Tale The 61

Tale The 61


61: Setup 


Mom? We’re here.I beckon for Stormi to follow me as I step inside the back door

Mom is sitting at the table with her readers on staring at her tablet. She asked us to come 

before brunch

Hi girls. Stormi, how are you dear?She smiles at us

Doing well Mrs. Isabelle.” 

You wanted to see us Mom? Going to explain why we had to move our girls night up and not 

tell Luci?I grab an apple and sit in the chair beside her while Stormi moves to the one next to 

  1. me

I had a very interesting conversation with Cole and Barrett the other night.She begins, giving 

me a look

Barrett wants a mom for Christmas still.I sigh

Yes, but Cole wants one too. A very specific one. Named Luci.” She grins

Oh hell….” I laugh a little

Yes and I thought we might have a little fun with this. He has no idea they are dating and it’s very sweet. I do worry though that he has his heart set on Luci. If they don’t work out….She 

trails off

Easton Reed is gone gone for her.Stormi says with certainty

Be that as it may, his mother may come back. Barrett doesn’t have that problem.Her eyes flare with distaste even to this day. And he may then change his mind about Luci being his mom. I don’t see the harm in him sending them on a date though. I spoke to Mr. Baker, whom Cole also roped into his scheme a week ago, and he will have Easton dressed in a suit somehow to be at the Tremont Grille at 7. The table I reserved will have candles and flowers which the boys explained mean romance. Luci needs a pretty dress that you will help her find this morning. I’ll text her to please come watch Barrett tonight at Logan’s family friendly Christmas party at the Tremont. Banning is working truthfully and it helps she knows that. Plus she never turns me down. One of Easton’s brothers will be supposedly watching Cole at 


That devious little Coconut. And my nephew. I’m not sure whether to be proud of them or 



concerned about their level of sinister plotting.” 

This is going to be videoworthy isn’t it?Stormi asks laughing

Yes, because the boys are going to be their romance waiters.” She grins


I don’t think I can cram any more french toast into my mouth.I say with regret. The cafe Stormi picked for brunch is delicious

I know. It’s sooo good. At least we can take it home.” Sydney agrees. I need to tell Mom 

about this place.” She takes a photo of her stuffed french toast and sends it

Stormi continues to eat. Lightweights.She teases

Sydney’s phone chimes. Mom is jealous. Luci, she wants to know if you can help watch 

Barrett at Dad’s Christmas party tonight? The big family one. Banning’s working and I have 

dinner plans. Mom and Dad are both in charge of the games so they need an extra set of 

hands. Said you could bring Cole too. He just needs to be dressed up.” 

Tell her I can. I was supposed to make cookies with Cole after the movie but Easton canceled 

it early this morning. Something came up. I’ll ask if he needs me to watch Cole. Guess I have 

to dress up too.” 

Let’s find you a new dress. I need one for the newspaper’s holiday party next week.Stormi frowns a little. I have a feeling it won’t be as fun as your party.” 

Maybe we can meet for dinner if you cut out of it early.I offer

We can always text you with an SOSFB message. Save our Stormi from boredom.Syd jokes

making us laugh

Might be necessary. Mike says an open bar lit on fire is the only thing that could save it. I offered to bring matches.She grimaces

We walk to a dress shop and I end up with a pale blue wrap dress in some soft material. Stormi gets a pink dress in a similar style

It might be a boring party Stormi, but you’ll be welldressed.” I admire her twirling in it. She 


We can always save them for date dresses.She grins wiggling her eyebrows at me. You 

never know when you might need one. I, on the other hand, can stick mine at the back of my 



61: Setup 

*@ Point 


You never know who you might run into that interests you. Literally in my case.I stare at

mannequin missing an arm and my mind tries to wander, but Syd starts calling my name

Hmm what? Sorry.” 

