33: Dinner with Dad
Cole finished his hockey lesson right as Easton ended his sad tale. He ran down to get him while I got my emotions under control. I could see his whole body slowly begin to tense up as he walked away and I wondered if he was putting that controlled wall back up. The one he wears to hide behind for everyone else or for himself is the question. I always thought he was cold and aloof because he was entitled. Instead, it’s because he got hurt by the person he loved the most. Persons honestly. Because his mother has some kind of issue and it has to
hurt him.
Left with no choice but to grow up early to raise Cole, he has to be strong for them and I’m sure he usually shields his brothers. I of all people should have never judged him so shallowly. Knowing how people treat and judge me.
I walk down to meet them and hug Cole. One day, Easton will have to tell him the truth. I hope having so much love from the men in his life is able to help him overcome what his mother has done. Easton is back to his usual guardedness.
Easton is quiet the whole way back to my car. I wonder if he regrets telling me. Or did it
remind him of missing her?
He parks and starts to get out. “No, stay there.” I tell him quickly and open the door to walk along the side rail to Cole behind me. I kiss his forehead. “See you tonight, Coco.”
He smiles sleepily. “Bye Luci. I go home and take a nap.”
I climb down and wave to them as I shut the door. When I get home, Sydney is sitting on the couch. Her head turns as I sit next to her. “Judging by your face, it wasn’t a fun, happy talk.”
“You could say that.” I tell her the general facts, leaving some of the most personal details out.
She shakes her head and tears fill her eyes too. “So much like Banning and Barrett. Except Lyra will never get a chance to regret her decision.”
“If Lorelei does. It hurts so much. Both those sweet boys…” I sigh.
We sit there for a few minutes. “Let’s go do some early Christmas shopping and have something sugary sweet to drink. I hear they have eggnog milkshakes at the Dairy Bar already.
I smile ruefully. “Sounds good. I’m all for getting done early.”
+8 Point!
33: Dinner with Dad
“So he didn’t say anything else?” Syd prompts as she drives us toward the downtown shops.
“Cole finished as soon as he got that out.”
“Damn, I want to know why his mother’s such a bitch.”
I let Luci process what I told her while I thought about what she said. How Lorelei broke my heart in two ways. I never thought of it that way. It was true though. Her basic rejection of Cole
is both something I can’t understand and that weighs on me. Did I push too hard to be the
happy family and scare her away? I was pretty tunnel visioned about us being together.
Not to mention with Cole now asking about her, I have to confront how much truth I tell him. I
truly have no answer for why she completely abandoned him. He’s way too young for that but
asking why she doesn’t see him is close enough to that edge.
I listen to him happily explain some hockey shots to Luci. He’s happy or seems it. I never
thought I’d be a single dad and I’m definitely not great at it. Once she left the first time, I
promised him I wouldn’t leave him and I’d do my best. I just hope I don’t screw him up.
I take Cole home for a short nap and then we play until it’s time for her to keep him. She walks
into the playroom behind Dad holding a bag. Cole races to Dad first who throws him in the air
before telling him to behave for Luci. He still hasn’t completely relaxed around her. I’m sure my
mother has given him doubts.
“Luci, can you watch him Monday through Wednesday while we have practice? Our game is
Friday night and he wants to go.” I mention quietly.
She nods. “Yes. Mrs. Reed already gave me the schedule.” She keeps her eyes on Cole.
Dad frowns thoughtfully. “I’ll be at the game too but in a section with the investors. Let’s get
going Easton. We’ve got reservations at 5:30.
Cole’s already pulled her over to the fort we built earlier. Dad’s almost pulling me from the room. I planned to talk to Luci, but it will have to wait.
Dad asks about classes and our upcoming game on the drive to the restaurant. He sounds
excited to come watch. We walk in and wait to check in with the host.
My phone goes off with a text and I check it to see Sydney’s name.
Since Luci didn’t ask for the important details, I will. How many times did you punch that
Five or six times. Not nearly enough. I chuckle as I reread her question.
+8 Poim
33: Dinner with Dad
“What’s funny?” Jackson asks as we walk to our table.
“Sydney’s texting me about how many times I hit Maxton.”
“So she initiates texts with you now? Are you part of their friends circle?” He grumbles a little.
“You jealous Luci and Sydney are texting me?” I watch him closely.
“What’s there to be jealous of?” Jackson says dryly.
“Not much. We’re pretty alike but you’ve got the better attitude and personality.” I admit truthfully.
