Tale The 26

Tale The 26

26: Rejections and Resolve 


+8 Points 

That gentle hand grips my arm as his voice whispers into my ear. Need to talk to you real quick Luci.Damn him when he says my name like that

He tugs me into an empty classroom right next to us in the hallway as we leave our mutual class Monday 


You could just ask me to come talk to you.I grumble at him

I could, but don’t have a lot of time. Look, Luci this is important. The other night after you put Cole to bed” 

I cut him off, desperate to get my jumbled thoughts out before I lose my nerve. I know. You regret that and it never should have happened. I can pretend it never happened, so it doesn’t affect Cole or me being around. I know it won’t happen again. I’m a mistake…..it was a mistake I know. I umm..I take a deep breath, frowning as I try to remember what else I listed out with Sydney I would say. Being near him affects me too much


My heart gallops as I ask about continuing to keep Cole; terrified I’m about to be hurt in more than one way

I’d never take Cole from you, Luci.At least not yet

I make sure to give him a wide berth and start walking. Easton says something to me, but I am thinking of how much longer I’ll be keeping Cole and having to avoid him. I push through the door, finding the other three kings waiting. I keep my eyes on the floor in front of me. I quicken my steps to reach Sydney, who waits, leaning against the wall with a frown. What did he say?She takes my arm, breaking me from my countdown as I continue to put distance between us and them. He let me do most of the talking, only echoing what I said really now that I think about it. Probably relieved I made it so easy

Nothing I wasn’t prepared for.” I catch her looking over my shoulder. It’s fine Syd. At least I don’t have to say goodbye to Cole.” 

I make it through the remainder of my classes and manage to even force myself to focus enough to finish part of an assignment before driving to the preschool

Luci?I turn to find Mrs. Hutchins waving toward me as I’m walking into Cole’s classroom to pick him up

Hi Mrs. Hutchins.She motions behind me and that familiar little weight slams into my legs. I crouch down 

and hug him

I wanted to talk to you about our Thanksgiving program this week. Cole is going to be in it and he doesn’t want his father to know about his part, so we need your help.She gazes down at him with a smile

I look at him. Cole?” 

His eyes are huge as he smiles hopefully. I want to surprise them. I don’t want them to know what I am until they see me. Like the big TA DA!He spreads his arms wide as he jumps and I laugh

I see. What is he, Mrs. Hutchins?” 

The turkey. And he has two lines you’ll need to help him practice. We’ve been working on it in class. But I would love for him to have a really overthetop costume if you know what I mean.She smiles widely. I know 




26: Rejections and Resolve 

you’re his nanny, but he talks about you all the time and he said you’d help him surprise his father and 


1 stare down at those silvery blue eyes that are as compelling as his fathers. I can do that

Are you sure?” 

Yes. I got it.She hands me the folder with a few photos of her ideas and his lines. We leave and I buckle him in before sitting in my seat. Cole Reed. What were you going to do if I said no?” 

Why would you say no, Luci?He truly looks confused and I chuckle. Hard to know you’re completely owned by a fouryearold

Alright, I know just where to go for this costume. Let me call Sydney first, because Barrett has his on Thursday and he needed brown pants too.” 

I call her before we leave. Hey Syd, Coco is going to be the turkey in his Thanksgiving school program and we need to know where you got Barrett’s brown pajamas. Oh and this is a surprise for his family, they don’t 

know what he is.” 

Good thing I’m super fabulous at keeping secrets, Coco. I can tell you where I got them, but I’m going to need something from Coco in return.She teases him

What Sydney?He shouts

I want to come watch. Can I?I smile wider at that. Syd is the best

YES!Cole is grinning from ear to ear. I’m going to have lots of people to watch me.” 

We’ll have to get his autograph before he becomes too famous. Go to Kid’s Corner for pajamas in every color. Are you making this costume Luci Lou?” 

I am. We’re heading to the teaching store first.” 

We walk into the campus store for the education majors which has every kind of craft supply for the student teachers and other child development classes. In the holiday section, I point out the feathers, colored foam and felt we’ll need. Grabbing stuffing and some orange socks, I turn around and slam into a large wall. Except as usual, it’s a human being

Maxton Porter stares down at me with a smirk. I back away, tucking Cole firmly behind me

Little mouse, what are you shopping for?” 

Nothing important. Excuse me.” 

He advances a step when I step back. You know I was thinking about what that younger Reed asshole said. Maybe he’s right. Maybe we should go out on a date.” 

