116: The Last Piece
“I have to pick up my ummm cap and gown and then I’m supposed to drop off my paperwork and uhhh…” I comb through my brain trying to remember. I need my phone or my planner. Easton grabs my hands. “I picked up your cap and gown. You need to drop off paperwork and rest is done. You go this afternoon for the final fitting for your dress. Cole needs shoes but I got that.”
I close my eyes taking a deep breath. “Sorry, I’m….this week…”
“You’re overwhelmed, sweetness. It’s ok. Happens to everyone. You have a lot this week. You ready for all this?” He asks softly.
The guys all graduated in May. They ended up going to the Frozen Four Championship and winning which was huge for them. Victory two years in a row for the Ice Kings. They’ve been busy helping their dad finish setting everything up for the Puck Kings‘ initial season since then along with working at the office with him.
Sydney and Stormi also graduated in May. Dean Rogers pulled some strings to arrange my student teaching for the summer. I start teaching at Cole’s school this fall as the half–day preschool teacher. He’ll be going to kindergarten there and I’ll get to see him. He was super excited.
“Yes and no. I’m nervous. Two days in a row I might fall flat on my face in front of everyone.” I
confide in him. “I could fall down a rabbit hole.”
“I’ll text you during graduation to keep you present.”
He looks very thoughtful and I squeeze his hands. “Something’s got you thinking. Want to tell
“Mother texted thanking me for letting her see Cole last weekend for lunch. I’m glad she is
trying for Cole but I’m not…I’m not ready to go with you yet.” He confesses to me.
“Understandable.” I run my hands up his arms to his shoulders and rub them gently. “Are you
sure you’re ok with her coming to the wedding?” I’ll uninvite her if he says yes. We talked long and hard about her being there and I let him make that decision.
He nods with certainty. “Yes. I want her to be there for that. Like you said, I’ll regret it later if she continues to prove she wants a relationship and we do rebuild one.”
116: The Last Piece
+15 Points
“We’ll be back then. If you’re still working, I’ll keep Coco distracted. Thank you for helping me so much.” I stretch and wrap my arms around his neck. “You’re sure you want to marry me?” I ask half seriously.
“I’d have married you any day at the courthouse or taken you to Vegas before this. I offered so you wouldn’t doubt that. I’m supposed to help you Luci. We’re partners.” His eyes hold mine. “I know but it’s just….lately I’m not…I’m a lot of work for you lately.” I offer.
“I offered to take it on. Volunteered to be brought in.” He smirks.
“Using my own words against me.” I grumble.
“We work for what we love, Luci. Don’t overthink this. I’ll make sure Cole is ready to go with you.” He kisses my temple and leaves.
Graduation is this Friday and then we are getting married Saturday night. We did it this way so we’ll be back from our honeymoon in time to take Cole on a short vacation before he starts school. The same for me teaching. When I brought up waiting longer, Easton laid out their hockey schedule and it wasn’t going to work out well then either. He had not been a fan of waiting until next spring to get married either. Something about me running or finding someone else to put up with.
“Mommy, can we bring Skittles with us?” Cole runs in and immediately wraps himself around my legs. He’s grown so much already since I first started watching him.
“We need to leave her here. I have to go by the school and turn some things in.” His face falls a little but he nods.
“Too hot for her to stay in the car.” He turns to Skittles and sits on the floor. “Sorry Skittles, you have to stay here with Daddy and Uncle Becker.”
“What a hardship.” I murmur and Easton grins. She’s such a spoiled dog. If Easton crawls into
our bed alone, she’s on top of his chest when I go to join him. She does rotate where she sleeps. Starts with Cole until he’s been asleep about an hour. Then she trots back out into the
living room to see who she can cuddle with. I was right about her basically taking over half
the pillows in the Reed boys‘ rooms. Jackson is actually the worst. He keeps treats in a
container on his nightstand.
I look back at Cole in the mirror after we leave campus. “Should we go pick up lunch for
Daddy and the uncles?”
“Yes, I want tacos, Mommy.”
*15 Paint
116: The Last Piece
“You always want tacos. You are like your daddy a lot.” I drive toward the food truck park.
“You love Daddy and me. You love tacos like us. Mommy, why do you love Daddy?” He starts
out funny, but his last question is very serious.
“Daddy takes care of me and I’m always happy when I think about him or he’s by my side. He makes sure I’m safe, he does things to make me smile, he helps me when I need him. He makes my heart sing like you do.” I park and help him out before he speaks again.
“So it’s good that I just like him? Uncle Becker says I am Daddy’s mini–me.” He gazes up at me intently which means this is going somewhere. He has more to ask.
“Yes. It’s good to be just like him. He’s a very good man with a big heart and he’s smart.”
