131: Bonus Chapter 4: Two Little…
+15 Points
131: Bonus Chapter 4: Two Little Bunnies Part 2
Before I can move, someone is against my side. She tucks my arm in hers.
“Hi sweetheart.” She says and then turns to face him. “You need to back away now Marshall. My son is on his way back and he won’t be very happy to find you anywhere near his precious
Imogen’s voice is coldly authoritative as she stares him down.
“Oh look the disgraced ex–wife of Jason Reed. From the rumors I heard, your kids won’t even
give you the time of day.” He taunts.
“Rumors always do have a way of being wrong. You should learn from an old lady’s wisdom
and ignore them. And maybe learn from your prison sentence that you are a terrible judge of
right and wrong.” She retorts coldly.
“You and your f*****g family took everything from me!”
“Wrong. You made your own bed Marshall.” I tell him angrily. Imogen squeezes my arm.
“I assume you are attached to that van your uniform matches.” She points to it before reading
the sign. “Doody Calls. We scoop your dog’s poop.” She flashes an amused smile. “Picking up
dog poop in wealthy people’s yards. Seems like a fitting occupation for you.” She fires at him
as an angry snarl comes in from the side.
Easton is stomping our way and his demeanor is angry enough to kill.
Marshall visibly swallows hard and backs away toward the van. Another guy walks over
toward it wearing the exact same uniform. “Marshall what’s wrong?” He asks staring at him.
“Just unlock the doors and let’s get out of here!” Marshall barks at him, watching Easton with
fear. He almost leaps into the van as soon as the doors unlock. The other guy mutters under
his breath as he hops into the driver’s seat, and they leave.
Easton stares after him and then turns our way. “Sweetness….”
“I’m fine. Your mom came and helped me.” I hug her gratefully.
“I’d be upset he’s still in the state, but considering he is knee deep with other pieces of s**t
like himself, I’ll leave him to it.” Easton says dryly. “Can’t make this s**t up.” He adds with a crooked grin.
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131: Bonus Chapter 4: Two Little…
Imogen looks up from her phone. “They are based in Evanston so at least he’s thirty minutes
away.” She shows him her screen.
Easton stares at her for a second. “Thank you, Mom for helping with Marshall.” He says softly
and she smiles at him. He rarely calls her mom. He doesn’t call her mother either since they
started reconciling. It’s like he’s in the middle and doesn’t know what to do yet.
“I’m glad I happened to be leaving the pharmacy over there and saw Luci.” She squeezes me again before releasing me. “I was going to call you later. I’d like to take Cole and Hayden to the park one day next week.”
“Any day works for them.” I answer her and we leave her after I hug her again. Easton hugs her
today too.
We made sure she was at the reveal when we told everyone we were having twins. Kingston
and Becker had quickly asked Cole if he’d been making big wishes again. He solemnly told
them he only asked for one baby sister this time. There was a friendly bet on whether he would get a sister or another brother. The Reed boys all bet with Cole on twin baby sisters. I
went with one of each. And should have known I was wrong when we went to the sonogram to
find out.
“Two baby girls.” The sonographer had said with a big smile after learning about our family bet. Cole had jumped for joy and Hayden had to imitate his big brother.
Easton never confirmed it, but I know he was equally excited to have a daughter.
About two months before they were born, Dr. Morris informs me bedrest would be best at this point because my blood pressure was fluctuating some days. Easton makes sure I obey her to
the letter.
“Mommy, we have something to show you.” Cole comes running to leap on the couch one afternoon after Hayden’s nap. Skittles was following him. When the boys are gone, she’s my little sentry. Sits on my lap so I’m forced to hang out on my bed or the couch. Easton always jokes that he trained her well.
“You do?” I ask him with a laugh. He turns behind him. Easton walks closer with Hayden held
high. “I told her, Daddy.”
“Cole, you help Hayhay walk down there. I’ll carry you.” He lifts me effortlessly and heads toward the hallway. “Close your eyes sweetness. This is a surprise remember?” He whispers into my ear not five feet away from the couch.
I obey him knowing he won’t move otherwise. “What did you two do?” I ask suspiciously.
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131: Bonus Chapter 4: Two Little…
Hayden giggles in front of us.
When we stop, Cole says with excitement, “I’m going to count to three Mommy and then you
can open your eyes. One….two…three.”
