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I was livid to find out that Vivienne got into the house and near Luci. My mother made herself scarce for the next two days, choosing to do it when Dad conveniently left for a short business trip to recruit a possible coach for his team. Thank goodness Luci was able to hide Cole.
When she explained how she taught him using the phrase Jedi mind tricks, I had almost
laughed but then she explained why she didn’t just say to run or hide. “Kids can panic when you tell them that and they want to ask questions. I told him those words meant he had to run
immediately because there was danger for him. Not for me but him and he needed to be safe.”
She’s damned resourceful.
Now it’s Thursday night and Cole has his sleepover tomorrow night. He’s been counting down
the days on a little printed calendar Luci made him. He’s also counting down until Christmas.
Having the visual reminder seems to help him not bounce off the walls over it. We walk into
the house and I see Dad’s SUV is home again. But Mother’s car is missing. When we step into
the kitchen, he’s sitting there with a drink in his hand. Which never happens. He doesn’t have
them in front of Cole or almost ever. “Hi boys.”
Jackson walks closer to him. “Trip not go well, Dad?”
“No trip went fine, but I need to talk to you boys. Right now, because I’d like Cole to join us for
dinner and he doesn’t need to hear this.” He looks very somber, almost broken.
The four of us exchange glances and crowd around him. “What’s going on, Dad?”
He gently spins his glass before draining it in one go. “Your mother and I have had a lot of
problems in the last few years. You already know that. Hell, you asked your old man if I was
really happy. I wasn’t, but I loved your mother and I’ve always said as long as she seemed
willing to be a part of this marriage, I would stick around. No matter how distant we became
or…how she changed. For better or worse. That’s what I signed up for and people have
growing periods where they need space. Honestly, things got better for a bit after Vivienne left.
But then they seemed to get even worse. I wrote it off and tried to hide it. Especially with all you had going on Easton. And I was ashamed that I buried myself in work. I haven’t been around enough and that’s changing now. Suddenly, a decade ago, nothing I did was enough for
your mother. She wanted more and pushed me to expand the business. Said I owed it to the
four of you. You needed to have a big enough corporation to inherit and split between you.
God, there was a time, I’d have jumped off a cliff if your mother asked me to. That’s how much I loved her. You know the story, how I defied your grandfather to marry her. And I thought we’d
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always be together. That nothing would separate us.” He stares at me and I lay my hand over his forearm. “I’m sorry. So sorry. Baker’s done more as your dad for the last few years than I have. I owe my old friend more than I’ll ever be able to repay.” He has tears in his eyes and I grip his arm tight. “I don’t expect you to believe me or forgive me for that. I’ll show you though.
You’ll know I mean it.”
“Dad…you’ve been there for us but you….haven’t. When you’re here, unless it’s to do with Mother, you are all in. But she’s what you are blind to.” Jackson tells him slowly.
He nods, staring seriously at us. “I know. And that’s changing too.” He sniffs away his tears. “I
asked your
mother to go to counseling with me. To figure out what her real issue with me is. I
also asked her to cut Vivienne Winters out of her life. That woman is a f*****g viper. You keep
her away from Cole, Easton. You’re a much better dad than I am.”
“Dad, she was here the other night. Confronted Luci in the hallway. Luckily, Luci heard
Vivienne’s name and sent Cole to hide.” I admit to him.
He scowls fiercely and we glimpse the Jason Reed his rivals fear. Where I got my temper
from. “I think I owe Miss Luci an apology. I thought….I thought she might be using Cole to get
at you, Easton. Though the more I watch her, the more I doubted it. I heard…well never mind what I heard about her. I’ll apologize to her later.” He reaches out for all of our hands and we
make one big pile like we used to when he coached our hockey team.
“Your mother basically responded to my request via text extending her trip with Vivienne after I asked her to cut her out. Said she’s not interested in marriage counseling, and she doesn’t feel we have any issues. I’m going to give her one more ultimatum and then we’ll separate if she refuses.” He drops that quietly.
Becker leans over and rests his head on his arm. “We’re here Dad. We’ll support you on that.
She hasn’t been Mom in a long time.”
We all nod at him. “I love you boys. You four….you’re all I need. And that little rascal of a grandson. Baker too. We’ll be ok if she chooses not to work at this.”
“We will.” I tell him quietly. “Dad, I’ll need help though. With the custody agreement for Cole.” I take a deep breath, bringing that up. I haven’t even told Luci about that screwed–up part of my life. How my mother has joint custody of Cole with me until May.
“Wait….did she not sign it over to you?” He stares at me angrily.
“No, she still retains joint custody of Cole with me until I graduate.”
He stands up so fast his stool falls. “She told me she took care of that. It was to protect you at
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first and I agreed with it, but it’s beyond time you had sole custody of him. Easton,
dammit….I’ll take care of that. She’ll find herself cut off permanently regardless of her answer to me about our marriage. Don’t worry. Why didn’t you tell me?” He shakes his head. “Never
mind. I know why. I was almost never home.”
