Tale The 30

Tale The 30

30: Ruined Surprise 

30: Ruined Surprise 


What the f**k do you mean you saw Luci heading into the hockey arena? Why the hell is she there?I hit the speakerphone button and toss my phone on the table, grabbing my shoes and shoving them back on. The glass I was holding rolls but doesn’t shatter

Before Kendall can even answer, I’m heading for her front door. I barely remember to lock it behind me. Not sure, but figured it can’t be good.” 

It’s not.I hear a second voice and Kendall snarls. What the f**k do you know asshole?” 

The second voice comes in clearer and I recognize Alec, his brother who plays on the football team. He’s a prick who sometimes hangs with Julian and Deacon. I hear a screech of tires faintly and then something that distinctly sounds like a fist hitting flesh. Talk now or I’ll break your f*****g jaw! No more riddles!Alec is breathing hard and he sounds a little fearful. Yeah, he’s a p***y too. Maxton Porter plans to trash Coach’s office there and blame her for it. He asked Julian for help but he refused. Security will find her locked 


f**k no! My truck is running before I even shut the door. Peeling out of the parking lot, I race toward campus

Call Luci!” 

It rings and rings, going to voicemail. No…..come on Luci, answer me.” 

I hit the button again. Call Luci!” 

Voicemail almost immediately. NO! Motherfucker!I bang my fist on the steering wheel and floor it more. Call Jackson.” 

Cole’s sad substitute babysitter….” 

Jackson! Call campus security. We need help. Maxton lured Luci to the rink somehow, plans to trash Coach’s office and frame her.” 

f**k! I’m on it….no Cole don’t repeat that. I know it’s a bad word.He hangs up and I start getting texts on the 


Bash his f*****g head in! Becker, of course

Forget what Dad said. Rip his lungs through his throat and then bash his head in


Kingston, the brutal silent 

I hit the stadium parking lot near the team entrance, which is where she should be headed. I don’t even bother turning it off or closing the door as I hit the concrete running. A siren rings out, but there’s no way I’ll wait. Not while that fucker is after her. They should be here soon, office is two minutes away

I sprint toward the locker room hoping I’m not too late. Nobody there though. I start racing down the hallway, listening for her voice or his. I catch a glow from a phone up ahead in the dimly lit corridors. Maxton leans against the wall near the equipment room with his phone in his hand

Come out little mouse.He taunts grinning like a sadistic moron. You can’t stay in there all night. Or you can when they lock up in thirty minutes. It gets pretty cold in there.” 



30: Ruined Surprise 

PORTER!I bark and he leaps off the wall. What the f**k are you doing?!” 

His face morphs into one of surprise before he covers it with cockiness. Just playing a game with a mousy wannabe puck bunny. I mean you are familiar with her, right? She’s been sucking your c**k, I’m sure” 

I get right in his face, my fury almost choking me. She’s not a puck bunny. You’ve been stalking me or her?” 

Does it matter? Your kid is cute. Attracts the ones who play hard to get, I guess.He jerks his thumb toward 

the door

Campus police are on their way here for you.” 

He smirks, squaring up against me. I’m a head taller than him and know I can kick his ass like a ragdoll. Funny, all I see is a pretty boy entitled douche. You can’t bluff and scare me.” 

You’re about to see what my knuckles look like embedded in your throat.” I tell him as I grit my teeth. I’m only holding back to see what he knows about Cole. How did you know about my son?” 

Hmm I don’t have to answer you. I don’t fawn all over you Reed kings of campus. Scared there, Icebreaker?! thought you were unbreakable. Looks like I found your weakness. A tiny, helpless blonde boy. I can’t say! blame you for going after that little mouse. She’s got a mighty fine ass” 

My fist hits him square in the mouth and jaw and he falls down. He swipes at his bleeding lips before standing up and trying to punch me, but I hit him fast again. The sound of his jaw cracking on the third punch does nothing to sate my rage. He tries to hit me and I slam my other fist into his nose hearing the satisfying crunch as he falls to his knees. I lift him by his neck just enough to make sure he hears me. You come near my son ever again or put your filthy, f*****g hands on her, I will gut you like a f*****g fish with my 


Easton?Luci’s panicked voice comes out through a crack in the equipment room door. He dares to snarl at her though it’s weak

I let my fist fly into his face once more before I stare at the door. Maxton lays on the ground bleeding. I hear someone running down the hallway. Shut the door Luci and only open it for me. Now.I order. She slams it, her eyes full of fear

Maxton Porter! Campus police, we have a few questions for you.A flashlight shines my way as I stand over him with my fists clenched, ready to knock him down again

Not over Reed.He sneers weakly as the second officer helps him off the ground

Mr. Trinka steps up. Hey Easton. Jackson called me. I heard we had a major issue. Where is she? He hurt 


I don’t think so. I need to get her out of here. She had nothing to do with it.” 

I know, we already watched the security video on the way. We can show him that side of the arena only.He offers kindly

I appreciate it. Could I get you some tickets to next week’s game as a thank you?” 

He smiles. You don’t have to, but I won’t argue. Four would work, so I could bring my boys.” 

