Tale The 65

Tale The 65

65: Eggs in One Basket Part


CocoI rub my eyes and find Daddy sitting on the side of 

Daddy, Luci calls me Coco.” 

my bed

*8 Point 

Only Luci?He lays next to me on my pillow with his face looking at me

It’s ok for Daddy too.I touch his face. Morning Daddy.” 

Morning buddy. I need to talk to you.” 

Did you kiss Luci? It worked?Daddy runs his hand through my hair

That’s what we need to talk about. Do you know that last night was called a date?” 

I nod. Baker and Nanna essplained that. You have to date and kiss and if you really like her

she could be my mom. If she likes you too.” 

He smiles at me. That’s right. But you have to date for a while. Lots of dates. Longer than 

Christmas for me to ask her. And then Luci has to say yes to be part of us. And you would 

come on some of our dates. Those are called family dates because you are half of the family 

she would join. We can’t leave Cole out.” 

You like her Daddy, don’t you? I saw you kiss her at the tree lighting.” 

Luci seems to make Daddy happy too

I really, really like Luci. And I hope she’s going to want to be part of our family. We have to take her out and show her we can take care of her. Show her she can give us her heart and we 

won’t hurt it.” I think about that

I know how to do that Daddy. That’s easy.He laughs a little bit

How do we do that? Daddy can use all the help to keep Luci.” 

We give her our hearts first. She’ll know we won’t break hers if she has ours.I run my fingers 

over his cheeks

He hugs me tight to him. You know what Cole. That is a fantastic idea. And I know just how to do that for her. You are very smart, do you know that?” 

I know Daddy. Nanna says Barrett and I have more sense than most adults. I have that many pennies Daddy?” 


+8 Points 

65: Eggs in One Basket Part

He laughs really loud at that making his chest feel funny against me. Nanna is very right. Sense like you use your brain, buddy. Means you are smart. I love you forever, Cole. No matter what happens with Luci.” 

I know Daddy. But I want Luci to love us too. Luci love is special. It’s real love she gives me like she said. Her hugs make my heart smile.” 

Mine too.He whispers. Is that how Luci explained real love to you? That it makes your heart smile?” 

Yes. It’s very special she said. I can see it. She showed me how. Like when Mr. Logan was singing to Mrs. Isabelle and made her laugh before she kissed him. When Mr. Banning lets us chase him with swords and played with us all night. When you let me sleep in your bed because I have bad dreams and don’t fuss. Sydney came to my turkey play even though she’s not my real family. Luci becomes my size to talk to me.” 

All the little things….yeah Luci is the smartest of us. We need her to join our family. Let’s get you dressed and have breakfast. Daddy needs to go talk to Grandpappy.” 


Cole skips happily down the hall to breakfast. I know he wants to tell Baker what I said.

swear the world should be mostly run by kids. Jackson’s already at the island as he types away furiously. Finishing that essay?I ask and he nods

Last paragraph.” He continues to type and I make his plate along with Cole’s

He briefly glances up. Thanks. You’re being talked about.” 

I know. I can hear him.” 

Cole is whispering to Baker that I said Luci needs to join our family. “Wait, Daddy you didn’t tell me if you kissed her?” 

Jackson loses it and I shake my head. I had skipped that question on purpose. Barrett said that means it worked like in the movies. Did you?” 

Yeah Easton, don’t leave details out. We gotta know if this was movieworthy.Becker appears around the corner chuckling

Cole, when your uncles find nice ladies, you and Barrett need to help them with their dates.


Still not an answer.Kingston joins in

It’s a freaking ambush around here.I mutter. Yes, Cole. I did.” 


+8 Point

65: Eggs in One Basket Part

Like at the tree lighting?He asks. I sigh loudly, where’s a phone call or loud crash to interrupt 

when you need it

Before I know it, Dad walks in too, and he looks far too innocent. What happened at the tree 


Daddy kissed Luci.Cole fires off, happily running to Dad. And he took her on a date last 


I close my eyes and slowly shake my head. If any of you shared your present ideas with people less than four feet tall in this house, you are screwed.I declare as Dad laughs

I think he likes her Cole. What do you think?Dad asks him like it’s a secret

He does. Barrett and I had to help him though.” 

