Tale The 73

Tale The 73

73: House of Cards Part 3 


The snow is coming down hard as we leave the rink. This should only last for about an hour

and then it’ll start waning.Easton says as we leave and drive towards some of the downtown 

shops. He helps us out and we walk into a store that says PYOPabove the door. I glance 

around and see it’s a pottery painting place

Cole grabs my hand. You like it, Luci? We pick something and all paint it, then we take it 

home later.” 

That’s fun.I answer him as I take in all the ready to paint pieces

What are we painting?Easton asks us and I keep my face blank. I don’t picture the blonde 

hockey captain painting pottery at all

We let Luci pick.Cole says quickly, but I see how he has his eyes fixated on one piece

Why don’t you pick, Coco?I offer

He walks over to a big flower vase. This. For Luci’s flowers.” 

Pretty good idea.Easton says before whispering in my ear. You’re doubting my painting 


A little skeptical of your enjoyment is all.” I smile up at him

It will be good for a laugh for you if nothing else.He talks to the person at the desk who sets us up in a small room with aprons and all the supplies we need. We each start painting a section of it and I smother my laugh as Cole whispers about needing more black paint and if Easton can help him make a bat symbol. Easton keeps a straight face though it’s tenuous

I need to spell Coco. She said we write our name.” 

I lean over and help him with that one

Let me see what you painted.Easton turns it, seeing my flowers and a sun on my section. Cole has added bat symbols, and a stick figure family of the three of us with snow falling over our heads along with his name. I spin it more to find Easton put the date with our names under it and then painted it like a mosaic with long thin strokes in four colors. He raises an 

eyebrow questioningly

I like it.” I tell him honestly


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I thought about the stick figures, but Cole beat me to them.He adds dryly

We leave with them promising to glaze and fire it before calling us to pick it up

Can we go eat now?Cole asks the minute we walk out the door

We can. Let’s go to the deli and have soup.Easton tells him and he agrees happily. You can tell he’s loving his day out at two restaurants

Alright, everyone is fed and warm. Let’s go for the last part of our family date.Easton 

announces as we leave the restaurant. He drives toward the main park near downtown. The 

snow is barely falling. Easton grabs a thick blanket before helping us out. I’ll carry you Cole.” 

He lifts him up and I grab the blanket from him. We step through the trees into an open area 

and I see two giant red sleighs complete with large horses ready to go

Christmas sleigh ride, Luci.Cole says excitedly. I smile at them

I had no idea they did this.I say as Easton hands them tickets before setting Cole on the 


Every year starting this weekend as long as there’s snow on the ground. We thought this 

might be something you’ve never done before. And before you give me lots of credit, the 

preschool sent home a flyer about this on Friday. I had no idea it existed either.He lifts me 

into the seat before climbing in and spreading the blanket over the two of us

You could have completely lied to me.” I tease and he shakes his head

Never. You’ll get unrealistic expectations for me.He jokes

The driver turns around. I’m Nathan. I sit here and pretend I’m in charge. The two real drivers 

are Brutus and Max up there.He points to the white and black horse respectively. Cole calls 

their names and both turn their heads slightly. Nathan dramatically whispers behind his hand

And if they do a good job, I have some carrots and apples you might want to feed them at the end, young man. Along with some nose scratches.” 

I can feed them?” 

Yes. They are very gentle beasts.Nathan says with a big smile. Cole laughs at the description. I lean back and watch the snow fall as we ride all over the park. I won’t forget this, I know. Cole leans against me and Easton wraps his arm behind both of us. At the end, I’m 

truly sad to leave. We help Cole feed the friendly beasts and scratch their noses. They blow their hot breath over him, making him laugh

I lean my head against Easton’s arm as we walk back to the parking lot. We get back to their 


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house and work together to get a sleepy Cole bathed and into bed. I’m not far behind him, I think as I yawn while tucking him in. Luci, how’d we do?He asks, his little eyes barely open

One of the best days I’ve ever had Coco. I will never forget any of it. Now you dream about horses having a snowball fight.” 

We tiptoe out and Easton wraps his arms around me. Movie in the game room? You can go get a hot shower and change into pajamas first.” 

Sure if I can stay awake.I tell him honestly

If you 

fall asleep, I’ll tuck you into your bed.” 

I nod before lifting on my tiptoes to kiss him. Thank you for today. I loved all of it.” 

Success then. I enjoyed it too. Even the painting, but don’t tell anyone. Go change. I’ll meet you back out here in twenty minutes.” 

I only make it through thirty minutes of the movie before the next thing I see is sunlight streaming through unfamiliar blinds with Cole sitting on my bed, reading a book. Morning Luci. Daddy said I couldn’t wake you up, but I could wait for you.” 

Morning.I hold my arms out, and he comes to hug me. Is it late?I check my phone. Only 7 thank goodness

Baker was making pancakes, but then he’s leaving for his day off with Miss Kylie.” 

