Tale The 44

Tale The 44

44: Moments Part 1 


Syd’s question hits me hard

Nevermind, don’t answer that. That’s for you to tell him first, not me.She waves me off

I should tell you what happened on our date last night and what he did for me today.I had fallen asleep the minute Easton left and didn’t have time to text her or call. As I tell her, I watch her eyes widen. Luci Lou, good for you. Now you can see that Marshall was completely lacking in everything.” 

True. It was never like that with him.” I chew my lip thoughtfully. Syd, do you think we are moving too fast? I don’t want him to think I’m like those bunnies….I confide in her nervously

You aren’t. Those girls only want to sleep with them and hope they decide to keep them around. Want to be able to brag they nailed the hockey captain for a night. You want to be with Easton because he treats you well, and you like spending time with him. The guy who blew up my phone for days learning about your ADHD and how to help you or keep you focused is not thinking he’s moving too fast. He could have waited and gradually learned from you. Instead, he not only asked me for everything I knew, he researched it himself and asked me a few questions afterwards. I told you he is all in after you. He’s a good guy. You can see it in how he 

treats Cole and Barrett.” 

Which reminds my scatterbrain. I thought of something today. Easton seemed very 

remorseful that Julian and Deacon were allowed to mess with me. But I realized they always showed up and got involved but never actually insulted me or touched me. And I usually got away while they said something to the other jerks.” 

Sydney’s eyes gleam thoughtfully. I always wondered about the hoodie incident. You said there wasn’t a speck of yogurt on his hoodie, just two little spots on his jeans. If you’re right, then he gave you that because your shirt was soaked and seethrough. Which makes him much more thoughtful than we imagined before. You’d have to ask him. You still have that hoodie? Because I think you should return it to him and see how he reacts.” 

Of course, I still have it….I remember where it is in my closet after a minute or two

Syd faces me fully. Now back to the original question. Too fast or not? That’s up to you, Luci. You want to sleep with him tomorrow, that’s your choice. You want to wait six months, go for it and good luck with that because hell after last night I don’t see you making it. What feels right 


48 Points 

44: Moments Part

to you is what is right. It’s not up to anyone else. And you know what my opinion is. I mean my 

parents were married three and a half months after they met. You see how deliriously happy 

those two are. Mom had a saying for finding your person. Don’t count dates with someone as 

markers. Count moments. The moments where life is real and they show you what you mean 

to them. Anyone can impress you on one date but treat you like absolute s**t the rest of the 

time. Ahem, Marshall Soames category. Or they can have one bad date and treat you like

queen the rest of the time they are around you. Which isn’t fair because you’ve had two really 

good dates. However, Easton fits that category. He spent time chasing you and learning what you need and like. He bought you gifts that mean something. Hello, a new planner for you to 

stay on task. Also, hashtag devoted boyfriend, he texted you during every class to make sure 

you stayed alert today. Brought you breakfast because he knew you overslept. Those are like 

thirty moments already if we count each text. He might suck at romance itself, but all that is 

damned perfect and romantic in my book because it takes care of you.She grins widely

Nothing is too fast if it’s the right speed for you.” 

Did you just come up with that last bit?I ask suspiciously

Sure did. I should get Barrett home. Banning has texted me twice now.She sounds a little 

disappointed. Maybe I’ll invite Jackson to the light parade this weekend, I think

Thanks Sydney. You’ve always been the best. You ever need anyone to help you dump 

enemies at a pig farm, I’m in. No matter how late it is.I hug her tight

Back at ya babe. Tell that handsome man of yours that my brother is on cloud nine to come 

to another hockey game. Or maybe don’t bring up Banning at all.” She snickers a little. Unless 

you need to make him jealous.” 

Night Syd.I tell her after helping her get Barrett into the car asleep. He sleeps like a freaking 

log and is getting as heavy as one

Ten minutes later, Easton drives up, followed by the other three. He wanted to see Santa 


Yeah. Him and Barrett are up to something.I tell him as he leans down to kiss me slowly 

before the others walk in

I can answer that. They want to ask Santa for a mom for Barrett.” He says sadly. I forgot to 

tell you last night.Kingston and Becker step in and wave to me

Oh no. Not an impossible wish.I groan slightly and Kingston gives me a rueful nod

Yes, maybe you can warn Banning and Sydney.He scratches the back of his head as the 

back door opens and their dad steps in. I take a step away from Easton just in case. 


