57: Holding On
I’ve stopped breathing. Or I’ve hit my head. Or Jareth has come and taken me to the labyrinth
and I have to get out. No, I’m still dreaming. Buried under my covers having the best dream of my life. One where Easton Reed thinks he loves me. Rolling rainbow wonderland brained Luci.
Focus Luci! I fuss at myself. Time to wake up.
I mentally shake myself back to reality and think ‘not me.’
His voice is hoarse, which only makes it even better as he answers and I realize I said those
two little words out loud. “Yes you. My sweet girl.”
My shaky fingers reach up to touch his lips. He captures that hand and kisses each fingertip. No controlled mask on his face, just hopeful vulnerability laid bare for me. That total trust he doesn’t hand out easily. And patience…..Waiting for you to respond, Luci! Answer him.
I take a deep breath. “I love you, Easton.” I reciprocate softly, almost afraid the words will shock him back to reality and he’ll take his own declaration back.
Instead, I watch the delighted smile slowly spread over his face as his free hand sweeps me closer to him. I swear he’s more perfect when he shows his delight. “Again. Say it again please, sweetness.”
“I love you. All of you, Easton Reed.” I repeat, watching his eyes soften and that rare tender gaze that only Cole usually gets, meets mine. I pull my hand free to frame his face as I add the second part. So he knows I accept him as he is, not the pieces he’s had to break himself into to appease others. My heart is racing and I feel warm all over as he stares at me like that.
“I love you, my sweet Luci. Every single part of you. I thought I’d scare you and you’d retreat.” He admits quietly, his hands wrapping around the sides of my waist.
“No, I’m not scared. Why would I be scared of that?” I ask him honestly.
“Because it’s pretty fast. I’ve known for a short while, but I was too afraid of chasing you away to tell you. And after I’ve done so well with all my past relationships, I needed to be sure. You don’t look too upset with me though.”
Amusement bubbles up along with happiness as I remember Syd’s words. “I’m not…I thought I might be dreaming for a minute though. I doubt you and I falling in love with each other was on anyone’s bingo card at the beginning of this year. I knew I loved you after you defended me to Julian. Actually, maybe before that. When you said you had a good day at the hockey game
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because I was there watching, I think. But I didn’t think you’d feel like that for me. As for fast,
someone wise that I know, says that nothing is too fast if it’s the right speed for you.”
‘Is her name Luci?” He chuckles.
“No. Her name is Sydney and I think she is brilliant.” I grin at him.
“She’s pretty damn awesome. You think she’d date my brother? He’s hung up on her.” He
arches one eyebrow.
“I’m working on that. Glad someone else noticed. Give me a little time. Syd has her own baggage. I think she’s ready to shed it though.”
“Jackson’s strong. He can handle baggage. He’s dealt with mine and then of course our mother.” He rolls his eyes. “I removed her from the list of people who can pick Cole up from
school today.”
“Smart.” I frown a little, seeing the worry move back in. The slight coldness at the thought of her return to his face along with the tension in his body returns slightly. “I wish you didn’t have
to deal with that. I meant what I said. I’m not scared of her or any of your past or present
issues. I’ll be here for you no matter what happens. Unless you decide you don’t want me anymore.” I only thought that idea hurt before. Now it would destroy me.
“Like you’ll get away. I warned you, if I have to chase you I will, but you won’t get far. I gave you as much rope as I ever will when you didn’t believe I meant to kiss you. Won’t happen again.” He promises in that deep possessive tone. But the coldness from his mother is gone as his eyes rove over my face. “I never…I never thought I’d fall in love with anyone again after it hurt so much before. You kind of crashed into our lives and I’ve never been more grateful. And now
you’re all mine, Luci Forrester.” He buries his face in my hair and holds me there.
“I should go get ready for class.” I grimace as my alarm goes off.
“Go. I’m going to lounge on your bed for ten minutes and nap. Wake me up. I didn’t sleep great last night.” He brushes his lips across mine. “And you do realize that now I’ll be worse? Like
ten times more possessive of you.”
“Maybe I like it.” I smile at him as I wrap my arms around his waist.
“You did say you like all of me and that’s a big aspect of how I feel about you. I don’t even
handle the idea of sharing you well. Haven’t since before I took you on a date even. I should
have figured out I was already yours then.” He kisses me so slowly and I cling to him as my blood hums with the desire for him. Knowing he loves me makes it even stronger.
“Go get your shower sweetness. I need to make sure you eat.” He whispers as he reluctantly
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releases me.
When I walk back out dressed in a sweatshirt and leggings, he’s sleeping on my bed with
Corndog in his arms. I guess he found my rabbit. I tiptoe to grab my phone and take a quick
picture. Giggling, I lean over and kiss his cheek to wake him up.
He slowly stretches and sits up blinking at me. “You need a real nap.” I say with concern.
“Yep, but no time. I’ll catch up eventually. Speaking of sleeping, I found this guy buried in your covers. I’m a little jealous of Corndog sleeping with my girl every night. How come I haven’t
seen him each morning I’ve snuck into your bed?”
“He gets buried under my pillow sometimes. You are jealous of a stuffed rabbit? One that you gave me, though unwillingly.” I raise one eyebrow.
“Does he sleep against you each night tucked up in those perfect boobs of yours? Yes I’m jealous. Cole has his sleepover tonight. Maybe I can kick Corndog out of the bed tonight after our date and stay with you.” He looks hopeful. I’m not used to this side of him.
