64: The Difference Part 3
My lip curls as I pull her into the shower with me. “I can’t stand them. I really can’t. That nickname is on the banned list for sure.”
“I got the impression you guys are not the norm for hockey players with puck bunnies.”
“Good. Glad we give that off. I’m no saint, but there’s just something about them that has always turned me off. If only the puck bunnies would read the ice and realize we are giving off harmful radiation vibes. Though Maxton and a few of the other guys who graduated last took full advantage of them.”
She’s tired. I can see it in her eyes. “Turn around.” I direct her and she does. I lather the
shampoo and start washing her hair, massaging her scalp. She leans her head back against
me with her eyes closed. “Feels good I think.”
“Yes, it does. I could go to sleep from that.”
“Water will get awfully cold if you do. Here, rinse it out and I should get you to bed. You need sleep.”
I dry her off and then myself, grabbing my boxers to slip back on. I wish I had something other than my suit to wear home. She reads my mind.
“All you have is your suit.” She observes as she tugs her sweatshirt over her head while sitting
on her bed.
“I need to leave extra clothes here.” I gauge her reaction to that. She merely nods before sliding to the edge of the bed and opening the bottom drawer of her nightstand. When she faces me again, she holds a rolled bundle of black fabric.
“I’ve needed to return this for a long time. At first, I wasn’t sure how to do that. And lately, I keep forgetting.” She holds it out and I let it unroll as it transfers to my hand. I recognize the logo.
“The hoodie I gave you that day….” I squeeze my eyes shut, recalling her on the floor, visibly upset and her shirt completely soaked, the white fabric almost translucent and clinging to her as she hunched in on herself. It hurts to recall her in my mind that way. “I should have stopped them, Luci. I should have beaten the s**t out of him then. Quit the team with an ultimatum. I’m sorry, I..” I can’t face her or finish as bitter shame fills me. I’ve been ignoring this part of our past, not wanting to see her disgust for me. Wishing I had done more because she
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deserved that.
“You know, I noticed looking back, you always seemed to intervene if you were nearby and I’d get away. You and your brothers. This day, there was nothing wrong with your hoodie. I think
you gave it to me to help. Some instances, one of you said something loudly and I’d discover
Julian or Deacon heading my way. The four of you would fan out and almost shield me. Like
the day of Cole’s accident. Though that day you seemed truly mad at me.” Her eyes search
“We didn’t like what they did and I never delved into why they went after certain people. I was
not in the best place in my head with Cole and Lorelei when I first noticed you two years ago.
Couldn’t see much around my own pain or problems. I should have done more but I…didn’t. I
have no excuse for that and deserve no forgiveness from you. I thought maybe Julian was
your ex or you attempted to drug him the way he acted. I’d never even officially met you until that day you told me you were chasing a rabbit.” Her fingers fan over my cheek. “The day of
the accident I was furious. But not at you. I saw those bruises on your wrist and your neck. I
wanted to beat the life out of Maxton. And you were cold. I wondered if he stole your jacket.
Instead, my son got your ice pack and your hoodie, didn’t he?”
“He did. You taught him well though. He knew my ice pack was for booboos and tried to leave it on my arm. I had to distract him though so they could assess him.” She smiles as she
“Before I could ask you about that, Jackson said trouble was coming and we had to get you out. My mother never told me about the accident until the next morning when Cole mentioned the whole thing. And I’ll admit, I saw flames the minute I learned what Madison did and how he could’ve been hit. Completely missed him talking about you.” I run my fingers through her
hair. “I’m sorry, Luci. I’m no better than them.”
