoulders.
“No, Luci. I woke you with plenty of time. Go get your shower and get ready. I’ll get Cole up
after I’m dressed.”
“I can help. I’ll get ready fast.” I let her slide off the bed.
“I’m used to it. Take your time. Need to leave in forty–five minutes.”
She blinks up at me as she stares down at her phone. “You’ve already gone to work out, haven’t you?”
“Yes. I got up a little over an hour ago.” I admit as I kick my shoes and socks off.
“And you stay up late with me talking to me or taking me out while getting up like this every
morning. Easton Reed…..”
I turn to look at her stern face. “What is that about?”
“You need more sleep.”
I laugh. “I’m ok. Occasionally, I get to nap on the weekends with him.”
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She looks very determined as she leaves shaking her head. I see partly what she was up to when I step into Cole’s room. He’s gone and his bed is made. They wait in the hallway for me. She hides her smile and I narrow my eyes at her before Cole jumps up for me to carry him.
“Did you help Luci make your bed?”
“I did Daddy. We moved fast.”
I catch Becker’s voice from the kitchen. “Seriously, how is it she arrives to throw a wench in at
the right time?”
“I think you meant wrench.” Kingston says.
“No, I didn’t. I said what I said.” Becker deadpans.
“Incoming.” I call out to stop him. Cole runs to tell them all good morning.
Becker holds onto him. “Are you a gingerbread man for your program?”
“Nope. Uncle Becker, you can’t guess!” Cole says laughing.
“Luci will tell me.” He says with a wink at her. I smack him lightly in the back of the head.
“No she won’t. She not tell my secrets.” Cole proclaims and Luci swallows her laugh.
“How many secrets you got, Coconut?” Jackson asks him, grinning.
“One, no two. Wait Luci, how many?” He takes a bite of his bacon scrunching up his face
trying to think.
“Like eleven.” She drops the number casually as she thanks Baker for her plate.
“Eleven…” I stare at her.
She nods serenely. “It is Christmas in 8 days.”
“Presents…and you thought he couldn’t keep a secret East.” Kingston says with a grin.
Dad walks in and lifts Cole out of his chair. “Easton, Jessie has already started working this
morning. We can talk about it all at dinner, I’m guessing.”
I nod, feeling that knot in my stomach coiling up again. We leave and Cole is bouncing with
glee to have Luci walk him into his class. I pull Mrs. Hutchins aside and explain the situation
briefly. Her eyes are filled with sympathy as she hands me the forms. “I’ll be very watchful
Easton.” She promises me. I hear her talking to Luci as I fill them out. “I’ll bring all the
costumes tomorrow after school.”
“Do you know how many will be coming to the program so I can have the seats, Luci?”
76: The Wrench Wench
“Eight or nine. Let me make sure and I can give you a definite answer tomorrow.”
Driving toward the apartment, I glance over at her. “Eight or nine people for the program?”
“Baker said he might like to come. Stormi and Syd are coming too. They’ve seen him practicing.” I never fail to notice how much she takes on with his life.
“A whole fan section for Coconut. He’ll burst. We meet our new coach at practice today so it might run long.”
She nods. “Are they really gone?”
“They packed up yesterday from what Dad’s spies told him. Don’t let your guard down yet.”
“I won’t.”
I follow her to campus and take her hand to walk to our one class. Everyone stares at us and Luci makes herself smaller. My brothers meet us in the hallway with it mostly silent but you
can hear the whispers. “Yeah this will get annoying.” Becker mutters.
“It’ll die off by the time we return for the next semester.” Jackson predicts.
We take our seats on the back row and observe our new spectators staring openly at us on
the way to their own seats. Maxton walks in with a huge smug smile but ignores us. Julian
and Deacon are last in. They wave to us before taking their seats. Luci’s focus is better today.
I can tell from how easily she takes notes.
“Text you when I get done.” I whisper as I leave her with Sydney in the hallway.
