75: Don’t Leave Part 2
Easton kneels down and wraps his arms around both of us. “She’s gone.” He whispers in my ear for me alone.
Cole turns his head and touches Easton’s cheek, almost comforting him. “Daddy, do I have to talk to her?”
“Not right now. Maybe later, Cole. I sent her home today. It was very rude for her to show up the way she did today and she didn’t follow the rules grown–ups have to. Do you want to talk to her?”
“No. Not today, Daddy. Will she come back?” He sounds curious only.
“I don’t know. I wish I had better answers, buddy.” Easton sounds like he’s about to collapse.
“It’s ok, Daddy. She didn’t tell us. Can I go color? And then play with Barrett.”
I nod subtly at Easton’s concerned face. “Of course. I’m going to talk to Luci.”
He climbs out of my lap and hugs Easton before heading to the art corner. Easton’s eyes follow him worriedly.
I keep my voice low. “He needs to process what he saw. Kids process with pictures or pretend play. Like role playing.”
He takes my hands. “Sweetness, talk to me. You were chasing the white rabbit. Was it because you’re intimidated by her presence or because you think it was your fault she got in?”
my fault she got in. I screwed up. Cole had to be ambushed basically like that because ! forgot.”
His hand cups my face. “Sweetness, you left the door unlocked. You didn’t screw up. She had
no right to barge in like she f*****g owned the place regardless.”
“Did you talk to her?” He’s in pain, but it’s wrapped in fury.
His mouth is set in a firm angry line. “No. She’s delusional. Thinks this is her home and we’re engaged. I have no idea why she figured she could waltz in like nothing happened the last few years.” I pale at that.
“You’re going to have to talk to her. To get answers for Cole.” I hesitate. “And for yourself.”
“I don’t need answers. Cole does, but she and I are through.” His voice rings with certainty.
75 Don’t Leave Part 2
“Easton, you loved her. You have a child together. You deserve answers for yourself. Don’t try to bury your feelings about this. You should want true closure.” I stare at him sadly. “It’s ok to
admit you want to talk to her.”
“You’re wrong there, sweetness. It’s more like having to go see the dentist because you have an infected tooth. A necessary evil that you don’t want. The only person I want or care to talk to is you. How are you handling this?”
“That doesn’t matter….” I begin.
His hands grip both sides of my face. “No, it f*****g does. Because I won’t have her upsetting you or making you doubt where you belong. I love you, sweetness, and I will not lose your because she showed up. You have to promise me you will tell me how you are feeling and that you won’t run my sweet little rabbit. Don’t leave us because you doubt how much you mean to us. All I could think of after I saw you, was to make sure she didn’t hurt you or Cole. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. She didn’t exactly want to leave. We had to threaten her with the police and honestly, I’d have told Dad to go for it except I don’t want that to make it
back to Cole in some way.”
“Promise me Luci. Because I won’t make it without you.”
“I won’t run. I told you I would stay by your side. I meant it.” I remind him softly.
“Thank f**k for that.” He breathes out in relief and pulls me into his lap.
“You can’t bury this though, Easton. You will have to deal with her.”
He sighs. “I know. We need to talk to Dad after Cole is in bed.”
Cole finishes his solo play after another fifteen minutes and wants to go find Barrett. He seems more settled and I hug him tight. “I better Luci.”
“Good, how about we go eat a few cookies while I clean all that mess up?”
“Can we have chocolate milk?” He perks up.
“I think we’ve all earned some chocolate milk.” Easton answers before lifting him up and tickling him. His happy little laugh calms my frazzled nerves. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple before we walk back to the kitchen. Barrett and Banning are
there cutting out more cookies.
“Luci and Daddy said we can have chocolate milk, Barrett.” Cole says excitedly, hopping on the
stool next to them.
* Pent
75: Don’t Leave Part 2
“We finished the dough except for those two pans.” Kingston says holding up plates of
“I want two snickerdoodle.” Barrett proclaims and Banning echoes him.
“The resilience of children….” Jason says with a half smile.
Banning and Barrett leave after dinner where we let the two of them do most of the talking about their upcoming hockey games together. He hugs me tight. “Syd said she’ll call you when she gets home.”
I nod and Easton offers to bathe Cole when she calls fifteen minutes later.
“Luci Lou, you alright? Banning said Cole’s incubator came back. Stormi’s here too, so you
don’t have to repeat this.”
