6: Ice for Brains
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Luci Syd gives me a regretful smile. “I totally forgot he has program practice today. Maybe she won’t mind if you leave to pick him up at 5:30.” She tentatively suggests. “I can just skip my lab tonight Luci. I don’t want you to lose your job.” I’d confided everything to Sydney. She won’t breathe a word of it and if they murder me to keep their secret at least someone can point the authorities in the right direction. She’d been shocked before mentioning she saw Cole at a game once with a tall redhead. I forgot she dated a guy who was on the team for a month last spring. I shake my head. “No, I’ll text her real quick. I’m sure she won’t mind. I mean, she’s good with me picking him up when I collect Cole, so why would it matter if it was two hours later? You need to not fail lab, Syd. I got this.” I tell her with more confidence than I honestly feel. Imogen Walters could tell me hell no. But Syd does so much for me, I can’t let her down. I’ll figure something out if she says no. Maybe I could offer to take Cole to the park for a while and we happen to grab Barrett as we head back for dinner. That could really work; heaven knows I can lose track of time during a spontaneous outing. Text and ask Luci. I break into my own rambling. “Mrs. Walters, my friend’s nephew has school program practice today. Would it be ok if instead of bringing him when I pick up Cole, we go get him at 5:30 and bring him back there?” I wait anxiously. When she replies back ten minutes later, I am shocked. “Bring him back here. Baker could have the night off if you’d like to pick dinner up for them on the way home. Cole will think it’s a big treat.” She offers and I struggle to type out a thanks message, very surprised at her thoughtfulness. I can feel the Reed brothers staring at me during our shared class. I made it a point to arrive extra early and I pack up slowly, making certain they leave first. It sounds cowardly, but honestly, I don’t want any confrontations at school. When we leave to pick up Barrett, I ask Cole if he knows his daddy’s phone number. He has no idea and I decide I’ll need to ask about things like that later. I’d like to let him know I’m taking Cole out fairly late, but I have no one here to ask. Baker was kind enough to leave us a snack. How awkward if I asked for a list of phone numbers from him. I don’t dare call Mrs. Walters after her comments to me yesterday. We find Barrett and I introduce the two of them as I buckle him into his seat. Mrs. Walters had been surprised I knew exactly how to install Cole’s seat until I explained it was the same model as Barrett’s and I have my own seat for him permanently in my car. “What should we get for dinner guys?” The overwhelming vote is chicken nuggets which is no surprise. They are talking about which superhero is better as we pull into the gate for the house. Star Wars was already debated and settled on. They are going to get along great. My heart stops as we round the curve and I see the four kings standing on the front driveway. They do not look happy either with their folded arms. Barrett whispers, “Looks like a bunch of superheroes staring us down before they attack us.” Thanks, Barrett. I didn’t need images in my rolling brain. “Cole, let’s get you out first.” I grab his bag of food and drink, knowing I need to send him inside. I can see the anger in Easton Reed’s jawset and it will be unleashed at me, I’m sure. I unbuckle him and set him on the ground. He takes the bag, but his drink is too much. Kingston steps up, holding his hand out for it. “Come with me, Cole.” He says quietly. Cole glances up at me, and I nod with a reassuring smile that is faker than Barbie’s original measurements. Easton watches until he disappears, and sure enough, that deep voice whips out. “Where the f**k did you take my son? And who the hell else is in the car? I get here, and there’s no trace of him. Who gave you permission to leave the house with him this late? Do you even have the right kind of seat for him?” His voice is colder than I’ve heard yet. “I have a carseat that Mrs. Walters provided. We went to pick up Barrett after his school program practice.” Umm, what else did he ask me…oh yes, permission. He’s staring at me like I spoke in some unknown alien language. I open my mouth to continue, but he steps closer. He’s infuriated. “You couldn’t let me know you were leaving the house with him so close to his bath and bedtime? Do you have any idea how worried we were? Or were you pleased to get back at me?” He snarls but I’ve hit my limit. “Or maybe because I don’t have your phone number, ice for brains! I mean, it would be something that I might need, but no one provided me with anything regarding IF or HOW to contact you. And you haven’t exactly said you are any kind of involved parent! My only instructions and contact has been with Mrs. Walters. I cleared this with her. I saw you here once for five minutes and you looked like you wanted to kill me. I would never use an innocent child to get back at anyone! If you knew anything about me, you’d know that. Do you even know my last name? Not that it matters.” I fire off at him, only stopping when I hear Cole calling my name from the doorway. He is watching us and I see Kingston jogging up behind him. Cole must have escaped his uncle. Knowing how much it always upset me as a kid to see adults shouting and fighting, I take a deep breath and walk