40: Plotting
“Cole, did you see that?” Barrett tugs on my sleeve while I eat my cookie. Sydney and Uncle Jackson are standing in front of us so we can’t see the bad guy who was yelling at Luci. I don’t like when people yell at her. She talks to them like she does me when I get in trouble. Like that mad guy at the craft store. This one didn’t hurt her, but he was being mean.
“Your daddy is kissing Luci.” He whispers and points.
“Really?!” I peek around Uncle Jackson and see Daddy holding her close. He IS kissing Luci.
Now he’s smiling at her. “He did!”
Barrett grins big. “You know what that means? Luci could be your mom if your daddy likes her
“Luci’d be a good mom.” I say smiling. Barrett smiles too. He’s like me and Luci. Doesn’t have
a mom.
“Yep. I hope I get a good mom too.” He looks a little sad.
“You will. We can ask Santa for that. And I’ll ask Luci if she can find you one too. She can find
all kinds of things I can’t. Do you think she wants to be my mom?”
“Sure, Luci loves you. She loves me too. My dad says Luci has the biggest heart ever like the
Grinch at the end of the movie. You need to make sure they keep kissing Cole. That means he
likes her.”
I nod as Daddy comes closer with Luci. “Ready for the movie boys?” Sydney asks us and I nod
happily thinking of how I can get Luci to be my mom.
“Tuesday night, practice is going to be short and sweet because our wonderful captain is
running it while Fuckphries is gone. Because we should be done faster all the time
considering we do half our workouts in the morning.” Becker points out. “You can take her on
a date then. We got Cole.”
Jackson grimaces. “Just maybe ask Luci what he can dream about. I got the most
unbelieving expression when I gave him my idea the last time. He told me Luci does much
better and he was going to have trouble going to sleep.”
+8 Point:
40: Plotting
Kingston snickers at that. “He’s particular. Luci has spoiled him already. Pretty sure I’ve dreamed about some of the instructions she leaves at this point.”
“That’s what I’ll do then.” I start to get up and Becker pushes my shoulder down. “What?”
“Where are you taking her?” He asks seriously.
“Dinner. I didn’t do that last time.” I shrug.
“Again, where? And what after that?” Jackson prods.
“Why are you guys asking?” I glance between them.
“Because you suck at this, East.” Kingston says bluntly. “We’re trying to marry you off so we
need this to be a success.”
“The hell….” I stare at him, my mind blown, and he laughs hard.
“What are you offended about?” Becker asks with a grin.
“All of what he said. Why do you need to marry me off? And I suck at dates? How do you
know? I haven’t taken you out on one!” I protest.
“You’re happier with Luci, so we’re keeping her for you. She loves Cole, he loves her. It’s a
win–win for all of us.” I open my mouth and Jackson holds up a finger. “We already voted and
decided. You didn’t show up for it so….too bad. Even if you cast a dissenting vote, you were
outnumbered and I would have brought Cole in if needed.”
Becker cackles before fist bumping my twin.
“Now be more specific. We need to approve your choices.” Becker rolls his hand at me.
“You three are experts?” My tone is skeptical if I’m being generous.
“Between the four of us we should be able to come up with something.” Becker defends
himself. “You did good with the first date actually. It gave her time to process and deal. “Now
we step it up and make you look like a good catch.” He gives me a cheeky grin.
“I hope the next girl you date makes you work like hell for it.” I threaten him.
“Oh she will.” Kingston mutters as he elbows Becker.
“We’ll know he’s found her when Becker is at a loss for words.” Jackson grins at him.
“You are one to talk.” I begin, but he interrupts.
“What about the Italian restaurant Kendall’s grandparents own? Perrone’s right? Food is good,
it’s small and you could reserve the table outside on the water. It’s a covered patio I think.”
+8 Poin
40: Plotting
Jackson starts typing on his phone. Which has been attached to his damn hand the last week or so. Time to start prying into my brother’s life soon.
“I can call and make a reservation there. It needs to be covered so she doesn’t freeze. We good now?” I ask them and they groan.
“What are you doing after dinner?” Becker prompts.
