20: Off Limits
“Cover for me. I gotta take care of something. Ride with Jackson to practice too.” I tell Kingston as I hang back in the hallway. Easton and Jackson have already gone in.
“What is it?” He asks and I shake my head.
“Not here. Tell you later.”
He takes in my face and nods slightly before walking in. I cut around all the people and hurry down the hallway. I need to time this just right to miss my mother at home. She has a copy of our schedules and is a damn dictator about us cutting class. We hardly ever do because we don’t want to risk any grade changes getting to Coach. He’s the type to hold that over our heads and threaten our positions. Hockey is one of the most important things in our lives besides each other and Cole. It’s our passion and our way out to the future we want. Which means playing by Fuckphries rules and staying off his radar.
I watch the clock carefully as I drive toward the gate to home. Right on cue, I see her Audi leaving. She turns the opposite way and I give it a full two minutes before I begin driving again. I park out front and hurry inside hearing Cole’s happy voice singing. When I round the familiar corner, Luci and Baker both face my way. Wondering who is walking in on them, which is an important survival instinct in this house.
“Hey. Baker, can I borrow Luci alone for a minute?” I don’t have a lot of time.
He nods, looking a little concerned. Luci stands up and I beckon for her to follow me. “Let’s go to the game
I let her in and close the door behind us. She glances around. “It’s our sanctuary. Kind of a college guy’s man cave paradise and our exercise room. Here come sit.” I gesture toward the big brown leather couch.
I go and sit across from her in one of the matching armchairs. Leaning forward, I rest my forearms on my knees, unable to stop my foot from nervously tapping.
“Did I do something wrong?” Luci’s eyes are wide with worry.
“No, Luci, you didn’t. I doubt you ever do. We were all home last night hanging out in here when you put Cole to bed.” I lift up the little white baby monitor handset and wave it a few times. Her eyes widen with fear. “Don’t be scared. I am the only one who heard you. It honestly was so noisy in here, I didn’t even pick up on your conversation until I heard my name. After that, I grabbed it and moved where they couldn’t see or hear me. Easton had the music going full volume so he could destroy the punching bag.”
“I…I didn’t know what to tell him. I hope I didn’t cause problems. My answer probably wasn’t the right one.” She looks down at her fidgeting fingers sadly. Easton told us about what she confessed at the carnival. Which probably wasn’t right, but since we are Cole’s other three guardians, it’s important so we can protect
her too.
“It couldn’t be the right one because you don’t know the truth or backstory. I’m not sharing that either.” She’s shaking her head again and I hold up a hand to forestall her. “However, it was the best answer to give that little boy. I thought about what I would have said and it was nowhere near as perfect as your words. You have a way with him. He knew he could trust you to understand too.” I give her a long look and she swallows hard.
20: Off Limits
“How much did you hear?” She asks softly.
“Everything after my name for telling him who she was. But I have terrible memory retention. CRS disease and all from hockey hits.” I give her a small smile that she returns gratefully, understanding I will say nothing to anyone. Well, maybe Kingston; hard to keep secrets from my twin. This girl seems to live through hell and come out with a smile and soft heart.
“I was actually going to come talk to you about this since he showed you the picture. Cole doesn’t remember her and he’s sad about that. He said Easton doesn’t talk about her. Maybe….maybe he could. I know he’d bite my head off if I suggested it or asked, so I didn’t know who to talk to.” For Cole, she’s focused and brave, I note as her gaze holds mine the whole time she talks.
“He would probably lose it on you. She’s a very sore subject, as in off limits, to warn you of the gravity to stay out of it. I’ll talk to him without betraying Cole’s confidence to you somehow.” I rub my temples as I think about that. It almost broke my heart to hear him say he didn’t think she loved him. East is going to bite my damned head off, but I can take it. Luci cannot; she’s honestly as sweet as she seems. Though I do wonder if he might calm down and listen to her when it involves Cole.
“I need to leave to make practice on time. Word to the wise, there are ears everywhere in this damn house. This room has no cameras or monitors. But Cole’s room and the playroom have baby monitors for obvious reasons and the playroom has a security cam. Keep that in mind, Luci.”
She nods and I hold the door open for her. “I put that picture back under Cole’s pillow.”
“I’ll take care of that now. Explain to him that Uncle Becker had to put it back if you wouldn’t mind.”
“I can do that.”
I run off to Cole’s room and find it. Staring down at it, I shake my head sadly. The East in this photo disappeared and I really hope he returns someday. He peeks out for Cole occasionally. I race through the kitchen and steal a sandwich off the tray Baker keeps ready made in the fridge for the four of us food gremlins. “Photo moved Baker.” He nods at me, giving me the same sad look. I figured he found it when he made Cole’s bed today but thoughtfully left it there.
