13: Trick or Treat Part 2
+8 Points
13: Trick or Treat Part 2
“You can’t text her to see where they are on this street?” Becker asks as we stare at all the kids in costume.
“Because she probably isn’t looking at her phone. Cole said Barrett was dressing as Batman. So we find a Batman and a Darth Vader. How hard can that be?” I mutter.
We went with Cole’s Star Wars theme. I was Boba Fett, Jackson was a Storm Trooper, Kingston’s Chewbacca, and Becker chose Han Solo. Becker wore an actual Han mask to make sure no one recognizes him.
“How are we getting out of Annalise Floyd’s party?” Jackson asks me softly.
“I hired two guys close to our height to go for thirty minutes as me and Jackson, then to change and go as you two.” I answer them.
“You are resourceful tonight.” Becker says proudly.
I huff. He knows how desperate I was this year. Cole was sick with the flu last year for Halloween so we had to skip it. Then this year, I repeatedly asked Coach for an earlier practice or to cut out early and I’d make up the time later. Otherwise, when we finished at 7:30 it would be too late to go. He refused like an ass each time, so instead I had to make sure practice was completely canceled. I wasn’t missing it this year.
Jackson gives me a look. “Luci dress up for this?”
“No idea.”
Kingston snickers. “I hear him.”
I do too. That delighted laugh and him calling Barrett’s name. We find him in a huge yard that is set up like a Halloween amusement ground. They are near two poles set up like the start of a race. Close to it there’s a round tub with pick–up ducks and another with apples for bobbing. A fire goes with the setup for s’mores and hot dogs on a table near it
Cole takes off racing and I hear Luci cheering for him along with another female voice. They cheer like they are at a hockey game.
I turn to find her and stop shocked. She wears the Starlight costume from the show The Boys. The whole costume down to the white and gold knee high boots.
“Damn.” Becker says lowly.
“Who is her friend?” Jackson asks and I tear my eyes away to stare at the blonde next to her. She is dressed as Queen Maeve from the same show. “That is one hot costume.”
“Which one?” Kingston asks with a grin. “And check it out. They got interested jailbait.” He gestures toward a group of boys ogling them. They look maybe seventeenish if I’m being generous. I watch them talking until one of them finally strikes out on his own. He attempts to swagger over to them, stopping in front of Luci. “This should be good. She puts East in his place easily.” Becker chuckles.
He is talking and I can see the smirk on his face. Luci is craning her neck around him, and finally she holds up a hand to him before sidestepping him.
+8 Points
13: Trick or Treat Part 2
“Cole, watch the firepit please.” Cole bobs his Darth Vader helmet.
She turns back toward young Romeo and says kindly. “Sorry, but I don’t think we’re in your age range. Nice
meeting you though.”
He looks a little surprised. “I like older women.”
Her friend nods her head, amused. “Yeah, well, we don’t like going to jail for your older women habit. There were some pretty ladies in your safe age range dressed like Black Widow and Supergirl that passed by here not ten minutes ago. They stared at your group awfully hard. Go check them out Punisher.”
He ducks his head looking a little sheepish. “Thanks.” He says quietly before heading back to his friends who are ribbing him about striking out. Luci and her friend stand watching the boys.
“She’s nice to them, but not ice for brains. You must get under her skin East, and not in a good way. Like a hypodermic needle kind of way.” Kingston says with delight.
I roll my eyes and decide to end this. I walk toward Cole who glances up. I lift my mask and he comes running, screaming, “Daddy!”
I lower my mask before I catch him. Luci and her friend turn to stare at us. Luci tenses up and I’m sure she’s terrified I’m some stranger. Kingston calls her name. She relaxes and I turn to see he’s lifted his mask to reassure her. No doubt exists that she cares about Cole.
Cole lifts his helmet so he can talk better and I do the same.
“Daddy you came! I’m having the best time. We already have so much candy and we not finished with the
I chuckle softly at him. “I’m glad Luci could bring you.” I tell him honestly. I wanted to strangle Mother when Baker told me what happened yesterday. Another mark in the justification column for all the tricks I pulled
Cole leans in very seriously, holding his hand up like he’s whispering. “She said I have to pay her Daddy.”