I open them and have to blink a few times. It’s the nursery, but they’ve completely finished it. The white walls are gone. “But….I didn’t…this wasn’t what I showed you.” I protest as I stare at
the muted wall mural behind the two white cribs. Inside I see mattresses covered in muted
watercolor butterflies and delicate little flowers. The mural was called fairytale and it’s in light
lavender and gray colors like a misty background far away. A bride in the center with the
vague outline of a castle behind it. Flowers in the foreground with small butterflies scattered. Above the cribs hang two mobiles with soft fabric white butterflies and flowers. On each side
of the wall are their names, in vertical letters. Tiny butterflies are glued throughout the wall
with a few touching a letter of their name. Two gray plush recliners sit off to the right near the
double changing pads atop the wide white dresser. It’s big enough for them both. On the left
side is a low bookshelf already stocked with board and soft books. A lamp sits there with a
print above it.
A picture of two little brown bunnies sniffing a tiny purple butterfly with the words
Everything That is Real was Imagined First. The Velveteen Rabbit
“Mommy, do you like it?” Cole tugs on my hand and I sniff back the tears.
“I love it. But I didn’t….” I turn back to my husband who is walking toward one of the recliners
to let me sit. Hayden is on the floor playing with a ball.
“Sweetness you had all of this saved on your phone in screenshots you’ve been taking. I know
you didn’t want to ask for full on girly nursery in this house of boys. I told you to choose
whatever you want for our little girls and I meant it. So we got it all and put it together yesterday.” He smiles slowly at me.
“Mommy, look at this.” Cole calls me and Easton spins the chair to see the things behind us. A white circular toddler table sits with six chairs. There’s a stuffed animal in each one. A white
tea set is arranged there that has pink and purple painted butterflies on the sides.
“I picked the stuffed animals, Mommy. I got them a bunny, two princesses, a fox, a swan and a dragon. Every little girl needs a dragon to protect her.” He points to each one and my heart just about bursts seeing the happiness on his face. He will be the best big brother to two little girls. “Maybe I should have gotten two dragons.” He frowns a little.
Easton shakes his head at him. “We can do that later buddy. This was enough for now. We can buy them all the stuffies you want once they get bigger.”
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131: Bonus Chapter 4: Two Little…
“You can have a tea party with your girls.” Easton whispers behind me. “I know it’ll be a while,
but I wanted you to have that. Along with this.” He points to a white dress up rack with small
cubby shelves on the side. There are shoes, crowns, wands, purses and a few princess
dresses already hanging up. I also spy a warrior outfit or two. “They can’t always be princesses.” Easton reasons as I point to those two. “They need to be fierce little ladies.
“And their dollyhouse, Mommy.” Cole runs over to a large white simple dollhouse. I swallow
hard seeing that too. All the things I always wished for when I was a little girl……
The dollhouse is empty when I examine it. “We didn’t fill it up. I thought you’d have fun doing
that.” Easton explains.
“We built it Mommy.” Cole excitedly informs me and I look up at Easton.
“We ordered a kit and it was easy to build. Thought you’d like that idea too.” He shrugs.
“You shrug that off like it’s an everyday thing. You built a dollhouse, Easton Reed.” I hold my arm out to Cole and he runs to hug me as we embrace his dad. “That’s the sweetest thing. You two can tell your little bunnies that you built it just for them.” My voice is thick with the
tears I am struggling to hold onto.
“Nothing much. It was basically glue and screw it together.” Easton again downplays it. I’ve learned he really doesn’t like too much attention for what he does. He might be the leader of his hockey team and the oldest Reed brother, but he much prefers to go unrecognized for his
ideas and talent.
“This is the best surprise. I love it all.” I whisper to them.
“Chair ok?” Easton moves to sit in the larger one. “I’ll send it back if it’s not comfortable.”
“It’s perfect. I can sleep in this thing.” Which will probably happen. I fell asleep in Hayden’s enough. It wasn’t as comfortable as these so Easton got rid of it once he didn’t want to be
rocked to sleep any longer.
“All that’s left is two little rabbits to appear and pictures to follow on the walls. I wonder if
they’ll look like you.” He muses.
I glance at the two mini–Easton’s on the floor playing. “Doubtful, I think blonde Norse god
genes win out with you.”
“We’ll see. Maybe we’ll have a little side bet of our own. I vote they look like you, you’re voting
they look like me.”
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131: Bonus Chapter 4: Two Little…
Coco pipes in. “I think they look like both of you.”
Easton nods at him. “Also probable. We’ll bet…..something interesting later.” He winks at me.
I recall our little bet when the girls are born. Easton had followed the nurse as they got them ready for me. I won’t forget his laugh as he stands beside the bed about to lay them on my chest. “Not a single hair on either one of their heads, sweetness. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if they look like their beautiful mommy’s carbon copies.” The nurse helps him position them and he leans down to kiss me gently. “My three little bunnies.”