15: Cold Dragon
“He’s going to be miles better than prick Porter.” Jackson observes as we walk in the mud room door. Baker faces us mouthing the word “quiet” with his eyes stretched wide in warning.
He’s too late though. The gate alarm or the garage alarm alerted the dragon to our presence.
“I would like to know why the four of you are only just now getting home.” Mother stands out of sight until we are fully in the house. Her arms are folded and I take note of the blue cocktail dress she wears.
“We had extra practice to run drills with Kendall because this will be his first full starting game. Coach wanted it.” I don’t add that it wasn’t until after I suggested it that he jumped at the idea.
“I added tonight’s dinner to your phone calendars a week ago. I had guests here specifically to meet a few of you.” Her hair is coiffed in some updo and she wears plenty of extra diamonds over her normal sets. “I had to keep the nanny here late because Cole couldn’t join us without you being here. He was greatly upset.”
Becker’s hockey stick hits the floor with the loudest “thwap.” He takes his time bending over to retrieve it. Probably because he almost laughed. I’m sure Cole counted every lucky star in existence that he spent tonight with his Luci instead of that nightmare.
“Is Cole still awake?” I ask tiredly.
“No idea.. Luci is still with him. My guests are having dessert and coffee. Considering the way you four smell, I cannot ask you to join us.” She sniffs with disdain. My wonderful mother everyone, I think with irritation. It used to be sadness at what she’s become. But that left long ago. And if it hadn’t, Cole’s arrival would have been the nail in the coffin of regret over my relationship with the woman who gave birth to me. Somewhere in there is the Imogen Walters who grew up the poor daughter of a mechanic and a bus driver. The one who would take us to the park and movies, play games with us for hours. But that Imogen disappeared thirteen
years ago.
“We’ll be very quiet and head for our rooms to shower and we can grab sandwiches later.” Jackson offers. Baker chimes in. “I have your dinners warming and will leave them in Easton’s room.”
“I will speak to Nick Humphries the next time I have committed so much time and effort into an event you are required to be present for.” f**k, who talks like that to her kids?
“Dad still here?” Becker chimes in.
“Yes your father is busy working on closing the deal for the team. One of the many reasons your presence was a necessity.”
We all remain silent, knowing it’s futile to engage anymore.
Mother taps her foot on the tile. “Go. I need a word with Easton.”
Fantastic. My brothers trudge out slowly. Jackson glances over his shoulder at me. He flashes me a sympathetic look.
Knowing it will irritate her, I release my bag less carefully than normal. The slight thud only makes her eyes narrow more. You’d think they would be stuck that way when she looks at me.
15: Cold Dragon
+8 Points
“Easton, I know hockey is very important in this family. Your father’s dream is very close to fruition. It will only help you achieve your own. You missing tonight’s dinner was extremely unfortuitous. I will speak with Nick and inform him this cannot happen again. You will tell him when you have to be here for these events.”
“So you want me to blow off practice for hockey so Dad can impress upon people that he should have a professional hockey team? Seems a bit f****d up.” I say blankly.
“Watch your language with me! You are the captain and star of that team. He will accede those requests. There could be something in it for him if your father starts the team next year. A coaching position. The man
has ambition.”
f**k to the hell no! I am so ready to be away from the Humphries assholes. To think they could simply move up with us is disgusting.
“He’s not a good coach. Has ambition but no foresight. And definitely no honor.” I grind out.
“That isn’t my problem. You are the oldest in this family and your brothers will listen to you. I had several suitable young ladies here tonight who would benefit them in this society. I am working very hard to ensure you all have a good future.” She stares at me as I shove my hands in my pockets.
“Is that what this is really about, Mother? What if they want a different future? Seems like there’s more to life than the right connections.” I break my usual protocol and answer her.
She scowls at me and shakes her head. “Easton, you are far too naive. You have no idea what this world and the society you’ve been raised in is truly like. They search for any weakness and will exploit it to cause your ruin and downfall.”
“Then why stay in it, why not search for people you want to be a part of a village with?” I ask softly.
“Because we are part of it and it’s the best one to be in. The elite. They can help you achieve every dream you
I stare at her. She truly believes her own bullshit. I think of the street we went down Halloween night. “Basically, all that talk growing up from Dad and you about hard work and determination to chase your dreams means nothing then. It’s only who you know and how much money you have?”
She gazes at me a bit sadly and I decide maybe it’s worth a shot. “Mo…Mom, shouldn’t we all get to be happy too?”
I wait and hope for the first time in a while. She stares at me for a minute before I hear a tinkling fake laugh. “Oh Imogen, you have to tell me where you found that painting in your lounge. Is it an original?” I spy Joanne Floyd, one of the wealthiest single women in Kenton. She steps in holding her wine glass. “Oh Easton, correct? My you have grown up. I should have brought Annalise. She was quite thrilled you came to her party Halloween night. Would love to spend time one on one with you.”