“I’m not like….her, am I?” His voice is so soft.
Mr. Torres breaks in. “Pretty lady Luci and Mr. Coconut. Where’s Daddy today?”
“He’s working. Hi Mr. Torres.” Cole waves happily.
“Cole, let’s order and we’ll sit to talk.” I wait until he nods before I order. Mr. Torres gives me a little container of queso and cup of chips for Cole. We sit and I touch his hand.
“Coco you are talking about your mom?”
He nods. “Are you scared you are like her?”
“Yes. She’s not nice and doesn’t know how to love anybody. They were talking about her on the tv yesterday.” He looks sad.
“Coco, you can’t be like her because you don’t even know her. You are sweet and you know how to love. Didn’t Uncle Kingston come home yesterday and ask for a Coco hug to make his day all better?”
“That’s because your hugs are pure love and sunshine. They make anyone’s day all better. Your mom is getting help. Something in her is broken like I explained. It might make her a better person. That’s why people get that kind of help. Like me and Mrs. Tamara.”
“It might fix her heart that’s broken. Like the people you said can’t love others. She might be able to love one day. I’m not broken. I love lotsa people.” His face clears from worry and he
smiles again.
“Yes. That’s right. You are like your daddy.” I reassure him.
“Will my baby brother be like Daddy?” He shoves a cheese covered chip in his mouth.
+15 Pom
116: The Last Piece
“Coco, you know it will be a little while before you get a baby brother or baby sister right?” He nods. “I hope your baby brother is just like your daddy and you. Baby sister too. Because he’s a wonderful person and so are you.”
“They need to be like Mommy too. With the words that always help me and all the hugs and love.”
“See you have nothing but a sweet heart full of love. I love you Coco.” I tell him as they call our
“Love you too Mommy.”
Almost a week later, I stand nervously at the edge of the stage. They call my name and I begin walking, focusing hard on not tripping. After I take the diploma case, I scan the seats where Easton texted me to look. They all stand there waving like crazy. My entire brood of
supporters. That’s when I see the signs. Like the ones I made for hockey games and their graduation.
Way to go Luci Lou
You did it
And then Easton holds up a small one against his chest with one hand. That’s My Girl
Cole jumps next to him with his own sign: My Mommy is Done With School
After it’s over, I push through the crowd to find him surrounded as usual. He leans against the
wall, ignoring all of them with his hands in his pockets looking like his usual annoyed grumpy
“You guys were so good in the Frozen Four. Are you free tonight? I’d love a private hockey lesson maybe after dinner.” One girl is saying to him.
He glares at her before his eyes find me. I smile at him and he pushes off the wall to lift me off my feet. “Let’s go before I lose my mind.” He says with irritation.
I laugh silently. His eyes narrow. “You don’t seem very sympathetic.”
“I am. You didn’t yell at anyone.” I lean my head on his shoulder as he carries me out to our
Cole and Barrett are hopping with excitement. He sets me on my feet and I hug them tight.
“Mommy we have to go. Daddy and me…” Easton covers his mouth.
“Are really excited you are done. Let’s go let Mommy change and then we’ll get ready for the
116: The Last Piece
I eye him suspiciously. He drives us back to the house. The others are going straight to the wedding venue.
“I should have brought clothes to change into there.”
“Twenty minutes won’t matter. We’ll still be on time.” He turns through the gate.
“Someone’s here…” I start seeing a silver SUV parked. “Is that a bow?”
“Looks like a giant red bow.” Easton says dryly.
“They really do that?” My mind goes to all those holiday commercials of cars with the bow. He squeezes my hand.
“They do if you order them.”
“Mommy do you like it? I helped Daddy pick it out. It has lots of room for me and Daddy and Barrett and my baby brother. Skittles too.” Cole exclaims excitedly.
“Wait that’s for me?” I turn to face Easton who grins.
“Of course it’s for you. Graduation present. A way to get rid of the last reminder of that accident too which I didn’t think about until last week. How about you drive us to the rehearsal?”
“You shouldn’t have.” I get out to run my hand over it and he opens the door.
“I should have sooner. I have clothes packed for you. Let’s go practice getting married.” He makes a face.
Cole pipes up as he climbs into his seat. “Daddy, I help you not mess up your words. Uncle Becker said he’d remind you too cause you can’t lose Mommy. He said you’d be un..unbeara… something”
“Did he now? Well I’ll talk to Uncle Becker. I won’t lose Mommy, don’t worry.”
He eyes Easton looking like his mini–me and I bite my lip to stop laughing. “Hard to find a new Mommy like Mommy. And I want my baby brother before I start the first grade.”
Easton shuts the door muttering “keep it together.” Soon as it’s closed he wraps me in his arms and we both laugh quietly. “He’s me made over.”