My eyes widen in horror. I say nothing, waiting for the punchline. He leans down his face way too close to mine. I think you’d like that. How about I pick you up tomorrow night at six?” 

No.My brain answers fast

His face hardens. Little mouse, I don’t think you understand what a big deal this would be. I’m a hockey player. My family is plenty wealthy.” 

I said no. I don’t want any part of you.I answer bluntly. Cole peeks around my legs and I hurry to shove him behind me





26: Rejections and Resolve 

Is thatHe stares down and I shake my head. I know that kid. His hand grabs my wrist fast and I reach out digging my nails into his hand between the tendons. He hisses, releasing me. I’m not good enough for you. You’re after the bigger fish. Whoring after the Reed brothers. No wonder Becker was so quick to help you.Feet are running our way. Mrs. Anderson walks up talking about calling security. His dark brown eyes gaze over at her before he smirks evilly at me. I’m leaving. You’ll regret this little mouse.His entire demeanor 

chills me

He leaves and I take a deep breath. Cole, you, ok?I hurry to check on him

Yes. I don’t like him, Luci. He pushed that other lady last time.Damn him and his memory

Luci, are you alright? I called security and will have them pull the video feed. I’m going to make sure he’s reported for this.She beams down at Cole. Hello there young man. Would you like a sucker?” 

He nods happily, moving on from the whole incident. We walk to the front where I set our stuff down to purchase. Security shows up and we tell them what happened. They are very unhelpful, saying he didn’t cross any lines. Like it would matter, the Porters are big school donors. I turn back to Mrs. Anderson to buy our supplies after they leave

Luci, did you change your major back?She looks so excited and I hurry to shake my head

Just needed some things for a Thanksgiving turkey costume.” 

She lets her head sag to the side with a sad smile. Oh honey, I wish you would come back to us.” 

Not meant to be Mrs. Anderson. I’m not a good fit. Thanks for the help earlier.” 

Cole skips out holding my hand as I look around for Maxton. Cole won’t come with me to campus again. Let’s go by my place and grab my sewing machine after we get those pajamas.” 

At the house, Baker watches me set it up. You can sew?” 

Yes, I taught myself when I was twelve. Seemed like a useful skill.I don’t add more than that

Luci, the boys might be home a little late. Easton asked if you would put Cole to bed tonight.I nod, as I begin working with Cole happily practicing his lines


While Luci is talking to him

Do I get to say anything?I ask mildly; leaning against the wall on my right shoulder. Luci continues to ramble, not registering I even spoke and I want to shut her up with my mouth on hers. Instead, I listen to her as she fidgets worse than I’ve ever seen. I fold my arms over my chest to avoid grabbing her. I was going to talk with her about Vivienne being back, but she assumed it was about kissing her. Which I would have gotten to later, not here on campus

I know it won’t happen again. I’m a mistake…..it was a mistake I know.That pisses me the hell off. She’s not a mistake. She takes a deep breath, pausing. Now that’s over, I’m sure you feel better. Am I still keeping Cole?The visible fear in her face only strengthens my decision to pursue her. She loves Cole and that’s not easy to find when you are single parent

I’d never take Cole from you Luci. You don’t think that would happen again?She’s barely paying attention as the relief spreads over her face

I should go. I’ll pick him up today.She says softly while staring at the ground. I reach out and gently snag 




26: Rejections and Resolve 

her arm as she’s about to pass

You assume wrong, sweetness.She’s already lost in her brain. I follow right behind her, sporting Sydney waiting ten feet away. I check the hallway for her usual predators since she’s spaced out, Jackson moVES slightly in front of me, almost blocking my view. I crane my neck around him until she reaches Sydney’s side wink at Syd, shocking her

I don’t look away from their retreating backs as I head my brothers off. Yesssss? Questions

You’re letting her go?!Jackson gestures behind him, glaring at me. They all know I spent the weekend clearing out Lorelei’s things, keeping only a few pictures for Cole and his baby things she brought with her! moved on from Lorelei a while back but thought I should keep things for Cole. Course there wasn’t another girl racing circles around my mind all day long at the time. The four of us had a very long talk after they barged into my room all fired up after eavesdropping on Luci and Cole. They thought I was still hung up on my ex, but really what was stopping me from Luci is what I’d be asking her to step into. A guy with a kid already who definitely isn’t going anywhere. A mother from hell, Cole’s maternal grandmother who is a demon that roosts next to my mother in hell, our absentee father the last few years….. It’s a lot to ask of someone else to step into that to date me. Kingston had been the one with the best answer to my fears. You let her decide. She’s in charge of her life and what she’s willing to deal with. Give her the option and if she says no, there it is. Luci’s tougher than you or anyone gives her credit for. Besides, are you going to run from every woman because none of those things you listed are going away. Triple bonus points that she loves Cole like she does already.” 

