Tale The 22

Tale The 22

22: Good Old Jealousy 


You think we could start putting laxatives in Fuckphries tumbler each week to get out of practice early?Becker asks on the way home. We got out of practice after only thirty minutes because he had the shits and after his third run for the border, he returned all shaky and sweaty telling us to leave. It had been extremely difficult to not laugh at his misery which makes me as awful as him. But f**k it, it couldn’t happen to a more shitty individual. I may have to share that witty pun with them later

Did youI turn and look at him suspiciously in the back seat. Jackson is driving his tank SUV today. He eyes Becker in the rear view mirror

No, but I was quite inspired by his face tonight. Just a thought for the future.He shrugs and we all consider it seriously for a minute

Might be better than trying to climb an equipment shelf to get to a vent.Jackson says dryly, giving me serious side eye

It was effective.I shrug, looking out the window. Took freaking forever to heal. Luci had been right, it wasn’t my brightest moment, but I was desperate at the time

The mere thought of her name brings her back to the forefront of my mind, which is where she f*****g lives it seems like. It’s been ten days since the carnival and eight since I told Maxton Porter that Luci was off limits. Every night since then, I’ve made sure I get to see her. To make sure he hasn’t messed with her again. Knowing she gets lost in her head scares me. He could sneak up behind her and hurt her. I’ve taken to spying on her when she tucks Cole into bed by herself. Listening to her tell him what to dream about each night has become something I look forward to almost as much as he does. Sweetness has that wonderland imagination for sure and hearing him giggle or add to her idea gives me all those damn warm feelings. Jackson nears the front door when I spot a black truck I don’t recognize. A burly guy is climbing out of it. He’s got blonde hair and wearing military fatigues. Uh, we have company?Kingston says slowly. We hurry to exit and grab our bags. He turns and I meet his bright blue eyes in the lights from the path

You must be Barrett’s father.I recognize the family resemblance to Barrett and Sydney as we near him. I’m Banning Olmos. I assume you are the Reed brothers.” He stands narrowing his eyes as he looks us over. His head slowly moves from left to right before he steps forward to give us each an extremely firm handshake. I appreciate you allowing my son to come play.” 

You are more than welcome, Sergeant. We and Cole love having him. Thank you for your service,Jackson tells him. Baker taught us all ranks and about being thankful to our men in service. Dad did too

He nods slightly with the hint of a smile for a second. I appreciate that. You recognize my rank. I heard your butler is a Marine Corps veteran. Now which one of you is Easton?He growls my name a bit

I flip my hand up off the strap of my bag. That would be me.” 

He straightens fully. I don’t appreciate you yelling at my Luci. Barrett says you apologized, but it will not happen again now that I am home. My Luci Lou is to be treated well. We clear?” 

Becker mutters under his breath. s**t East you did it now.” 


22: Good Old Jealousy 

HIS Luci, what the f**k is that supposed to mean?! I thought they were friends only. Crystal. I was in the wrong that day and I admitted it. I had bad intel. She treats my son well,” 

He nods, his face not softening at all. I can fight, but this guy would probably wipe the floor with me. Depending on what we are fighting over…. Good. I don’t give second warnings.” 

48 Points 

Noted.I say quietly and motion for him to follow us inside. I step very deliberately inside and drop my stuff by the door. They are probably in the playroom.” 

Jackson takes one look at my face and raises an eyebrow. He knows I’m pissed. Did she lie to me about him? She swore he’s like her big brother when I asked her after the dance party. Without saying a word, Jackson falls into step next to me. I hear Becker and Kingston’s feet too. I open the door quietly to find them building some huge fort. Cole’s dragon is apparently attacking it. Luci looks up and I see her whole face light up in a big smile that burns me from the inside out. She practically glows like the f*****g sun at him. She nudges Barrett, who turns and his face explodes with joy, which softens me a little. He takes off running and I see tears in Banning’s eyes as he scoops him up. DAD! You’re home early!” 

Surprise champ. I missed you so much. You gotta stop growing when I leave.He holds him, listening to Barrett chatter like crazy. Barrett finally pulls away as Cole bounces eagerly, watching them

Dad, this is Cole, my best friend not at school.That touches my heart too. Cole grins widely and walks to his 


Banning kneels down and holds his hand out to Cole, who reaches out to shake it like we and Baker taught him. Banning makes an impressed face. Well, hello Mr. Cole. I am quite impressed with your handshake. Someone is raising you right. Thank you for being Barrett’s friend.” 

