129: Bonus Chapter: What Happened To….Part 2
Easton–Two Weeks Before Hayden is Born
“Easton, you’ve got a visitor.” Kingston pushes my door open more and steps in.
“From that look, it’s not one of my favorites, my wife or son.” I say dryly.
“No, but it certainly concerns her.” He gives me a warning look. “It’s her paternal aunt, Marlena
“Her name was Stidham, Luci said.” I get to my feet and stretch, already dreading this.
Though honestly, I didn’t look at her. Luci wasn’t too worried about reconnecting with her after
I learned she moved to Canada for her job.”
“She got remarried last year. I made a remark about her name being different for security
reasons and she explained.” He adds. “Want me to hang around?”
“Yes. Maybe record it too in case she’s here to ask for something. Otherwise, why come back
here now? Let me call down to the front.” I reach for my phone and call the security desk. “Can
you escort Marlena Belanger up here personally? Thanks Abe.”
Kingston goes to the couch and props his feet up with his coffee. We all wear jeans to the office on days we have early practice and we do in about three hours.
Abe steps in and gestures for a tall woman with dark brown hair to enter. She looks like the
one picture Luci has of her father, Mark. Luci is her mother’s replica. “Mrs. Belanger…” I say
and point to the chairs. “I’m Easton Reed.”
“Please call me Marlena. You’re Luci’s husband.” She holds her hand out and I shake it.
“Yes I am. Her very grumpy, overprotective husband. That’s my brother, Kingston.”
He nods to her before adding, “Equally grumpy and overprotective brother–in–law.”
She sits down clutching her bag and staring at me nervously. “I’m sure you think I’m here for money or something since I’ve been absent from my niece’s life altogether.”
“The thought crossed our minds.” Kingston confirms quietly.
“Understandable. I am not here to ask for anything. I would like to put that out upfront. I hoped
to see Luci.”
“Then how about you tell me why you stayed away, like the long version, before I even think about letting you near my wife.” I warn her coldly, my eyes not wavering.
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She nods and licks her lips. “I…when Mark and Anna died, they called me. We don’t have other family. I had two girls and a deadbeat ex who disappeared with all our savings and family car a year before their death. He had even taken out a second mortgage on our home that I didn’t know about to support his mistress along with lots of credit cards in my name. Found that out
three months before they were gone when I learned he hadn’t been paying anything. I wanted
to take Luci home with me, but I wasn’t always able to keep the lights on at the apartment continuously and was relying heavily on the food pantry and other things to simply feed my
girls. I figured she’d have a better life in the system as awful as that sounds. At least they’d place her in a home that had those things.” She pauses and tears up a bit. “I saw your
foundation on the news. It’s made it all the way to Canada what you are doing. Helps the
entire country’s citizens are huge hockey fans. I’ve thought about Luci a lot ever since they
died.” Her fingers fidget with her bag. “My job sent me to a convention being held about three
hours from here and I decided to use it to deliver this to her.”
“Then why not at least keep in touch with her?” I sit down next to Kingston.
“I was ashamed that I had to abandon her. Thought she might never want to see me after I did that. And I was trying to keep my head above water honestly. My ex–husband came back about five years after my brother died and wanted back into his daughters‘ lives. Took me to court which was ridiculous, and they gave him visitation. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer about eight years ago. Right after my job transferred me to Canada. I fought that for four years along with battling my ex to keep my girls with me. Anyway, that’s my story. I came because I brought her something. A few pictures of Mark. I even have a couple of them with Luci. Found them when I was cleaning out a box recently. I thought I’d lost all of those sentimental things when they evicted us from the house and I could only take so much with us. My phone was stolen from our first apartment and I didn’t have any of it backed up anywhere else so all the photos they sent me electronically were gone.”
She reaches into her purse and removes a brown envelope. “They are all here if you want me to stay away from her. The news said she’s pregnant. I…I don’t want to upset her and she may not even want to see me if she knows I left her.”
“Very pregnant, due any day.” I confirm softly. “I think you should be the one to give those to her. Luci has a huge heart, and she forgave you long ago for not taking her home. It would mean a lot if you’d tell her more about her parents and even keep in touch from now on. That will be her decision. I only speak for her when she can’t.”
I open my phone and text her. Sweetness, your dad’s sister, Marlena, is here in my office. She brought some photos of your parents and you. Would you like to see her?
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I’m not surprised when it takes her a few minutes to respond. Yes please. Should I come there, unless you are ok with her in our house?
You’re not driving. I’ll see if Baker can bring you here. What do you want for lunch? Or what does Hayden feel like eating?
Something cheesy. Like a brisket taco or enchilada with chili and cheese sauce. And chips with cheese. Maybe cheesy rice too. And some strawberries.
Whatever you two want.
I laugh as I show Kingston her list and begin to order it online. He shakes his head, grinning.”
Her and the strawberries. Kid is going to have pink hair.”
I nod ruefully. Luci goes through about six cartons of strawberries a week on her own. I
usually stop by and pick up one or two on my way home from practice each day.
“She’ll be here for lunch. I have someone bringing her. Can I order you something, Marlena?” I
rummage in my desk for a paper menu. We order from Mr. Torres more than enough,
especially with Hayden’s current cheese addiction.
Baker walks her up to the office and I meet her at the door. “Feeling ok?” I ask worriedly as she
grips my hand tight.
“Yes just….” She chews her lip nervously and I nod at her.