Mother’s face has frozen over again. “Easton isn’t available. I do think Jackson and Annalise would quite hit it off. We should get them together in a week or two. Hockey is keeping them very occupied right now. I’ll be right along. Baker should be serving more coffee in the lounge.”
Joanne leaves after eyeing me in a way that makes me want to shower with a steel wool pad. “Easton, happiness is what you make it. And sometimes you have to change your mindset to achieve your goals. Keep in mind you have a big one you want.” She eyes me stonily and I immediately scowl at her.
15: Cold Dragon
+8 Points
“Like I could forget that you have that hanging over my head.” I bite out coldly. I grab my bag and skirt around her angrily. Maybe I’ll make an effort again in ten years.
I toss my things down in my room with a big sigh. My shoulder is killing me. I’m tired, dirty and starving. Cole woke up at four this morning with a nightmare and it took me a good hour to calm him down. By then I was awake, so I just got an extra workout in and got him ready for school.
I’ll check on Cole and Luci before I shower. His room connects to mine and I open his door soundlessly thanks to lots of practice. He’s out. I can see him sprawled in his bed sleeping. The glow from a phone shines in the opposite corner of the room. Luci sits at his play table writing something furiously as her phone dimly lights the surface. I tiptoe over before I blatantly snoop, reading over her shoulder.
To Do:
Chunk 1: beginning of health essay.
Chunk 2: diagrams for health essay
Chunk 3: history timeline
I lean down and she jumps. I hold my hands up, and she closes her eyes before yanking the headphones from her ears. Too late, I see the cord in her hair from them.
“Sorry.” I whisper. “Didn’t know you were listening.”
She nods and I grab her bag and paper. “Follow me.”
I lead her into my room and she looks around startled. “Don’t want to wake Cole. Why were you in there hiding in the dark? And your to–do list says chunk. What is that?”
Her voice is hoarse and she clears her throat. “Chunks are how I break down my projects, so I can finish them. Pieces of work that you combine at the end. I had to stay out of sight….I mean I thought I should stay in Cole’s room in case he woke and the guests are here and I…um is this your room? Is that how you got in without me seeing you because I was facing the door? Or was I so spaced out?”
“Connecting door. Did my mother tell you to stay out of sight?”
“Yes, but I mean she has fancy guests.” She stops talking as my eyes blaze.
“You aren’t a dog to be hidden away, Luci.” I sigh. “I need a favor.”
She looks stunned, those big brown eyes clouding over. “A favor?”
“Yes, sweetness. My shoulder is killing me. I think it needs to be thoroughly cleaned, probably getting infected. Can you wait here and listen for Cole while I shower and then clean my shoulder again?”
“Umm, why not your brothers?”
“Because I don’t want them to know I got hurt that badly. They’ll take it easy on me in practice and that won’t go well with Coach, who doesn’t need to figure out what I did.”
She nods.
“Thanks. You can work at my desk in normal lighting to not strain your eyes.” I gesture to the black chair.
I hurry to throw on sweatpants after my shower and grab the peroxide and bandages. Luci looks up when I
15: Cold Dragon
step out and I go sit on the bed.
+8 Points
She steps over grabbing the pads and bottle. I hear her gasp when I turn. “It’s swollen and red. Infected, probably.” I hear the cap snap right before the cold liquid hits and it stings, but in such a good way. She’s putting cream on it when my door opens and Jackson steps in, hiding his shock well. “Uhh East, how did you get that?”
Becker and Kingston right behind him. They hone in on my shoulder, frowning. “The hell, East?”
“Does no one knock?” I grumble.
“I hit him. With a sharp object.” Luci says as she gently applies the bandage. Becker loses it laughing. I raise an eyebrow at her, deciding how to bite her back.
I toss a shirt on as Baker wheels a cart in with our food. “I’ll leave this here. Luci, you can escape through the front door since they’ve retired to the back lounge. Follow me.”
She grabs her things with Kingston handing her list. “Thank you, Luci.” I call after her. She simply nods and
I stand beside the island and tap my nails on the counter, slowly counting to ten. I don’t need to chase after Easton because he’s more than capable of causing a scene. Need a serene face for my guests too. I plaster on my hostess smile and walk unhurriedly back to the lounge. Jason glanced up and smiles. “Boys home?”
He asks me.
I nod smiling. “Yes, but practice was very grueling. They need to shower and eat. They are helping to train a new starter with extra practices. Very dedicated, those four to their sport.” I direct that toward Morgan. He is the one Jason needs to convince.
“An admirable trait.” Morgan says with a thoughtful smile.
As I listen to the chatter around me, I think of Easton’s words. My son has no idea the sacrifices you must make to have this kind of life. I made sure my boys will never struggle or suffer the way I did. The way Jason did for marrying me. He might think I’m cold, but he’s already changing to become like me. Making the difficult decisions to have what you want most.
He’ll realize it one day. That I was right.
Ivory Row
A small bit of insight into Imogen.