118: A Real Family Part 2
Hunter Hayes- Wanted
Bruno Mars- Count On Me
Lee Ann Womack- I Hope You Dance
Easton kisses me hard after examining his ring. “Think we can sneak out and start our honeymoon early? Leave for the airport now.”
I laugh. “They would notice. These people want cake.”
“They can cut it.” He grins.
The wedding party and our family join us for pictures. Cole runs to me and Easton scoops him up. “Let me hold you buddy until we take pictures. Can’t mess up Mommy’s dress.”
“Doesn’t matter.” I wrap my arms around them.
After pictures, we head over to the reception area. The tables have flameless candles and
simple small bunches of daisies, sunflowers and greenery. Strings of lights are all over the
nearby trees and the overhead roof.
Easton whispers something in Cole’s ear before he takes off with Grandpappy.
“Time for our bride and groom’s first dance. I heard this is their song.”
The familiar song begins as I wrap my hands behind Easton’s neck. “I reused it but it is our
song.” I explain.
“First time I danced with you on ice and at home.” He agrees.
“You acted like I was going to bite you as you offered me your hand.” I laugh.
“Maybe I wanted you to bite me.” He jokes. “I was trying to avoid how you made me feel.”
“Stuck with me now.” I answer softly.
*f*****g perfect.” He whispers.
He holds me in place when the music fades. Cole races out as Easton beckons him. He lifts
Cole up. “Family dance sweetness.” Bruno begins singing and we slowly spin together.
As it ends, Cole hugs Easton. “My turn, Mommy.” Easton sets him down. I slowly twirl him
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around. “Mommy Coco dance. Daddy said it was important.”
“It is sweetie. A special way to celebrate being a real family.”
Once it’s over, we walk to the tables. Sadly, there would be no father daughter dance or mother son dance tonight. Until Mr. Logan taps me on the shoulder. “Luci Lou, I believe you owe a few
of us a dance.”
I hope you danceeee… echoes in my ears as we dance. “You became my other daughter not long after Syd brought you home, Luci Lou. It’s not an official father daughter dance so you aren’t taking anything away from Syd.” His eyes meet mine with understanding.
“I love you Mr. Logan. You were always good to me.” I hug him tight.
“I know sweet girl. I love you too. You have a terrific family of your own now. But you’ll always be part of ours.”
Moments later, Baker taps him on the shoulder. “May I?”
I take his hand and we begin to dance. “We thought we’d step in because we’ve all adopted you Luci. You changed this family. Gave them something to strive for. Hope that they could be
happy together.”
“Baker, you always helped and supported me. You’re one of the best dads out there.”
He smiles softly. “It’s been truly my pleasure.”
Jason taps his shoulder. “Saved the best for last. Or the one who was most suspicious of you.
He winks and I laugh.
“You were protecting your family.”
“I was. I should have trusted Cole earlier than I did. His people intuition is spot on. Now we protect you too. You gave our family its heart and soul back Luci. Reminded us how people could care and love unconditionally. I’ll forever be grateful to you for healing my son.” He
smiles proudly down at me.
“And I’ll be grateful for how you accepted me and all the lengths you’ve gone to helping me. I love you.”
“Love you too, Luci girl.”
Easton attempts to reclaim me as the song ends. Jackson however, swoops in first. “Sorry
East. Need to borrow your wife.” He laughs at Easton’s annoyed expression. A smile peeks out
beneath it however.
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“Thought we’d mess with him somewhat. Mostly though we wanted to talk to you. You made
him whole again. Gave us back our brother and helped Cole more than we ever could. You’re
important to our family. Don’t forget it.”
“I won’t. You get to be happy too. Never forget that.”
His silvery eyes shine. “I won’t.”
Kingston grabs my hand for the following song. “My turn. Think he’ll make it through Becker
stealing you?”
I shake my head and he grins. “He’ll grumble but won’t mean it. You cracked that icy shell
around his heart. You’re part of us now. That reporter this morning…no one treats you that way anymore. I know you’re tougher than anyone gives you credit for. Don’t hesitate to lean on us
“I won’t.” I hold back my tears. As the song ends, I simply turn toward Becker who grins widely
before dancing me around the floor. “Had to let you dance with the best footed Reed.” He
teases. “Easton always took care of us. Bore the brunt of anything thrown our way. Reassured
us when Dad started being gone a lot and Mom began pushing us away. It’s good he has you
to take care of him now. To calm the volcano when it erupts. Our own Luci sacrifice.”
I push his shoulder playfully. “I see what this was about. Needing a human sacrifice to save the Puck Kings.”
“Well yeah…” he deadpans. “You know what else calms the volcano?” His lips twitch and
those eyes are full of mischief. “Baby brothers for Cole.”
“What if I said baby cousins would work the same? Start the romance rascals on a new plan.”
I counter.
“Bring it. Lay down that gauntlet, Classy Claws.” He laughs as the song ends and Banning
takes my hand.
“Think I can still dance Luci Lou?”
“My feet are counting on it.” I fire back.
“Feisty little sister, but happy. I’m always here for you if you ever need me.”
“I know. Bestest big brother ever.” I say softly. I hug him as the song ends.
Easton wraps me in his arms. “Mine.” He jokes. “Cole has declared it’s time for cake.”