We arrive at the secluded table and sit down. The waiter is there instantly filling water glasses and taking our orders. Dad thanks him quietly as I study him. He’s never been the flashy type with his wealth. He commands attention with his confident presence anywhere we go. We all inherited that or at least we learned it from him. Our grandfather was a billionaire who cut Dad off when he chose to marry our mother for love. She had nothing to bring to the table as grandfather said. Dad defied him, married her and made his own company. Grandfather eventually relented and made Dad his heir after he became terminally ill. The story makes it even harder to believe the changes we’ve seen in our mother.
Our food arrives and he stops talking for a few minutes. “I wanted to share the news with you boys first tonight. The NHL has approved our requests and we’ll be starting the team next fall. The Kenton Puck Kings have been green lighted officially and we break ground on the arena next week. Why I’ve been away from home so much the last few weeks.” He beams at us.
We congratulate him sincerely. “That’s great news Dad.”
“My lifelong business dream finally happening. Your mother never thought I’d get it done.” He smile, very pleased.A few seconds later, his smile slips and he swallows hard twirling his whiskey glass slightly. “Which brings me to my next big topic for you four. I’ve noticed things seem even more tense than normal with your mother. Did something happen?” His eyes, almost identical to mine, bore into me. I sense my brothers waiting for my answer. He’s always defended her. “Dad, she’s changed so much. She’s obsessed with finding us what she deems appropriate for society ladies. You two got married because you were in love. It doesn’t make any sense.” I have more but time to test the waters first.
He stares into his drink for a minute. “I would like to think it’s because she is concerned about
you meeting someone that might only be after your last name and all the benefits that come with that. She had a big of a health scare recently and that’s made her more…on edge. Worried about your futures. She’s done a lot for you and Cole, Easton.” Yeah right. For her benefit only.
+B Points
33: Dinner with Dad
“Dad, she thinks Cole should spend time with Vivienne Winters. You know that woman is nothing but complete trash wearing designer clothes and makeup.” Jackson tosses in.
“Your mother and she are friends. Unlikely ones but they bonded when you were kids. Maybe Vivienne has changed and wants to be a real grandparent.” He eyes me sadly.
I scoff. “Dad, even you don’t believe what you just said. Vivienne sees Cole as a pawn. Mother knows that and she’s willing to hand Cole over like a sacrificial offering to be exploited.”
“I know and that’s something that has been weighing on me. I’ll talk to her this week.” He
almost sounds like he’s trying to convince himself to do it.
Kingston speaks up. “Dad, are you two even happy anymore? You’re gone all the time, and
she’s booked up to her eyeballs in social nonsense.”
“I admit we’ve grown a bit distant over the last few months, but we’re still very happy together.” Again, he’s trying to convince himself. I hear the denial. It’s enough for us to let the topic drop.
“Easton, did you beat the s**t out of Maxton Porter last night?” He demands calmly.
“I didn’t quite beat him to that level yet. He’s been stalking Cole. Tried to physically harm Luci
again. His father call you?” f*****g p***y, had to run to his father.
“Yes. He’s off the hockey team but not expelled. Watch your back.” He warns. “Luci could file a report, but Dale would only make it disappear.”
I nod and we decide to pick up ice cream on the way home.
Luci sits at the kitchen island with Cole’s monitor. She’s adding notes to her planner. As the door shuts, she glances up, hurrying to pack it all away.
“Baker went to a movie. Cole crashed easily.”
Her planner gives me an idea. “You’re not skipping out on any family events to watch Cole this week, are you?”
“No. I have something on Wednesday for lunch, but I’ll be done in time for your practice.” She assures me, seeming much more subdued and unfocused tonight.
“Goodnight Luci. Thank you for watching him on your day off.” Dad says politely as he tosses his keys into the counter bowl.
“You’re welcome. Goodnight.” I watch her leave in my periphery, itching to chase her.
“Let’s go play pool in the game room.” Dad adds after we eat our ice cream. He’s clearly trying to avoid talking to Mother.
+ Point:
33: Dinner with Dad
“Change out of our dress clothes?” I need to get to my phone. My brothers agree and we split off. I call Luci the minute I hit my bedroom.
“Luci, are you alright? You seemed very quiet when you left.”
“Tired. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster the last two days.” She sounds exhausted.
“Did I overwhelm you this morning?”
“No. I’ll be ok, just tired.”
“Get some sleep, then sweetness. We need to talk Monday after I get home. Enjoy your girls‘
night tomorrow.”
“Goodnight Easton.”
“Wait, Luci.”
“What did you tell Cole to dream about?”
“Star Wars with actual yellow cartoon stars as the characters that shoot moonbeams instead
of lightsabers.”
“Very creative, Luci. Sweet dreams.”
“You too.” She yawns.
Ivory Row
A little insight into Easton’s parents. Drama tomorrow?