Our interim coach waits for us at the rink right on time. First point in his favor over
Fuckphries. “Hi guys. I’m Matt Powers. I’m supposed to be your new coach, but I’m not sure
you need me.” He grins. “I’ve watched you quite a bit. I want to ease into this today. Short
practice because I have to meet with Orrin and we’ll finish out the week with regular ones
since the game Friday night should be an easy win for you guys.”
I already like him better. Though it’s a low bar after Humphries. After warm ups and another
thirty minutes, I see Mr. Orrin standing near the players‘ bench and he motions for us to come
- in. “Go ahead and head home guys. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
We’re in the locker room and I’m changing my clothes, intent on texting Luci that we’re done
early. She has Barrett and Cole today so they can make sure their costumes are ready for their
Christmas programs.
“East, Dad says you need to check your messages. The Wrench Wench is up to something.”
Becker says as he reads off his screen.
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“Wrench Wench?” Kingston cackles.
“Yeah, it came to me this morning. She threw herself and a wrench into life at our house.” He
makes an irritated face.
“Luci said Stormi called her the jelly of the month ratchet toad.” Jackson adds with a half grin. “She might be more brutal than you, Beck.”
He whistles. “Nothing kind about that one except maybe jelly is sweet. I’ll stick with wrench
We all laugh at that as I open my phone. All my good humor dies as I read Dad’s message. “She wants to meet somewhere tonight to talk. Suggested dinner after practice so we’ll be
civil in public.”
“Hell to the no.” Jackson answers. “Dad will not let you do that.”
“Forget Dad. I’m not doing that.” I call him, feeling my temples already throbbing. “Hey Dad.”
“She wants to meet tonight or tomorrow. Won’t tell Jessie anything without you present. She bought her plane ticket last Monday to travel here. Means the news from the program isn’t what brought her home. Your mother swears she hasn’t spoken to her in two years. She stayed at a hotel last night, interestingly. Vivienne is gone on a film promotion to New York for
three days starting yesterday.”
“I’m done with practice early. Let’s get this over with so she can return to whatever hole she
crawled out of.” I offer sincerely hoping she disappears again.
“I’ll call Jessie. Text you in a minute.” He hangs up and I lean against the side of my locker fighting off the dread creeping into my veins.
Ten minutes later, he replies, “Jessie’s office in 30 minutes. She offered to order dinner, but I don’t think either of us will have any appetite.”
“No food.”
“I laid out ground rules. No touching was the main one. See you there.”
I send him back a thumbs up and tell my brothers.
“We’ll go home and help Luci with the rascals.” Jackson adds as we separate.
I call her after loading the office address into my GPS.
“Everything ok? Like your new coach?” She answers.
“I do like him. But it’s early for that. Listen, Luci. Lorelei wants to meet tonight to talk. Dad and
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I are going to Jessie’s office to do it there.”
“Right now?” She says with considerable surprise.
“Yeah sweetness. I’ll try to be back by his bedtime.” I say heavily.
“Ok. Coco, come tell your Daddy goodnight in case his meeting runs late.”
His little whispers come through before Luci tells him to talk and she’ll hold it for him. “Hi
Daddy. Goodnight,”
“Goodnight buddy. I love you. Tuck you in if you’re already sleeping.”
“Bye Daddy. Love you the mostest.” That makes me smile.
Luci’s soft voice returns. “I hope it goes ok. I’ll be waiting. I love you.” She whispers.
“I love you sweetness. “Damn, do I need to see you right now.” I admit, my voice almost
“I’ll be here.” She sounds upset now.
“I know. Bye sweet Luci.”
I turn into the parking garage and find Dad’s SUV parked with him waiting. He steps out and
we walk in with his hand resting on my shoulder. “Let’s get this done.” He mutters as we step
off the elevator and toward an open door.
Lorelei sits at a big round wood table. A tall woman with black hair stands near the desk
across the room. Her sharp gaze takes us in as she nods at Dad.
“Easton….baby you look…I’m so happy you came.” Lorelei is on her feet with her hands before her waist. She grips her fingertips with the other hand, smiling hopefully at me.
“Sit down, Miss Winters. You were expressly warned about touching Mr. Reed and you are nearing too close for MY comfort.” She walks briskly to us and holds out a hand. “Easton, I’m
Jessie Corden. Hello Jason.”
