Tale The 27

Tale The 27
  1. Flustered 

You guys were a big hit at the game Your new friend has connections with the camera quy 

I wince and look down. Sorry, I know I’m supposed to be hidden. But the boys were excited and she she doesn’t know that about me yet. I didn’t want it won’t happen again. I’m sure your coach lost it 

A finger pushes my chin up and he’s looking right into my eyes. You shouldn’t be hidden. We don’t give a **** what Humphries says, sweetness. It WILL happen the next game. Cole loved that and so did the team.He smirks slowly before releasing my chin and then pushing my hair behind my ear. You have bubbles on your 


Oh. Too much bubble bath.Wow Luci, great talking skills today

Dinner’s ready.Baker calls down the hall and Cole grabs my hand

I’m a hungry shark. Are you hungry Luci?Easton grabs his other hand keeping him between us

I should probably go home and let you eat dinner with your daddy.I protest and Cole starts shaking his 


No, you have to put me to bed. You promised.” 

I did. Alright, I’ll stay.” 

The other three are there with Baker making plates and setting the table. Cole the shark, what would you like to drink? We have the finest water or apple juice for you to choose from.Becker says grinning

Apple juice.He proclaims before jumping into his chair at the table. I push his chair in

And for Luci Lou?Becker asks

Before I can answer, I hear Easton. She wants sweet tea. It’s what she gets anytime it’s in the fridge. Baker, did you make a new pitcher today?I turn, doing a double take as I watch him removing the pitcher. Cole calls my name luckily and I close my gaping mouth. How did he know that

I did. Luci likes her tea.Baker gives me a smile and I return it. He spoils me

I am about to turn for the stove to make my plate when a glass of tea appears on the table and I hear the chair slide back. Easton stands there setting the plate down pointing to the chair. Cole chatters nonstop about his Thanksgiving program coming up, carefully leaving out his role in it. He doesn’t mention our run in with Maxton. I might need to tell Easton about it since Cole was there but I’m guessing he knows him since 

he’s on the team

I made chocolate cake.Baker announces as we finish eating

Baker is the best!Cole proclaims and I laugh

High praise Mr. Cole.Baker chuckles

Baker is the best.I add with a warm smile, trying to ignore the fact Easton has been staring at me intently 

all night


I’ll walk you out to your car. Did you only wear that thin sweater? It’s freezing outside Luci.She was mostly silent during dinner, but Cole always talks much more than the rest of us

Well, I’m inside the whole time and I left my coat at home when Cole and I stopped by there to pick something up. It seemed silly to turn around for it since we weren’t playing outside.She’s spent all night 




27: Flustered 

completely off balance and flustered. Which was the goal to make sure she realizes she has my attention

I grab my extra hoodie I left with my bag by the front door and tell her to stop. Here.I tug it over her head and she stares up at me wideeyed. It’s very thick. Should keep you warm.She gapes at me and I can’t hold back the chuckle. Arms in sweetness. Gotta dress you like Cole, huh?” 

She comes out of her silent stupor, slipping her arms inside. You don’t have to but thank you. It is warm.” 

Have to take care of our Luci.I watch her face scrunch up confused and hold back the laugh. Oh sweetness, you decided that I didn’t want you, so now I get to prove it

She’s silent the rest of the walk to her car. Goodnight Luci.” 

Niteis all she says before leaving. I take out my phone and text Sydney. I cornered her later in the day, explaining what Luci did. She agreed to help only after threatening to cut my balls off and feed them to wildlife if I hurt her. What’s her favorite flower?” 

Sunflowers, those big colorful daisies and that’s probably it. Luci’s never gotten flowers from a guy except my brother at graduation.” 

That irritates the f*****g hell out of me. What did he get her?” 

Half a dozen tulips.” 

I can definitely do better than that. Maybe two dozen flowers. I hurry inside to find my brothers sitting with Baker eating more cake. You definitely got to her.Jackson lifts his fork in salute

I did. Thanks, Baker, for delaying dinner.” 

He flashes a knowing smile. I suppose I should make sure dinner is a group event every night going forward.If you can.I don’t want him messing with Cole’s schedule too much and told him I’ll communicate when we’ll be done with practice. I’ll put laxatives in Humphries water bottle if necessary

Easy enough to do. Someone needs to treat our Luci to something special.” 

If she’ll let me. Be right back.” I hurry down to Cole’s room hoping he’s still awake. He is and I cross to his bed quickly

Luci left Daddy?” 

Yes. I need you to help Daddy and ask Luci if she’ll put you to bed every night this week. And we have to keep learning all her favorite things. So we can surprise her.Might be underhanded to use a cute little boy, but I believe in fighting dirty if you must. I got Baker to explain that to him before I got home

Daddy, you like Luci?” 

I do. Who doesn’t?I don’t want to give him ideas yet

The guy on your team who’s mean. The one who pushed the lady outside the hockey rink.My mind races 



Don’t know his name. He called Luci little mouse.Definitely him. Proof of prick identity there

What did he do, Cole?” 

We were at the craft store and he asked Luci on a date. He got mad when she said no and grabbed her arm



+ Pers 

  1. Flustered 

She scratched him and he got madder. They made him leave. She hid me behind her.” 

Daddy will take care of it.He nods sleepily and I only have to wait two minutes for him to drift off. I head back toward the kitchen ready to beat Maxton’s ass the next time I see him

They are sitting with Baker talking about me. I realize as they all stare at me grinning. Until they see my face. What the hell? You were completely happy for once and now you look pissed off.Becker groans

Maxton cornered Luci today at the craft store. Asked her out and then grabbed her arm. You see bruises on her? Cole said she scratched him.” 

******g asshole. In front of Cole too. I didn’t see any, but her sweater sleeves were long.” Jackson mutters

The others shake their heads. He needs a serious lesson, I think.Baker intones quietly

With my fists.I think about tossing him off a cliff. I’ll see how badly he hurt her tomorrow. He will pay for it.” 

Hurt who?I turn, surprised to see Dad standing inside the door watching us

You’re home early.Jackson says quietly. Dad’s been home for three weeks, but we’ve barely seen him past that first weekend. Our guysdinner keeps getting put off. 

Tired of being gone each night to meet with people I barely care about. I plan on being home a lot more starting tonight. Your mother is playing bridge or something tonight with her friends.He comes to sit with us and we stare at him. Who is hurt?” 

I decide to answer him truthfully. Luci. Maxton Porter likes to hurt her.” 

His eyes narrow. Physically?” 

Yes. He’s bruised her arm and neck before grabbing her when he got mad.Becker answers him

His father is a lot like that too. Strikes like an angry snake when he’s denied anything. Should I be expecting a call?He gazes at each of us

Yes.I answer bluntly. “He grabbed her in front of Cole today.” 

Dad sighs. Don’t kill him, Easton. Stop at a full body cast and breathing tube. How about we go to dinner Saturday night? Could Luci keep Cole late on a weekend?” 

I’ll ask her.Guess I need to surprise her Friday night then. First, some people need to find out she’s not to be 


Ivory Row 

lol Syd going to be telling Easton that her brother bought her a diamond necklace. We need to get Christina Anderson to 100% ship Luci and Easton together. She’s at 87% so far. Anyone else below 90? What can our Icebreaker do to win you over if you’re on the fence? He’s about to make it clear she’s not to be messed with to Maxton Porter. Redemption code for you guys to try: Redemption Code 2: FGMPUYZ4 Redemption Code validity: 19/12/2024~ 26/12/2024 (UTC+0



Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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