Tale The 5

Tale The 5

5: My Luck

1823 Words
Luci Easton Reed is Cole’s father…that would not have ever been a thought in my mind. Though looking at him grinning next to the crouching Icebreaker hockey captain, I can see it. Cole’s eyes are mostly light blue, but there is a hint of that silver color there. His hair is a little more golden, but there’s a lot of ash blonde mixed in. I step back as my mind swirls with that new information. My finger begins swiping across my thumb nail. It’s my coping mechanism for calming myself as I try to process new information or deal with stress. I have questions. Not that I would get answers. Since I can’t ask, I let my brain take off on its own. I suppose I can go back to job hunting. There is no way the four kings will allow me anywhere near their son and nephew. I assumed Cole’s surname was Walters since he seems to live with his grandparents. I should have asked. Mrs. Walters must be his maternal grandmother because these are the Reed brothers. Is Cole’s mother going to waltz into her parents’ house next? Is she someone I know too? I try to think of Easton’s rumored dating history. I don’t see Imogen Walters allowing any daughter of hers to be a puck bunny. Next time, you need more details, Luci. It was too good to be true… “Miss Luci?” I realize Baker has called my name a few times. I blink rapidly, seeing the four hockey gods in front of me watching me like I’m some kind of oddity on display. Which I am to them. “Sorry, Mr. Baker. I was lost in thought.” I focus on him, ignoring the worry clawing at my stomach and the way my heart is pounding. “I asked if you were still joining Cole for dinner with the others being here.” He is watching me with concern. I got lost way too long, I realize a little panicked. Please don’t make me explain this to them. I’m sure they’d be delighted to share my issues with everyone. I open my mouth to ask a few questions when I’m cut off. “No, of course she isn’t Baker, as the boys are here to spend time with Cole, and I’m home. I see you’ve now met Cole’s father, Luci.” I whirl to find Imogen Walters standing behind me. She is almost glaring at me like I went poking around the house and found her collection of dead bodies. “I will remind you that under the NDA you signed, you cannot reveal Cole’s last name is Reed, nor their identities.” “I haven’t forgotten.” I tell her quietly, forcing myself to pay attention. “Good. Then go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She dismisses me quickly. “Bye, Cole. Enjoy your dinner.” I crouch down to hug him before whispering in his ear. “Dream about Jedi puppies.” “I thought Luci was eating with me too.” He walks over to Easton after I release him. Mrs. Walters answers him quickly. “Not tonight, Cole. Follow Baker into the dining room.” His shoulders slump a little, but he waves to me before taking Baker’s hand. I return the wave until he’s out of sight. My eyes dart quickly towards the brothers and what I see has me scurrying off to the living room to grab my bag and purse as Mrs. Walters greets them formally. Absolute annoyance radiates from Easton at the very least. “That’s his new nanny?” I hear him ask coldly and wince. Guess someone didn’t share my name, though he probably doesn’t even know it. Or maybe he’s not an involved parent. I manage to get out the front door within minutes not wanting to hear more. On the drive home, I tick off possible new jobs I could look for since the nanny and pet sitting agency hasn’t had anything lately. I’m sure the Ice Kings will have me dismissed before I show up tomorrow. I’m on edge all morning waiting to be fired. This is the day I don’t have classes with the athletes thankfully, because I might lose my lunch I’m so nervous. Walking out of my last class, I’m surprised I have no messages. There’s enough time to grab lunch and get ready to pick up Cole. I have to type up some of my homework too, but that should be feasible with two hours until I need to leave. Strangely, I feel so organized and on top of things today. Maybe being on edge is good for my brain. I smile until I turn the corner outside to head to my car and almost collide with half the football team. Coach Frank Humphries is with them and as soon as he sees me, his mouth sets into a firm line. He begins marching my way and I consider turning tail and running. I’m pretty fast even with a backpack on. I stand my ground instead. “Forrester…make sure you graduate this year so you can get the f**k away from my campus.” He says menacingly as he brushes past me. Talk about misplaced anger, and I’d like to yell at him. I wait until they pass and head down the sidewalk to the parking lot. I remind myself to look up and not at my feet. Luckily, I glance up when I do. There stand the Reed brothers at the end of the path I’m on. Do they always travel together like