Tale The 38

Tale The 38

38: Losing the War Part


Earth to Easton ReedJackson’s deep voice penetrates the fog I was sitting in

What?My voice comes out rusty and I clear my throat

Either that was a damn good daydream or you’re very worried about the game later today

What gives East? I mean you barely helped Dad light into Mother over Ambra last night after Thanksgiving dinner. You need a sounding board?” 

I throw my head back against the leather couch cushion, smirking slightly as I remember Dad 

jumping right onto my side. All I’d had a chance to ask was why she had allowed Ambra into 

the house. He made it clear she wasn’t to set foot in the door again

Thinking about what Janet said yesterday. She thinks Cole might resent Luci if Lorelei ever 

comes back. Or that it might affect me because we didn’t have true closure.I admit to him.

told them about Luci’s parents late last night. Becker already knew naturally, admitting he 

overheard most of her story to Cole

Jackson frowns hard. “She could have a point. She’s seen lots of kids when their parents 

return I’m sure. But I think that will depend on what you’ve told Cole. Which means maybe he 

needs to know she completely abandoned him sooner than you intended to tell him. I mean

I’m hoping she never comes back, but that’s my own selfish opinion.” 

Selfish?I turn my head to stare at him curiously

Offense intended here, East. I hate her for what she did. She hid Cole and abandoned him for 

her career. Not to mention she strung you along for almost a year. You became this miserable 

version of yourself. Why the hell would I want her to come near our family again? Not that

was her biggest fan to begin with.He leans on his elbows tossing a stress ball between his 


Luci pointed out that she broke me in two ways. My own heart for the loss of her but then my 

heart for Cole losing out in so many ways.I think about her. She sent me the funniest picture 

last night. Sydney’s mother made them all matching shirts with turkey feathers and their 

names. They made turkey hats and took a group picture. She was nowhere near Banning 

thankfully. I smile remembering the ones of her with Sydney and Barrett making funny faces

Luci is right. And that look on your face right now is why I don’t believe you’ll run back to Lorelei if she comes back.” He points to me


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38: Losing the War Part

What look?I stare at his smug grin

The one you get when you think about Luci. You know, the only girl you’ve given a nickname 


That was not given in the most benevolent way.I cringe a little

It was. You were already losing the battle but trying to hold the flag as long as you could. You 

lost the war when you had to work for her for one date. Easton Reed does not chase the 

female species but you went all in fast. Should I also remind you how you flew out of here 

once you knew Ambra upset her? And unlike Lorelei, Luci actually has resolve. How many girls could thrive with her past and issues? Lorelei would pout and cry and expect you to fix 


Mostly true.I grudgingly admit. I’m still chasing Luci honestly. She agreed to date only me

but I feel like she’s holding out a little. Like she thinks I’ll back out suddenly

He raises an eyebrow skeptically. “What did I get wrong?” 

I didn’t lose the war. I renegotiated the terms to a resolution suitable to both sides for now.”

rebut his assessment

Yeah to whatever Luci is in favor of…” he snickers. “Admit it East, you are hooked.” 

I reach over and shove him. “We have a game to get ready for smartass.” 


There is no one here yet.Stormi says as we step into the arena. Sydney and Stormi came 

with me to bring Cole early. He wanted to watch the two teams warm up before the game

Well, not no one.” Syd says lowly her eyes straying to the gaggle of puck bunnies near the 

team benches

Does her shirt say what I think it does?Stormi whispers in my ear

Yes. Hockey Player Pillows right across her chest.I read, trying not to laugh

Syd snickers. More like deflated whoopi cushions there. Joke’s on the hockey player that falls 

for that.” 

I laugh softly as I watch Cole lean as close to the glass as he can. He’s enraptured and Stormi 

elbows me. Umm do they warm up like that all the time?” 

I turn to see the rival team in bright yellow and white jerseys on the ice. What are they doing?” 

Stretching.Cole says matteroffactly. It’s for their hips.” 


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38: Losing the War Part 1 

Yep. Why the friendly girls show up early wearing shirts like that.Sydney adds quietly. And why I didn’t argue about bringing Cole early.” 

You knew about this?I ask her as I watch. The visual ice violation going on.I mutter behind my hand

Yes. Wait until your hockey shadow avenger does that. I’ll get you a napkin for your drool.” 

