Tale The 47

Tale The 47

47: Icing Part


Luci’s almost here.I tell Cole as I finish helping him brush his teeth after breakfast

Yay, time to make cookies. Daddy, do you think Luci is pretty?I blink a few times at the sudden swing in topics

Uh yes she is. Why are you asking me that?” 

Asking. Luci is real pretty, Daddy. I’m going to grab my lightsaber to make the icing behave 

like Luci said.He dries his hands and I try to keep a straight face. I hear a chuckle from the 

doorway and find my brothers all there

Wait, what do you mean?” 

Luci said sometimes you have to force the icing to behave. I’ll bring my lightsaber and use 

the force.” He races out with Kingston calling after him. Go to Baker once you have your icing 

behavior modification device.” 

Becker is chuckling hard. “I love that kid. I’m writing that one down.” He pulls out his phone 

and types it up

Hey East, you might want to watch it today. Dad is in the kitchen with Baker and you don’t 

exactly keep your hands to yourself when Luci shows up. You kiss her every time you first see 

her.Kingston pauses after quietly laying that out

I don’t…..I think hard. I’m not like that; spontaneously affectionate with my girlfriends

Didn’t even realize he was doing it.” Jackson tsks

Gonerrrrrr.Becker sings dramatically. Yeah, you do. The other night you went right to her and 

kissed her in front of Baker as soon as we got home. Good thing Dad was three minutes later 

coming in the back door.” 

In class lately too.Jackson adds

s**t. I haven’t done it in front of Dad, have I? I didn’t even notice.” I groan, throwing my head 

back to roll my eyes to the ceiling. Because all I need is him mentioning that to our Mother.” 

No, because he hasn’t chewed your ass yet. Just be mindful. That contract isn’t over.” 

Kingston warns before he walks out

I head for the kitchen with them and hear Cole talking to Dad happily about the cookies


+8 Points 

47: Icing Part 1 

The knock on the door has me tensing up to not forget myself

Morning Baker. I brought you something.Her happy voice carries into the kitchen

Baker laughs. I like it. Thank you, Miss Luci.Then he begins to fuss. “Why are you carrying all of this heavy stuff by yourself? Hand me that.I flinch and start to head that way, worried 

about what she’s packing in

Baker rounds the corner with a large rollerboard suitcase and then a huge cooler on wheels. Luci carries a smaller one and we all exchange quick glances. Baker is wearing a camouflage 

apron with the words Fa La La La Oorah.He looks quite proud of it

Luci!Cole leaps down and almost launches at her

“Cole, you’ll knock her down!Dad stops him and he looks disappointed

Hi everyone.Luci says quietly. Kingston takes the cooler from her to place it on the floor

I nod to her as Becker waves and Jackson tells her good morning. Kingston raises a hand and 

Cole looks confused. Dad releases him and he runs for his hug. Are you ready to make 

cookies? You ate breakfast?” 

I did. I’m all ready. I brought my lightsaber to make the icing behave.” He announces proudly 

as he points to it. Her eyes dart from it to him as her brow scrunches up slightly. You said

need to force the icing to behave.” 

Understanding dawns on her face. She smiles widely and hugs him tighter against her. I did 

say that. An excellent idea Darth Coco.” 

She glances up at all of us. Alright if we start on the cookies?” 

Dad remains in his seat, but I can feel him staring at me. Becker even taps the back of my ankle with his foot. Knock yourself out.I say coolly and turn to get something from the fridge, ignoring her

Baker intervenes thankfully, because I am clenching my fists at how angry this makes me

She’s mine and I hate hiding it. I have the oven all set up and I cleared a shelf in the fridge.” 

Dad rises to his feet. You are giving up your day off to decorate cookies with Cole?” 

Only part of it, Mr. Reed.” Luci says softly

Dad only nods slightly. I’m heading to the arena site. I’ll be back late for dinner.He lingers though, watching Cole with Luci

Luci is busy crouching down on the floor to open the rollerboard with Cole’s help. Here I 


47: Icing Part

+3 Point

brought you something.” She holds up a kids Darth Vader apron

I love it, Luci!He cries out and she slips it on him. Where’s yours?” 

Right here.She pulls out a pale pink apron with a loaf of bread wearing a black mask, holding a fencing sword. It reads Bread Pirate Roberts. It’s from an old movie.She explains and avoids looking at us. Now I brought cookie dough to bake two pans so you can have fun with that. And then I have a lot of cookies to decorate already made.” 

Dad finally walks out the back door. We wait until we hear the garage door close. He’s gone.” 

Becker breathes out

Sorry Luci.” I move her way and she nods with an understanding smile

I brought over a hundred cookies if you guys want to help or if you want to eat a bunch later

With enough icing for everyone to use.She adds. And aprons for you, not pink ones or girly

themed ones that I thought were funny but you know what that’s not….you probably don’t 


Kingston intervenes before I can. Luci Louuuu.’ 

