17: Carnival Tricks
17: Carnival Tricks
I walk toward his truck holding Cole’s hand. If he wasn’t so over the moon about me going with him, I’d storm to my car and leave. He completely manipulated me into that. And his little provoking comments weren’t welcome either. Though I know that’s him. He likes to say things to needle me. I was just extremely done and irritated after running into Julian and his crew at the coffee shop this morning. He made me spill my coffee
all over my shirt and I had to go reorder one before heading home to change again.
Easton opens the passenger door for us and lifts Cole into his seat. He starts to buckle him in and I hold the backpack Baker gave me with snacks, water, and extra clothes. When he finishes, I set it on the floor under Cole’s feet. I’m about to walk around so I can sit next to him when Easton’s hand reaches out and gently stops me. He’s always gentle when he touches my arm. “You’ll have to sit up front with me. Seat is crammed full of hockey stuff that I’m not unloading this morning.”
I glare at him while taking his hand to help me into the seat. Before I can stop him, he has my seatbelt and is buckling me in. He leans in close to me, his breath fanning over my cheek as I avert my head a bit. I can
smell his soap, like mint and evergreen. “I’m sorry I went a little too far. I didn’t mean to truly anger you. You
usually banter back and forth with me.”
I turn to meet his eyes, his face so close to mine. “It…it’s ok. I was already mad when I got here. I snapped a
little more than normal at you.”
His eyes search mine and I think once again what a beautiful color they are. So diffferent. Cole’s eyes are
close, but have more blue. Suddenly he smirks. “Then let’s go play some real games, sweetness.”
Cole chatters happily almost the whole way and I manage to pay attention to him. Easton drives calmly
answering Cole when addressed. When he starts playing quietly, Easton looks at me. “What made you mad
this morning? And don’t avoid the question.”
I tell him briefly and he shakes his head.
When he parks, he glances at me. “Wait there and I’ll help you both out. Now I’ll apologize for forcing you to come today. Cole really wanted you here, but I should have asked if you had plans.” He looks slightly
uncomfortable. I doubt Easton Reed apologizes much. And I got two apologies in one day. Maybe I shouldn’t forgive him, but I will. I can’t hold out when he seems truly remorseful. It would eat at me all day.
“I didn’t. Thought I was watching him anyway. It should be a fun day, right?”
His lips twitch. “We’ll see. You haven’t chased a Cole around a carnival. And I carry the backpack.”
By lunchtime, he’s right, my feet are tired. We’ve ridden so many things. Easton jumps right into anything Cole asks of him. I haven’t seen them together like this. His face will light up when Cole laughs.
“Alright buddy, time for lunch. I’m starving and you are sounding hangry.” He shoots me a look and I nod vehemently. Cole is starting to whine, a definite hunger indicator. We return to the food area with Cole
walking between us holding our hands.
“I’ll be back with food.” Easton says as we sit at a table close enough to the stage Cole can watch the show.
We are laughing at one of the magic tricks when I hear a voice that sets my nerves on edge. I turn slightly,
17: Carnival Tricks
+8 Points
spotting Julian Soames sitting down with his buddies at the table right next to us. Hunching my shoulders, I
shield Cole with my torso.
Unfortunately, Deacon discovers me when he tosses something into the trash can right in front of us.
“Oh look, it’s the curse.” He points to me, grinning with unholy delight. I reach into my purse and grab my headphones. There’s a break in the stage show and I find an episode of Bluey on YouTube. “You listen to this for me.” After placing the headphones in his ears, I search for an empty table. Instead, I meet Julian’s cruel
smirk and cold eyes.
“My unlucky day twice in a row to run into you.” He snarls.
Heading back with a huge tray in one hand, I lift my corn dog to take a bite. I got basically everything, having no clue what Luci will eat. As I’m walking, I stop short hearing Julian’s voice. “You should go on stage. I heard they are looking for a good joke.”
He and his fuckhead friends are at the table next to Cole and Luci. They are taunting her. She’s shielding Cole with her body. He has her headphones in, staring at her phone. Good girl, I think. Looking down at the tray, I make a few adjustments before walking that way. A girl from the table behind them gets up to throw something away. I stop her on the way back. “I need a favor. I’ll give you a whole booklet of ride tickets if you will pretend to trip me as I walk by and let me yell at you. I won’t mean it.” She’s about twelve and sitting with her friends. She grins. “Sure.”
