Tale The 115

Tale The 115

115: Who’s Real Now 


Two months later 

Where are we going tonight?Luci brushes Cole’s hair. He dressed up, wanting to match me and his uncles

A new restaurant. Celebrate us making it into the semifinals and family dinner. We have new people with us, so Dad thought we should go out and show you off.I stand behind and fix his 

shirt buttons

I look nice Mommy?He raises his head to peer in the mirror

Super handsome.She answers. She’s done a remarkable job balancing everything no matter how busy the last two months were. I’ve helped her as much as possible. A week after we got 

engaged, I caught her trying to keep me from knowing all the alarms and reminders she had 

set up because of our games and practices; giving herself a pep talk she could handle it all.

immediately sat her down, reiterating this is not a oneperson operation and she wasn’t alone

We trade off or work together to make it manageable with practice, games and her classwork

I make time to read her study notes aloud every night. She seems to retain it better

Skittles eyes us pitifully. She senses when she’s going to be left and tries to guilt us into taking her

I’ll finish. Go get dressed, sweetness.I gently push her toward the door. Wear the new dress 

hanging on the closet door.” 

Cole looks up at me. Remember buddy, you and Barrett are going with Nanna and Grampy. We’ll be there not long after you start eating.” 

Got it Daddy. I ready.” 

Let’s go wait for your pretty mommy.I help him off the stepstool. He races into our bedroom to draw with the pages at our desk, Luci keeps there. She steps out in a bright emerald green 

dress, fidgeting a little

You look beautiful, Luci.” 

Cole runs to her. Mommy’s always beautiful.” 

My sweet flatterers. I’m ready.We tuck Skittles into her kennel


115: Who’s Real Now 

Back soon little lady.I tell her

We drive downtown and join a waiting crowd. Meilleur Poisson de la Mer.Luci reads the sign

Becker shakes his head. It means best fish in the sea. Sounds fancy though, right? Like putting lipstick on a ditch pig, ladiesHe grins with pure amusement

We’ll see you in about thirty minutes.Mrs. Isabelle waves as she takes Cole and Barrett. Baker follows them

Wait, where….Luci begins and I put my hand on her back to usher her inside

You’ll see.We pass reporters talking about the grand opening

+15 Point 

We are here at the opening of Meilleur Poisson de la Mer. An opening delayed for almost two months, seemingly plagued by nothing but bad luck. Owner, Barry Traylor is the half brother of Kenton’s previous Mayor, Lance Morrison. Rumors have abounded about lost suppliers, canceled contracts and even staffing issues. The first highly sought after chef quit within days of the original opening. Tonight’s opening has been highly anticipated. Tickets were sold to decide who would be able to attend. Few reporters have been invited to join the festivities inside. We’ll be taking you there. Behind me, Jason Reed leads his family inside. The current mayor, Leslie Allen, is here with her husband and children. We’ve also seen a state senator and Stephanie Andrews, the current Commissioner of the Department of Family Services.” 

Luci is busy talking and doesn’t hear the list

I draw her back and make sure she’s last to reach the table. Luci Lou, you look happy.” An older gentleman in his fifties says with a bright smile. His salt and pepper short hair and goatee highlight his deep umber skin tone. He has plenty of laugh lines around his eyes. His wife smiles just as widely. Her thick curly hair has only hints of gray surrounding her tawny skin. She also has lots of laugh lines around her soft brown eyes

She gasps before smiling widely. Collins! Althea!Luci hurries to embrace them

Luci.Althea exclaims as Luci hugs her tightly. All grown up and I hear you have a little boy who happily calls you mommy.” 

I do. What are you doing here?” 

Janet speaks up now. “They’re here to take care of something long overdue had we all known better.Luci walks over to embrace her too. Joel is with the boys and the Olmos family.” 

What is going on?She grips my arm


115: Who’s Real Now 

Real consequences, sweetness.I help her into her chair. Rachel Traylor enters with her husband. Luci freezes as her eyes find them. I lean down to whisper into her ear. Lost appetite didn’t you? We are eating elsewhere.” 


The two appear very tense and I slowly grin. I ensured they didn’t open in any kind of timely fashion. We stole their sought after chef and all their staff during their original opening week. They own two other restaurants which had serious issues. This was his shot to recover those two. His half brother had to pull a lot of strings for him to open this one. They’d lived on the inheritance from his parents as long as they could and from what Dad could tell, they were not good business people

We’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight. We’ll be having a set menu this evening, but it may be a bit delayed. We are having opening night issues.He says and Rachel gives an uncomfortable laugh. Usually means success, right?” 

None of us laugh. What he doesn’t realize is we bought out most of the evening’s seats

I would doubt you’ll be successful at much in this city.” Janet speaks up first

I’m sorry. Do we know you?Rachel says with affront

Tell me

you enjoy 

No, and I’m very happy not to associate with horrible beings like you

did insulting and debasing young children placed in your care?Janet continues bluntly

Collins clears his throat. Abusing them verbally to make them feel less than the dirt beneath your shoes isn’t the best trait.” 

