Tale The 111

Tale The 111

111: Please Eyes….Part


Mommy, are you picking me up today? I miss Mr. Marco being here.Cole rushes out as I help him take his backpack off

I am. I know you miss him, but you’ll see him again. He’s coming to a hockey game with us soon. Him and Vince.I add. I can’t wait to see Catalina at a hockey game

It’s been two weeks since winter holiday break. I moved into the Reed house when the break ended. I had hesitated until Mr. Jason basically said Cole would be heartbroken if I went back home. I was worried he might not want me to move in completely, no matter what Easton said. My furniture is still at my apartment considering I can’t break my lease until the summer. I agreed to move in only if he agreed to stop paying me as Cole’s nanny. The man is ruthless though and turned it around on me. Saying he would do that if I let him pay my bills so I could focus on school. If I didn’t agree, he’d get Cole to give me the please eyes and beg. A vision of the future flashed before me when he said that. I can see Cole acting exactly like him, moving from please eyes to ruthless Jason Reed ultimatums

Morning Cole. I haven’t seen your daddy this week.” Mrs. Hutchins says after greeting us

Daddy has early practice all the time. Mommy has to bring me to school.” He runs over to his friend to show him his new book

The hockey team all have later classes so they moved their practice and workout time around. Some weeks he will have practice in the mornings instead of afternoons. Do you need to speak to him?I ask her

I need him to update some paperwork. I can send it home with you Luci.I take them and tell Cole goodbye

We pick up Barrett today too remember.” 

He nods, smiling. Play day! Bye Mommy.I hug him and leave

He and Barrett are whispering a lot once I get them home. “What are you two up to now?I ask 


Nothing.Barrett says quickly and I’m even more suspicious now

No candles, boys.I warn them and they both nod at me even though they look disappointed. I was thinking we should go to like light up paper lanterns instead.They brighten at that


111: Please Eyes…. Part

+15 Porn 

The door opens before I can question them more. Jackson sticks his head in. You three might want to come to the kitchen. Easton has a surprise in there.He’s trying not to laugh. Curious, I take their hands and we walk to the kitchen. Easton is walking in the back door and he’s holding his hoodie weirdly. I found something on the way home.A little black head peers out of the neck of his hoodie as he crouches down to the boys level

Is that a puppy?Cole asks as he collapses to his knees

She’s grown I think, but she was shivering in the snow. Very skinny too. We need to feed her.He gently lifts his shirt and holds her in both of his hands. Her little tail wags like crazy and 

she stretches her nose toward Cole and Barrett. She’s sweet. You can touch her.Cole reaches out and she sniffs his fingers like crazy. Baker stands behind the island smiling. She moves to do the same when Barrett reaches out to pet her head. Sit down and I’ll put her in your lap. Baker, do we have ham or turkey in the fridge? I’ll have to go get her some real food but she’s starving.” 

Baker holds the package of ham out already and Easton grins. Mommy look at her.I sit on the floor and hold my hand out. She comes right over and crawls into my lap

We have a guest, I see.Mr. Jason says from behind us. He’s smiling as Cole and Barrett rub her head. Where was she?” 

Saw her up against a tree on the way home. She was shivering and trying to burrow more into herself. I stopped and she came right to me. No collar and she’s so thin, I doubt she has an owner.” 

Easton holds out a piece of ham and she takes it so gently from him. He gives Cole and Barrett each a piece and shows them how to put it in their palm in case she bites at their fingers

Becker sits next to me and grabs a piece too. He holds his hand out and smiles as she comes to crawl in his lap. Been a long time since we had a dog in this house.” 

You guys were like seven when Snickers passed away.Mr. Jason muses. I assume this little lady is staying.He crouches down to pet her too

I thought Cole and Luci might like to keep her.Easton says quietly

Only us, huh?I tease, seeing all the Reed men and Baker giving her so much attention

All on you sweetness.Easton grins wickedly and she skitters her way on the tile floor back 

over to him. Her little feet aren’t used to the slick floor yet. Like rolling on marbles or candy pieces in the cartoons. I’ve never had a pet. The closest I had was when Syd and Barrett had 


$15 Points 

111: Please Eyes…. Part

one for a while. I shake myself out of my ramble and listen to Cole and Barrett’s little laughs 

as she licks their hands

SkittlesI mumble and Cole’s face lights up

That’s her name. Skittles. We can keep her right, Mommy?He gives me those please eyes