“With what?” I whisper back, intrigued.
“Three pieces of chocolate from my bag. I
gonna give her five.”
“Very generous of you, Lord Vader.” I add seriously.
“Batman and Sith Lord Vader, we should go to more houses so that you may see if they will be part of your world takeover plans. And because your bedtime is fast approaching.” Luci calls out. “Even Jedi overlords and crime fighting bats need their growing sleep.” I silently chuckle at that.
“Come on Daddy.” He pulls me toward them.
I lift my helmet like Kingston and Jackson as we approach the girls.
“You’re Sydney Olmos.” Becker states holding out his hand. She shakes it, eyeing him.
“I am. Nice to meet you, Becker.” She goes down the line, leaving me for last with a fiery look in her eyes. Not my biggest fan I guess. Becker and Kingston are the only two who got the “nice to meet you” tag I noticed.
“Come on Starlight and Maeve.” Barrett shouts.
Sydney retorts. “Hold up there Bruce Wayne. And it’s Queen Maeve, buddy.”
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ander and hy Butchers walking pores a
More of your team. They could join your jokes
Sydney nudges taes Yeh, Lue is looking for Soldur Boy Or at least Jensen Ackles in any form
Late Tres back. Nope Searching for Golden Boy for you.”
“Mmmm yes. Even if he did self immolate.” Sydney adds with a laugh. “But Soldier Boy would work just fine A girl dressed as Medusa is passing, and she says, “Who would want Jensen Ackles?”
“Who wouldn’t? Only someone without eyes and ears.” Luci says under her breath, before following the boys up to a couple dressed up as minions. I hear them saying trick or treat before choosing their treats.
the way back, they grab her hands and she twirls them around. They laugh as she says funny things to them. Both begin chattering rapid fire at the same time about two completely different things.
Luci, If we go down there, they said they have glow sticks like glasses and hats and balloon animals.”
Cole simultaneously. “That guy said my costume was awesome. I heard the house across the street from the glow stick house has chips and lemonade.”
1 struggle to keep up, but she simply nods. “We’ll go to the glow stick and the chip house. I promise. Which balloon animal would you pick?” They both begin talking again and she answers them easily.
“How the hell does she do that?” Jackson mutters.
“I was completely lost.” Becker agrees.
Sydney answers softly. “She has a gift with them.” She sounds almost sad.
They squeal with delight at the chip and lemonade house. The next one is decorated to the hilt also, with purple and orange lights. Luci starts walking with them, nearing a woman dressed up like some generic superhero at the edge of the porch. Luci is skipping along before she comes to a screeching halt. Cole and Barrett ask her why she stopped as Syd takes off running. Luci’s head nudges toward the house and Syd turns slightly. Luci pulls the gold mask over her face.
Syd comes back our way. “Could one of you walk them up there? I need to talk to Luci.”
+8 Points
13: Trick or Treat Part 2
“Yes, Aunt Queen Maeve.” He says in his Batman voice. We all laugh at him. This is much better than that stuffy socialite costume party Mother demanded we attend,
Cole runs up to join him.
“Far enough, or I’ll blast you with light.” Luci says and they slow down to walk normally.
Barrett turns, frowning at her. “Batman fears light.”
She makes a face at him. “I know. That’s why I came as this tonight. To keep you two dark beings in check.”
“Ok. I gotta know. Fans of the show?” Jackson surprisingly asks the ladies. He never chats idly this much with women.
“Yes.” Luci says baldly.
“We dress up every year.” Syd says. “And yes we pick a theme to match. We’re still kids tonight.”
Homelander and Billy Butcher are walking past us as she talks.
“More of your team. They could join you.” Becker jokes.
Sydney nudges Luci. “Nah, Luci is looking for Soldier Boy. Or at least Jensen Ackles in any form.”
Luci fires back. “Nope. Searching for Golden Boy for you.”
“Mmmm yes. Even if he did self–immolate.” Sydney adds with a laugh. “But Soldier Boy would work just fine.” A girl dressed as Medusa is passing, and she says, “Who would want Jensen Ackles?”
