66: Eggs in One Basket Part 2
“Dessert girl nights are just as good as dinner ones.” I manage to say before I stuff more chocolate truffle cake into my mouth.
Sydney laughs. “Especially when Baker sends Luci home with a whole chocolate cake. I love
“He is awesome.” Luci agrees.
“Anything fun I can ask your hockey captain tomorrow.when I interview the four kings?” I ask
“Ask him if three candles are too much romance.” Syd says between laughs.
Luci laughs at that. “I asked Cole about his and Barrett’s romance escapades. Apparently,
Nanna intervened because Cole wanted to go to Pizza Palace with the little red votive candles.
I burst out laughing at that. “I mean he isn’t wrong, Luci. Those do set the ambiance meter. Sweet boys.”
“Easton is calling them the romance rascals. I tried to ask Cole for more, but he said he and his daddy discussed everything and it’s all worked out. When Easton calls me tonight, I plan to
find out what that means.”
“You didn’t see him?” Syd asks her curiously.
“No, he had somewhere to go with his dad after practice. Him and Jackson.”
“Coco and Big Bear, the romance rascals… Luci, you should write a book. And it could have a
talking coconut and a bear. You could do it. You are so damn creative.” I tell her, running with
it as the idea forms in my head.
“Maybe. Never thought of doing something like that.” Her brow is furrowed pensively and I let
it go, hoping the idea will bloom now that I planted it.
Her phone rings and it’s unknown. She answers, “Looney Tunes Creative Services. How may I
help you?” The laugh on my face dies as her face pales. I grab the phone and hear yelling
before I hurry to hit the speakerphone button.
my f*****g Julian we….together, didn’t you? You figure I didn’t think it…. Brooklyn
66: Eggs in One Basket Part 2
wasn’t….she wasn’t sweet as you. If you want my attention so f*****g bad all you do was call
cutie baby.”
Luci shudders as my stomach churns hearing that. Sydney looks furious. He sounds
completely drunk, which is no consolation.
“That’s what you wanted baby isn’t it? My attention. You always liked full attention, didn’t you baby? You miss me…. liked dominance at the…hospital too.” Luci looks like she wants to throw up. “Hell no!” She barks.
I grab the phone and look at her with a question. She nods as Sydney wraps her up.
“Go to hell, asshole!” I snap at him before hanging up and blocking the number. She’s shaking.
“We need to call Easton.” Syd squeezes her. “I’m packing you a bag. We’ll go stay with my
parents. Banning’s there with Barrett tonight.”
Luci nods and Sydney gets off the couch.
“Luci, what did he mean about the hospital?” She never told me the rest.
“Brooklyn, she hit me the night she died. On purpose.” She begins talking and the utter depravity almost overwhelms me. She ends with Julian bringing her all the photos, voicemails
and videos.
“Oh Luci Lou…” I slide over to wrap my arms around her shoulders. “He needs to suffer. They all do. Extreme parental attachment. I’ve read about the syndrome but never thought it truly
“Both her parents have it.” She sighs.
Syd comes back with a bag. “Julian says Marshall is at his condo, not here because of football practice. And somehow he is very sure he’s there. I didn’t ask. It was all I could do to text him for that information. Easton can’t get here for a while and is pretty much an erupting volcano. Wants me to take you home to the parents. He’ll pick you up in the morning. He’s already calling Banning himself. And we are to all text him the minute we get home. You too, Stormi.” My phone lights up with several shared contacts. “That’s all of the angry hockey gods. Jackson mentioned something about us owing him some brownies or something for having
to ride with your furious boyfriend.”
“Wait, we speak to Julian now?” I ask registering everything that just happened. “And Easton calls Banning?”
“Julian apologized and is on the no–kill list for now.” Syd explains wryly. “As for my brother,
*B Point
66: Eggs in One Basket Part 2
Easton and him are friends. Easton just doesn’t know it yet.” She points to her phone and I nod. I’m guessing there are some factors at play here that Luci isn’t aware of yet.
We leave in a group and I text Sydney and Easton that I made it home to my parents safely.
Sydney texts me what little she knows is going on and I make a note to see if I can find out
more at their interview tomorrow.
When I walk into the hockey arena, I find them all sitting on the bleachers still in their gear. guys. I’m Stormi Britton.” I’ve never officially met any of them.
“I’m Jackson, this is Easton, Kingston and Becker.” They each lift a hand in a friendly wave.
Their coach approved certain questions just like the football team members that I had to interview. After the second question, Becker holds up one finger. “Whoever wrote these canned questions sucks ass. Why don’t you ask us what you want to ask and we forget these.”
“Can you handle real questions? I think they believed you might have taken too many hits to the head. And these were written by your esteemed Coach Humpfuck.” I say dryly and he looks thoughtful for a minute.
“Almost as good as Fuckphries, Becker.” Easton says with a small grin my way.
“I can’t ask what the female audience polled for.” I flip for the ones Mike had written.
“Like what?” Kendall asks, amused.
“You know the normal things, whether you are dating anyone, what your sign is, what your…..shoe size is.” I raise an eyebrow suggestively at them. “Puck bunnies read the paper
“Alright, here’s what the rest of the school wants to know. What’s your prediction for how hard it’ll be to beat the Ice Furies in three weeks in their home arena?”
“Doesn’t matter if it’s our ice or theirs, we should beat them easily.” Becker says quickly.
“Last season’s stats show differently. You beat them in the last second by one point once and they won the second game.” I tell him quickly. “Got anything better than mere hockey god
He stares at me speechless. Easton intervenes with amusement. “Their center is out for the season and the replacement is a freshman. He doesn’t have the experience yet to beat us. Try
“Their crowd does get way into the game. But that shouldn’t be an issue this year.” Jackson says pointing toward Kendall. I take the hint. I won’t type that up but Maxton Porter’s temper
66: Eggs in One Basket Part 2
* Pean
seemed to make a lot of smaller issues much bigger.
I go through the rest of the questions I came up with using Mike as a soundboard recently.
Syd asked her brother for a few also.
I put my
tablet and notebook away before I continue. I know they will never share what their actual plan is with me. Though Sydney made it sound like there is more than one plan. Some comment about not carrying all your eggs in one basket.
“In an off–the–record question, Marshall Soames’s football number is being retired this weekend. Will you be attending that? Need to know if I should bring my personal camera to record that despicable piece of s**t lose his right arm in some fashion. Maybe his left hand too, ensuring his career is over. Perhaps a nice puck to the balls with the name Luci written on top. Then it could be crammed down his throat.”
“Vicious.” Kingston says with a smirk.
“Did you mean the puck or his balls?” Becker asks, slowly grinning.
“Yes.” I say baldly.
Easton’s eyes barely flicker. “I can’t say that I’ll be happily attending. I heard it’s going to be quite a show.” Easton says slowly. “Lots of ego should be on display there though and there are some hot bright lights at the top with sharp metal casings. Might….pop a few of them. Bring them back down to earth.”
I nod slightly. “So a camera with video streaming capability then. My friend, Mike, at the paper offered to reach out to a national news outlet for the exposure. He’s a big fan.” My last words
are dripping with sarcasm.
“Tell Mike to make that call. Does he need a ticket?” Jackson answers me. “We might know
where to find extras.”
“I’ll take two then.”
“You’re going with Luci….” Becker frowns.
“I’ll be attached to her left hip. But Mike’s sister, Elizabeth, would like to be there to see the trash get compacted.” I give him a sunny smile. Apparently, he pursued her and she rejected him. He continued to text her like crazy for two months, getting some of his teammates to bully her too. This was all post Luci’s accident which made him even more of a scumbag in
my opinion.