Tale The 67

Tale The 67

67: Eggs in One Basket Part 3 


Hey Baker, usually you’re gone on Tuesday nights.Luci greets me as the boys drop their things in the playroom before snack time

Yes usually. I meet my daughter for dinner on Tuesdays. But tonight, she’s coming here for dinner and I’d like you three to join us if you’re agreeable.” I leave the invitation open

I didn’t know you had a daughter.” 

I give a slight nod. I didn’t either until about two years.ago, Luci. Her name is Kylie.” 

She reaches out, touching my arm. Not by your choice, I’m guessing.” 

It was not. My fiancée, Erica, did not want to wait for me while I was sent overseas. Sent me a breakup letter about a week after I left. She married someone else when she discovered she was pregnant. The pregnancy is what precipitated the breakup. Convinced her husband, Owen, it was his. He raised my daughter, finding out three years ago when Erica died of cancer. She wrote Kylie and Owen a letter with the truth. One to me too. Kylie contacted me after she came to terms with what happened. We’ve been slowly building a relationship. At first, she wasn’t sure she wanted to meet me because of hurting the father who raised her. But he encouraged her to give me a chance, and I am grateful she listened. She is a lovely young lady and I believe you two would get along well. She’s twentyfive and is a teacher.” 

Baker, that is both awful and beautiful.” She immediately hugs me. Empathy should have a photo of Luci next to it in the dictionary

Yes it is. I have told her all about you, Cole and Barrett. Luci, I should tell you the rest of my story. I told you I also did not always have all of my eggs in one basket like you. When

returned from that deployment, I was a mess. I lost the girl I loved and we had to attempt an 

undercover rescue mission. It didn’t go well, and I will not give you all the details, but I lost

few of my friends. In ways I would wish on no one else.I pause there, actually I do wish those ways upon a few. Like the people who have hurt her. Jason told me everything earlier today, and they will be wishing they hadn’t bothered her sweet soul very soon. “I came home and I lost my way. I might have known about Kylie if I’d been in my right mind and gone after Erica when I returned. But I had PTSD and didn’t know it. It was easy to hide while I was away. Once I made it stateside, I went off the rails. I was seeing and hearing things, going out of my mind. I went on a fiveday bender. Alcohol was my only friend sometimes. But this was also a break

I had delusions and was hallucinating that my dead friends were back and needed me to 


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67: Eggs in One Basket Part

follow them. Jason, ironically, saved me. We didn’t know each other in any way. I tried to hurt him in the mental state I was in. Instead of pressing charges, he got me into a better hospital and they found medication and therapy that helped me. I won’t go into all the details. When I got out of the hospital, he offered me a job at his company. Wanted to help me. I turned him down because I didn’t think I could handle it. One of the things I found in therapy was that cooking helped me. He offered me this job instead. It gave me a home and an income. I took it initially because I owed him for saving me that day. It turned out I ended up with a family too. I’ll forever be grateful to him. Imogen too, at least the Imogen of old.” 

The boysfeet are heard running our way and I stop. This is not something they should hear. Luci gives me a knowing nod

Banning is picking him up tonight, and I invited him to dinner. He was going to pick up food, but I can text him he doesn’t need to. Will it be ok if he’s here? Sydney might join us.” She 

waits patiently

More than ok. I made enough for an army because that’s what I’m used to feeding with the Reed boys.” I add with a smile. “I think she will get along well with them.” 

The doorbell rings and I frown. Kylie shouldn’t be here yet. I go to the door and find a tall man 

there asking for Luci. I ask him to wait in the foyer

Luci, there’s someone at the door for you. A Kendrick Holmes.” I tell her as Jason walks in to 

see Cole and Barrett

Oh I forgot.She hurries off toward the door before returning with three large wrapped rectangular presents. She grimaces as she awkwardly carries them in

Luci, let me help you.I move quickly to grab them

Thank you. I need a place to hide them. They are Easton’s Christmas presents from um…. 

Cole and me.” She admits

I’ll hide them in my office if you share what they are.Jason offers her

I’ll show you.She reaches into her back pocket for her phone, opening a series of photos for 

  1. us

Those are perfect. I am jealous that these are his.Jason is only half kidding by the look on 

his face. She looks thoughtful for a minute

Cole calls her name loudly for help. Excuse me, Mr. Reed.She says with a smile before 

giving Cole her complete attention. Jason smiles after her. She won him over easily, but she has no idea of that yet. She’ll know soon enough


67: Eggs in One Basket Part

The bell peals again, and I go to let my daughter in. She gives me a big laughing hug talking 

about how large the front door is. Come meet Luci and the boys.I lead her in and Luci turns to smile at her

Luci, this is my daughter, Kylie. Kylie, this is Luci Forrester.” 

It’s lovely to meet you. Baker was very excited to introduce you to us tonight. I hope you don’t mind two very chatty boys.Luci holds her hand out with a warm smile

Kylie returns it, her green eyes sparkling. I’ve heard a lot about you and no, I love kids. I am a kindergarten teacher.” 

Perfect. Boys, come say hello to Miss Kylie.Luci calls them

Cole runs up first. Hi, I’m Cole.” 

She crouches down on her heels and holds her hand out to him. Barrett is right behind him

I’m Barrett. Do you like to play Miss Kylie?” 