I ruffle Cole’s hair with a wink. “See you later sport. I’m supposed to be at school, ok? Be awesome for Luci.” He gives me a huge grin and a thumbs up which means he’ll keep that quiet from the dragon lady. I leave with a smile. I love that kid.
I skate out onto the ice and Easton stares at me with narrowed eyes. “Where’d you go?”
“Forgot my new hockey pants.” I tap them and his eyes don’t waver for probably a full two minutes.
“Go stretch them out then.” He says before skating off. Kingston gives me a ‘you’re full of s**t look‘ because he saw me pack my bag this morning.
I skate behind him, whispering. “Tell you later. You can ride home with me.”
Kingston mutters under his breath as soon as I finish the story. “East needs to talk to him. He’s old enough to know the truth. I know he wants to protect Cole, but this will only end in him making up his own truth and hurting. She did a damn good job being thrown in at the deep end. So Julian wasn’t full of s**t, just his usual dickheaded self when he called her a throwaway foster kid last year. Fuckhead.”
“She doesn’t want to talk about it. I promised to keep quiet.” I warn him.
O <
20: Off Limits
“Like I talk about others ever. Can’t wait to see how you bring this up at some point. He sounds as excited as
I am about it.
“It’s not happening tonight. I want to talk to Cole first.”
I sit down with a smile. I’ve been early to every class today. Got my favorite muffin this morning too. It’s a good day. I pull out my planner to add the assignments from the last two classes. I chew on my pen asitry to prioritize the order I’ll complete them. A book drops onto my desk and I let out a yelp as Maxton Porter leans down, caging me into my seat. He hasn’t been here the last week and I honestly got used to how clean the air was. Julian’s still here, but hey, one less asshole to breathe in is significant.
“You cost me my starting spot on the hockey team.” He says through clenched teeth.
“You are the one who decided you had the right to put your hands on that girl.” I tell him quietly
“My dad is threatening to cut me off!” His brown eyes are flashing wildly, “Even when Coach lets me come back, Kendall’s going to have my f*****g place!”
I lean back watching him carefully. Every warning bell in my head screaming. There’s only one other person here and she won’t be any help. I say nothing, hoping he can calm down somewhat.
“You owe me, little mouse.” With that, he lifts the book and grabs my planner, I reach for it, but he yanks it away. “Let’s see here. You even write stupid things.” I go to grab for it again, but he holds it up high and backs
He rips a page out near the front as I get to my feet. “Stop! What the hell is wrong with you?”
He backs up tearing out another page, smiling like a deranged psycho.
“Guess this stupid planner is important to you little mouse. You want it…” Suddenly someone runs up behind him, grabbing his arm.
“Leave her the f**k alone! You already got suspended. You want to get kicked off, keep messing with her.” Becker stands there, his other fist clenched. I shake my head at him subtly. I don’t want Humphries going off on him for defending me. He snatches the planner from him and holds it out to me silently.
“He won’t care if I mess with her. It’s not like she counts.” He sneers and I wonder why he hates me so much. Julian, I know why, but this guy I barely ever interacted with.
“Why the f**k are you so hung up on her anyway? You got a crush on her?” Becker holds up a finger at his side to me and waves it in warning.
Maxton looks appalled, his mouth opening and closing rapidly. “Who the f**k would want her?!”
Now Becker smirks and folds his arms. “Makes me wonder. You gave her a nickname and everything.”
“You are out of your f*****g mind!” He screams at Becker and now I hear Easton snarl his name. He moves to block Maxton’s view of me.
“No you are! Leave her the f**k alone and watch your tone with my brother. You want to keep your spot on the hockey team, you’ll mind your s**t. That’s an order from your captain.” He moves next to Becker and stares Maxton down. Even I shiver seeing the cold rage on his face. “She’s off limits to you!”
He turns to glare at me before storming out of the mostly empty classroom. Easton reaches down and picks
20: Off Limits
up the two torn pages holding them out to me silently. When I take them, he whispers “did he touch you?” “No.” I take my book and go sit back down. They stand there for a minute before finally taking their seats. I get a text minutes later. Watch your back, sweetness. We’ll help, but you need to use all your tricks to stay focused when you’re alone.
I look down and he turns slightly to give me serious look. Almost like he’s worried. There’s no way he’s worried about me though. Probably if I have Cole with me. I nod slightly and go back to writing.
Ivory Row
CRS disease is Can’t Remember s**t in case you haven’t seen that before. Becker is probably the best person that could have overheard them talking. Let’s see if we can drag our Icebreaker even closer to that cliff he keeps inching towards in the next chapter. Easton might be a little worried about our Lucí. Also if you want to see what the three main characters look like I have their pictures on my F.Acebook page “Ivory Row Writes” Go check them out. And Easton sounds like Devon Braithwaite. Search for his name with GPS directions if you want to understand why him talking affects Luci so much at the beginning.
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