Tale The 25

Tale The 25

25: Signs 


I have to pick up Cole at three. Is that enough time for lunch and your nail salon plans?I query Sydney as 

we drive toward the restaurant

Yep. Stormi is excited. She hasn’t been to a hockey game.” 

We walk inside, searching for the tall blonde. I really need to meet some brunettes or redheads. I’m surrounded by nothing but blondes, gorgeous ones at that, from the Reed brothers to Cole and Barrett, Sydney and now Stormi. She’s got platinum blonde hair she keeps a few inches below her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright green color with a pale complexion like me. She stands up waving to us from the table wearing jeans and a light blue sweater. Thought I’d grab us a table. I can’t wait to go to this game. I know 

nothing about the sport though. Trying to learn since one of my new assignments at the paper is going to be writing a weekly sports column from the female student perspective.She rolls her eyes, laughing at that. Great job for the new girl that only knows baseball.” 

Well, there are two little boys who know a LOT about hockey coming. Cole has been teaching me. He even likes to give me pop quizzes. It’s sad. I do like the game though. It keeps my attention. Baseball does NOT.We told Stormi about my ADHD when she caught me staring off into space and Sydney had to call me out of 

it at our coffee date

Stormi is planning to be a content major with a minor in journalism. She’s incredibly smart and focused from 

what I’ve seen

Does Cole know about your focus issues?Stormi asks curiously. I’ve noticed she judges nothing harshly 

about that

No. I told him I can get lost in my head sometimes, so he knows to wake me up. Honestly, it’s not much of a problem with him. I pay attention to kids somehow.I shrug my shoulders

We head for the nail salon and Sydney talks me into getting colored nails. Ice blue for the hockey team and I internally roll my eyes but know Cole will love it. They get the same ones

Are you sure we don’t look like puck bunnies?I ask as they finish my nails

Are you fully clothed? Do you smell like desperation? Do you intend to throw yourself at a hockey player while licking your lips and twirling your hair as you offer yourself up on a silver platter for one night?Syd 

asks me dryly

Points all taken. Stormi, why did you move here?I ask as they work on my feet

My dad got a job transfer here and I didn’t want to be so far away. We’re a very tightknit family. Kenton has a great communications and journalism program too.” 

Syd and her begin talking about that and I glance down at the message on my phone I got this morning. Janet wants to have lunch over the Thanksgiving break, which I should be able to manage. I let my thoughts drift to the holiday. Thanksgiving I don’t mind. Christmas isn’t my favorite nor New Year’s but I’ll make it 


Luciiii.Syd’s voice gently calls and I turn to look at them. Your feet are done. You ready to go?” 



+8 Points 

25: Signs 

I nod and she drops me at home, so I can get changed and leave to collect Cole

As I step out of my car, the three brothers are walking out of the house. All wearing suits for their game arrival. They look more like freaking GQ models than hockey players right now. If their hockey careers don’t pan out, they could probably make a small fortune doing that. Or hell doing those audibles for romantasy or book readings and charge women. All of them could pull it off with those baritones. Especially Easton. He’d make a damn killing. I still shiver when he says my name, though I’ve learned to hide it better. Booktok would explode if they found him. Sydney suggested we see if there’s a finders fee or discovery fee for all that and turn the four of them in

Luciiiiiii LoooouuuuI refocus to find Becker staring at me with a small smile, Jackson and Kingston watch me a little concerned

Sorry. Damn squirrel brain of mine.I shake my head a little to refocus. I’m sure you’re all aware of my problem.I am certain Easton shared it with the other threequarters of his brain

He frowns a little. I left your tickets with Baker. We wanted to warn you about this game. The other team, their fans are a little crazy. They get super loud and they uhhh have some foul creative insults for us. We tried to prepare Cole for what he might hear them call us but be ready for him hearing some things he’s going to 

ask about later.” 

Worse than drunk sailors Luci.Jackson says grimacing

Great. Maybe I’ll pick up a few new ones to add to my list. I could use a couple of innovative, ugly insults to call some people I know.” I say lightly

Kingston chuckles. I don’t see you repeating these, Luci. But if you do, I want video.” 

I catch movement in the corner of my eye near the house. Stranger things have happened. Maybe I’ll shock them so speechless they stay away for good.” 