You’re welcome, Barrett’s daddy.He chuckles at that and Luci moves in to hug him

Hey Luci Lou. You look prettier than ever.She shakes her head, pushing on his chest

Flatterer! You got more tan, so not fair.She leans in closer to him to talk softer. He’s been hoping every night for you to come home.” 

He stares at Barrett like a devoted dad. Me too. Thank you for helping with him.” 

Cole realizes we’re here too after Luci nudges him and points at me. DADDY!He comes running and I can’t help but smile as I catch him

Baker knocks on the open door. I hope you will join us for dinner, Sergeant. I’m Baker. You have been raising an admirable young man there. Luci, will you stay too?” 

She is already opening her mouth to refuse and I override her. Yes she’s staying. We need to talk about the next hockey game she’s bringing him to in two nights.” 

She turns shocked eyes to me and I keep my expression blank. It’s new, Luci.I add quickly to head off her fear that she forgot something. She gives me a grateful smile that’s a fraction of the one Banning got. I huff to myself

Baker, we got any popcorn for later?Becker asks with very innocent face. Jackson and I both turn to give him a baleful look. He blinks too many times, holding that look tenuously. Chief troublemaker should have been his damn name

Baker expanded the breakfast table so we can all fit. Barrett and Cole tell Banning everything he’s missed. I find myself silently chuckling at Cole telling him all about their playdates. Luci watches them both smiling



22: Good Old Jealousy 

+ Points 

She is serene. I heard that word today and thought of her. She can worry and panic like a trapped rabbit. Which in some ways is adorable. It also scares the f**k out of me when I have to witness it. But serenity is her gift when she’s safe. Barrett’s voice breaks into my thoughts about her. And then Luci said she’d pick me up from school dressed like that to barrass me.He frowns at Luci, who laughs softly

Banning turns to wink at her, which only further pisses me off, Luci would do that too. Better mind yourself around her.” 

I would. One more person to laugh at me won’t make much difference.She tells him threateningly

She was teaching me to dance with a LADY. Her and Aunt Syd. Dad! Did you really teach them to dance?Barrett scowls hard and Kingston snickers at him

Banning gives Luci a stern look and she holds up her hands. When he’s thirty. Not a millisecond before then.He sighs. I did. They had to learn with me. I made them. Remember when I teach something, it helps me stay in focus with the lesson and learn it better.Luci nods along with him. Wait, does he also have an issue with focus

Barrett yawns and so does Cole. Banning chuckles and ruffles Barrett’s hair. I should get him home. Thank you very much for dinner. I’d love to come back and talk with you, Mr. Baker.” 

Please do. I am most impressed with Barrett’s handshakes and eye contact. Also, he is very protective of Luci and Sydney.” 

Banning smiles fondly at his son. I plan to teach him to be a proper gentleman who can break bones if he needs to. My parents are a huge influence, as is Sydney and my Luci Lou here.” 

Again, he calls her his, really?! I viciously bite into my garlic bread and chew it the thirtytwo times you are supposed to

He definitely has some of their sweet nature.Baker adds

Luci stands up. I’ll go grab his bag.She picks up all their plates and Baker stands up fussing at her. She maneuvers around him and takes them to the sink. Baker, I can pick up my plate. Wish you would let me help with the dishes one night.” 

No, Miss Luci, that will not happen. You work hard enough.He gives her a meaningful look and I wonder if Baker knows her issues

Luci, you’re putting me to bed, right?Cole pleads and I see her eyes dart to me

Your daddy might want” 

I cut her off smoothly. I promised him you would tonight.Truthfully, Cole asks every night for her to stay later and later. She never turns him down

She nods and turns to head for the playroom. My eyes follow her until she’s out of sight, only to turn back finding Banning staring at me contemplatively. His lips twitch before he looks away and I wonder what that was about. She comes walking back in with his backpack and another bag. She hugs them both and tells Banning I’m coming Sunday. You surprised Syd first?” 

I did. She said she’s going to be at your place when you get home tonight.” 

Perfect. Bye guys.She lifts up and kisses his cheek along with Barrett’s and I want to yank her away from him. I take a slow deep breath as jealousy floods through me in a way I’ve never felt


99: Good Old Jealousy 

Everyone tells him goodbye and I raise a hand, not sorry to see him go

Bath time Coco. Want music tonight?She holds her hand out for him and he skips to her happily nodding 

his head 

+ Points 

I get up and take my plate to the sink, setting it down very deliberately. You could throw it at the wall, but it’s one of your mother’s favorites.Baker states mildly. Banning seems very upstanding and protective.” He eyes me carefully. Yeah of my sweetnessfuck I really need to not think that way

I bet Luci could use some help with bath and bedtime tonight.Becker chimes in with a big s**t eating grin. Jackson and Kingston sit silently laughing at me. I flip all of them off before stalking toward Cole’s room. I step into the bathroom listening to him singing along with her and laughing. Quick bath Coco. It’s late and you need sleep. You grow while you sleep, did you know that? And as tall as your daddy is, you are going to have to sleep a lot to get that tall.” 