She points to him. I remember you….Calvin or Corvin I think.” 

My name does not matter to you, nor do you need it. I stopped placing children with you and filed a written complaint after what one of my kids told me. Sadly, the state didn’t listen to one complaint about words. Words which are one of the biggest things to these children.He glares at her. Collins Moore truly did his job with his heart from my research

Rachel and Barry Traylor, we are here this evening to serve you with a notice of decertification 

for your foster care license. The two children who were living in your home have been moved 

to a better residence. We’ll be speaking with them to see if we need to pursue any type of 

charges where you are concerned.Stephanie Andrews says with a fierce look as she hands 

the folded documents to them

We’ve done nothing to those kids. They should be glad good people are willing to give them a temporary home since no one else wants them.She sniffs and Barry nods. Just like Luci said, he follows her right along. That first spark of rage lights in me and I let it begin to ignite. I can 


115: Who’s Real Now 

hear whispers from the table of reporters off to the side. This is covered live

On cue, the staff begin walking out in a line. Wait, where are you going?!Barry yells after 


We quit.” The chef declares from the end of the line

Mayor Leslie Allen stands next. It appears you may have received some of your permits for this business illegally. My office is going to be checking through your records. I understand 

your brother may have pulled a lot of strings for you, Mr. Traylor.” 

His mouth drops open and he sputters. I don’t….I didn’t do anything illegal!” 

We’ll certainly see if that’s true, won’t we? In the meantime, your license to operate this 

restaurant is suspended.She drops those words and leaves

Barry, what did you do?!Rachel’s angry outburst has the room going silent

Guess he didn’t think the laws and rules were……real.I stand up

Who are you?She spats while he goggles

Rachel, that’s one of the Reed boys.” 

My name doesn’t matter. Hers, however, does.I help Luci to her feet. This is my fiancée, Luci Forrester.I say her name slowly with cold steel. Rachel’s eyes flicker to her and I see the 

minute she makes the connection. When she was six, you told her she wasn’t real; was 

nothing more than an unwanted throwaway. By your expression that changed hearing her name, I’m guessing you recall your common insult to her. I wanted you to see how real she is. How she’s loved and wanted more than you could ever hope to be. There are others here who have things to say to you too.I point to another table. Former foster kids who lived with them

They each stand, giving their story and their successes

Luci smiles their way. At the end, she speaks up softly. We are real and we are loved. I feel 

sorry for you. You missed a chance to have love multiplied in your home.” 

Time to go eat somewhere….real.Jackson grins

Dad claps me on the shoulder with a whispered Very nice.” 

Everyone leaves except the reporters. On the way out, Rachel stares at Luci with disbelief. I stop for a second. Oh wait, almost forgot.I remove a small stuffed cat only two inches long and two one dollar bills. Here. Something for you. Don’t lose that now. It’s all you get.” 

Luci faces me as I drive. I can’t believe you did that. Did you cause their staff to leave?” 


+15 Painte 

115: Who’s Real Now 

“Yes. We hired them to work at a different restaurant.” 

Easton, you didn’t need to do that.” 

I did. I told you, no one hurts you like that and gets away with it.” 

We drive to a black building with glass windows. Inside are black wood tables with comfortable gray chairs. Warm lighting and plants everywhere. The artwork on the walls are framed pieces obviously done by kids. Luci points to one. Cole drew that. And that’s Barrett’s.” 

This is the Reed’s latest joint venture with a new business partner.I point to Baker, who smiles

Baker, it’s amazing.Luci exclaims before hugging him

I got to set the menu and I’m part owner with Jason. We’ll make it a priority to hire veterans as much as we can, like the two head chefs. A semifancy but familyfriendly restaurant.He beams at her. It gives me another way to use my food creativity.” 

It’ll be a success.” She declares. While she moves around talking to others, I take the opportunity to speak with Collins

I think you avenged her well.He raises his soda glass to me

Collins, I would like your assistance for another project. Once I start playing pro, I want to start a foundation for the foster kids here in Kenton. Something where they don’t have to worry about clothes or toys. A way to help if they need more than statesupplied counseling for any 

trauma. Like the art programs and special therapists Luci saw. Programs the foster parents could apply for help with p*****t. Janet paid out of pocket for all of that for Luci. The state 

provided the money for the psychologist but nothing else. I have more. Like, ways to help if 

they age out of the system unadopted. Scholarships for school, help with possible trade 

programs if they aren’t interested in college, that sort of thing.I glance at Luci as I talk. She’ll 

have more ideas, but I’m sure you know a lot from your end to make a difference.” 

He nods slowly. Yes, those are things that could make a huge difference. I’d love to help

What would you call it?” 

Luci’s Heart.” 

Ivory Row 


Anybody ready for a wedding? We’re going to have Luci’s graduation mixed in with that too


116: The Last Piece 

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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