Tale The 55

Tale The 55

55: The Rain Part


What the f**k!?I yell, not caring about little ears

Oh Easton, it’s good to see you too. I thought I’d come see my grandson. Let him meet his Vivi.She smiles at me with what she always called her charming, dazzling actress smile

Save your fake ass smile for someone who might succumb to it.I warn her with a growl

Baker takes in the situation and immediately pulls Cole from my arms. He shields him with 

his body and hurries from the room

Wait, Cole! Cole, I’m your grandmother.” 

You f*****g b***h!Dad doesn’t mince words. How dare you break into my house and try to talk to my grandson!” 

She waves her hand, rolling her eyes. She always did think she could get away with anything

Please Jason. I didn’t break in. I know where the key is hidden.” 

Still breaking and entering. Becker, call the police.” 

With pleasure.He grounds out with hatred

Vivienne!My mother calls out loudly as she steps inside. What are you doing here?” 

I came to see Cole since you obviously are not going to force Easton to let me see him.She 

says airily, and I really want to slap her

Have you been encouraging this Imogen?!Dad spits out furiously

I told her that Easton didn’t want Cole to see her right now.She says diffidently

Get the f**k out of my house! And don’t ever return.Dad hurls his words at Vivienne before 

turning to my mother. And you. Either you cut her out of your life and go to counseling with 

me or I’m filing for separation with the end goal of divorce!” 

Mother takes a physical step back. She’s astounded you can see. But she recovers, firing back 

angrily. Why do you care so much? Worried I’ll take your precious fortune?” 

You think I care about that? We are married, Imogen. We have kids. We took vows. We were in 

love once.” 

Love….ha! You showed me how much that great love you promised me meant. Those vows 


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meant nothing to you!She screams at him

What the hell are you talking about Imogen?Dad’s eyes are blazing and his rage rolls off him 

in waves

You’ve been cheating on me for years! Taking care of your little mistress. Just like your 

father. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.She sneers as her whole body trembles with her 

own rage. If Vivienne hadn’t shown me the pictures, I would have continued on in my happy

ignorant bliss. Which was what you were hoping for.” 

The f**k are you talking about?! I’ve never cheated on you.” He fires back. After what my 

******g father put my mother through, I would never! And you believe something she told you?” 

He jabs his finger in Vivienne’s direction

She showed me the pictures. You walking into a hotel with your little mistress. Every week 

you met her. I followed you for months. At first, I defended you. But then I couldn’tdo it any 

longer.A few angry tears streak down her face. My feet are rooted to the spot and I can tell 

we are all in the same spellbound boat. Becker did call the police. Black hair, light blue eyes 

at the Haraway Hotel. Her name is Katie.” 

Dad’s mouth drops open. You….that’s my half sister. She found me like twelve years ago and 

told me she was one of Dad’s extras. You never believed Luke was the only one, did you

You’re dumber than I thought if you did. The man couldn’t keep his pants zipped around any 

female he thought was pretty. Especially when he built in a trust fund to his will that would 

cover any heirswho came forward. I told you about that. Hell I told you about her. I invited 

you to join me and meet her once I had her paternity established. And yes I met her weekly. 

She wanted to know about him and me. She worked at the f*****g hotel and we’d have lunch 

once a week. She never wanted to be known as a Reed though. And I paid her the money Dad 

left for her. Not for her silence because we were having an affair.He shakes his head utterly 

defeated after that

Mother’s eyes dart back and forth as she stares at the ground. Let me ask you something 

Imogen.Dad sneers at her and you can tell he’s both angry and hurt. Did Vivienne bring this 

to you after that big huge New Year’s Eve bash we threw? The one where someone shot 

firecrackers in the house.” 

We all glance at Becker for a second who rolls his eyes nodding

I….yes that seems right.Mother has to think about it

Dad whirls on Vivienne. You f*****g snake. I knew I never should have hidden it from her. You are nothing more than a jealous, shallow bitch.She backs up a step to her addled brain’s 


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He spins back toward Mom. She was in my office half naked, drunk. Or supposedly drunk 

now that this all has come to light. I walked in to grab your gift. The one I’d give you every New 

Year’s Eve at midnight. She propositioned me and I turned her down. Because I loved you. She 

left after that. I waited to tell you because you’d had a few that night and passed out. The next 

morning she was here bright and early acting ashamed and apologizing profusely. Guess the 

no talent harlot has some acting skills after all. Begged me not to ruin your friendship and 

said it would never happen again. Against my better judgment, I let it go. Felt bad since Lloyd 

had left only a year before and she’d been struggling.He pauses and I think that over. Lloyd 

was Lorelei’s father. He left when she was nine and never looked back. Kind of like her and 


You weren’t drunk, were you? You were jealous of what my wife had. A devoted husband and 

family. She was happy and you were a miserable ratchet toad that had run your husband off 

with your unfeeling ass. I thought I saw it in your eyes a few times when you’d stare at her. But 

she thought highly of you and always acted like you were a fantastic supportive friend. I let it 

go because my wife was happy. Is that it? Jealous of someone else? Lloyd left because you 

never were happy with anything you had or he did. You couldn’t handle the thought of 

someone else having what you couldn’t. All because of your sparkling demonality.” 

