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He’s too perceptive. Most do assume I’m stupid with my hesitations. I close my eyes, processing his words. He wants more than one date with me. Easton Reed just basically claimed me as his exclusive date. I might be in shock. And he seems to see more than the basic view of me that most others do. I can’t help but smile happily at him.
But then reality flashes her big warning lights in my mind and reminds me this is impossible. I push against his shoulders so he’ll release me. Rather than loosening, his arms tighten more. “What is that look? You looked happy and now it’s like someone stole your ice cream.”
“Reality Easton. Please let me go.”
“No. You just agreed to be exclusively mine and think I’ll let that answer go. What the hell did
my mother say to you? Because I’d bet my favorite hockey stick, she’s behind that reality intrusion.” He walks us toward the couch and sits down, leaving me in his lap. I try to slide
back and he shakes his head. “No, answer me and let me hold you. It might keep me from
tearing back home and strangling her.”
“She was fine with me saying Cole shouldn’t be around Ambra. Sending him to Baker with the
intention of following, but my squirrel brain decided to answer her rhetorical insult. When I
said that you are careful with who he associates with and would determine if Ambra saw him
ever, she stepped forward and reminded me that I am nothing more than the hired help for
Cole.” Easton growls with anger. I push his hair back a little, needing something to do with my
nervous fingers. “She told me to remember that was my only role and I’d never catch your
attention. Even if I did, she’d sue me for violating my contract with her. I’m not to date any of
you or sleep with you or try to attract you. So I shouldn’t have told you yes. She was talking to
Ambra as they walked away, Easton. Saying that it was going to be time soon for you to step
up and she’d make sure the right person was on your arm.”
His eyes sweep over my face. “Forgot about that damn thing. What she doesn’t know…your contract ends in mid–January. I’m not waiting until then. She just won’t find out. Does it really
say not to try and attract us?”
“Easton really? It honestly does say not to attempt attraction of any male members of Cole’s
“Yes really. I’m not giving you up for my mother’s edicts. We can keep this from her. My brothers won’t say a word. But we do need to keep Cole in the dark. You failed that contract
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clause spectacularly, sweetness. Mother is determined to pair each of us off with someone she deems suitable for us. Some waste of oxygen socialite that can only spend money and visit the salon. Ambra was someone she introduced me to back then. I was pissed off and wanted to strike back at Lorelei. Ambra was a model and I knew it would make it back to Lorelei that I had moved on. She fits my previous description to a T except I’m pretty sure she comes from hell. My mother was thrilled the whole time I was dating her. The first time she met him, Ambra shoved Cole in anger when he touched her dress with applesauce on his fingers. He hit the floor and would have knocked his head against the coffee table if it weren’t for Jackson’s fast reflexes. I was across the room. I almost drop–kicked her out of the house
from where she sat. My dear mother must be desperate if she brought her back. Even she was
upset with what she did to Cole that night.” His eyes light up as his face becomes thoughtful.
“Or she was trying to prove a point to you. She waited until we were all gone with Dad. There
are no coincidences with that woman.”
“Easton, your mother…” I pause, unsure how to ask.
“Has changed from our caring, loving mom who used to play with us for hours on end to the
cold–hearted dragon you now know. I have no idea what caused it about twelve or thirteen years ago. Suddenly she threw herself into every social group and party she could. Started shopping every weekend and going to yoga or playing pickleball with those other women that
give me hives when they are around. Bored women who can only spend money and create poisonous gossip to be more interesting than their neighbor. I’ve given up on her being a real mother or grandmother. My dad…we asked him if he’s still happy with her. He can’t be and we all know it but he won’t admit it or give up. They married for love believe it or not. She comes from nothing. Her father was a mechanic and her mother a school bus driver. She was one of three kids and they were very poor, but my grandparents were honest, nice people. He died of a heart attack when I was six and my grandmother didn’t have the heart to live without him. She followed about a year later.” His hand pushes the hair back from my face. “Things ok with
Stormi? I sent you zoo pictures.”
“I was glancing through them when you showed up. Cole had fun. So did Becker, I think. Yes, we’re going to give her a chance. Would you mind getting her a ticket to the game Friday?”
“I’ll take care of it. You look more tired. Trouble sleeping last night?”
“After your mother and Ambra….speaking of which, what kind of name is that? It sounds like an umbrella brand.” It was where my crazy brain went after hearing it.
He chuckles softly and rolls right along with my rambling question. “Her real name is Amber. She changed it to stand out. They upset you. I might have taken great pleasure insulting her,
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and now I’m f*****g doubly glad since they kept you awake. You need sleep.”
“Not arguing.”
He stands me on my feet and I follow him to the door. “See you tomorrow.” He kisses me
slowly. “Dream about that, sweetness.” He says before opening the door.
“Goodnight, Easton.”
Except I don’t see him the next afternoon. He had to be at practice early and then stay late by himself. Jackson whispered something about Humphries talking to him about Maxton before
I left.