“You aren’t going to fit in my bed.” I point out the difference in his height and my queen–sized
“I’ll wrap around you or sleep folded in half if I have to.”
“You are welcome to stay tonight. But Corndog stays too.”
“Then I’m staying. And I’ll tolerate the damn rabbit.” He leans down and kisses me. “Now I want you to listen to me baby. I want to walk into the building and be wrapped around you, but
I’m not because I need Humphries to think we are not together for just a little longer.”
“Easton, I told you I don’t want you going after them. If something ruins your future or your
hockey playing, I’ll never forgive myself.”
“Sweetness, nothing is going to happen to us. But he is not getting away with the s**t he pulled.” That tightly controlled mask is back and I realize he needs it because he’s that angry
with even the thought of what happened.
“I love you. Please don’t do anything that hurts you or your brothers.” I grip his shirt in my
hands. “Promise me. I’m not asking you to do nothing, because I can see you will never agree.
But nothing that hurts any of you or your hockey careers.”
“Deal sweetness. Come on. I’m buying you breakfast.”
Easton didn’t walk me into the building or class, but I knew he was behind me the whole time,
his eyes boring into my back.
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I, of course, have no focus for the day, daydreaming about what happened this morning. Syd
noticed immediately. “What happened there, Alice? You look positively radiant.”
I lean over and whisper what happened. Her mouth curves up into a smug smile. “I was right. I
knew he was lost. Hey can we have girls‘ night Sunday? I want to hear about tonight and we
have the game tomorrow night.”
“Sounds perfect. Have you heard from…him again?” I hesitate to ask, but operation Sydson is in progress in my mind.
She sighs sadly. “No. I think it’s time to end it. Move on maybe.”
“Could be good.” I offer up with some hope in my voice. “Someone tall, light and handsome
might be leaning on a corner waiting. Or at a parade holding your nephew on their shoulders.”
I go all in and she looks away.
“Maybe….I don’t know Luci Lou. I need to think about this.” She sounds uncertain.
“Then take your time.” I squeeze her arm. “Girls‘ night at my place or Stormi’s?”
“Yours. I want to see these Christmas costumes you’re working on.”
“Then my place it is.” I agree and work on finishing out my day.
Cole is bouncing in his seat as I drive him home. Easton told me he packed his bag but asked
me to double–check it. We walk into the house and Baker is laughing as Cole excitedly begins
talking about his sleepover. I step into the kitchen only to find Jason Reed sitting there
laughing at Cole’s exuberance.
“Grandpappy!” He shrieks and runs to him.
Jason laughs and lifts him up high. “You seem very sad there Cole.”
“No Grandpappy I am excited.”
“Really? What are you so excited about?” He kisses the top of his head as he sits him on top
of the island.
“I am staying with Barrett tonight.” He grabs some grapes off the plate and begins munching.
“That is exciting. I am glad you have a friend like him. Now, Grandpappy needs a favor. Can
you stay with Baker and eat your snack? I need to talk to Luci.” He acts like he’s asking for
something huge.
Cole nods but then says very seriously. “You have to be nice to my Luci.”
“I will.” He turns to look at me with a small smile. “Miss Luci, could I talk with you?”
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I nod slowly, worried about what he’s going to say. He’s never been rude or even
condescending like his wife, but he hasn’t been welcoming or warm to me either. He leads me to his study but leaves the door open. “Please sit. I’m not going to yell at you Luci. Actually I’m
going to apologize.”
“For what?” I ask him confused.
“For my attitude toward you. I…well I heard things from Imogen and then from someone else
who does not have your best interests at heart. I am sorry for listening to them. I wasn’t sure I
truly believed them after watching you with Cole but thought I’d be mindful. We’ve let some in
before that should have never had access to my family. Though it was the family member
who shouldn’t have also been here that had the bad judgment and let them in. My soon to be
ex–wife.” He grimaces.
“I’m very sorry for you Mr. Reed.” I tell him sincerely. You can see how he’s hurting but the
righteous anger is winning out.
“Please call me Jason, Luci. Though I would suspect you might be able to call me Dad soon.”
He glances at me shrewdly.
My eyes widen at that and he smiles. “I appreciate your concern. Especially since I don’t
deserve it. Baker says you have a true empathetic heart and I trust that man with my life. I am
grateful you were around when my grandson needed you. I also understand Imogen had a very
strict contract with you. I’ll take care of that. It will be gone and you will continue to keep Cole.
I’ll make sure you are still paid like before but you will not have to deal with her again.”
“Thank you. You don’t need to apologize. You never treated me badly.”
He tilts his head and I can see what Easton will look like in twenty years. “No but I thought it
and doubted your character. That warrants an apology in my book. My wi….Imogen is the one
who truly owes you one but I wouldn’t hold on to any hope you’ll hear it.”
“I don’t need it. Some people are just passing through our lives to bring us something: a gift, a
hope, or a lesson we need to learn, even if painful and ugly.” I tell him honestly.
“I like that. You do have a way with words like Baker said. I hope you hold on to that gift you
have. I’m very glad to meet you Miss Luci.”
Ivory Row
How’d she do? I’ll try to have another chapter for you guys tonight but it will be late. I gotta finish Kevin and Polly’s chapter first.