122: Coco’s Wish Part 1
*15 Paint
“Where are we going today Daddy?” Cole holds my hand skipping from the school to my
“Mommy and I have a surprise for you. Then I have a surprise for you and Mommy.” I confide
in him.
“So Mommy doesn’t know both of them?” He looks excited.
“No. Only the first one. Can’t tell her.” I whisper as I open his door. Luci waits in the passenger seat. She needed to send a few texts. She’s fourteen weeks along and we skipped the ultrasound at her twelve week appointment so we could have an ultrasound only with Cole. Her nausea resolved after about three weeks and she’s been doing great except the tiredness. Everyone else knows she’s pregnant except Cole and Barrett.
“Mommy! We made the coolest birdfeeders today.” He exclaims.
“With the pinecones, peanut butter and birdseed?” She smiles at him. I love to watch them together. The way she loves him…I still remember the minute I realized she truly loved him. Dancing with him in the playroom with her emotions clearly shown on her face. It was the first time I knew I was in imminent danger of losing my heart to her completely. I was attracted to her, but that was when I knew it was deeper.
He chatters about his day with her joining him until we arrive at the office. Once inside, Luci lies on the padded exam bed and lifts her shirt for the technician. Her stomach remains flat. Cole stares at her questioningly. “Mommy, are you sick? This is the doctor’s office.”
“It is Coco. We have something special to show you. I’m not sick.” She says with a big smile
as the ultrasound technician enters the room.
“Hi guys. I’m Alaina. You must be Mr. Cole.” She smiles at him and he nods. “Can you come help me with your Mommy? I’m going to let you stand on this stool right here.” She points to one next to Luci’s side. I move to the opposite side, wanting to capture his face on video for
She squirts the gel on Luci’s stomach and moves the wand over her stomach. “Ok, Cole. I want you to help me move this to just the right spot.” He places his hand on it and I catch the concentration on his face. “Perfect. Now look up at that screen.”
He does and his face scrunches up. “That Mr. Cole, is your baby brother or sister. See their head and that’s their body.” His whole face changes to one of pure joy.
+15 Points
122: Coco’s Wish Part 1
“Mommy, you have a baby in your belly?!” He practically shouts.
“Yes I do. Are you excited, sweetheart?” She takes his hand.
“Is it a brother or a sister?” He looks toward Alaina.
“We can’t say for sure this time. It’s best to wait for the doctor to test your mommy’s blood or
in about six weeks we can see on the screen.” She answers him honestly. We were already prepared for this and asked her not to tell him what she sees.
“Coco, we’ll find out later. But we wanted you to see the baby today.” I answer him.
“Wait will he have color when he’s out of Mommy’s belly? Why is he black and white like old tv
that Grampy showed me?” He points with concern. I laugh silently at him.
“That’s just the picture. We can’t see him because he’s in there. Once he’s born he’ll look
colorful like you.”
“We’re going to be a real family. Daddy doesn’t have to be scared anymore. Hi baby. It’s Cole. I see you on the screen.” He whisper yells to Luci’s stomach. I exchange a curious glance with
Luci. Alaina shows him lots of things on the screen and she prints us out copies of the
photos. When she leaves, Luci sits up and beckons for Cole. I lift him and place him on the
seat beside her. I try to keep her from lifting much and he’s getting so big.
“Coco, what do you mean Daddy doesn’t have to be scared anymore?” She holds one hand and I take the other, sitting in the chair Alaina vacated.
He presses his lips together and won’t look up at me. “Cole, it’s alright, buddy. You know I
won’t get upset.”
“I know Daddy. I was listening to you one night. It was before I met Mommy. I was sleeping
with you and you were talking. You said you were scared it would always be only you and me.
That I’d never have brothers or sisters and be lonely.”
I lean my head to his recalling that night. He had a nightmare about losing me like in one of the Disney movies. Damn things always kill off a parent somehow. “Cole, I’m sorry you heard
that. I was scared I might never meet anyone like Mommy. I thought my heart was broken and
I couldn’t love anyone again.”