that? I backtrack to avoid them. I leave for Cole’s preschool after doubly checking my phone for any texts and messages from Mrs. Walters. Nothing. Perhaps she prefers to end your tenure in person. Cole is excited to see me at least. “Did you like my daddy, Luci?” “I didn’t get to talk to him, Cole. I think it’s more important that I like you.” Do you explain to a four-year-old that his father despises you? “He’s a hockey player. He’s very fast.” I hear the pride in his voice. He seems to love his father. “Do you get to go watch him play?” I ask curiously. I don’t want to ask much and Cole go running back to say I was digging for information on his father. Kids are way too honest. “Not anymore. Madison made a…” He scrunches his face up in the backseat as I glance at him in the mirror. “Grandmother called it an ene.” “A scene?” I ask him and he nods smiling. “That’s it. And we couldn’t go no more. What does that mean, Luci? I want cheese and crackers for snack today.” I smile at the random thoughts thrown together. This is why I get along with kids better. “It means something you don’t want other people to see. I bet Baker will give you cheese and crackers.” I drive the rest of the way listening to him talk about his friends at school. As I listen, I note again how articulately Cole speaks for his age. I wonder if dragon grandmother has something to do with that. I don’t see her enjoying cute little kid mispronunciations much. When we walk in laughing, his grandmother steps out watching us. I take Cole’s jacket and bag from him. “Go ahead and see Baker. I think your grandmother needs to talk to me.” He scampers off quickly and I wish I could do the same. “This Saturday, you will take Cole to the Ice Kings hockey game. He will sit in a special section. He hasn’t been in a while.” I stare at her in shock. Me at a hockey game? Coach Humphries will have a stroke or a heart attack if he sees me. His hatred of me extends off his brother’s. Why a school employs two brothers to coach football and hockey is my bad luck. “You will wear this.” She holds out an oversize hoodie and ballcap with their logo on it. Yeah, he’ll definitely kill me if he catches sight of me in their gear. Her voice cuts through my brain. “And I have already dealt with the issues surrounding you with Nick Humphries. He knows you will be there and will say nothing.” She watches me shrewdly, and I cough awkwardly. “I make it my business to know everything about the people who work for me. I am well aware of your reputation at school. The Humphries brothers have a strong aversion to you, justifiably so it seems from what I learned. You seem to be a curse to them and the football team. I am not one to lecture you on your past choices. I sincerely hope you learned something from what you did. However, I will not let their issue with you affect Easton having Cole in the audience when he requests that of me. Let it be known that you are here because Cole insisted on you as his nanny, and I was tired of his dramatics, not because I have any liking for you in particular. You seem to have a sensible head on your shoulders and you did rescue him. I also am pleased you weren’t trying to attract the attention of the Reed brothers yesterday. Therefore, you can remain employed with my husband and me.” I am speechless for two seconds before I realize she is impatiently waiting for an answer. “Th…thank you.” I say almost wanting to phrase it like a question. I guess I’m in her debt somehow. At least from her side. She nods and I suppose I gave the answer she wanted. “Tomorrow, I will need you to stay until around 7. My husband and I have a dinner engagement. Easton will release you once he arrives to take over his care after their practice, as Baker also has an engagement at 6. You should have him ready for bed by then.” “I need to pick up my friend’s nephew, Barrett tomorrow. Is that arrangement still acceptable?” I feel the need to double check. “Yes, it is.” She states with a prim purse of her lips. “Thank you. I’ll be here tomorrow.” I leave to watch Cole until his bedtime. He’s asleep when I wander back to the kitchen to drop off his milk glass. Baker is there. “Madam went out Luci. You are free to go home.” “Thanks, Baker.” No sign of the Reed brothers or even Cole’s mother. He hasn’t mentioned her at all yet. At some point, I will have to ask someone about that. Baker might be willing to share who I am allowed to leave Cole with and who Cole is allowed to leave with. If not, I will ask Mrs. Walters the next time I see her for safety reasons. Wonder if it’s shared custody versus visitation between Easton and the Walters. Maybe I can figure out that schedule to avoid them. With my luck, they’ll all show up tomorrow night.
Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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