“Not a movie again.” Kingston warns.
“One of those painting couple class things?” Becker offers.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea with Luci’s focus.” I mumble.
“Wait, we need extra help.” Jackson says before he snags my phone and unlocks it. “Relax, I’m
not searching through your onlyfans account or anything…..”
“Because I have one….what the hell are you doing?”
He holds one finger up at me as the phone begins to dial. “Hi Easton.” Syd’s voice comes
“Actually it’s all four of us.” Jackson says clearing his throat. Becker grins slowly at me.
“Oh hi then. What can I do for you guys?”
“Easton is taking Luci on a date and we need some extra insight with her ADHD. Can she
handle one of those painting classes?” Kingston asks.
“It’s not the best idea. We’ve done it before and she likes it but it depends on the instructor
and the painting. You could do it but I don’t picture the Icebreaker at a painting class. You
know there’s an outdoor holiday concert every night this week with some fireworks on the lake. What day?”
“Tuesday.” I tell her.
“Let me see….That night is a rock twist on Christmas carols with fireworks. It doesn’t last long
so could work.”
“I might try that.” I muse.
“She likes music. By the way, there’s a light parade at the Dubbow park on the other side of
town Saturday night. I’m taking Barrett. Want to bring Cole and Luci?” She asks.
“Sure.” I agree pretty quickly.
“My brother is coming too. Is that going to be an issue?” She teases.
+8 Point!
40: Plotting
I let out a bark of laughter. “No. I’m good with him now.” Mostly I add in my mind. But she should be next to me, so I’ll manage.
“Perfect. I’ll tell Cole so he can ask me every ten minutes for the rest of the week.” She laughs and agrees before hanging up.
“Nothing like expert advice.” Becker grins.
Tuesday afternoon, we get back from practice and I hear Luci and Cole giggling in the
playroom. I head to my room to get a shower and change first into a blue dress shirt and dark
gray pants. When I head back into the playroom, Jackson is sitting there playing with Cole
and Luci.
She looks up and smiles slowly clearly taking in what I’m wearing.
“Hey Cole, I’m going to send Luci home ok?”
He definitely looks disappointed as he tells her goodnight. I lead her out and into his bedroom
“Not fair that you got a sneak peek of my outfit for tonight.” I joke and she smiles up at me
with that familiar mischief. I wonder if she knows how she looks right before she gives me
attitude. I always know it’s coming. My Luci can’t bluff for s**t, I’m guessing.
“Maybe you shouldn’t date your son’s afternoon nanny then.” She retorts.
“Right…I’ll ask the weekend one next time. So much attitude sweetness. Keep it up. I’m
keeping tabs and when you tally up enough points, I’ll clear them off.” I warn her as I slowly
advance on her. She hits the wall quickly, and I cage her in.
“Umm how?” She asks curiously.
“I’ll punish you. I just need to figure out what to use on you. What you might like or not
like….which reminds me.” I shove her sweater off her shoulder looking at the nice hickey I left
on her. “Maybe you need an entire necklace of these?”
Her eyes widen slightly as her breathing picks up.
“We’ll experiment and find out what works that attitude out of you best.” I kiss her slowly.
“Now go home and change into something that makes me look like I deserve to stand next to you dressed in this.”
She chuckles. “Yeah because that’s what other people think when they see us together.”
I grip her neck and use my thumb to hold her chin tilted up. “What does that mean?”
48 Points
40: Plotting
“Easton, look I don’t have low self–esteem but you….you look like a Norse god from some television show and you sound like a guy on a booktok audible and when people see us I’m sure they think you should be standing next to one of your exes because they….well they look like goddesses. And I’m not fishing for compliments or anything like that before you think it.
It’s just some people look right standing next to each other and some make you glance twice
wondering if they are related or simply friends. You look out of most girls‘ leagues truthfully.” I
stare at her. She’s sincere, not expressing self–pity. I decide to tell her what she makes me
think of when I see her.
“Luci, you are beautiful, do you
know that?”