Ok. Let me get dressed and we’ll go eat.I hurry and we head for the kitchen to join everyone

They act like it’s nothing strange for me to be at breakfast. Mr. Reed tells us he’s going to 

check out some things at the arena for his team after he eats

After Baker leaves, Easton asks if I’ll watch Cole so they can get their workout done early. We 

head for the playroom until he comes to join us before lunch

Do you mind if Syd drops Barrett off for a little while this afternoon? She needs to finish one 

of her final projects and Banning is working with her parents gone out of town for the day.I hold up my phone as I read the message

He’s welcome anytime, Luci.Easton says quietly. I send her back a thumbs up and read her message, suppressing the laugh

Mr. Logan is going to send over some sugar and snickerdoodle cookie dough for us to make 

cookies as p****** for watching Barrett.I read with a laugh. He told Syd to raid his freezer stash for us. That is a high honor for the snickerdoodle one.” I tell him seriously

Easton watches my face. “You really love them.” 


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I nod as I think about all the times they opened their home and arms for me. They are 

amazingly loving people and I’m beyond blessed I got to have them in my life. Mrs. Isabelle helped heal me when I wanted to turn my back on the world.I admit to him

How?He asks quietly

I had decided I was worth nothing. That I was less than other kids. I didn’t care about traditions or think that I deserved to ask for anything. She showed me I was wrong. Mrs. Isabelle loves hard and she’s fierce about it.I think of the lesson she gave me and smile

Janet did a lot for me too but Mrs. Isabelle had her own methods and between the two of 

them, they shaped my outlook on the world more than anyone else ever did.” 

Then I will make an exception for Banning hugging you sometimes. And I’m happy to keep 

Barrett anytime they need help.” 

Syd drops him off and I offer to bring him home later if she needs me to. I think Banning is 

going to pick him up here. But he’ll text you. Cookie dough, should be thawed by now. Three 

pounds and cookie cutters.She gives me a sly smirk

Your dad was serious. I’ll text him later to thank him.” 

She hugs me. Bye babe. Thank you for watching him.” 

Anytime. You know that.We watch her leave, before I shut the door. 

I head for the kitchen with the two boys and start the oven. I grab the cookie cutters and set 

the two of them up. On a hunch, I set out more parchment paper and baking trays. Are the big 

guys joining us?Barrett asks as he watches me.‘ 

I bet they will.I wink at him

Sure enough, all four come around the corner ten minutes later. They laugh as I point to the dough rolled out ready for them with cookie cutters. Oh you’ve got fun cookie cutters. These 

are hockey sticks and helmets.Kingston notes holding them up

And Batman and Star Wars. Grampy has the best boy cookie cutters.Barrett tells him proudly

We have to put them back in the fridge after you cut them out or they might become ahem interesting shapes.I warn them

Easton moves behind me and grips my hip to whisper in my ear. Is it inappropriate, I’m sorry interesting to want to save dough to smear on your girlfriend later?I close my eyes hoping my cheeks don’t flame. I know he’s kidding to tease me but that won’t stop me blushing


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With present company yes.I elbow him and he grips tighter

Hmm I’ll ask again later.He chuckles before taking pity on me. Relax sweetness, I like teasing you.” 

The brothers don’t follow the chilling tip and I hear them snickering as they pull out two trays 

of cookies that morphed into things that amuse them

What’s so funny?Barrett asks them

Becker answers quickly. We didn’t listen to Luci and she was right.” 

That’s not funny though.He fires back

It is when hockey sticks turn into ballet shoes and ballerinas. Girl cookies, oh the horror.I say 

and Barrett nods in agreement. He wipes dough on his apron

Luci, you are silly. I forgot my apron.Cole laughs as he looks down

I’ll get it. I know where Darth Vader left his baking wear.” I ruffle his hair and back 

away. I chuckle as I listen to the brothers all laughing over their inappropriate cookies. We get to eat 

these first, right Luci?Becker calls after me laughing. For the sake of young innocent eyes.” 

Sounds like a prudent cookie act of mercy to me.I give him a thumbs up with a laugh

Ugh Luci, are there prunes in our cookies?Barrett asks, sounding very aggrieved

No wrong word. No prunes ever.I turn and make a face at him as I stick my tongue out in 


I leave as they all laugh at something else and let my mind wander on my walk to Cole’s 

room. Maybe we could make cookies again on Christmas Eve. Cole would like that. We could 

even have an icing war. I wonder if the Reeds have any of their own traditions. Need to ask 

Luci before you start planning things for someone else’s family, I admonish myself gently

I find the apron quickly and after a thought, grab his Darth Vader Halloween mask. I have an 

idea for a cookie photo. I hum to myself as I leave the room. I’m close to the foyer when I hear 

a loud happy sigh followed by the word homeas the front door shuts. Is it Imogen? Baker is 

off today, spending the afternoon with Kylie, so they must have a key or know the door code

A quick flash of strawberry blonde hair catches my eye and I turn the corner worried that 

Vivienne has returned. I picture cookies flying at the delusional woman. I see the cream 

sweater dress with kneehigh red suede boots. The image of red icing covering it as Becker 

shoots it her way takes over before I pull myself out of that. She drops her suitcase and 

another leather tote with a little high pitched giggle. Alarm bells start screaming at me too 


48 Point 

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late as my wonderland brain races out of the rabbit hole

Her voice comes out in a delighted breathy tone. Easton baby! I’m home, I missed you so much. Happy late Birthday!With that he turns his head and freezes, his mouth opening 

slightly in shock. She half giggles, half squeals before running toward him with her arms 

stretched out as my heart threatens to fall to my feet along with the future house of cards I’d 


Lorelei Winters has returned


Ivory Row 

I wonder why she came back now……any guesses? I’ll tell you Vivienne and Imogen had nothing to do with it



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Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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