Tale The 56

Tale The 56

56: The Rain Part


Dermot KennedyWhat Have I Done 

Baker sits reading to him in his room. He’s still awake and races to me as soon as I can see 


Daddy, that mean lady is my grandmother?I sigh and thank Baker for getting him out

We called Luci and talked to her for a while.” He says softly. “Seemed to help.” 

I nod, noting I’d like to see her face right now too. How about you sleep with me tonight buddy 

and we’ll talk about what you heard.” 

Sounds good Daddy.” 

Let me get ready for bed first. Want to watch a Bluey while I do that?” 

He nods excitedly and I settle him in my bed. I climb in and shut the tv off once I’ve changed and brushed my teeth. As I look into his little face, I pray for some of Luci’s way with words for 


That lady was your grandmother. And I never wanted you to meet her. She is mean, like those people that yell at Luci. She didn’t come to see you. She came to see if you’d help her get something. Not because she loves you or cares about you. But because she’s like the bad guy 

in a Batman show. Like the emperor in Star Wars.” 

He says nothing for a few minutes. That’s why Luci hid me from her.” 

Yes. I asked her to. I won’t let anyone hurt you, Cole, if I can help it.” 

I know Daddy. You love me lots and lots.My heart contracts painfully

I do. And I will do anything I need to protect you.” 

Me too. I love you Daddy.” His eyes are getting heavy as he snuggles against me

Luci texts me. Thinking about you. Hope Cole AND you are ok

My brothers begin texting me, which keeps us busy for the rest of the night. Jackson checked 

on Dad. Apparently, he and Baker had made sure that Mother left the house which went over 

as expected, before she accepted she wasn’t going to budge Dad on the issue at the moment. I text Luci telling her I’ll talk to her in the morning. This is way too much for a text or a phone call. I finally fall into a fitful sleep, worried about what tonight could mean for Cole. Now I have 


+8 Point

56: The Rain Part

some other issues to take care of first thing in the morning. Like limiting the current permissible access to my son that Mother has

At Cole’s school, I wait for Mrs. Hutchins. Easton, did you need something?” 

Yes. I want to make a change to who is allowed to pick him up.My mother is being removed 

from the list. I’ll also add Vivienne’s name as a no info person

Let me get the forms for you.She does and I fill them out before leaving for Luci’s 

apartment. I let myself in quietly and find her sound asleep. I ease myself slowly onto her bed to sit and watch her sleep. I hate to wake her early, but I need to talk to her

I start calling her name softly and reach over to brush her hair back. She begins stirring and

back up. It doesn’t startle her to find me here every morning

Easton, what are you doing?She asks as she rubs her eyes and sits up slowly

Watching you sleep. You always look so peaceful. So serene but when you sleepit soothes me. And now I sound like a f*****g creep.I rake my hands through my hair, sighing

Something’s very wrong. I can see it in your face. Tell me.She scoots closer to me and takes my hand

Luci, I don’t even know where to start. I should have called you last night but I was trying to 

soothe Cole. Which is something else I need your help with.” 

“Your mother?She asks softly. Did she come home in addition to the french dragon?” 

I let out a sarcastic laugh. You could say that. Last night got really interesting after you left. We went to eat and walked back in to find Vivienne sitting in the kitchen. My mother showed up ten minutes later.I recount the explosion that occurred after that. Once I end, she stares 

up at me wideeyed. Wow. Talk about fireworks and an implosion.” 

I stand up, needing to burn through some of the tension that has a hold on me. “Luci, I need to 

tell you something that I held back from you. I didn’t want to bring you into my issues.

warned you I had major baggage.” 

I volunteered to be brought in. I’m not scared of your baggage. And you haven’t been shy 

about handling mine. Remember Julian, Maxton, meeting Janet, you texting me to keep me on 

trackmatter of fact I think you’ve taken on more than you’ve asked me to. Tell me.She says 


When Lorelei brought Cole back, she signed over custody of him. Somehow Vivienne had 

ensured she had sole custody of him when he was born. I don’t even want to know how she 


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56: The Rain Part

convinced a judge of that while they lived in France. I was on the birth certificate, but Lorelei 

claimed it didn’t matter. Before she left, she gave temporary joint custody to my mother and 

  1. me. I was so damn lost and struggling to stay afloat, I signed it and didn’t even think about it

Luci. Plus, Mother was being helpful at that time. You don’t look a gift horse in the mouth or 

so I thought. She’s only brought it up twice. Once to say that she should probably sign that 

over. I asked her for it later and her words were Let’s wait until you graduate. Make sure you 

make good choices for….Cole.Which really meant staying in line. I’ve done my best but 

fought back when I had to. Like when she wanted Vivienne to come back. And that’s the only 

other time she mentioned it. Which thoroughly pissed me off.I pause and make sure she’s 

still with me

Easton, that wasn’t your fault. You were trying to survive. If she dares take advantage of 

that….well then I’m sorry, but I’d like to knock her into next week with my fist for you.I can’t 

hold back the smile at that thought. My sweet Luci punching my mother

This is why I warned you that my life is screwed up and that you might not want to stick 

around.I pace back and forth in front of her bed as she watches me. You should run and not 

look back. There’s no telling what she’ll do to get back into our lives. And VivienneI don’t 

even want to think about what she’s up to. She was spitting nails when she left. I’m sure they 

might try to come at you too. Especially after Vivienne insulted you. Cole is struggling with the 

fact that is his grandmother. I might need some wise Luci words to help him.” 

You think your mom might use the custody angle to get what she wants from your dad.” 

Among other things.I warn her. “I have no idea what she might attempt.” 

Luci hops off her bed and stops right in front of me. Before she speaks, she makes sure I’m looking at her

You know I read something once and I didn’t like the way it was worded, but I liked the idea

So my squirrel brain changed it up.Her hand slides up my chest and rests over my heart.

can’t stop the storm that wreaks havoc in your life. But I’m happy to hold your hand, and get 

drenched while I stand beside you.” That sweet, caring smile comes out. Even if we never find 

an umbrella.” 

I already knew what I felt, but when she says that my whole world shifts on its axis once 

again. I stare down at her, wondering what I did right to end up with her. How lucky Cole and

are that she crashed into our lives

What is it Easton? What’s wrong?She grips my waist tightly as I see the worry spread across her face. I’m shaking as I stare down at her, both terror and desperation racing through my 


56: The Rain Part

+8 Points 

blood for what I want to do. I don’t lose control. It’s my way of coping with everything. But right now, I feel powerless to hold back. For once I’m not afraid of not having that control I realize. My fear is based on her reaction. I only hope I’m not about to send her running

Easton, you are scaring me. What’s wrong? Talk to me.She pleads and I swallow hard before I run my thumb over her cheek

I love you, Luci.I whisper, keeping my eyes on her

Ivory Row 

Now what did you think of all that?! The song I listed is how I imagine poor Easton crumbling over the last few weeks



Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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