“Easton, I told you, I’m not fishing for that. I have my strengths looks–wise, but I’m no goddess
or supermodel.”
“No Luci, you need to listen to me. You’re very pretty with your soft brown hair and those big
brown eyes perfectly framed by your lashes. And these pink lips that drive me crazy. But if you
look deeper, your eyes sparkle when you are happy and the way they shine looking at Cole
with love and tenderness makes them the prettiest pair of eyes I’ve ever seen. Your sweet
smile touches everyone and when you truly laugh, you are so real and your whole face lights
up like pure sunshine. Absolutely beautiful. Don’t let yourself be thought less of ever.” Her
lower lip trembles before she tilts her chin more and kisses me softly.
She tugs on my neck to whisper in my ear. “Careful Mr. Reed, I think you might know more
flowery words than you want to admit.””
I shake my head. “No I don’t. That’s just how I would describe you. Now go home.”
“Bye. I texted your brothers the dream instructions for Cole tonight.”
She leaves and I go find Cole in the playroom.
“Daddy how do you make sure a lady knows you like her?” Cole asks and I am momentarily
“Umm why are you asking?” I sit on a chair as Jackson tries to hide his face. Becker sits
chuckling and Kingston is trying to hold it together.
“Barrett doesn’t have a mom and he wants to ask Santa for one. Needs to know how to help
his daddy catch one.” Now I cover my mouth to hide the grin. Becker cackles uncaring.
“You don’t really catch one. It’s a lot harder than that. I think all Barrett needs to do is meet the
person that his dad likes and see if he likes her too. See how she treats him.” I say cautiously.
“Like how Luci treats me and him?”
+8 Points
40: Plotting
I hear Kingston mutter “oh hell…”
“Luci treats you and Barrett really well. She cares about you two, so yes, kind of like that.” But
she’s not going to be Barrett’s mom. “Wait, where did you get that shirt?” He wears a gray shirt
with his name in big letters filled in with different superhero themes. A red cape attaches at
his shoulders with velcro.
“Luci gave it to me today. She said it’s all me whatever that means.”
“It is all you buddy.” Jackson tells him with a big thumbs up.
“Well Uncle Kingston says I has to take the cape off at bedtime.” He glares fully at his uncle
and I have to bite my tongue. Definitely my kid.
Becker is wheezing on the floor he’s laughing so hard. “Damn, that is a glimpse of mini Easton
Reed if I ever saw one.”
Jackson shakes his head. “Uncanny how much that looked like you.”
I manage to choke down my laughter. “Yes, for safety you do. Uncle Kingston is right.”
“Daddy, you look nice. When will you give Luci my flowers?”
Four pairs of eyes swing to me. Three of them filled with unholy amusement. Revenge Easton. One day you can get revenge on all of them. “I can drop them off at her house tonight after I
leave.” It’s honest with a lot of omissions.
“Ok. I’ll let them put me to bed then. Can Luci call me and tell me what to dream about?”
“She sent it to us.” Becker tells him and Cole visibly relaxes which sends Kingston into a
laughing fit, which is hard to do.
I hug him tight. “I love you buddy. You are something special, you know that.”
“I am a coconut.”
Jackson gives him an exaggerated nod.
“Yes, you’re a coconut. Watch your uncles and make sure they behave.”
“Got it Daddy.”
I drop a kiss on his head and leave. Baker bids me goodbye with a smile. I think he’s well
aware of what’s going on.
When she answers my knock, I smile at her and hold out the two small bundles of flowers. “They’re beautiful.”
+9 Point
40: Plotting
“The white roses are from Cole. He wanted to send you flowers and I offered to be the delivery
guy. You are very pretty Luci.” I tell her slowly and deliberately. She’s wearing a dark
dress that goes to her knees and gray boots.
I brought a blanket for the music if she wants to go.
“Thank you. I am guessing the pink ones are from the delivery guy.” She teases and I shrug.
“Guess so. Ready to go eat?”
“I’m starving.”
Ivory Row
I mean what are brothers for?! We’ll get Barrett a mom too, don’t worry. What will those two get up to in their quest to put Luci and Easton together now?!