44: Moments Part

I’ll call her on my way home. Cole went to bed easily. See you tomorrow.I wave to him and 

the others

My phone goes off before I even leave the driveway. Call me later

I will. I send him back before I leave. I hear the distant rumble of thunder and curse that

didn’t check the weather this morning since I was running so late. Hopefully, I get home before 

it starts

As soon as I get inside my place, I call Syd. Miss me already? I feel so loved and special still.” 

Ya know I love you more than my luggage. You are such a nut. Hey, I know what the boys 

asked Santa for. They want a mom for Barrett.” 

Her sharp inhale has me nodding even though she can’t see me. Not good.She finally says

I know. Warn Banning.” 

I will. Calling him now. Thunderstorm will be here in about fortyfive minutes. Call me if you 

need me Luci.” 

Got it. Thanks Syd.” I hang up and decide to take a hot shower before I’ll camp out in my bed 

and call Easton

I hit the button for the video call and he’s sitting at his desk in his room. Hold on sweetness

Let me finish this last sentence and I’ll talk to you.He props it against the wall so I can watch 

him. He’s not wearing a shirt and I study him. He’s nothing but sculpted muscle and I itch to 

run my fingers over all of those lines. He writes steadily, but I watch him smiling as he does

Do you see something that interests you, Luci?” 

Do you have an extra eye or something?I ask, laughing

Yep. I have a kid, it comes with passing down your genes. There, done with this annoying 

essay.He packs away the papers before lifting the phone. You can look all you like. I’ll even 

let you touch.He settles himself against his pillows. Are you in bed too?” 

Yes.A crack of lightning followed by thunder has me jumping and he stares worriedly at me

Sorry, I don’t like thunderstorms. Hide like a big baby in my bed.” 

He looks thoughtful for a minute. The night your parents died….” 

I shrug. Somewhat for that reason. How was practice?” 

Tedious. Fuckphries is lucky he has a team with talent is all I can say. I don’t want to talk about him while I’m looking at you. What does Luci Forrester wear to sleep in?” 


44: Moments Part

Are we back to twenty questions?I joke

He shakes his head, looking like pure mischief. Not when I can’t touch you. But curious what 

you wear to sleep.” 

I draw the phone away. Tank top and pajama pants. I throw on a sweatshirt if I get cold.” I jump as the next crack sounds

His brow creases with concern. You really are not a fan. Are you ready to sleep?” 

Yes butI sometimes can’t.I admit to him

Then lay down and I’ll talk to you until you fall asleep.” 

I prop the phone on the pillow across from me and listen as he talks softly about them learning how to play hockey as kids. How they would be different characters when they would play. My eyes slowly get heavy as he keeps his voice soft and soothing. Sleep sweetness

Call me if you wake up 


I mumble out a yes as he continues to talk

The next morning, I wake up and smile seeing my phone there. Definitely a moment to remember. He definitely tries to take care of me. I send him a quick text and start my day 

wondering what kind of date we are having

When I get done with class, I head home to grab a late lunch and work on some homework. I see a small blue bag sitting on my kitchen counter and pull the note off it. Something that looked like you. You can wear it tonight. Meet me at the ice rink at 8. This time will be very 

different. E. 

I reach in and grasp the buttery soft cream pullover. It has a mock zip with a pink fair isle design on the shoulders and upper chest along with the bottom of the sleeves. It looks warm and like something I would wear. I send him a text. I guess your key works. Thank you for my 


Ten minutes later he replies. Needed to reward you for not giving me a fake copy

I pick up Cole and we spend our time making paper snowflakes after I let him try on part of his costume for the Christmas program. You want to decorate the playroom and your room 

with the snowflakes?” 

Yes. Is that ok?He stares up at me

I think so. I’ll take the heat if not.I wink at him

Luci, you say funny things. What heat?He giggles


44: Moments Part

It means someone is mad at you. Some people call being mad being hot.I explain

Oh. Luci, do you like my daddy?” 

Umm yes, why do you ask?” 

Just wondering. He’s a good daddy.” 

Yes he is.Before he can say more, Baker comes to tell us dinner is ready. Cole is tired, so

get him in bed a little early

Dream about Jedi knights that are dressed in Christmas sweaters and they have to make one 

for Darth Vader so he can come to their party.” 

He laughs sleepily. “Luci, I love you. Will you stay with me for a long time?It’s questions like 

this I really don’t know how to answer him

That would be fun, wouldn’t it?He’s already falling asleep, so thankfully my answer is not 

really required. Love you Coco.” 

Baker tells me go home since I was there so late the night before

Ivory Row 

Let’s see what our Icebreaker came up with on his own for a date. Extra updates for you guys since the last two were so sad. Also these are a lot less edited than I normally edit so I might have to fix mistakes tomorrow

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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