Back in the present, Jackson continues with irritation. I thought you decided to go after her.” 

I feel my lips slowly stretching up. When’s the last time I chased a girl?” 

Easy. NEVER.He says, still irritated

Becker snorts. Probably elementary school while playing tag. They fall at your damn feet.” 

Not only that. Refusing them seems to entice them more.Kingston adds

She’s about to disappear from sight when her head turns the slightest bit and she looks back at me. I let the half grin show and tilt my head so she understands I caught her. Those brown eyes widen before she whips her head forward

Oh sweetness, you can have a little rope before I reel you back in. Facing my brothers, I grin at them

I think I’m going to love chasing this one.The words register, and they shake their heads, amused and 


How much time are you giving her?Jackson asks with a devious glint in his eyes

Four or five days tops.I won’t make it longer than that, seeing her every damn afternoon. Which is a call! need to make to Baker soon. Going to need Cole’s help too

Luci has no idea what she started.Kingston says dryly

No she doesn’t

Ivory Row 

Oh Luci what have you done?! 


27 flustered 

27: Flustered 


Sorry Luci, dinner is running behind. Maybe Cole can get his bath first? Baker says with an apologetic smile 

from the doorway to Cole’s bedroom

Sure, I’m almost done with the head part of his costume and he can try it on before his bath.I stitch up the last of the wattle and the two crazy yellow feathers that will stick out on top. Baker never runs behind. Maybe he has Mondays like the rest of us. He did say he struggled with the eggs in his basket too. Though all my eggs are scrambled lately. I run his bath first

Coco, come try this on.I tell him and he races over. He’s been repeating his two lines nonstop this afternoon. This turkey thing is a big deal to him. I slip it over his head and laugh. Go check the mirror.” 

He does and lets out a big laugh. I look like half a turkey.” 

You are half a turkey. Take it off for your bath. We’ll work on the body and tail starting tomorrow.” I slip it into my bag and pack my portable sewing machine away. As I do, there’s a knock on the door. Thinking it’s Baker, I call out for them to come in. Instead Easton steps in and Cole runs for him. I look away and finish picking up the fabric pieces I missed tossing in the trash. Time for your bath, huh, buddy? Baker says dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Think you can get bathed that fast? It’s one of your favorites, chicken fettucini.” 

Yum Daddy. I’ll hurry.He races into the bathroom and within seconds I hear the water splash. Sorry Luci.” 

It’s fine. I’ll wipe it up.” I call out, turning only to ram right into Easton. Sorry.I mumble

No, my fault. Got distracted and let you run right into me. Like chicken fettucini?I peek up to find him staring at me with a small, amused smile on his face

Umm yes I do.I turn to head for the bathroom and I hear him following

What is your favorite food, Luci?He asks quietly as Cole watches us. I glance back at him, which was a mistake. He’s leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, showing off every muscle in his chest and arms in a tight blue athletic shirt with sweatpants. I grab the towel I was reaching for and sit on the floor to wipe up the water

I have more than one. I like to eat too much for that.I mumble helping Cole wash his hair

But what are they, Luci?Cole asks now

Mmm chocolate, pasta, Chinese is probably my most favorite, or that chicken and rice casserole that Baker made the other night. Steaks and mashed potatoes, anything with cheese, creme bruleesee I like to eat too much.I make a face at Cole and he laughs. After helping him out, I mention grabbing his pajamas. As I’m pulling them from the drawer, Easton asks him if he’d like to wear his shark robe. Cole exclaims his agreement happily and I look blankly in the drawer for it. Closet behind you. Top shelf.He answers as he rubs the towel over Cole’s hair. I nod and open the closet, staring up at the bit of shark I can see hanging off the edge. I jump but still can’t reach it. Suddenly, all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and without looking, I know he’s right behind me. He radiates heat. He’s close but doesn’t touch me in any way. Here I’ll grab it, short stuff.His hand reaches up and snags it easily. He turns instead of backing up as he unrolls it over my head. I slip past him, letting out my breath slowly. Apparently, I was holding it



Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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