I move around the white cake decorated with sunflowers and icing designs. On top is a brunette Alice in Wonderland. Or the top half of her. It’s like she fell into a hole and a blonde
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figure is pulling her out using a hockey stick. “Where did that come from?”
Easton touches it. “I had it made. Seemed fitting. Kinda like what you put on mine.” He points to the groom’s cake. It was a chocolate cake filled with tart raspberry cake filling and covered in chocolate mousse frosting. The top has a white sugar layer like an ice rink with a skate wearing Darth Vader figurine wielding a hockey stick. Opposite him is a brown rabbit also holding a hockey stick.
“They’re both perfect.”
I sit observing Luci and Easton dancing. My son hasn’t let her out of his sight all night even if he did let her dance with her family. Memories of my own wedding return. How we were so happy and sure of our future together. All things considered, though I gave up a lot to marry Imogen; Luci and Easton have had to overcome and contend with much more. I don’t see them falling apart. Every adversity they’ve faced has merely strengthened their relationship.
“Grandpappy!” Cole leaps into my lap, making me chuckle.
“You seem happy.”
He nods vehemently. “Mommy has the same name as me now. We match.”
I hug him tight. “You know you were a real family even without Mommy’s name matching
yours. A real family isn’t tied together by names. It’s tied together by real love. Like your
“Mommy said almost the same thing when a lady was mean to her at the preschool. She said
she couldn’t be my mommy because she was my nanny and she wasn’t married to Daddy.
Said love is like a bow on a present. It ties it up and makes it perfect.”
Easton must not have heard that story because no one at the school has been maimed to my
knowledge. Cole would have been happy to retell that.
“Your mommy explains things better than anyone I’ve ever met. She’s perfect for you and your
daddy.” She is. She’s made sure Easton knows that she sees all the little pieces of him he
hides. Like how protective he is of his brothers. His caring heart he keeps hidden.
“I’m gonna go dance with Aunt Syd. I’ll be back later Grandpappy.” He hops down, running to
Sydney who’s dancing with Barrett.
The last 10 months have brought big changes. I see Imogen sitting at a table with Mrs.
Hutchins and a few other guests. I acknowledged her presence earlier which is all I can handle
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Easton and Luci move to the side as the song ends. Time to present my gift.
Easton catches my eye as I near them. I hold my arms out to embrace them both. “I haven’t given you my wedding present yet.” I reach into my jacket, removing the thin envelope. Easton opens it curiously. He begins reading and it isn’t long before his head whips up to meet my eyes.
Luci touches his arm. “What is it?”
“It’s a house. The one that borders our back yard.” He adds softly.
Luci gasps and I nod. “It went on the market last week and I bought it before you saw it. It needs to be updated. Or you could tear it down and build what you want. It’s on the smaller side. You can live with me until it’s ready. The yard is huge and I thought we could make Cole a path with a gate between the two houses. He can come visit whenever. All of you can. Yard is wide enough that we can make another gate from the former ditch pig’s lot through yours too.” I know Easton’s been house hunting but was reluctant to pull the trigger. He wanted to have his own space with his family and yet he wanted to stay with us too. This would be the closest compromise. “This will make Baker happy too.”
Easton embraces me first. “You knew I was struggling with moving away, didn’t you?” He whispers.
“Yes. You’re worried about your old man. And don’t want to uproot Cole from us either. I’ll be ok. I have a few of your brothers to keep me company and might adopt another dog. This way Cole can come over every day. Luci can too especially if she needs help once Cole’s baby brother becomes reality.” I add laughing.
“Thank you Dad. I don’t want to leave you yet. I worry about you.” He adds quietly. I draw back to place my hand on the side of his head. Easton has always had the biggest heart, but he
started hiding it away after Lorelei hurt him. And our family drama didn’t help.
“As long as I get to see you often I’ll be ok. And maybe it’ll take a while for the build…” I add
meaningfully. I draw Luci closer. “Luci turned our house back into a real home. I hope to keep
that fire going. She can always unleash those claws if we fall to the wayside again.”
“Barrett, did you see Dark Vader on top of Daddy’s cake? He said I can have him later on. I told
him you need a Batman one.”
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“Yes. He was on skates. I told Dad I want one.” He has cake now. “You think you’ll get your baby brother soon since they got married?”
“I have a plan. Nanna said ladies get baby fever.” I look around. “Grampy said that means they love cute baby pictures and stuff. I asked Baker to see all my pictures when I was a baby.”
Barrett’s face gets all excited. “You’ll show Luci and she’ll get that fever.”
“Yeah. I need to get some baby stuff. Mrs. Hutchins said stuffies and baby clothes are cute.” I
frown. “How I get that?”
“We can get it from Alexa. Nanna has one. I’ll tell her to order baby clothes. Boy stuff.”
“Thanks Barrett. I get a sister later. Brother first. Cause Skittles is a girl.”
“Yep. I want a brother too.”
“Real babies. Like real mommies.”
Ivory Row
Haha. How fast will Nanna be locking Alexa down to password ordering? Credit for the Pink song in last chapter goes to Charlie for suggesting that. It fit how Easton sees our Luci. We’re almost done now. What do you want to see happen besides the baby brother?