Easton strides closer. Well, I won’t wish you good luck since it’s me and I am what I am to the Kenton sports 


I timed it to where he’d be crossing my path as I turn to walk inside. His arm reaches out to grab mine, but I was already expecting it for once and I move so he misses. LuciHe says, stopping. I walk another three steps out of his impressive reach and turn slightly. Blank face Luci. Do not react. I’m not ready to confront him yet which makes me a giant chicken but I need a little more time

He looks way too good in a suit. Push that aside Luci. I want to punch him in the head in some ways. He slips his hands in his pockets when I don’t say anything. I wanted to tell you to bring Cole home right after the game. It will be so late we won’t be able to come back out to see him afterwards.” 

Got it.I head for the front door. I turn as I close it and find him staring hard at me with nothing but regret.

was so right and I know it already. He’s going to tell me it was all a mistake

Luci!Cole is wrapping himself around my legs before I even get it shut

Hey Coco.Baker stands behind him with his backpack and the familiar snack bag he sends with us. He 

holds out an envelope with the tickets. Cole is opening the door. Eager to go, I see.I chuckle

Luci, can we make signs?I grab the door so it doesn’t swing back on him and wave to Baker

Signs?I ask and he nods excitedly





+8 Points 

25: Signs 

Yes, like the celebration ones on tv. I saw them at the hockey game.Ah I see

I think I have the stuff at my place for that.I say as he points toward the brothers who are loading their things into the giant SUV. I nod and mouth the word surpriseto him. He nods

Bye Daddy! I’ll be loud for you! Good luck Uncle Becker, Uncle Jackson and Uncle Kingston!He shouts and I smile as I load his things into the front seat. Easton holds his arms out for him and Cole takes off running. He goes to hug each one of them and I turn my back to open his door and wait. He comes racing back and climbs into his seat. I buckle him in and find Easton still staring at me when I shut the door

At my apartment, I pull out foam poster boards and some paint stir sticks. I grab paint pens and markers asking Cole what he wants his signs to say. Sydney and Stormi show up with Barrett who also wants his own set of signs. I need one for each of them, Luci. Specially Uncle Jackson. He says not many people cheer for 


Well then, let’s make his the biggest one.I say and the others agree. Sydney and Stormi help Barrett make 

his own set

Aren’t you supposed to be hidden?Syd asks me softly when Stormi leaves the room

I shrug. Like it matters. I’m past caring at the moment.” 

Cole spots my hat as I set the signs out to dry. Luci! Can I wear that hat? It’s my favorite.” 

Sure Coco. I’ll buy one at the store.One that doesn’t smell like Easton Reed

At the game, we find our seats. I bought a light blue hat with the team name on it, deciding that was good enough. This time our section is filled with people and several of them have their kids with them. Cole and Barrett meet a few of them and chatter happily away. They are talking about how they hope they get shown on the screen with their signs. Stormi disappears for a bit. When she returns with nachos and a mysterious smile, I ask her what it’s about

You’ll see.She says grinning. When the game begins, it’s wild. And the three kings were not kidding about the opposing team section, The Wolf Pucks, being full of foul insults. Even Sydney blushes a few times with what they say and her brother is in the military with a few Navy friends that come over. At one point, I cover Cole’s ears and she grabs Barrett hugging him to her chest. I definitely have some new material if I could get it out without turning twelve shades of red.I tell her

Easton scores in the first five minutes though and Cole screams loudly for him. I see his eyes turn straight to Cole before he looks at me. He holds up his hand in a wave before heading back in. I look away as Sydney nudges my arm hard. Cole is holding his sign up for Easton along with Barrett. They are on the big screen and I point it out to Cole. He loses it, gesturing towards himself while jumping up and down. I glance at Stormi smiling like a satisfied cat. You did that?” 

I did. I might know the guy who runs that thing. He has a brother that works with me at the paper.” 

I internally cringe, knowing I am supposed to stay hidden a bit, but seeing the joy on those boys faces, I don’t really care. Stormi has no idea who Cole is or that I am persona non grata with the football and hockey 


Our whole section spies the boys and they start chanting what’s on their signs. It’s so loud and for the first time all night, the other fans are drowned out. Pretty soon it’s more than just our section as the announcer eggs it on completely. Let’s get loud for our two biggest fans of the night!” 



+8 Points 

25: Signs 

We turn our attention back to the game. Soon Easton has the puck again with Becker and Jackson on his side. What are they Luci?Cole asks me and I smile. Wings.” 

They fly with him.He says proudly. Sadly, that was how I remembered their positions. I watch him pass the puck to Jackson as two guys come barreling towards them. Becker slams one into the ground while Easton barrels straight into the other one. Jackson suddenly raises his stick back to knee height and slamns it into the net as the guy Easton shoved hits the goalie hard. Cole shrieks as does Barrett and he hurries to find the largest sign we made. I lift him on my shoulders briefly so the camera can catch him better. It simply says Go Jackson, but I didn’t have a lot of time for creativity with these. Barrett’s says IceWall for the Win.” 