She jokes and I elbow her

Here they come Luci.Cole says with a big grin as I was about to open my mouth

Stormi leans in. I swear they look like Norse gods entering the world for war. I have to 

interview them soon, are they all nice or at least not complete jackasses?” 

Actually, they are nicer than you’d think. Just guarded and stoic. Defense against the pillow girls over there.” I reveal

They are making a pass around the rink when I catch Easton’s eyes narrowed on me. He 

subtly indicates for me to head for the player entrance opening between the two benches

Cole, I think your daddy wants to see you.” 

He nods, taking my hand. “He said I could see him if it was mostly empty.” We head there and 

the guys all give Cole a fist bump including Kendall. Cole smiles hugely. Easton gives him one 

too. Hi Daddy.” Cole whispers. You’re going to win Mr. Icebreaker.” 

He ruffles his hair. Can’t lose. My good luck charms are here.He stares at me now. Give me 

your hats.” 

He moves over to the bench and returns with a marker. He signs Cole’s first before giving me

pirate half grin as he writes on mine. “Here sweetness. I better not catch you staring at the 

rival team doing their hip stretches or my offer with a hockey stick and yourtail still stands 

from the other night.” 

I might have been learning what was going on. My hockey knowledge instructor said they are 

stretching.” I narrow my eyes at him

He bites his bottom lip before shaking his head. Then you can learn what it should look like 

in a minute when I stretch. And maybe you might decide to identify as the ice floor.He retorts before backing away toward the ice. Cole thankfully is busy reading his hat while my cheeks 

turn red. “Pretty in pink.Easton says with amusement as he turns away


go back to Syd and Stormi. You are blushing to the roots of your hair. What did he say?” 

Syd whispers


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38: Losing the War Part

Something about me identifying as the ice rink floor after I watch him.I mumble and Sydney 


Stormi hides her laugh. Well, Luci Lou, can I identify as a section of it too? Holy smokes that is unbelievably hot.She is peeking up through her lashes at the Reed boys. Easton stares right at me with that pleased smirk of his

I’m getting you a shirt that says Iceacross it.” Sydney teases me. I’ll buy a freaking threepack. Wow.” 

Little boy alert.I caution them

We’re behaving. But it’s nice to have a little fun at your expense for this. What did he write on your hat?Sydney swipes it and she lets out a shout of laughter. 

I grab it to read. Sweet and sassy….” On the top of the brim with a tiny arrow. I flip it over to 

the inside band with a hot assy.” 

He’s a poet today.I grumble, glaring at him

Sydney’s family shows up and I laugh when Banning holds out a hand for me to shake. “

heard I make someone uncomfortable.” 

I reach out to hug him. He deserves it.” 

Banning laughs hugging me back. That hoodie definitely appears to not be your size Luci Lou.” He says with a wink as his parents hug me along with Barrett

I turn to find eyes narrowed right at me. He mouths the word touchéat me before skating 


Cole’s mission today is teaching me how they can change positions to score. He’s remarkably patient as I screw that up so many times. “Coco the cool cucumber.I call him at the end after the Kings win tidily

Luci, I am a coconut. Tough to crack on the outside and sweet in the middle. That’s what Jackson said the other night. He doesn’t come up with the fun dreams like you do.” 

Maybe give the Ice Wall a break. He doesn’t have a glitter rainbow that rolls around his head 

like I do.” 

Cole laughs like always at my description. I drop Stormi and Sydney off before taking Cole home. It’s pretty late when I tuck him into bed. Dream about rainbows who play hockey. With 

storm clouds as the other team.” 

He barely smiles before his whole body relaxes. I leave the lamp on while I put his books 


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38: Losing the War Part

away. The connecting door opens and I see Easton walking in, his hair still damp from the shower. He kisses Cole’s forehead like always before I shut the lamp off. He switches the monitor on. As my eyes are adjusting to the nightlight’s dimmer glow, he sweeps me over his shoulder and heads for the door

Easton.I whisper hiss as he steps into his room

He smacks my ass and I jump in surprise. Once he shuts the door, I wriggle for him to let me go, but he simply walks closer to his bed

You misbehaved sweetness. Letting Banning hug you knowing I was watching.He places a knee on his mattress before I tumble down onto it. He pins me there hovering over me. Before 

I decide your punishment, what were you punishing me for? I wanted to charge up the steps 

for that.” 


Ivory Row 

Had to split this chapter because it was so long


Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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