Oh boys, Miss Kylie came to visit with Baker. I don’t think she wants to play.Luci intervenes 

but Kylie shakes her head

I would love to play for a little while. Maybe we could do that while Dad finishes dinner. He 

said he needs about thirty minutes for that.” 


Would you like us to stay here? We usually go to the playroom.I offer to the tall girl with 

brown, chinlength hair. It has some auburn undertones. She’s very pretty and her smile to the 

boys is quite genuine

Could we bring things here? That way I can still visit with Dad. I usually have more time, but 

I’m trying to finish getting my master’s and I have classes each night this semester. I’ll be 

done soon thank goodness.” 

I nod. Boys, let’s go find some things we can bring back here to play with. We can let Miss 

Kylie help us choose.They happily scamper off ahead of us. They choose a board game, memory cards, wooden magnetic blocks that make two robots and then I grab the plastic bin 

with tweezers, masking tape and some small plastic figures. How about we play tweezer 

rescue?I offer and they both agree quickly

At the table, they start building their robots as I build the tape obstacle for them to rescue 

their figurines from. Kylie watches me intently. Are you a teaching major, Luci?” 

No I’m not. Accounting.I tell her regretfully. I’m not looking forward to my job, though I’ll be 


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67: Eggs in One Basket Part

able to at least do it. Stormi’s idea about writing a book comes back, but I shove it aside. Other images dance in my mind. Barrett calls my name and touches my hand

Sorry Barrett. Did you say something?” 

No, Miss Kylie did.” 

I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating it?” 

She smiles softly. It’s ok Luci. I said you have a lot of teaching skills with the activities you 


Have to occupy these two rascals.” I tell her lightly

She joins in completely with the boys. Baker comes to sit with us once he has dinner in the 

oven. Syd texts that she can’t come join us since her lab isn’t canceled. Banning shows up 

thirty minutes later with Barrett and Cole both rushing to him. He laughs. I think I like having 

two little boys happy to see me. Tell Easton I might steal this one for a little while.He stops 

as he sets them down. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had company, Luci Lou.” 

I wave him off. Banning this is Kylie, Baker’s daughter.” 

He hides his surprise well. “Hello. I’m Banning Olmos. I’m sorry if my Barrett has been 

interrupting your visit.” He smiles at her softly

Oh no, he’s a lot of fun. I’m a kindergarten teacher. He’s very smart and wellmannered.She 

compliments him

We do our best. Between my parents, me, Luci and Sydney, we manage to keep him in line fairly well.” Kylie stares between him and I. 

I feel the need to explain quickly. Banning’s sister, Sydney, and I are best friends. He’s has been our big brother for a long time. Banning is an Army Ranger. He works for a security 

company when he’s not deployed.” 

Thank you for your service. It’s nice to meet you.” She says before turning back to Barrett

I don’t miss how she looks his way a few times as he joins wholeheartedly into the boys 


Dinner is ready.Baker calls out as Mr. Reed rejoins us for dinner announcing, Easton said 

not to wait on dinner. They are just now on their way home.” 

Kylie’s eyes watch with interest when Easton comes home and to my surprise, kisses me on the head in front of everyone. He leans down and whispers for me only, Dad knows 



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67: Eggs in One Basket Part

We have lots of company tonight.He nods to Banning, who returns it. Cole and Barrett both jump up to hug him. He lifts them up high. I hear them whispering in his ear and his grin widens. I will do that. Now you two better behave and don’t get Nanna and Baker involved in anything else. Not yet at least.He glances at me quickly. But I’ll hire you in the future. We’ll need more candles.They move to the rest of the Reed brothers

They sit down to eat and I watch Barrett carefully. He’s plotting and I can see it. I hope

Banning can too

Kylie has to leave and Banning says they should go too. I can walk with you outside, Kylie, if you’ll wait for Barrett and I to say our goodbyes.” 

She nods and goes to grab her coat. I give him a look that he half glares at me for, and I hold my hands up in surrender

Becker, however, decides to poke the bear. I mean we might have some illtempered squirrels out there you could use an army ranger for protection against.” 

They do have some large acorns to throw.Easton adds, his shoulders shaking a little. Banning glares stonily at them

Payback is such a witch.Easton says lowly, but then Banning grins

Baker and Mr. Reed laugh when Banning makes a big show of barely shaking my hand. He whispers loudly, I’ll hug you when your shadow isn’t around, Luci Lou. He gets upset. Barrett, tell everyone goodnight.” I hug him anyway. Easton merely shakes his head slowly at me

Barrett moves around hugging all of them. Becker whispers something in his ear that has him smiling. I give Becker a warning look that he tries to return innocently

Not fooling me.I mouth at him

He holds his hands up, grinning. Yeah, I noticed it too. Maybe Barrett could see his wish starting to come true by Valentine’s day

Nanna can’t wait to see you again Friday night, Colester. I’ll talk to Luci about what time to drop you off.” Banning calls out on his way to the door. See you guys then.” 

I stare at Easton confused. I hadn’t heard about this sleepover. He tries not to smile. We have 

a date Friday night. A very large group date to see some fireworks, sweetness.” 

Ivory Row 


I spy someone…….do you???? We start blowing up people’s little glass castles tomorrow


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Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
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