She blinks and stops scratching her nail. He never calls her that. “Sorry.” She says

Don’t apologize for that. Now which apron do I get because I am definitely decorating 

cookies?Kingston tells her with a slow grin

Becker sighs dramatically. Oh thank fuc..ccacia for that. I thought I was going to be the only 

one. Where’s mine?” 

Like I’m missing out on this.” Jackson adds as he steps closer

Luci shakes her head. She holds up four black aprons. I have Darth Baker, then there’s Come 

to the Dark Side, We have Cookies. Umm Baking Jedi and finally May the Force Be with You, Along with Cookies

Becker cackles. I call Baking Jedi.” 

Kingston grins. I’m may the force be with you.” 

Jackson is laughing as he looks at them. “Darth Baker here.” 

She tosses me the last one before she starts setting up icing and sheets of paper all over the island and tables. She helps Cole onto the stool. I’m going to let you cut some out and bake them. While they cook, you can help me put icing on. Let me show them how to do it.She pulls out trays of cookies from the large cooler. These are already prefilled and ready to decorate with toppings. I have completely undone ones. The prefilled with icing ones you can 


47: Icing Part

just take those icing bags and start on them with whatever design you want to make.” 

She demonstrates on the blank cookies about using thick vs thin icing and how the bags are labeled. We listen to her and I know I’m going to completely suck at this. You can always put icing on them completely and use sprinkles or the other decorations instead of other colored icing.” 

How do you know so much about this? And you made all these cookies?I stare down at her 

with wonder

No. Sydney’s dad is a champion cookie decorator. He taught all of us over the years and they spend an entire weekend doing this. He made all of these for me when I told him my plan to take Cole to the fire station. And all the icing bags.” 

Well, let’s see what four hockey players do with this experiment.Becker says with a quick eyebrow waggle and he dives right in

Luci moves to help Cole roll out dough and then cut his shapes with the cookie cutters she 

brought. I listen to him laugh as they work. “You have a Batman cookie cutter, Luci?!” 

Well yes, who doesn’t?!She says mock offended

We concentrate hard on our cookies and she finally comments on it. “You four are acting like this is a challenge.” 

It is.Kingston mutters. Even Baker is icing cookies. It isn’t long before we are munching on 

some of them as we work and that’s before Becker decides to squirt icing at Jackson for fun

Which leads to a miniicing battle between us. Most of the counter is covered along with our 

aprons. Suddenly, a lightsaber descends between us

You were right, Cole. We might need this to make the icing behave.She is trying not to laugh

Are you calling us icing?Becker feigns offense

I reach around her and squirt some on her nose. I can see this devolving quickly.Jackson 


Cole calls out for her help and she narrows her eyes at me. This isn’t over.” 

Luci decorates a ton of them quickly and I marvel watching her do it. They aren’t anything 

super fancy, but they are pretty. She stacks some off to the side after a few hours and I’m sure 

those are going to the station. Which I am still not looking forward to

We have a lot of cookies to eat.Baker says with a chuckle

They won’t last long. I’ve eaten like ten already.Kingston admits sadly. They are delicious.” 


+8 Point 

47: Icing Part

Mr. Logan is an amazing cookie baker. I think I have them all separated to take to the firehouse. Coco are you ready to go? They are having pizza there.” 

Yes. I can’t wait to sit in the fire truck. I get shoes.He tears off and I shake my head

Becker hands Luci the lightsaber. Take that. You definitely might need it to keep this icing in line.He shoves me playfully

Who needs enemies with you around? You might need it more. Your icing definitely 

misbehaved on those cookies.” 

I head after Cole to change my shirt, laughing as I pull the apron off. I don’t think we’ve 

decorated cookies since we were Cole’s age. Last year, we baked some Christmas Eve for 

Cole, but they were premade chocolate chip. I grab a white halfzip pullover with blue and 

silver stripes on the chest

Cole is skipping out of his room as I wait in the hall. Are you excited?” 

Yes. Luci said they have games and other kids. Barrett is coming too.” 

Baker, can I leave all of this here for now? I’ll take it home before the light parade.Luci asks 

as we step back into the kitchen

Of course, Luci.” 

She’s wearing black leggings and a pale green sweatshirt. It’s big on her but not like one of my 

hoodies. I almost forgot. I got you something else.She rummages in her bag, this time 

pulling out two ballcaps. I take the outstretched larger, black one laughing at the photo.

picture of the cartoon Grinch peeks out from behind a zipper with the words Ewww people

Cole’s is black with It’s because I’m green, isn’t it? He thought that was so funny when the 

Grinch said it the other night

Thank you Luci.He hugs her after she adjusts it and sets it on his head. I really love you 

Luci. Like really real.” He says emphatically and Luci stares at him puzzled

I love you too, Coco.” 

I grab the cookies after putting on my hat and Luci grins seeing it. When I lift her into her seat, 

I tap her head. “Where’s your hat to match us?” 

She frowns a little. I was supposed to have Cindy Lou Who hair, but it didn’t show up.” 

I laugh thinking about that as I head to my seat

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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