“Warn your friends.” She nods before moving to her seat and whispering to her friends. She glances up and gives me a thumbs up. I start walking again and as I get there, she jumps up and barely bumps into me, but I act as if she slammed into me like a rival hockey player. “Watch it!” I growl as I stumble and half the contents of the tray hit Julian and Deacon. The whole two brown trays of ketchup and mustard I had filled to the hilt happened to miraculously be right at the edge. The red and yellow goo coats both their shirts and heads. “s**t!” I growl out and they turn furious. I face the girl. “See what you made me do! You should be careful!” She cowers, stammering out a sorry that would win a f*****g academy award.
I turn back to the angry football team. “Sorry. f*****g i***t here jumped up.”
“Dammit Reed! Now I need to go home and change.”
I hold one hand up in surrender. If they decide to attack me, they are going to be in pain. Hockey players get a minor in fighting, not to mention I took boxing lessons for a long time. Julian gives me a furious look before he tells his lackeys to get him and Deacon some napkins as they start walking away. I keep the contrite expression on my face with a lot of effort. Once they walk far enough away, I glance at Luci and see her ducking her head to the side to hide her face. Her eyes are filled with delight as they cut up toward me. I reach into my pocket and hand over the ticket book to the girl before heading for our table to set the tray down. She watches me hand that booklet over and her face lights up. “You owe me a corndog since mine was tragically sacrificed. And if you couldn’t tell, I really like ketchup and mustard.” I tell her harshly, trying not to
“I’ll buy you two.” She giggles with delight, which has me staring at her. “Thank you. That was amazing.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. But in the future, you should stand up for yourself. I’m going to get another corndog. Eat whatever you want, but half of those curly fries are mine. And that funnel cake. Good girl on the headphones and Bluey.” I commend her before going to leave.
17: Carnival Tricks
“No I’ll get it.”
+ Points
I shake my head. “They may not be gone yet. I don’t want them messing with you after I pissed them off.” We eat with Cole happily munching and watching another show on the stage. “Want to go play games after this?” I ask and he nods grinning.
“I want to win a big prize Daddy.” I smile at him. We wander through and he points to a huge black and green dragon hanging from the balloon popping booth. I let Cole try first before he turns with his little stuffed fish
“Daddy’s turn.” He says grinning. I pay the guy and pop all the large ones at the top so he can have his dragon. The guy hands him over and Cole is in heaven.
“I have to name him.” The thing is almost as big as him and I chuckle watching him walk with it. Luci does too watching him with a sweet smile on her face.
“Fireball?” I suggest. He shakes his head.
“Luci?” He asks her. Luci reaches for him and pretends to study him for a few minutes, turning him very seriously. Her eyes light up as she smiles.
“How about Icebreaker like your daddy? Fire melts ice….” She hands him back to Cole and he grins, nodding
I stare at her thoughtfully.
“Daddy, now you have to win Luci one. She needs a stuffie.” Cole calls out as he hugs his dragon. She won’t
look at me.
“No, Cole I don’t need anything.”
“Choose what you want.” I say quietly.
“No, really. I don’t like stuffed animals.” She averts her eyes.
“Such a bad liar. Pick something, sweetness. Cole wants you to have one.”
“Luci stuffed animals are the best.” Cole tells her, hugging his dragon hard.
“Any will do.” She finally answers.
We stand in front of a glass bottle breaking booth. “Which one is hardest to win?”
The worker points to a large stuffed rabbit. Like Cole’s dragon, he looks nicer and softer than your usual carnival prizes. “That’s what she gets then. How many do I have to break?”
“Seven consecutively.” I hand over the money and he places ten balls in my box. I hurl the first one as a test and realize I need to throw harder. After that, I break on every throw. I need this game at home for a stress reliever. The guys shakes his head. “Lots of arm muscles on you.” He pulls the lavender rabbit down and I hand it to Luci.
“A rabbit for a rabbit.” I add quietly.
“Thank you.” She whispers, staring down at it intently.
“Let’s go through the funhouse, Daddy.” I nod noting how Luci seems to be deep in thought. She’s walking along slowly, not watching where she’s going. One of her little fugue moments.
17: Carnival Tricks
I let her pass me before grabbing her arm, stopping her before she slams into a trash can. Leaning down near her ear, I whisper hoping to wake her up. “I can’t wait to hear what you name him.” That little hitch in her breath tells me she’s come back to the present. I hold her there a second longer, taking in the scent of her shampoo, curious if I got it right earlier. It is strawberry vanilla. Her head turns and her eyes are focused. I release her and she moves next to Cole.
Holding her hand out for Cole’s dragon, she offers to watch the animals while we run through the funhouse. I nod at her and follow him. I can tell she needs a minute to herself. I apologized to her earlier, knowing I had pushed too far with how angry she was. I need answers from her today and don’t want her clamming up.
Ivory Row
Ketchup and mustard for the win. Will Luci tell him the truth when he asks? And how much of it will she share?
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