“Who wouldn’t? Only someone without eyes and ears.” Luci says under her breath, before following the boys up to a couple dressed up as minions. I hear them saying trick or treat before choosing their treats.
On the way back, they grab her hands and she twirls them around. They laugh as she says funny things to them. Both begin chattering rapid fire at the same time about two completely different things. “Luci, if we go down there, they said they have glow sticks like glasses and hats and balloon animals.”
Cole simultaneously. “That guy said my costume was awesome. I heard the house across the street from the glow stick house has chips and lemonade.”
I struggle to keep up, but she simply nods. “We’ll go to the glow stick and the chip house. I promise. Which balloon animal would you pick?” They both begin talking again and she answers them easily.
“How the hell does she do that?” Jackson mutters.
“I was completely lost.” Becker agrees.
Sydney answers softly. “She has a gift with them.” She sounds almost sad.
They squeal with delight at the chip and lemonade house. The next one is decorated to the hilt also, with purple and orange lights. Luci starts walking with them, nearing a woman dressed up like some generic superhero at the edge of the porch. Luci is skipping along before she comes to a screeching halt. Cole and Barrett ask her why she stopped as Syd takes off running. Luci’s head nudges toward the house and Syd turns slightly. Luci pulls the gold mask over her face.
Syd comes back our way. “Could one of you walk them up there? I need to talk to Luci.”
13: Trick or Treat Part 2
“I got it.” I say with Kingston. We walk up together. Luci passes us without looking up.
+8 Points
A guy dressed up like Aquaman is handing out candy, “Wow you are tall as Chewy and the biggest Boba Fett
I’ve seen.”
I recognize that voice and keep silent. Kingston too. The boys say thank you and we leave. Luci and Sydney wait across the street for us. I get back to Becker and he is watching them.
“That’s Marshall Soames.”
“Head prick himself.” I mutter, lifting my mask as we wait to cross the street.
“Runs in their blood. Julian is his younger clone.” Jackson adds.
Kingston lifts his mask too. “Why does she do that with her fingers?” He points toward Luci subtly. I see her listening to Sydney. Her loft index finger moves scraping the nail along her thumb. Her right hand copies the motion as she holds both in front of her waist.
“I’ve seen it a few times.” He adds.
Cole hears us. Barrett ran across to them after Syd gestured he could. “Luci does that when she needs a minute. She told me.” Anxiety or stress then.
“Worried that Julian might be home?” Becker muses.
I turn back to stare at the house, not seeing him. “Maybe…”
“Daddy, let’s go. There’s the glow stick house!” Cole shouts, tugging at my hand. Luci waves him over after she checks the street.
“Go to Luci.” I make sure nothing is coming as he runs to her. He grabs her hand and she runs with him to the glow stick house.
Luci seems to know the owners as she talks with them and introduces Cole. The woman dressed as Glinda from the Wizard of Oz hugs Luci. Cole and Barrett gesture to all of us waiting and I see the couple laughing. Luci throws on a glow stick cat ear headband before she puts a pair of glasses on Barrett along with two necklaces. Cole gets necklaces, bracelets, glasses and a ball.
“Glow sticks have gotten fancier since we were kids.” I mutter.
Luci laughs and hands Cole a batch of glasses and necklaces. He races toward us handing them out. Barrett is adorning Sydney with everything.
Mrs. Faye and Mr. Earl. See you next year.” Luci walks down the steps. She tries to hide her laughter at us covered in glow sticks.
“Luci take our picture! Please.” Cole yells and we line up with him in front of us. Barrett joins in and then just Cole and I.
“Barrett and Cole now, then Syd and Barrett.” She says. “Here Barrett, take one of Aunt Syd and me.”
“I got it.” I take the phone from her. Cole tugs at my hand.
“I take one with Luci?”
Lic mask to smile widely. But then he steps back and pretends he’s using the
13: Trick or Treat Part 2
+8 Points
force on her. I switch to video and record it. She holds her throat, making a face and he giggles. That sound always makes my heart skip. A pure treat to hear.
Ivory Row
Now you see why Easton wasn’t around originally. He really is a devoted dad and you’ll see that more and more.
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