Stormi wants to know how many times you ran into your hockey hottie.Syd laughs

I physically missed the four tree trunk Reed brothers like four or five times. Though looking back, it was always Easton. Weird.” I mutter

Hmm the crash and then the fall. I wish that would happen to me.Stormi mutters

Get lost chasing a rabbit. Finally worked in my favor for once.I joke

Pedicure time ladies.Sydney says as her phone alarm chimes

I hurry home afterwards to change for the movies

I barely get the door open when they knock before Cole rushes past me talking rapidly

Luci, I’m going to the potty like Daddy said, so I don’t miss any of the movie.” Cole races 

toward my bathroom making me laugh. Which quickly dies as I’m immediately smothered by 

Easton lifting me off the ground. In his usual fashion, he dumps me on the island counter.

start to laugh but don’t get the chance as his hand cups the side of my head and he kisses me 

like he’ll never get to again. He slowly ends it and my mind is blank of all thoughts except him

His eyes are closed as his hand holds the back of my head with his forehead pressed to mine. 

Are you ok?I whisper, scared something bad happened

No, I’m not.” His eyes open and I run my hands over his shoulders. “I needed to hold 


I’m here. Whatever it is, I’m here for you.I reassure him


But who’s there for you, Luci? I don’t know what cloud you fell from but you can’t go back

People suck.” He isn’t making any sense

Did you borrow my rambling brain?I ask and he simply shakes his head

Cole’s singing interrupts whatever he’s about to say. He sets me on my feet as Cole dances 

into the room. Luci, you have a tiny tree.” He points to the little twofoot tabletop tree

I don’t need a big one, Coco. It’s only me here.I tell him honestly

But where do you put all your presents? You saw our big tree.” He’s confused

I don’t have as many people to buy for like you do.” Easton stares at me sharply as I keep my 

tone light


+8 Point

61: Setup 

No the presents for you, Luci.He insists

Grownups don’t get presents like kids do. What movie are we going to see?I change the 


There’s a movie about polar bears that have to save the world he wants to see. Sorry about 

canceling our cookie making. Dad needs me to meet with a potential coach tonight for his team.He sounds disappointed

We’ll make them another night.I promise. I’m watching Barrett at Mr. Logan’s work party tonight. I can take Cole if I need to. It’s always a big family event.” 

He’d probably love that but he got up early and he’s had a rough day. Maybe let Jackson just 

keep him at home.” Easton looks like he’s had a long day too

Up to you. You look tired. You need a good night’s sleep.I squeeze his arm, concerned about 

. him

He leans down near my ear. I do. With you wrapped up next to me.” 

I can send Corndog home with you. You took a great nap with him.I laugh thinking of that 

picture which is getting framed for my nightstand

Let’s go before I decapitate a stuffed rabbit.He grumbles

At the movies, Cole is very picky about our seats. At first he wants to be in between us, then 

on my side, then on Easton’s. He finally settles on sitting in Easton’s lap. The movie begins 

and Cole snuggles in making me smile and take a quick picture during the endless previews

Easton reaches over and takes my hand. You take pictures of us a lot.” He whispers

Important memories you’ll want.” I answer honestly. I’ll never be one to complain about 

taking photos with my friends and family. They truly are all you might have often. The movie is awful and my mind wanders a lot instead of paying attention. Easton squeezes my hand only once. At the end, Cole tells me everything I missed anyway

On the way home, Easton echoes that thought. “I know you went down a rabbit hole but

figured you’d get the whole movie repeated afterwards.” 

You weren’t wrong.” I smile listening to Cole rehashing his favorite parts again. They walk me 


Maybe if you’re home when I get done, I can see you.He offers

Hmmm well….ok.I smile at him and he barely returns it. That makes a decision for me. Let 

yourself in and wait for me if I’m not back yet.” 


43 Points 

61: Setup 

He nods a little absently. I’ll get to the bottom of this later. I hug Cole bye and they leave

Mrs. Isabelle texts me. Forgot to tell you it’s at the Tremont Grille. See you there. Thanks again sweetie.” 

No problem Mrs. Isabelle.” 

Right on time, I tell the host my name and I’m there for a party. Yes Miss Forrester. Follow me please.” 

He leads me to a table in a small room near the side. Here you are.He leaves and I frown

Until the door opens again and Easton steps inside dressed in his dark gray suit. He’s wearing the green tie I helped Cole choose. Luci?” 