I’ll drop them at the office on Monday for you. Thanks again.” 

Mr. Trinka steps in close, keeping his voice low as another officer comes walking in. You’ve got about fifteen 


30: Ruined Surprise 

19 Pants 

minutes to get her out of there Easton, before Humphries is here. Call me anytime. I owe your family plenty of 


1 wait until they clear the hallway before knocking on the door. Luci?” 

Easton?Her voice sounds so small

It’s me sweetness. Only me. Come on out.” 

A minute later, the door cracks open and her eyes peek out before she opens it wider. Her eyes sweep the corridor. I watch the relief before she steps out. My eyes narrow immediately as I look her over

What the f**k are you wearing?I growl. She has a towel wrapped around her torso with part of her sweater. My sweater got caught on something walking in here and then he grabbed it while I was running, unraveling it more. It basically unthreaded.She holds up the pieces of it

I grab her arm fast. You’re bleeding too. What the f**k did he do to you?!” 

That room was dark before I found the switch and I ran across some skates.” 

Those damn skates again… 

Without hesitating, I reach my left hand to the back of my neck and grip my hoodie. In one swift move, I tug it off and hold it out to her. Here.” 

She makes no move to take it and I know why. She’s trying not to stare at the tattoo on my bare chest. Finally, she averts her eyes to the side and takes it. I turn around so she can change. Let me know when you’re done. I tell her softly

You’ll be cold.” 

Hockey player sweetness. I live on the ice and will be fine until I get my extra clothes in the truck.I call over my shoulder

A minute later she calls my name quietly. Done.” 

I spin back and chuckle. My hoodie swallows her. What should I do with this?She holds the towel out. Wrap it around that cut.I instruct as I push the sleeve up. We need to clean this. Time to get you home. Give me your sweater pieces.I hurry her down the corridor, knowing Humphries is coming soon and I want to spare us both that ass chewing. On our way out, I see the thick yarn from her sweater where it snagged on a hook. She probably never even noticed until he grabbed it. I start looping it around my hand to leave no evidence of her being here

It’s a little windy out as we leave and she pulls away from me. Where the hell are you going?” 

I need to get home.” She gestures toward her car

No. You are shaking like a leaf and not driving. I’ll take you home and examine that cut.I open the passenger door to the truck and lift her into it before grabbing another hoodie out of the backseat

My purse and coat are in there though.She mumbles

Keys.I hold my hand out and she yanks them from her pocket. I park next to it and grab her things quickly. Driving toward her apartment, she suddenly says my apartment is over here.” 

I don’t say anything as I park near it. How do you know where I live?” 




30: Ruined Surprise 

I just do.I let her unlock the door, attempting to use the time to calm down. She steps in and I hear her gasp Umm someone’s been here,” 

Yes, for a ruined surprise. It was me before you panic.” 


* Points 

Surprise? What are you talking about? Wait, how did you get in?I stare up at him, my mind rolling like yarn unspooling right now

Someone let me in.He says

Syd is the only one with a key…” I mumble. My two seat bistro table has plates set up on it with chinese food containers around them. An open jug of tea sits beside them with a glass laying on its side. There are candles unlit there too

Yes. Where’s your first aid kit, Luci?I hear him, but I’m trying to figure out what he was doing

Why were you here?” 

I will explain all of it, but priorities Luci. You’re bleeding. First aid kit?” 

It’s not that bad. Why were youI yelp as I’m lifted over his shoulder and he walks into my kitchen. He sets me on the counter and places his palms on either side of my hips

First aid kit Luci. I’ll be the judge of how bad it is. Those skates were dirty.” 

It’s in my bathroom cabinet. I’ll get it.I start scooting to get down and he glares at me

You will keep your cute little ass on this counter until I get back.I open my mouth and he puts his finger to my lips. If you’ve moved when I come back, I will paddle your ass red with my hockey stick.” 

What….I breathe out, shocked. My whole brain has refocused suddenly

He smirks before walking away. Knew that would shock you into staying.” He throws over his shoulder. I watch him clenching and unclenching his fists as he walks and realize he’s trying to maintain his usual tightly controlled demeanor. When he comes back two minutes later, he’s shaking his head. He opens it before pulling out bandaids and antiseptic wipes. He’s taking slow breaths as he looks down at my arm in the light. I can do it.I reach for the pad and he holds it away from me both eyebrows raised

Is the sassy Luci Forrester scared it might sting?He throws my words back at me and I frown hard before holding my arm out

It actually stings a lot and I wince. Sorry.He puts the antibiotic cream on it and then a big bandage. “Not too deep but we need to watch it and clean it regularly. Anyone that can’t attach skate blade guards probably never makes sure they aren’t rusting or filthy.” 

Umm you said you would explain.” I try again running my nails over my thumbs

It was meant to be dinner, like a date, but I had to rush to the rink. How the hell did he get you there?” 

Did you say a date?My mind hyperfocused on that word. He cups my face and moves to be eye level with 

  1. me

Yes sweetness. Focus for me please. How did he lure you into the rink?” 

He didn’t. Stormi asked me to come by there.” 

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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