I be as big and strong as daddy.Cole proclaims, making my heart hitch like always. He loves me so much. I could have lost him….. 

Yep. You want to play hockey too?” 

Yes. Daddy teaching me to skate already.” 

Well, that is exciting. I would probably fall on my tail if I tried to do that.” 

Cole giggles. Luci, you don’t have a tail. You’re silly.” 

Tail is another word for your behind.” 

Ohhhhh….He says and laughs. Daddy could teach you to skate. He would like that.Cole Reed, you perceptive little turkey

I’m not sure your daddy would want to do that. Let’s get you out and ready for bed.” 

I back out and move into his room, sitting on his bed. They come in and Cole runs into my arms for a hug. He 

is out almost the minute we tuck him in. He barely stays awake for Luci’s dream instructions about a tank that shoots ice cream scoops. I keep waiting each night for a hockey reference only to suffer 


I point toward the connecting door to my room, and she nods, licking her lips nervously. Which reminds me of every suggestive thought I’ve had since the carnival about her that I’ve shoved to the far corners of my dirty mind

I close it behind her and she fidgets a little. I give her some time to settle her nerves, letting me study her. Luci….I watch her eyes focus on mine before I continue. Saturday night there’s a game, and I’d like you to bring him. You’d be in the same spot as before. I’ll get you a hat since Barrett stole yours.I thumb through the ones in my hat box

Could I bring Sydney and our new friend Stormi?She doesn’t mention Banning, which thrills me

I’ll get them tickets too. You made a new friend?” 

She nods with a little smile. She fits in with us.” 

I hand over a blue hat with my number on it. Her fingers brush mine, sending my pulse spiking. I gaze down at those innocent brown eyes, giving me pause. What the hell am I doing? This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t be 


27: Good Old jealousy 

this close to her Bad Idea Easton 

Mouthy, obstinate, prone to danger 

attempt to provoke her a te i get a narrowed eye look as i continus jumpy, fidgety 1 bite my tongue on the rest. Sweet to my son, determined, resilient, protective of Goler 

Are you trying to provoke me on purpose? You need a verbal fight or something for brain stimulation?She makes this little mous with her mouth 

Yes,I growl at her as i clench my fists to keep my hands off her 

And now you’re growling at me? I am so confused, growding does not count in a grammar war. Where are your usual barbed insults? You’re better at this normally. Did you get hit in the head with a hockey stick or the puck?She snaps her fingers as her eyes light up. You got home super early. Another shelf ventilation issue?And then those brown eyes soften with concern. “I forgot, how’s your shoulder healing?She moves closer, staring at the one in question

That’s what does me in. That soft concern of hers after I snip at her. I was hoping my little resilient rabbit would run and be safe from me. One hand reaches for her waist to hold her there while my other moves up to grip the side of her neck. My thumb presses under her chin to push her face up. I lean down, whispering forgive me sweetnessas I let my lips cover hers. They are so soft and I run the tip of my tongue very slowly across that seam holding me back from my first taste of her. She opens her mouth and I hurry to thrust inside, groaning deep in my throat as I do. I feel her shiver and slide my hand to the small of her back to bring her closer. Her velvet tongue dances with mine as her hand splays over my chest. The heat from her palm has me itching to pull my shirt off to truly feel her touch. I slowly withdraw from that velvet heaven to stare down at her. Her eyes are closed and her lips slightly parted as she takes a long, slow breath. Pink flushed cheeks and swollen lips of the same color, f*****g beautiful. I named you right. That mouth is definitely sweetness.” I whisper against her lips before I kiss her again. Which is even better than the first one until someone bangs on my bedroom door

Easton!I release her mouth slowly, letting the sound of my mother’s voice permeate the fog I was lost in. Damn her timing. She bangs again and Luci is back to panicked rabbit. I grab the hat from the floor and set it on her head. Go home sweetness.” I whisper as I open the connecting door quietly and gently push her 


Ivory Row 

Dragged off the cliff by jealousy. Poor Easton, he had no idea he’d lose this round so easily



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Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
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