113: Please Eyes….Part 2
“Syd and Stormi want to take me to brunch, but the boys have hockey practice.” I tell Easton as my phone goes off. I’m typing my refusal when he closes his hand over mine.
“I asked them to take you shopping. Go with them. I got hockey practice, sweetness. You pick them up all week and take care of them while I practice. You need time to do something for you too.”
“I like hockey practice.” I protest.
He pushes my hair behind my ear. “I know. You’re the best kind of mom. But humor me and go with them.”
“Ok.” I type my acceptance and Sydney replies “Good because Stormi is turning in the gate now.”
I look up and laugh. “They are already here.”
“I know.” He adds before I go grab my things.
“Alright, you need something to wear on your date tonight. And it’s colder than a polar bear’s backyard, so let’s make sure you won’t freeze too.” Syd says as we drive away.
“Am I going to be outside?” I ask laughing.
“Yes and no.” Stormi adds cryptically as she stops in front of the large shopping center in the middle of downtown. They steer me inside one store and Sydney goes straight to a rack of sweater dresses.
“Why do I feel like you already know what we are buying?”
“Because I looked online beforehand.” She grins and holds up a sweater dress in a deep lavender color. It’s patterned in a cable knit design with a fake wrap neckline that extends to the hem. A knit belt in the same color ties to the side with lantern sleeves. “This is pretty. You can wear some black high boots and thin leggings.”
“I don’t have….” I begin as Stormi walks back over with a pair of leggings and the boots.
“Your size Luci Lou.” She grins.
“This was well planned out, I see.” I laugh and go try it all on.
They take me to lunch and then to get a manicure, which I protested against. “Easton Reed
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orders and we do not defy the icy overlord.” Stormi overrides me.
They drop me off and seem to race away. Easton isn’t home, nor is anyone else it seems. Jackson is the only one there. “At three I will take you where you need to go.” He says
mysteriously and walks away.
I change early enough and walk out to meet Jackson. He’s dressed up and I give him a look.
He shakes his head. “You’ll find out.”
He helps me into his SUV and drives to the hockey arena for their future team. “No hints, huh?”
I ask him and he laughs.
“I like my head where it is Luci. Sorry. You’ll like it.”
He helps me out and through the team entrance that leads to the ice.
“What is all this?” I ask as I stand in front of the open gate. Mr. Jason, Becker, Kingston, Baker,
and Barrett stand there spaced out along a line of blue fabric that is sprinkled with flowers. At
the end, Cole and Easton stand inside a heart made out of flowers.
“We are here to help you, Luci.” Jackson explains. “At Kenton, there’s a tradition for a hockey
player’s last game. The other players line the ice to wish them well on their journey to the next step in their life or career. And since we are asking you to join our family, we’ll help you across
the ice.” He holds his arm out to me and walks me to Becker.
“We love you too, Luci Lou.” He whispers before handing me over to Kingston.
“You healed our brother and so much more.” Kingston gives me to Baker.
“You made the house alive again, sweet Luci.” He smiles and then Jason takes my arm.
“I am more than grateful that you saved Cole and he chose you.” He gives me to Barrett, who
takes my hand.
“Cole loves you lots and lots. We all do.” Barrett stops on a white X and I watch Skittles come
running from Cole’s hands toward me, then back to Cole and finally to Barrett and I. She has a
giant purple daisy tucked into her collar. I have to catch her before she runs again, but I lift her up laughing. Baker comes to take her from me as I remove her flower. Cole walks up. “This
way, Mommy. I get to hand you to Daddy.”
“All this….why…” I say as Easton takes my hands. Cole wraps his arms around my legs.
“Can you guess why you might be here? Why you have an audience?” He whispers, holding my hands. I nod. He told me, but I never get too far ahead beyond daydreaming. “Look around
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I glance toward the seats and see Sydney, Stormi, Banning, Mrs. Isabelle, Mr. Logan, Joel and Janet. Janet holds up a tablet and I catch Betsy’s smiling face. She waves to me. Vince and Catalina with their girls, Marco and Emily and even Kylie all sit in the front row.
“Everyone’s here….” I observe, trying not to cry.
“All your family, Luci. The people who love you most in this world. Who know you are real and are part of your life. You haven’t had a lot of family moments and since this is the official public start of you belonging to one, I wanted them all here for you. For you to remember you have people. People who love you to the moon and back.” He gives me my own words to Cole back.
“Even Skittles…” I add, watching her wiggle around in Baker’s arms.
“She was meant to be part of us. Played her part pretty well in tonight’s little date.” He adds before dropping to one knee. Cole moves to join him, handing him a black velvet box.
“Little things with you this week, nothing big huh? Adding dogs, jewelry….” I ask him as I blink
back the tears.
He opens the box and I see something that looks purplish in the middle surrounded by
swirling metal. “One little dog. One little ring. A little change. A little question, only four words.
Does that break it down into chunks for you?”
“I’m not going to lose focus for this.” I whisper to him.
“Just making sure sweetness. Cole wants to go first.”
“Luci, I want you to be my real mommy for always. To tell me what to dream about every night ever and ever.” He pauses and smiles at me. “Ok, Daddy’s turn. Don’t forget the words, Daddy.” He says very seriously. He whispers loudly to me. “He forgot the candles.”