Tuesday afternoon, he’s waiting for me with Cole in the playroom. “Luci, Daddy built me a
whole castle today out of legos.”
“Yay for daddy. That’s a good day, I think. I brought this. It’s an idea book for building magnet block things.” I hold it out and he takes it to excitedly thumb through the pages. “Choose what we build today.” He’s already in the corner seeing what pieces he has.
Easton moves to stand in front of me. “Missed you yesterday.” He whispers.
“Missed you too. I brought you something.” I rummage in my bag and pull out the smaller one. It’s a puck with Darth Vader’s face painted on it with a quote bubble “Release your anger.”
He smiles as he stares at it. “I thought it was fitting.”
“It’s hilarious. Thank you.” Except you only smiled Easton Reed. That iron control to hold his
emotions in, at least the happy ones. He seems to have no trouble exploding with righteous
anger as Syd aptly named it.
I dig out his hoodie from Friday night. “I brought your hoodie back.” I hold up the folded top
and he frowns.
“Did you wash it?” He folds his arms over his chest.
“Of course I did! My arm was bleeding. Give me some credit.”
That way
He shakes his head. “Never return a man’s hoodie washed. It should smell like you.
when I slip it on, I feel like you are wrapped around me. My strawberry vanilla Luci. Take it
home and wear it before you return it. Or just wear it while I’m gone to practice tonight.” He
nudges his head toward it before he frowns. “And that advice only applies to me. You aren’t
going to be wearing other guys‘ hoodies.”
His phone alarms. “Gotta go. Have dinner with us tonight?”
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Cole and I spend the next few hours building. “Luci, Daddy said you could come watch the tree
light up with us. He’ll buy us hot chocolate and maybe even cookies. We can make our please
face as he calls it.”
I laugh hard. “Coco, I’m very sure he will buy you cookies with or without the please face. If not, I’ll buy them. I love cookies.” I wink at him and he hugs me.
“Luci is the best.” He crows triumphantly.
“She certainly is.” I turn fast to find Easton crouching right behind me, his voice tingling in my
ear. “Hi sweetness.” He presses a kiss to my neck and I shiver. “Are you trying to bribe my son
with cookies? He’s easy.” Cole is running to grab the picture he drew for his daddy. Easton lifts him up for a hug before settling him in the chair across from me at the play table. “Let me go
drop my bag in my room.”
Cole grabs paper and starts coloring. “Luci, we could go to lunch at the pizza palace tomorrow.” He pipes up hopefully. He’s been begging to go there and I can tell he’s using my
cookie offer against me, hoping for a bigger prize.
“I have plans for lunch tomorrow. I’m eating with Janet.” I tell him quietly.
His face lights up. “I want to go with you. Can I go see Janet?”
“You want to see Janet?” I ask him surprised.
Easton speaks up behind me. I had no idea he was there. “Who is Janet?”
“She took care of Luci, Daddy. Can I go?” He gives me that smile that does me in.
“Cole, your daddy might…”
“Want to go too.” Easton finishes. “Are we allowed to tag along?”
“You want to?”
“Spend a few extra hours with you? I mean you talked me into it. What time should I pick you up?” He steps closer.
“At 10:30.” It’s time to tell him who she is. I open my mouth to start when Baker knocks on the
“Dinner is ready. Your father is joining all of you, Easton.”
“On our way, Baker.” He frowns down at me. “Definitely going to lunch since people keep interrupting me from seeing you.”
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“Cole, can you go wash your hands for dinner?” He nods at me and runs into the bathroom.
Easton takes that opportunity to wrap his arms around me and kiss me. “Text you later.”
He calls me on video instead to tell Cole goodnight.
“Dream about flying cows that slide down rainbows to deliver milk.” He laughs hard. We read a book about a flying cow earlier that inspired me.
“Night Luci. Love you.”
“Night Coco. Love you back.” Easton leaves the video up with Cole falling asleep within minutes. He wanders back into his room, settling against his headboard. He props one hand behind his head and I simply stare at him for a second. He proves that men can be gorgeous. “Luci…you with me, sweetness?”
“Easton, can you come here early? Like around 9:30? I need to explain some things about
“Yeah. You can’t tell me now?” He tilts his head.
“No, I want to tell you in person.”
“We’ll be there. Are you ok with us going? Maybe you want to be alone.” He offers.
“No, Cole really wants to go. It’s ok. I’d like you to meet her.” I honestly would. Janet is very no frills and Easton’s manner will be right up her alley.
“I’m offering. Text me if you change your mind.”
“Ok. What did your coach have to talk to you about last night?”
“He heard that Maxton had planned to frame you and apparently Mr. Porter called Fuckphries
to tell him that I was causing his son problems. I’m hoping the dean expels him but not holding my breath.” He scoffs.
“You might not look good with a blue face.” I tease and he cracks a smile.
“Maybe not. Unless you have a smurf fetish.”
I grimace shaking my head and he grins. My mission is to get him to laugh more.
“Goodnight, Easton.”
“Goodnight sweetness. Don’t dream about smurfs.”