The opposing side is chanting something but they are quickly being drowned out again. I let Cole down to 

stand on his seat again

What shot did he use Luci?I search through my memory as I stare down at Barrett when he asks

SlapNOSNAP shot!They both stare at me for a minute before grinning. Little turkeys I think as I narrow my eyes at them, making me think I got it wrong

You got it Lucì.Cole says happily


So much for her not attracting any attention.Kingston says dryly as we watch them cut up in the stands. They have the entire section participating with Cole and Barrett. Luci has Cole on her shoulders as he holds up his sign for Jackson scoring. I suppose the guy in charge of the monitor decided they’re the most fun tonight and keep showing them. To the delight of the whole crowd. Cole and Barrett lose their minds each time they are shown. Luci ducks her head, I notice

Did you seriously give her your championship hat to wear?Jackson asks through his teeth as he grins at the monitor. He gives Cole a fist pump in the air after pointing their way and I watch his face explode with pure delight

Yeah, I wasn’t thinking at the time.More like I was thinking with jealousy over Banning claiming her all f*****g night and wanted to do it myself the only way that came to my addled brain

You figure out what you want to do about her yet?They noticed things were a little tense between she and I. Jackson of course hadn’t let it go until I told them what happened

Waiting for a sign.I joke flatly and he rolls his eyes. We need to concentrate on the game.” 

Coach looks more and more pissed as they continue to get the whole arena going. Dickhead is pissed that they’ve got the whole place louder than the other team just because it’s Luci. He says anything, make sure you point out he’s a moron.Becker says lowly

Kendall gets a huge surprise when Cole and Barrett hold up signs for him. Cole’s met him and Kendall has played out on the ice with him a few times. He turns to us after they hold up his sign, grinning

We win by only a point but I can honestly say we had fun with it. The crowd was way into it tonight. One of the announcers comes down to congratulate us and Becker asks him about the two little boys. There was a girl who works for the paper, Stormi with them. She said it would make those boysnight if we showed them a few times. The crowd agreed. I hope they come to another game.” 

Coach stands there looking irritated yet pleased. He doesn’t say a word to us thankfully, because I am over it tonight. We head home tired but pleased with the game results, hashing it out on the way home. I walk into 



25 Signs 

my room and switch Cole’s monitor on 

The sound of Cole giggling comes over the monitor immediately as I change. I thought he might already be asleep. Time for bed, Mr. Giggles. Did you have fun?” 

Yes. Thank you, Luci, for helping me make those signs.” 

You are most welcome. Now let’s see, what if you dream about bears who figure skate while wearing helmets.I chuckle at that myself

“Luci, you are always so silly. You were right.He tells her softly

I was?She sounds confused

I asked Daddy about my mom. And he didn’t get mad. He said he loved me from the minute he saw me.I find myself holding my breath to listen to him

Hmmm I had a strong suspicion I’d be right about that. Do you feel better since you asked him?She doesn’t pry for information, only how Cole feels

Yes. He told me her name and that he loved her lots. She was his childhood sweetheart. I don’t know what 

that means.” 

Well, that means that they grew up together as friends while they were little like you and then they fell in love when they got old enough to know what that is. They loved each other lots for a long time. Make sense?” 

“Yes. Luci, if they loved each other lots, why is she not here? Or did they not love each other lots?Why didn’t he ask me that, I wonder? I can hear Luci’s hesitation

I don’t know, Cole. Your daddy would have to answer that. But you know what, I believe they must have loved each other because you are made of nothing but love and giggles.I hear him fall apart and realize she must be tickling him. When he stops, she continues softly. Cole, remember there are lots of reasons why people aren’t always around. And lots of kids don’t have a mommy or a daddy or both. You have a daddy who takes really good care of you and he listens to you.” Don’t be so kind about me, Luci please

Yeah he does.” 

Time for you to sleep. Let me know what music the bears dance to on Monday, ok?” 

Ok Luci. Love you.” 

Love you back.She begins to hum softly and I close my eyes wondering what the hell I should do about her. She showed no desire to talk to me earlier

My door opens a few minutes later after she stops humming. I heard his door close, signaling her leaving to go home. My three brothers stand there with Jackson holding the baby monitor in his hand

In case you didn’t get the memo, Easton, that was your sign. It’s time to figure out your s**t and leave Lorelei in the past or resign yourself to being miserable for the rest of your life.” 

Ivory Row 

Long chapter to introduce Stormi a bit and also to see some of Easton’s other issues



Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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