Tale The 7

Tale The 7

7: Need to Know

1615 Words
Luci “Will I get to play with Cole next week, Luci?” I gaze over at Barrett who stares back at me hopeful. “Probably not.” I chewed out his father, which, while it was wholly deserved, was not in my best interests to keep my job. “Sorry, Barrett.” He nods. Barrett is a go with the flow, understanding five-year-old. His father is a single military dad. Banning is currently deployed for four months. While he’s gone, Syd and her parents watch him. Her mom works nights as a nurse and her dad works a midshift until 7 each night. So she and I have him the three nights her mom works. He was as excited as Cole to have a possible new friend. Their schedules aren’t the most conducive for play dates. “Luci, I’m finished.” Barrett hands me his plate. I must not have spaced out because he would tell me. His dad has a similar issue to mine. “You can go pick one of your shows while I clean up.” He nods and heads for the couch. My phone rings from an unknown number. Probably a telemarketer. “Hello. You have reached Luci’s fortune-telling service. How may I read your cards?” “Luci!” “Cole?” I ask to make sure. “It’s me. Daddy said I could tell you goodnight.” He sounds sleepy and happy. “Goodnight, Coco. Dream about helicopters that have crocodiles flying them.” I started a game with him where we would pick something silly for him to dream about. I will miss him. I’m so attached after only a week. He giggles softly. “Night Luci.” I’m about to hang up when I hear the low gravelly command. “Don’t hang up, Luci!” My entire body practically shivers when he says my name. Down Luci, NO! He’s a cold asshole with damn good looks and the most amazing voice I’ve ever heard. But still an asshole. “Luci? Are you there?” He bites out impatiently. Again with the name. “Yes. Just stop saying my name.” I blurt out. “Why?” He truly sounds confused. Yeah, not answering that. “Because you made me mad.” It’s partly true. “I’m calling to explain.” He sounds as if that word is foreign to him. I’m sure it is. “Are you busy? You have your friend’s nephew.” “Not particularly.” “I shouldn’t have gone off on you that way. My mother didn’t tell me that you were even transporting him home from preschool.” He sounds growly again. I latch onto one word. “Wait did you say your mother?” “Yes. Imogen Walters Reed.” He sighs loudly. “What time do you get here with him? At three?” I am still grasping the fact she didn’t give me her real name. “Luci? Do you know how a f*****g phone conversation works?!” He sounds slightly amused and yet impatient. Again my name, damn him! “Yes, um sorry. Yes, at three we usually get there.” I roll my eyes at myself. “I’ll meet you here tomorrow.” “Wait, I’m not fired?” I’m really not inspiring any confidence right now. “No. Cole likes you. Tomorrow Luci. We need to talk.” He orders in that cold tone. For a minute my dumb brain thought he might offer to apologize. Or maybe he will tomorrow. Won’t be a humble apology it sounds like. More like one your teachers forced you to make. “Tomorrow.” I hang up and move to sit with Barrett. Good thing Cole likes me or I’d be screwed amongst the Reed family. Maybe I could bring Barrett tomorrow and the boys would get their play date. No sooner thought than I get a text. Bring Barrett along if you can. I send back a thumbs up. Syd will let me pick him up. “Barrett, you want to play with Cole tomorrow?” His excited face answers that. “Yes! Can I pack my superhero costume?” “Sure. Make sure you put it in your backpack tonight.” When Syd picks him up, Barrett of course spills how things went when we got to the house. Syd’s eyes are wide. “I’ll text you when you get home. And girl’s night on Friday when you get off. I’ll bring dinner, and we’ll watch a movie.” I pick up two very excited boys the next day. I wish I could say I was as excited. Feeling more like I’ve been called to the principal’s office. “Not too fast you two.” I gently admonish as they race through the door for the kitchen. They slow down for me, and I hear Cole chattering with excitement. I turn the corner and find Easton sitting at the island with Cole in his lap. He wears a tight blue athletic shirt and black sweatpants. He’s smiling at Cole, and I realize I’ve never seen him smile before. He’s smirked but never smiled. No wonder girls follow him around like he’s a deity. “You are Mr. Barrett?” He smiles over at him too. “Yes. Are you Cole’s daddy?” Barrett asks as Easton sets Cole on the stool next to him. Baker stands smiling at the boys, holding up two plates. “I am. You can call me Easton.” He holds his hand out for Barrett to shake. Which Barrett does. One thing Banning already taught him is how to shake a man’s hand and look him in the eye when you do it. “Easton, are you going to yell at my Luci again? Because my daddy says she is to be treated nicely.” Barrett says seriously. “Barrett! You don’t…” I start saying, but Easton holds his hand up to me without looking away from Barrett. “No, I will not. I was very scared because I didn’t know where Cole was and I yelled at her. I am going to tell her I’m sorry today.” Barrett releases his hand and nods. He moves to sit next to Cole. Baker gives him a big smile before asking “Mr. Barrett, what does your father do?” “He’s an army ranger. He’s deployed right now, so I stay with my Grampy and Nanna.” Barrett begins eating his snack. “He is raising an honorable young man. I hope to meet him.” Baker says with pride. Easton looks at me. “Baker is a Marine Corps Veteran. Let’s go outside to talk. He’ll watch them until we’re done.” “Listen to Baker please, Barrett.” I say before following him. He sits at a table and pulls one of the nearby chairs out for me. “I am sorry I took my aggression out on you, especially in front of the boys yesterday. My mother hasn’t exactly been forthcoming about you and your arrangement. I knew she hired a new nanny, but only after Cole told me.” He sounds extremely irritated with his mother. “I am not a deadbeat father. I am incredibly involved. Hockey season makes it a little harder. I didn’t know you even picked him up from preschool. She used to and failed to mention it. Cole told me. I’d like to know exactly what instructions she’s given you and what schedule she has you on.” I lay it out concisely and he nods without interrupting. “So she’s playing games with you too….that ends now. I want you to text me with whatever you need answers to. Also, you are welcome to take him to the park or out to pick up Barrett. He’s allowed to come play any day you need him to. Baker will help you the most when you need it. Don’t cross her, but tell me if she gives you any issues. I know this is not ideal for you being caught in the middle, possibly. You seem smart, so I think you can handle that fine line.” I nod. I know how to walk a fragile path. “I’m sending you all the phone numbers for my brothers. If you need me and I don’t answer, call any of them. They have your contact information too. They are just as involved in Cole’s life as I am.” “Umm I wanted to ask a related question about that. Cole’s mother…” I stop as his eyes blaze silver with those words. I hurry to add. “I’m not being nosy, I swear. I just…if she is going to show up after the way your mother presented things and…” Surprisingly, he figures out my rambling thoughts. He holds up his hand. “You want to know if she’s also suddenly going to come parading into the house to see him or trying to take him out of it. You are smart to ask after what little you’ve been told and with us just showing up that night. No, she should not be a problem. She lives overseas. But she isn’t allowed to take him anywhere. If anyone shows up claiming to be his mother, that is an automatic 911 call to me. Not my mother, me.” I don’t miss the absolute dominant authority in those words. “Got it.” I assure him. “She’s not a danger to him. But she has no right to him. I should add that includes anyone beyond my parents and siblings. You will meet my father at some point. He works…a lot. You are escorting Cole to our game this weekend.” “Your mother said it was expected and…and ok.” I barely meet his eyes. I wonder if he knows the whole absolute sordid story. “Yes, and I will be making double f*****g sure of that. If Nick Humphries says one word to you in an ugly manner, especially in front of my son, I need to know.” He tells me quietly.
Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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