Before I can answer, I watch someone lighting candles on the small table. Barrett slides one chair back. Luci, come sit.” 

Barrett, what is going on?” 

Dinner. Sit Daddy.My eyes widen at that voice

Cole Matthew Reed….Easton mutters

If you’ll sit, your waiters are ready to begin serving you.Sydney’s extremely amused voice 

calls out beside the table

Easton places his hand on my back. I think we’ve been setup, sweetness.” 

Boys go get your things over there.” Mrs. Isabelle says as she winks at me

I sit and he pushes my chair in. Sydney steps up and lights another candle. I’m only here for 

fire safety. Barrett isn’t the only one who made a big wish to Santa.She whispers before 

stepping back. I freeze at that

Barrett has another candle he hands to Syd, while Cole has flowers. Here Daddy.Easton 

hides his grin

Thank you Cole. These are some of my favorites.” He says calmly

Cole glares at him and I choke on my laugh. Syd mutters near my ear. Damn that apple rolled against the tree allll the way down.” 

No Daddy. You give those to Luci.He rebukes him sternly

Oh I see.Easton holds them out to me, trying not to laugh. For you, Luci.” 

“Thanks.I answer dryly


61: Setup 

We’ll be right back.Barrett says and they run off

We’ve completely been had tonight.Easton shakes his head. Baker, are you here?” 

He steps forward, smiling

How long, Baker?Easton sighs

He asked for my help about a week ago.” 

Easton leans back nodding. The diner whispers.” 

The mistletoe!I add causing Easton to laugh

Mrs. Isabelle chimes in. They were planning to take you to Pizza Palace at the sleepover 

because they have red votive candles.” 

The pizza’s delicious too.Easton says dryly

The boys return with a plate of appetizers, walking very carefully. These are for you to share.” Barrett is dead serious reminding me who his father is

Yes sir.” I manage to say

Do you 

need any more romance?Cole asks looking between us

I turn my head and Sydney gives me a slow nod with her lips pressed so tight they have 


Easton coughs. I think we might have all the romance we need Coconut.” 

He nods, smiling. Then we have to go home for bed. Baker said after we did our romance jobs, we have to leave.” 

We picked your food. You have to eat it and then share cake before you take Luci home.” Barrett instructs, his face very solemn. Aunt Syd….He stresses

Oh right. Let me have those keys, Luci Lou. Your date is taking you home after a full night of 

romance.” One snort of laughter bubbles out of her

Cole comes and touches Easton’s arm. He leans over and Cole cups his hand but doesn’t lower his voice at all. Ok Daddy. When you take her home, you know the romance worked if she kisses you again. You has to tell me in the morning if we did it right.” 

Again?Easton asks suspiciously

Like at the tree lighting after the guy yelled.Barrett answers. I close my eyes. Observant little 



61: Setup 

I see you in the morning Daddy. We talk about it.” 

Oh so we’ll talk about this at breakfast or on the way to school. You’ve been a very busy Cole today.Easton stares down at Cole

Yes Daddy. Wait, here. You might need this.He pulls the bunch of mistletoe out of his pocket and sets it in his daddy’s hand

Thanks. I can use the mistletoe tradition to get her to kiss me.” 

I bend my head over my plate desperately needing to laugh

I think they are overflowing with romance Coco and Barrett. Let’s leave them to let it spill out. Sydney manages. And Luci is going to call me later.She demands

You’ll be hearing about it for sure.” I threaten

Daddy, I’ll be good for Uncle Jackson. Will even let him give me dream rules.Cole says 


Coco, come here.He stands in front of me smiling

I hug him to me. Dream about polar bears who serve spaghetti at the beach.” 

He giggles as does Barrett. Let’s go boys.” Mrs. Isabelle says grinning. Baker leaves barely holding it together

Enjoy.He calls out as he closes the door

Easton counts threetwo….one.” We both start laughing and I swear I can’t stop for five 


Setup by a four and a five year old.” I shake my head

With lots of romance.” He adds chuckling. My day just got infinitely better with his dating approval.” 

Ivory Row 

Lol now I hope you laughed after he made you cry yesterday 


Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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