“But it wasn’t because you loved me.” He argues.
The slow smile takes over my face. “And that’s how I know you are much smarter than Daddy.
That’s right, but I didn’t think I could love anyone other than you. Is that why you wanted a
baby brother so much?”
+15 Points
122: Coco’s Wish Part 1
He nods. “So Daddy doesn’t have to be scared. I wanted a little brother to play with too. Because I never got to have playdates. That was before Mommy brought Barrett to play with me and be my best friend.”
“I’m sorry buddy. That’s Daddy’s fault. I thought you were too little for that yet. Promise me you’ll always tell Daddy when there’s something like that you want.”
“I promise.”
Luci runs her fingers through my hair and I turn my head to kiss her. “I have an idea. How about we collect our pictures for the grandparents and us, go get some ice cream and then see something special that Daddy’s been working on?”
“Ice cream!” Cole exclaims loudly and Luci laughs.
“Shhh, you might scare some of the other babies in here.” She jokes.
“We need pictures for Grandpappy, Nanna and Grampy, me, you and Mommy, and Mimi.” He ticks them off on his fingers.
“Where are you going to put your pictures?” Luci rolls right along with him.
“Can we frame it and put it by my bed? So I can see baby brother every morning.” I help him down.
“Coco, it might not be a brother.” She cautions, but he shakes his head.
“I know it is. That’s been my wish for so long.” He answers with determination. We walk out and Luci asks Alaina for five copies of the photos. Cole and Luci have been going to lunch twice a month with my mother since we got back from our honeymoon. She has changed to the point that Cole now calls her Mimi. Becker started going with Luci and Cole about three months after their initial lunch. Jackson, Kingston and I have sometimes been going too. My sweet wife has changed almost our whole family. I haven’t forgiven Mom entirely, but I do freely admit that she’s more like the mom I remember as a kid. She has offered to stay with Luci if I’m gone to a game while she’s recovering at home from the baby’s delivery. Luci asked me if I was ok with that before committing to an answer and I honestly told her I was. My mother loves Luci, and it’s become more and more clear over time. I remember Kingston saying that if she didn’t fall in love with my wife it meant she had no heart anymore and we needed to wash our hands of her. But seeing her hug Luci when she sees her and the way she’s defended her a few times reassured me. All our ladies ran into Marilyn Soames at a restaurant for a baby shower, and she decided to open her traitorous mouth, belittling my wife. My mother jumped right in and told her off, quite scathingly. Stormi caught it all on video and I could see where the other half of my temper came from.
15 Points
122: Coco’s Wish Part 1
Alaina quietly asks if we want to know the answer to Cole’s question. We shake our heads
simultaneously. “We want to all find out together.” Luci answers. We decided to do a gender reveal for Cole. Thought he’d really enjoy that.
Cole has all sorts of suggestions for names and ways to decorate the nursery as we grab ice
cream. “What about making his room look like when they go into light speed with the white
long lights? Then we can hang ships from the ceiling like they are flying into it.”
“We need to see if it’s a girl or boy first, Coco.” Luci says gently.
“Girls like Star Wars. You do Mommy.” He is so confused.
I laugh. Luci does too. “Yes I do. But maybe if it’s a girl we could do butterflies or unicorns.” I
catch the way her eyes stare off dreamily.
I squeeze Cole’s hand and he gives me a look of understanding far beyond his years. “If that’s
what Mommy wants, I think that would be pretty for baby sister.”
“Me too.” I tell him proudly with a wink.
Ivory Row
You will slowly see Imogen rebuilding her relationship with her boys in the following books but I wanted to address it a bit here. I won’t say anything about her and Jason. But I always intended for her to at least have a relationship with Cole. He deserves all the love he can find and I wanted him to have it. I have two more chapters. Don’t shoot me, I really tried to keep this short but couldn’t. I needed to give Cole a proper send off of happiness.
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