“No, you’re much better than them. And you did more than most would or did. Easton, sometimes all you can handle are your own problems. There’s nothing wrong with knowing your limitations. You don’t need an excuse for not helping me when you did. I’d never expect you to quit the team and give up your dream to help a stranger.” She smiles at me as she holds my wrist and leans her head into my
“I should’ve done more. Why do you do that? How can you forgive us so easily for hurting you and find the light in the storm like that?” I ask with anguish. “I can’t fathom forgiving some
Her voice is measured when she begins. “I don’t forgive everyone, Easton. I don’t forgive Marshall. I don’t forgive Brooklyn’s parents. I don’t forgive Maxton.” She slides closer to me. “I
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spent a lot of time as a kid silently observing people, Easton. I’ve seen enough horrid behavior
that I never wanted to repeat. But I also saw love and kindness in ways a lot of people miss. I
learned to see things from a different perspective because I had to. Otherwise, I couldn’t
handle the things I heard and saw. Janet helped with that too. She always explained both
sides of any lesson she taught us. Forgiveness is a gift for myself first and foremost. A way to keep my own peace and not dwell in the past. My brain does not need anything extra to be preoccupied with. Not to mention, you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Why walk around with nothing but senseless anger and bitterness?” She takes a short break and I wait, recognizing when she needs to organize her thoughts before speaking. “My social worker was an awesome guy named Collins. He and his wife, Althea, are beautiful people. He cared. Truly cared about how I was raised. How I got Janet in the end. He told me that almost everyone is put in your life for a purpose, no matter how good or bad. It’s up to you to decide where to keep or leave them. Not whether to keep or leave them but where in your mind. Because you will always take something from people you meet longer than two minutes. That stuck with me. I saw foster kids band together to protect and love younger kids in bad homes. Bio kids who were loving to all. One wonderful example was named Blake. She’d make sure we were bathed and read to every night. Gave us her time. Her parents weren’t awful people. They just didn’t give out love like that anymore. Because for a child, time is a form of love. They had too many foster kids and honestly couldn’t handle it. But they were kind and I was safe there.” Her smile
is tired.
“Were you ever not safe?” I ask with dread.
“Physically, I was always safe. I heard stories from other kids. I was fortunate in that regard. Emotionally, I wasn’t. There are some foster parents or jealous kids that think you’re less than human. Like I said, I learned from it and moved on. Why I’m careful with my words and really don’t like to insult most people at all.” She shrugs it off. Like the assholes who said she wasn’t
“You should probably go home in case Cole needs you.” She adds softly right before she
“Not until you fall asleep. Let me hold you and I’ll leave once you are snoring.” I tease. She doesn’t snore, but she could use a laugh after all that. I pull her back into my chest once we
pull the covers over us.
“I don’t snore. That’s Corndog.” She giggles and I laugh with her. “He’s learning how to be a domesticated house bunny still.”
*He’s not earning brownie points to stay.” I warn.
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“But he was the first gift you gave me.” Her slightly sleepy voice reminds me. “And he’s my snuggle bunny.” I swear she’s a master at tugging directly on my heart.
“He stays.” I whisper as I kiss the top of her head. She’s already asleep though. It takes me another fifteen minutes to tear myself away. I leave the hoodie on her chair after dressing in my suit. After grabbing paper and pen from her desk, I write her a note. There’s a very strict return policy on hoodies. This one meets none of the requirements.
I lift the lavender rabbit from the chair, settling him against her cheek.
“Dream about being happy, my sweet girl. Because you are real and I love you so f*****g much.” I whisper into her ear. Her words about forgiveness won’t stop rolling around my head
as I drive home. Unsurprisingly, I find Baker and my brothers all waiting in the kitchen.
“Go change and we want to hear all about how you were outwitted by Coconut and Big Bear.”
Becker grins widely. Barrett has gotten himself a nickname now.
“I can’t deny they did that. Be right back.” I change and check on Cole. He’s sound asleep with
his dragon and two other stuffed animals.
“I love you, Cole.” I whisper and his little lips twitch up slightly. I swear he always hears me
say it when he’s asleep. I walk back into the kitchen to sit at the bar and Becker sets a cookie
in front of me. “What did he ask Santa for?”
“For Luci to be his mom.” Baker answers gravely. “I cautioned him that a big wish like that
isn’t something that could happen by Christmas. He has mostly realized that perhaps the best
wish by Christmas is for you to be happy with Luci.”
“Damn. I was hoping it didn’t go that far. Christmas is in like sixteen days.” I sigh.
“I have a plan for that.” Baker assures me.
Kingston whistles. “Yeah, we need to slow him down. He went all in and then some.”
“Did you three help him with tonight?” I stare them down.
Jackson grins. “Nope, but I wish to hell we had. Did you get enough romance on the table
East?” His whole body shakes as he laughs.
“Funniest damn video ever.” Becker also can’t keep it together. “I mean we could all use two
romance waiters to help us.”
“Video?” I turn to find Baker immediately.
‘I may have recorded it. I’ll share it with you too.” He says with dignity.
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“Those two will take over the world by the time they are ten.” Kingston smirks.
“It would improve the world then.” I answer honestly. My son is already a better person than I
could ever hope to be. “They’ll make a real difference. The romance rascals.”
Ivory Row
These chapters are important because this is Easton really seeing things the way Luci does. And them hashing a few things out. We’re about to have some good old fashioned revenge in a day or two so get ready for that.