“It will be alright.” Because if it isn’t, someone’s head is rolling. I turn back to Baker. “Thanks,
Baker. I’ll take her home.”
When Easton texted me, I had to read it three times. My dad’s sister was in his office. He helps
me walk toward the woman who resembles the one picture I have of my dad.
“Hello Luci.” She smiles hesitantly, but warmly.
“Hello.” I sit on the couch near her. Easton props the extra pillow he keeps here for me behind
my back.
Kingston winks at me. “I’ll go wait for the food.”
“I’m sure you wonder why I’m here. I explained to your husband, but I’ll go ahead and tell you why I’ve stayed away and what brought me here.” She tells her story and I feel awful for her. Her life hasn’t been easy either. She concludes with “I have a wonderful husband now. I met him about four years ago and we got married last year. Sadly, I had to wait to get my divorce finalized from my previous ex and had to get a judge decree for it. I was unpacking a box that
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had been shoved into the closet when I first moved to Canada and found it while searching for
something Jeanie asked me for. She’s your oldest cousin. She’s married and living in California now. These are for you.” She holds the thick brown envelope out to me. I open it and remove about fifteen photos. Some are of my dad only and the others are me with my parents. I can’t stop the tears as I look down at them. “You look exactly like your mom, Luci.”
Marlena tells me gently and I nod.
“I can see it.” Her eyes and hair are exactly like mine, but I have my dad’s smile. In each photo, we look happy. I can tell I was loved. I’m on Dad’s shoulders in one and we are making silly
A tissue is pushed into my hand and I glance over at my husband. He runs his hand up and down my back with a knowing look. I wipe my eyes and show him. “They loved me.” I always wondered because I could barely remember them. Was I wanted or simply tolerated? And in the one photo I possess of us together, we are all facing the camera smiling. These show more candid moments. Like my mom smiling down at me as we make something in the
kitchen together.
“They loved you so much, Luci.” Marlena says softly.
Easton wraps his arm around my lower back. “I know you wondered sweetness. You can see it though. You had to be loved from the start with your heart as big as it is like you told Cole.”
“Your dad would play tea party with you and your mom would send pictures. That last one in there is the only one I had left of that. But some of them he was wearing a crown or fancy necklace. You apparently would also style his hair like in a hair salon. Your mom said it was more like you’d beat him in the head with the brush. He jumped right into any game you were playing though. He would have been the ultimate girl dad. They both always felt bad that you didn’t have grandparents or cousins to play with.” Marlena explains with a sad smile. “Our whole family fell apart somehow and you suffered the most, Luci. I’m more sorry than you will
ever know.”
“That wasn’t your fault. It was so many things at once. And they were taken from us.” I look down at the photos again. Harriet Albers received my letter that I forgave her and would contact her if I was ever ready to see her in person or talk at all. Easton said she understood which told me he was the one who made sure she did. I’m sure he warned her knowing how
protective he is.
Kingston returns with lunch and we eat with her telling me more stories about my dad when they were growing up. “I didn’t know your mom as well, but I’ll tell you what I can. I had already moved to Connecticut when they got married. She was so excited to have a girl, I do know
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that. I already had Jeanie and was late into my pregnancy with Eliza when she found out about you. Your dad had lost the bet that they were having a boy. He was thrilled with you
Not long after we finish eating, I know Easton has to get ready for practice soon. “Are you here
much longer?”
She shakes her head sadly. “I fly out tomorrow to get back. I would love to stay in touch
though. See your little ones as they grow. And next time I’m nearby, I’d love to see you again. I really am sorry that I wasn’t involved Luci.”
“I understand why you couldn’t be. You went through a lot. You had enough on your plate.
Thank you for these pictures and the stories. I would love to stay in touch.” We exchange phone numbers and emails. I hug her as she is about to leave and she almost seems
surprised, but then returns it.
“I won’t squeeze you too hard. That baby is kicking hard.” She leaves with a bittersweet smile.
Easton comes behind me and lets me lean against him. His hands cover my stomach and Hayden goes even more nuts. “I swear he knows it’s you.”
“Of course he does. Are you alright after that?” He gently wraps his hand around my throat to
tilt my head to look up at him.
“Mostly.” I smile, lifting my hand. “I have pictures of them now.” I can’t stop the tears from starting. “Sorry, I’m a rolling ball of hormones aren’t I lately?”
He kisses my forehead. “I know that means a lot to you, sweetness. Cry as much as you want.
I sniff and wipe my eyes. “You need to take me home so you can make practice on time. The
captain can’t be late.”
“They would forgive me once I explained what’s going on. I’ll text Stormi and see if she can
come hang out with you. She’s off today. I think you could use a little company with all this running through your head.”
“Stormi is busy today.” I protest. He’s right though. I don’t want to go home by myself after
“Then you can go hang out with Baker. He’s making croissants and you can sit at the counter
to stuff them. Will keep you off those feet. Probably sneak some of the chocolate and I bet
even a warm croissant or two. Dad is picking up Cole and would love to have you both there for dinner like normal.”
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I sigh dramatically. Jason would let us move back in with him without even asking. “If I must…
.” Right then Hayden kicks me hard and I wince.
Easton puts his hand over mine where he hit me. “Behave in there, Hayden. She’s going to eat
one or two don’t worry. Let’s get you there to mollify this feisty Reed baby. He’s got attitude like you already, only it’s food related.”
Ivory Row
What Luci needed to be at peace without her parents, whether she was loved and wanted.