Easton does it too and I laugh when I glance over at Becker who says Come on Mommy. Let them keep her. You don’t want to disappoint Easton now, do you?He makes the same eyes 

and I nudge his shoulder

I’m guessing I’ll need to make a rotation chart for whose bed she gets to sleep in each night 

after Cole goes to bed.I muse knowing I’m right. Miss Skittles is going to be spoiled 

absolutely rotten. If only everyone knew the cold as ice Reed hockey men, are really giant 

blonde softies

Becker grins widely and even Kingston nods his head

That would probably prevent a lot of rock, paper, scissors fights.Jackson says, clearing his 

throat with a grin

You have to help with her, Cole. Help feed her and keep her water bowl filled. Also, we will 

need to let her out. A leash at first so she doesn’t get lost until she learns her yard.Easton 

tells him seriously

I help. I promise.He says sincerely

Let’s go take her out and I’ll help watch her. Go grab your coats and shoes boys. Then we can 

go to the pet store and get her a leash and collar. Maybe some toys and a bed.” Easton begins

Barrett and Cole take off

I eye 

him. You really think she’s going to need a bed? I’m betting she takes over Becker’s pillow for that.” 

She might for the living room.Easton says seriously. I looked into food. They make this special raw frozen food that’s really good for dogs. They have it at the pet shop.” 

Cole and I might want to keep her, huh?I tell him, laughing. He shrugs and lifts her to head 

toward the front door. 

Grumpy hockey captain with a soft heart.I mutter

It’s easier than the baby brother Cole asked for.Becker whispers to me and my eyes widen. He nods at my face. East left that out didn’t he? Don’t tell him I mentioned it, but I don’t want 

Coco to blindside you later on.” 


+15 Pain 

111: Please Eyes…. Part

What did he tell him?I whisper back

That it’s too soon for that. Cole said he’ll wait.Becker shakes his head

Thanks Becker.He grabs his jacket and heads outside with the boys

Mr. Jason comes to stand by me and Baker. Maybe we need another dog after this.He smiles. Cole may not be happy sharing her.” 

Do you mind the dog?I ask worriedly

No I don’t. I wanted another after Snickers passed away, but we were extremely busy with hockey all the time for four boys. I love the chaos of all the fun and laughter we have lately, Luci. It’s a home not a mausoleum and should be messy, loud, full of laughter and muddy footprints and now….pawprints. Thank you for moving in with us too. I am grateful my boys wanted to stay here with me for a while longer. I think I’ll go to the pet store too. Guess I should go make sure the tank is cleared out enough for all of us to fit.” He wanders away whistling softly. Baker grins at me. That’s the Jason Reed I came here to work for.” 

I laugh as Becker offers to sit between the boys and hold Skittles in his lap so they can both pet her on the ride to the store. I step back and take pictures as I watch them shop. Easton remains with his usual closedoff expression as the guy working here offers suggestions. He has relaxed more and shown his emotions, but only with his family. Skittles seems to know he’s the one who rescued her though as he lifts her into the bed he seems to favor. She snuggles into the cushion until he holds her against his chest. She presses her head against his neck and closes her eyes. I hurry to capture his soft expression as she does that. We come home with half the pet shop I swear as I watch them unload it all

Barrett doesn’t want to go home and Banning rolls his eyes at me. You had to one up and get a dog too.He glares tolerantly at Easton

Yep. Better get a move on Banning. You’re falling behind on Barrett’s wishlist.Easton challenges him

Actually I need a favor. You guys are taking him to hockey practice on Saturday still?” 

Banning asks and Easton nods getting serious. Luci can you pick him up all week next week? 

I have a job and Syd has class every day until four this year.” 

I can.I tell him quickly

I know you have extra classes. Are you sure?He gives me the stern dad look

Yes sir.I retort


$15 Paints 

111: Please Eyes…. Part

Thanks Luci. Thanks Easton. He’ll be thrilled he gets to come see Skittles all week.He adds on his way out the door

That reminds me, how about date night, just you and me Saturday?Easton pulls me down to the floor next to him as we watch Cole, Becker and Kingston try to teach Skittles to play fetch

I might be dogsitting.I joke

Nope. We got a kennel for a reason. And she has a houseful of admirers.He points. Do I need to break out the please eyes for a date request? Cole can help me. He recently informed me I am slacking on dates for you.” 

Did he now?I mutter. I’d love to go.” I lean in and whisper for only him. “I heard he has some big demands too.” 

His eyes narrow. Someone tattled. I talked to him about it.” 

It’s ok. Where are we going?” 

That’s a surprise.He grins

Ivory Row 

Give me time to edit and next chapter will be up

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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