I shake it. “Hi Jessie.
She gestures toward the table. “Let’s begin then.”
Lorelei pats the chair closest to her. “Easton.”
I glare wondering if she honestly needs another inpatient psych treatment stay before moving
to the chair farthest from her.
Jessie rests her forearms flat on the table after pressing a button on a black device near her.
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76: The Wrench Wench
“This meeting is being recorded. Miss Winters, you indicated you’d like to discuss with Mr. Reed your reasons for returning to Kenton.”
“I came home for my fiancé and my son. My acting and modeling contracts ended and I chose not to renew them so I could rejoin our family.”
“We are not a family. You left us and cut off all communication. You can’t rejoin what doesn’t exist.” I bite out coldly. “And we were never engaged. I asked and you took the ring box but never said yes or wore it before you abandoned Cole.” I choose my words deliberately.
“I was young and upset to be leaving the two of you, Easton. I wanted to say yes but I was scared. I’ve considered us engaged since the day you asked. I also was still recovering from severe postpartum depression. But now we can have the future you always talked about.” She gives me a beseeching look.
“Are you after money, Lorelei?” Dad bluntly asks.
She appears angry. “What?! No! I don’t need your money. My modeling gigs were very profitable. I want my family back!”
“You have a funny way of showing it.” I toss the words at her.
“Easton, I know I screwed up. I just want another chance. I will work to win you back. I know you still love me deep down. We have a son.” Tears slowly leak from her eyes and she wipes them with her fingers.
“That you haven’t cared about for years.” I watch her face change to frustration. “Me, I could
deal with your rejection. But Cole…” I shake my head with disgust.
“I didn’t reject him. You stopped sending me pictures six months ago. You sent me photos
every month…”
I slap my hand on the table. “That you never bothered to even acknowledge. Were you too
busy to “like” a few photos ONCE. A. MONTH?! You haven’t called him since he was eighteen
months old.” I infuse all the pain and anger I felt as she just ignored us. The pain I heard in
Cole when he asked me and Luci about his mother. “I mean sorry to inconvenience you every
30 f*****g days for pictures of your baby boy.” Which has me thinking about Luci and her
description of us at the tree lighting. Her beautiful smile as she gazed at that picture, full of
love for Cole. I thought it was only him, but it was for me too.
She shoves her chair back to rise angrily to her feet. “Because it hurt too much to look at
them. To know I had to leave and couldn’t have you two! It was like ripping my heart out again
every time you sent me anything. So I ignored them to not inflict more pain and sorrow upon
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myself, sorry.” She lowers her head, audibly sobbing as her shoulders shake. I’d be moved, but
I’m not.
“Nice try. I offered to go back to Paris with you so we could be together. You turned me down with no hesitation. What do you want? I need to put my son to bed and I do not like missing. that important part of my day.” I end icily.
Her chin trembles as she stares at me, continuing to cry. “I want a shot to win my family back. To remind you that you love me and we should be together raising Cole.”
“No. That ship hit an iceberg and sank into the deepest trench of the ocean.”
“Why do you want that?” Dad asks.
“Because I love them. I deserve a chance for forgiveness.” She lifts her chin in determination.
“No.” I answer simply.
“Easton please.” she stares at me with wide eyes.
“No. We’re through.” I stand up. “This was pointless.”
Dad joins me.
Jessie looks reproachfully at Lorelei. “This was a waste of their time and mine. Sorry gentlemen. We’ll speak more later. Time for you to leave, Lorelei.”
She stands up and gathers her things. “I’ll convince you. You never could hold out on me. I haven’t even begun to start winning you back, Easton.”
She sweeps out still sniffling and we exchange glances.
“Cole gets a guard at school immediately.” Dad informs me.
Jessie nods. “And I’ll start working on the petition for sole permanent custody. You have a good case with her abandonment and the text thread of her ignoring you for two and a half years. Fairly straightforward, Easton.” She attempts to reassure me.
Except it doesn’t. I fear she’s got something else up her sleeve.