“I think I practiced them enough, Coco. And we can’t have candles on ice.” He whispers, grinning up at me. Cole backs up toward his uncles.
“I love you Luci. You crashed into our life literally and I’m not sure how we survived without you. You changed all of us. You’ve stayed by my side no matter how bad the storm got. No matter the toads and swine that ventured out in it; you didn’t run. Never left me or let me get lost in my worries. You let me be me and love me. And that sounds so simple, but it isn’t. It’s the biggest little thing anyone can do for your person, your heart. I want to do that for you too. For the rest of our lives. Be your support behind you to hold you up and comfort you, be your sword before you when you need to end someone, or be your shield at your side when you don’t have the energy to fight yourself. I told you my life is yours Luci, and I meant every
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of that. I love all of you Luci. Every flaw and perfection you have. Every worry and issue you think will chase someone away. It makes you my sweet Luci and I can’t live without those things. Now for the four little words. Wanna build a snowman?” He grins and I can’t contain the watery laugh. “Kidding. You were looking too serious, sweetness. Real question now. Will you marry me?”
“Do I need to answer both?” I tease and he mock frowns. “Yes. Nothing would make me happier.”
That delighted smile he saves takes over his face and he gently pushes the ring on my finger. “You didn’t have to do this.” I whisper to him as he stands up.
“I did. They were all ready to give you the famous and effective Reed male please eyes if you looked like you would turn me down.” He gestures behind him and I see all of them make the face with their please eyes.
I lean against him and laugh, sniffling back the still–threatening tears. “Now how about we get out of here and I take you to dinner to celebrate? I think everyone will come hug you first.”
They do with Syd making sure she’s last and squeezing me the tightest. “You need to check out that ring. He worked hard on it. Also, you have one other person here. She didn’t want to intrude but Mom and I invited her. The Reed men approved it.” She points and I glance over at the exit tunnel. Imogen Reed stands there smiling gently at me. I walk over to her.
“Congratulations Luci.” Her eyes drift upward and I feel Easton’s hand on my back. “You too, Easton. That was beautifully done. I’m very happy for you both. Thank you for letting me come.” She makes no move to touch him. Her eyes are filled with tears. “I should go.”
I put my hand on her arm. “I’m very glad you came.”
She nods and smiles before leaving.
We turn and I say nothing to Easton about her. He still needs time. Cole comes running and
Easton catches him. “Luci’s going to have our last name.”
“Yes she is. That make you happy?”
“Yes Daddy. I’ll be good for Grandpappy tonight. And Mommy….I want a baby brother.” He hugs
Easton hard, who chuckles silently. I give him a questioning glance and he grins.
“Dream about skating puppy dogs who play hockey with dog bones.” I tell him as he hugs me.
“I love you Coco.”
“Love you Mommy. See you tomorrow.” He hops down and runs to grab Skittles.
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“Where are we going?” I ask as Easton leads me outside.
“You’ll see, impatient little rabbit.” He drives toward downtown and parks at one of the large hotels. He lifts me out of the passenger seat and carries me across the parking lot. “Don’t want you to fall. We’re staying here tonight.”
“Luggage?” I ask as he goes straight to the elevator.
“Already here. I was busy this afternoon.” He only sets me on my feet once in the elevator. It goes to the top floor and we walk to the door right across from the elevator. He pulls me inside behind him. My mouth drops open as I stare at the floor to ceiling windows that take up one wall looking over the city. I miss the flowers everywhere until I stop staring at the huge.
hotel living room. But then I see the sunflowers and daisies all over. “Easton. This is …..so
“It’s the penthouse suite. We’re going to have dinner here, just us, and then I’m taking you to
the ballet at the theater downtown. They are still showing the Nutcracker and I know you’ve
never been. You seemed entranced by the television version.” He points to the small table on
the side with candles and two plates ready.
“I love it. You didn’t have to….”
“Shhh…I wanted you to never forget this.” He wraps his arms around me.
“I won’t. It’s perfect.” He takes my hand and holds it up.
“Do you like it? If not, I can change it.”
I stare down at the big oval cushion cut alexandrite stone. “Is it alexandrite?” It’s surrounded by two delicate vine like swirls of white gold or platinum with tiny leaf–like diamonds scattered around, except right beside the center stone. There are two little diamond hearts there.
“It is. I wanted you to have something as special and unique as you. They call it emerald during the day and ruby at night. It will change colors from greenish turquoise to blue to purple to red depending on the light. And those little hearts are for me and Cole. To remind
that you have us wrapped around your finger.”
“It’s beautiful, Easton. Sydney…”
He nods. “She helped me pick a stone. It had to come from Russia, so it took a while. I wanted to ask you for Christmas, but it didn’t make it here.”
“I love it all. Most of all, I love you and how much time you spent on all of this.” I lift on my
toes and kiss him with all the emotions I feel right now.
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“Anything for you. I told you I will give you everything, my sweet girl. I didn’t even need the please eyes.”
“You never will.” I whisper to him as I hold him tight.
Ivory Row
This chapter is dedicated to Stephanie Rosales and hopes for an amazing day tomorrow. I’ll put up pictures of her ring on my f.a.cebook page “Ivory Row Writes” It’s public so you don’t need to join a group or anything like that.