over to him. “Luci, you ok?” I crouch down and smile at him. “Yeah, I’m ok. I got a little too excited talking to your daddy. You go inside and eat your dinner. I’m going to take Barrett home.” His face falls. “I thought we got to play.” “Not today. I’m sorry. I hate breaking a promise to you. I know I said you would play together, but I think your daddy wants to eat dinner with you and your uncles only.” I hold his hands as I talk to him. “I see you tomorrow?” He says with that hopeful look. “We’ll see. If not, I’ll come see you soon ok?” I already know I’m getting fired this time. “Go inside with Uncle Kingston and eat your dinner ok, Coco?” He leans forward giving me a big hug. I return it and then make sure to skirt around Easton and Jackson. Cole races inside as I hear Kingston say something to him. I climb into my car, slamming the door, and leave without a backward glance. Easton She drives away and I vaguely register Kingston calling my name. “East, you need to come to the kitchen.” He disappears into the house, and I clench my fists, watching Luci Forrester’s taillights disappear. She was completely wrong. I know her name. What hockey or football player doesn’t? Our coaches can’t stand the girl and while they refuse to explain why, they’ve made sure to pass on their approval of us carrying out their feelings where they cannot. And they basically have carte blanche with their winning records. “You handled that well.” Jackson deadpans and I glare at him. He smirks before walking ahead of me inside. Kingston is setting Cole up at the island with chicken nuggets and fries. He’s excited, I can hear it in his voice. Fast food is a huge treat for him. “Luci got me lemonade because she said it’s better’n soda.” “Smart of Luci.” Becker says with a huge grin, eyeing me. Kingston smirks at me, his eyes dancing. What the f**k are they so amused over? I’m still shaking over finding my son gone with no one else here and no communication. He was to be here when I got home was all she said. Luci Forrester was introduced to me as his nanny two nights ago and I know nothing about her beyond the little from class I’ve observed. Which isn’t much. The girl keeps to herself too well. I tried to get more information about all of this but I can see I didn’t get anything in the end. I lost my s**t not knowing if she’s vengeful enough to use a young boy in order to get back at me and my brothers. We’ve never intentionally gone after her, but that’s not saying much. She wouldn’t know much about us beyond campus rumors either. Jackson leans over the counter before he snorts and backs away. Kingston taps near him and I step up to find the piece of paper. “Was taped to the fridge Easton. We missed it.” In neat print, I read: Mr. Reed, Cole and I went to pick up my friend’s nephew. We are also grabbing dinner. I got permission from Mrs. Walters. If you need to reach us, my number is 468-231-2231. Should be back by 6. Luci Forrester “Mother…” Kingston coughs and I quickly switch. “Fluffer!” “How’s your dinner, Cole?” Kingston asks as he leans forward on his forearms. “Wicious.” His word for delicious makes me smile; even if said with his mouth full of fries. He swallows. “Sorry. Luci says I lose my food if I dooes that. Have to swallow first, then talk.” The difference when he talks to us instead of his grandmother is obvious. “Luci is proving wiser and wiser.” Jackson adds laughing. “Cole, who was the other boy in Luci’s car?” I ask sitting next to him. My head is pounding. I rub my temples before Kingston goes to grab two pills and a bottle of water. I take them gratefully. “Barrett. Luci’s best friend is his aunt. She picks him up for her one night and we’ll play together. Grandmother said it’s ok. I wanted to play today. Never had a play date.” His face falls a little and I curse internally again. My fault or more like Mrs. Walter’s fault. My son deals with enough. “You like Luci a lot?” Becker says as Cole nods. “She plays with me. Not her phone. And has good listening ears. She saved me.” All Cole wants is someone to pay that much attention to him besides us. It sounds like she’s wonderful with him. “She sounds pretty awesome.” Kingston adds voicing my thoughts out loud while giving me a glaring side eye. I narrow my eyes at him. “Will she come back, Daddy? You sounded mad at her.” The worry in that little voice is awful as he peeps up at me. “I was mad about something else. I’ll make sure she comes back for you.” He nods before leaning over to hug me. “Come on, Spider-Man, I’ll bathe you.” Becker holds out his hand. “Your daddy’s gotta test out his knee toughness.” He grins over his shoulder and I flip him off. He just silently laughs as Cole argues that he’s Batman today. I’m not groveling at anyone’s feet and he knows it. But I will do whatever else to get her back for Cole. As soon as they are out of sight, I lean my forehead to the cold marble. “You were set up.” Jackson says quietly. I hear him moving around in the fridge. “Want leftover lasagna?” “Sounds fine.” I answer, but sit up as I hear the back door open. Kingston and Jackson instantly stiffen up. Kingston swiftly folds up the note, shoving it in his pocket. “You’re home early. Cole already in bed?” She asks diffidently. I stare at her as Jackson makes our plates. Kingston is taking sodas out of the fridge. She turns her eyes toward me as the door shuts. “Why the hell are you having the nanny call you Mrs. Walters, Mother?” I ask her coldly.