I breathe out a sigh of relief. I’ve been treading carefully for so long to make sure she doesn’t take me to court for him. She’s only barely threatened me once; that night with her wanting
Vivienne to see him. Otherwise, it was never something she used thankfully, but I knew it was
there and I didn’t trust her. “That would be a relief. Thanks Dad.”
“Don’t thank me for being a shitty father lately. I’ll fix that though. How about you go grab Cole
and we go out to eat? We can go to the diner and still be back for his bedtime. I’ll get Baker to
come too.”
I nod and grab my bag to head for the playroom. As I begin walking in the door, I hear Luci laughing at him. He’s standing on the little table and holding something over her head. “Cole
Reed, what is that?”
He giggles as she wraps him up. “What are you two up to?”
Cole wriggles free and grins at me. “Daddy, come sit at the table. I have something to show
I do and Luci eyes Cole warily. He stretches as high as his little arm can and I see the little bunch of greenery with a red ribbon. “It’s mistletoe, Daddy. Mrs. Hutchins said if you stand
under it, you have to kiss the other person.”
“Oh.” Luci says slowly. “Cole, did you bring that home from school?”
“Yes. Mrs. Hutchins said to have fun with it.” He grins so big. “You has to kiss Luci.”
“Cole, that’s not really how this works.” I begin and his whole face falls.
“You don’t want to kiss Luci, Daddy?” He asks, sounding upset. f**k do I ever. It’s a battle to keep my hands to myself anytime she’s around.
“Cole, Luci is your nanny. It’s not right for me to do that. Other people…”
He cuts me off. “I won’t tell anyone. It’s twadishion, Daddy.” I almost fall off my chair at the
deadly serious look he gives me.
“Fine.” I agree and Luci’s head whips in my direction with an incredulous look. “It’s tradition, Luci.” I say trying to keep a straight face. I lean in and kiss her cheek. “There you go, Cole.”
His whole body sags and he still looks disappointed. “Grandpappy wants to go eat at the
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diner, Cole. Can you go grab some shoes and your jacket please?” He starts walking out. “Oh
and leave your mistletoe here. We’ll get Uncle Becker with it later.”
He turns grinning and tosses it to me before running out.
“Easton Reed…” Before she can say more, I crash my lips to hers and kiss the life out of her.
“Mmm now that’s a great tradition. I’m going to buy a carload of mistletoe, I think.” I kiss her
She shoves my arm. “What if he runs out saying Daddy kissed Luci?”
I shrug. “Besides my mother, I really don’t care at this point. Sorry we can’t have dinner with
you tonight.”
“That’s alright. Since Cole is going to stay with Barrett tomorrow night, can I take you on a
date?” She asks quietly.
“You want to take me out, sweetness?”
“Yes for early birthday present. Wait, you might have plans. Sorry, I forgot about that. Never
mind.” She hurries and I turn her back to face me.
“I’d cancel them if I did. But I don’t. We’ll be done with practice by 5 tomorrow. What time do
you want me?”
“Come to my place at 6 or anytime before. You can go by and see Cole at the Olmos house if
you want before that. They aren’t that far away from my apartment. I drop him off at 4:30
“I’ll be there.” And I’ll see her in the morning. I take full advantage of having a key. “Dad is
planning to separate from Mother unless she cuts Vivienne out of her life and goes to
counseling with him.” I whisper.
“Is he alright? That can’t have been an easy decision for him.” She looks truly worried for him.
“You are the only person I know who would worry about a man who’s been giving you distrustful looks for weeks.”
She makes a wry face. “My reputation precedes me. I’m sure he’s heard things. But he’s good to you and Cole so I worry.”
“All because of how he treats us, huh?” Her reasoning always intrigues me.
“Oh and your brothers.” She adds.
“I swear you might throw me over for one of them.” I grumble.
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She grins. “They haven’t asked so don’t worry.”
I growl at her and she laughs. “Have fun at dinner. Maybe hide that.” She points to the mistletoe. “Your son has all the makings of a mischievous elf.”
“He can get away with it while he’s still cute and innocent looking.” I agree dryly.
After she tells him his dream instructions, we leave for the diner. We put Cole next to Dad and
he seemed to cheer up quite a bit, especially once Becker starts teasing Cole about his
Christmas program character. He’s very secretive about it. After his turkey performance, I
couldn’t wait to watch him again. I hadn’t even considered snooping around Luci’s for his
costume knowing how important it was to him to surprise us.
I do however get very suspicious when he leans in to whisper in Baker’s ear and stares at me
with a big grin. I need to investigate what’s going on there.
When we enter the house, Cole is in my arms. He’s tired and his bath will need to be very short
tonight. “Quick bath buddy.” I tell him, but halt as I see the strawberry blonde witch sitting at
the island. She sits there nonchalantly with her legs crossed. Jackson mutters right behind
- me. “Vivienne….”
Ivory Row