“Yeah she did.” I give them the replay and they listen quietly with a few muttered expletives.
“She seriously told Easton she was home for her family and they are engaged? Did she hit
every branch of the delulu tree on the way down? Freaking hussy.” Sydney huffs.
“She did.” I sigh.
“I think someone found out that maybe her backup plan, i.e. Easton and Cole, were no longer
available somehow and decided she needed to come back to stake her claim. Easton was
devoted to her for so long she figured there was no way he’d move on. Entitled jelly of the
month ratchet toad.” Stormi adds.
Syd and I both burst out in laughter at that. “Jelly of the month ratchet toad?”
“Tis the season for Christmas Vacation and it’s the gift that keeps on giving. I like ratchet toad for her. Ugly, spotty with no real purpose. I mean we could call her a delusional diva, but it doesn’t quite have the oomph of ratchet toad.” She answers with amusement.
“I am so happy we met you.” I tell her sincerely.
“I’m fabulous, babe.” She jokes. “I’m thrilled I met you two. Kick her ass next time Luci. You
can do it. I know you can. Those hockey gods will back you up. Oooh I know, next time go
steal Easton’s hockey stick.”
Syd joins in. “Knock out a few teeth to really up the ratchet toad factor.”
I laugh and we make plans to meet for girls night later in the week. “Mom is totally in for this.
And she’s ready to knock delulu off her perch if needed. How about we call Janet too, Luci?” Syd offers.
69 Pins
75: Don’t Leave Part 2
“That would be great. She’ll like you Stormi a lot.”
“Perfect. We’ll see you tomorrow, Luci.”
I end the call and two arms wrap around my waist. “Cole is almost asleep. He needs your dream instructions. Mine are just not up to par, apparently.”
I walk in to find a very sleepy boy. “Hmmm how about we dream about snowflakes that have.
icicle sabers and fight as they fall to the ground? They talk in such tiny voices we can’t hear
“I like that. I love you Luci. I like when you’re here all the time.”
“I love you too, Coco. I’ll see you in the morning.” He’s asleep as I kiss his cheek.
We walk to the kitchen and I dread this. Baker sits with the rest of them as we round the
corner. “I missed all the fun it seems.” He grimaces.
Jason looks very serious. “Tomorrow, our lawyer, Jessie, is going to contact her. All
communication will go through her, so it will be documented. We are going to find out exactly
what she wants and why she is suddenly back. So far from what I found, she’s not broke. She
has money stashed away from her career and she wasn’t lying. Her contracts are fulfilled. But
they have been for a few months. Jessie has a private investigator who will begin digging
deeper tomorrow. I don’t trust this is not linked to your mother or Vivienne. Luci, be careful.
She learned from the best how to be a pit viper.”
“I will.” I promise him.
“Today was not your fault, Luci. She could have accosted you two yesterday while you were
out in town or shown up at his school. This might have been better since you had so much
support to throw her out.” He glances between us before sighing.
Easton nods. “She’s going on the no info list at the preschool first thing in the morning.”
“Good plan. I wanted to go over some things about the team with you boys if you have time.
Luci, you are welcome to stay and listen.” He offers.
“Actually, I need to finish an essay and study for one of my finals this week. I can listen for
“Go use my desk Luci. The monitor is set up and on already.” Easton says and I change into
my pajamas first before I force my brain to focus on the last page of my essay. I start reading my study notes with the words simply dancing in front of my eyes. Easton opens the door.
“That’s a frustrated look.”
8 Paint
75: Don’t Leave Part 2
“I can’t pay attention to it.” I admit irritatedly.
“If I read it to you, does that work?”
“Never tried it.”
“Let me change and we’ll try it. Go prop up on the pillows. We can study comfortably.”
When he returns and starts reading, strangely I can pay attention and retain it.
“That worked. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Let’s turn on a movie and let ourselves fall asleep to it.” He reaches for the
“I should probably go back to my room.” I offer.
“No. You are staying here. If Cole wakes up, I’ll tell him you had a nightmare and needed me like he does.” He orders pulling the covers over us. My eyes start getting heavy quickly and I’m almost asleep when I hear the buzz and a chime.
He groans and stretches for his phone. “Fuck…” he mutters slowly. I open my eyes to stare at
the screen as he turns it my way.
Unknown: I’m not leaving my family Easton.
Ivory Row
Ratchet toads do not leave easily it seems…..