Vivienneis that true? You went after my husband?Mother breathes out raggedly as she 

struggles to form the words. Why? I wasI was your friend.” 

Vivienne tilts her head with a sinister little smile. Oh darling, what was the first lesson

taught you about this society? Always remember the person on your right is trying to take 

what you have. And the person on your left will swap places with them anytime.” 

Mother staggers back and a tiny bit of sympathy rises in me. Not enough to make me move 

though. You manipulated me. All these years. The other women you showed me.” 

Photoshop works wonders. It was nice having you all to myself. The devoted caring friend.

did enjoy the attention. It was a pity your husband turned me down. True love after all. You 

thought he’d changed like most men in our world and forgot his loving wife. Your insecurities 

were easy to play on. The poor girl turned wealthy billionaire’s wife. It wasn’t hard to find your 

buttons and insecurities.” 

Before she can continue, someone rings the doorbell. Kingston steps away and I hear footsteps before they announce themselves. Police, Mr. Reed. Can we help?” 

Yes this woman, Vivienne Winters stole our spare key and let herself in uninvited. I want her 


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arrested for trespassing and breaking and entering. I’ll provide the camera footage.His chest 

is still heaving with the strong emotions he’s experiencing

Yes sir. You’ll have to come with us Miss Winters.” 

I will not. You can’t arrest me on his word.She blusters and then tries a sultry smile on him

*Actually we can. Let’s go.She doesn’t pitch a fit but glares icily at my father

I would have been so much better than her.She marches out, her head held high

Here I thought she’d pitch a grand fit.” Jackson mutters

I was going for almost seizure like thrashing.Becker adds

Dad lifts his phone to his ear. Yeah Marty. You might want to get a camera crew to the local 

precinct. Vivienne Winters will be led in wearing cuffs for trespassing, breaking and entering

Should make a nice splashy cover story……no problem.” He hangs up calmly and replaces his 

phone in his pocket

Savage Dad. I want to be like you when I grow up.Kingston says with a chuckle

JaJason.” We all forgot she was here until her strained voice interrupts the brief quiet. She 

stands there trying to hold it together

Dad glares at her icily. Get out, Imogen. I’ll have my lawyer draft up divorce papers in the 


Jason, no wait! We can fix this. I thoughtI thought she was my friend. I….” 

His eyes flare with anger as his chest heaves and I can tell he’s holding back from shouting

Too little, too late! I asked you to fix this! You were too busy listening to every word she 

spewed about me instead of remembering the man you married. The person you promised to stick with through thick and thin.He jabs his finger onto the table next to him, punctuating each furious sentence. You used Cole against Easton! You haven’t been a real mother,

suspect in a very long time. I don’t want to see or hear from you right now! I’ll let you know if I ever change my mind.” 

He turns and begins walking away. She charges after him and manages to touch his arm. He 

jerks away from her as if he was burned. Jason, wait please. I’m sorry.She’s trying to hold 

back the tears

Those words mean nothing when you haven’t trusted me or done anything to earn them in years. They mean something when you’ve got a true connection and relationship. But you burned that bridge and that bed long ago. Go ask Vivienne to explain my behavior if you’re 


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confused. After all, she’s done such a good job interpreting my words and actions to you for so long. Goodbye Imogen. I’ll be locked in my study boys. Check on Cole, Easton.” 

Jason….She tries to interrupt but he walks away

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My brothers follow after him, barely sparing her a glance. As I go to pass her, she reaches out and touches my arm. I stop for a second. Easton….I thought she was looking out for me.” 

Yeah, I mean, remember what you told me. The elite can help you achieve every dream you want. And right before that you warned me they search for any weakness and will exploit it to cause your ruin and downfall.I throw the words she burned into my brain right after Halloween back at her. She flinches and there’s a slight twinge in my heart for her. For the mother I used to have. Thanks for showing us what that looks like when they burn you.” I turn and walk away from her. I can’t forgive her for what she’s done to my son. She calls after me sounding upset but my main concern is getting to Cole after Vivienne’s outburst

Ivory Row 

Imogen burned her bed. Now she’s got to sit on the charred remains

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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