Dad grins. “How about I take you to school today and you tell me how you helped him? I think I need to talk to your Daddy first. You can eat with your uncles, and then I’ll drive you.” 

Sure.He scrambles down and runs to his plate

Breakfast in my office, Easton?His voice is tinged with amusement

Might as well have it here so I don’t have to repeat it later.I say with resignation. Becker cackles but then points to Cole. I nod knowingly. I make my plate and follow behind him

What date number are you on?He slowly grins at me

I don’t know. Like five. Depends on when I officially start counting and what I count. Mother had a clause in her contract that said she could not come near any of us or try to attract us.” 

He scowls at that. Of course she did. Because she picked such winners to introduce you boys to. That contract is dead, so Luci is safe. Imogen is probably spitting nails but whatever. She’s called Lorna three times a day, every day since I kicked her out.” 

Where is she Dad?None of us have dared broach her name so far

She’s at the corporate apartment. I wouldn’t put her out on the streets. Though I did suggest she could simply move in with Vivienne. They could start a venomous domestic partnership where they teach others how to miscommunicate and misconstrue simple activities.” He takes a bite of his pancakes before continuing. We need to have an adult Reed men dinner again, but she’s fighting the separation agreement. Claiming she wants to go to counseling and needs to see me. My lawyer has more than earned his paycheck in the last week. As of right now, I refuse to even speak to her. Let her see what that feels like. And that’s petty but I’ve never pretended not to be vengeful. I probably already know the answer to this, but I will 


+ Points 

65: Eggs in One Basket Part

ask all of you anyway. Do you want to see her for any holiday reasons?” 

I have no reason to right now, Dad. I understand that might be painful being a parent myself

However, she took her issue with you out on us. At least I guess that’s what she did. She didn’t 

really explain that part, and I wasn’t interested in talking to her. And she hasn’t exactly been

real grandmother to Cole.” 

He looks at me with understanding. I imagine your brothers feel the same. Enough about her

back to Cole’s fun this morning at your expense.” 

I figured you knew something was going on between Luci and I.” 

Might have noticed. The biggest initial clue was your anger with Maxton Porter for bothering her. And then you did beat him, not as far as I thought you would though Trinka told me he wasted no time getting there. She means a lot to you and Cole.He leans forward pushing his 

plate away

I watch him carefully for a minute. He doesn’t seem to disapprove

It goes a little deeper than that Dad.I admit to him

He nods. Sometimes you find real gems when you least expect them, Easton. Beautiful pieces of the world that we might have missed otherwise. They can open your eyes and show you things you might never see. I know she hasn’t had the easiest life from what I found out. And I did look into her regardless of the answers you gave me previously. I worry about my family especially after knowing what your mother has been up to.He takes a deep breath. ” 

You are concerned about what I think of her.” 

Time to tell him the truth. Especially with what is coming up this week

I love her Dad.” He laughs now with pure delight. And you already knew that.” 

Jason Reed 

Yes. Or at least I hoped. You couldn’t see your own face when you showed us the book she made you and that framed photo she took. It was pretty obvious to any who know you.” I get serious with him though. How about you tell me what I don’t know, Easton? Like the real reason the Humphries jackasses like to spread lies about that girl with lovely manners and not a devious bone in her body. They portrayed her as the opposite to me and I abhor being 


The rage in his eyes is more than enough to confirm what I suspected. He begins talking and by the end, I’ve dismembered multiple people in my imagination several times over. 


+8 Point 

65: Eggs in One Basket Part

Those two coaches should be coated in honey and tied to stakes over ant beds in bear country.He grits out

That can be arranged.I offer sincerely. You’ll need more than one option here to avenge her. Your plan is great. But I never keep all my eggs in one basket for this kind of thing.He meets 

my unwavering gaze with surprise

Easton, you get mad and raise hell already. I think it’s time I teach you boys how to go fully unhinged and send a clear message to not f**k with your family.” 

Ivory Row 

Jason Reed might be one scary man. And you have to love that Cole! I should have part two out very late tonight 


Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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