Tale The 109

Tale The 109

109: No Place to Call Home 


I silently chuckle as we watch the morning news. Lorelei and Wallace’s photo from the hotel 

room flashing across every news screen I flip to. We tipped off a few reporters with extra details. Nothing should have happened between them. Their ride home ensured they were 

separated. I might want nothing good to happen to either of them but I won’t help with any type of consensual issue like that. And then if they reproduced….I shudder thinking about that poor baby. At least Cole got a halfway decent parent in me. The photo showed him in his 

underwear, her with her hair unkempt and clothes all wrinkled inside an expensive hotel room

The anchors were talking about how two meals were ordered from room service for them

Becker had way too much fun finding that half mask upper torso thing for them to leave 

nearby. We didn’t take them ourselves knowing we are too easy to recognize. I hadn’t felt sorry 

for her seeing how pale and almost frightened she appeared. She set those reporters up to try 

to catch us together and break Luci apart from me. Her best laid little plan backfiring on her 

was the sweetest irony. She wanted front row press and attention; she’s got it. Jackson said 

reporters are all over the road near her house

Too bad she always flaunted that ugly diamond. Now the whole city knows Wallace has bad 

taste.” Kingston says sarcastically

Becker grins. Well I mean if he picked Lorelei last night, it’s a given. Why did you buy such an ugly ring, East?His eyes widen suddenly. Wait, please tell me you did better this time, right? Like nothing that looks anywhere close to that for Luci. You had professional help, as in Sydney and Stormi?” 

I shush him while glowering his way. Jackson gets to his feet, checking the hallway. Clear


Ruin that surprise, Becker and I will fill the Jeep with fish and garlic.He holds both hands up. I bought that because she f*****g picked it. Circled several similar to it in magazines before she moved to France the first time. She wanted something you could see from a mile away. Don’t panic over there. It’s Sydney approved.” This time I’m the one wishing for mile away 


Rumors have it that Mr. Wallace Jones was engaged to another young woman, a French diplomat’s daughter, Marie Durand. Her father, Andre, has been business partners with Wendell Jones for fifteen years. Wendell is currently running for the US House of 


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109: No Place to Call Home 

Representatives to further his political aspirations. Marie was seen leaving her home this 

morning looking particularly cool and calm with a bare left hand.The anchor grabs our attention again

Dad walks in holding up several envelopes. Restraining orders for all of you. She cannot 

come near you. Easton, you’ll be going to the office with me to deal with the final piece of this 



He’s on his way up, Jason.Lorna says over the phone

Thank you, Lorna. Go take your lunch break.” 

I glance over at Marco and our other two guests. I appreciate you coming to help.” 

Mack saved my life and if he says you need help, we’re here. This guy is not as scary as he 

thinks he is. He could throw some names around, but we’ve got bigger ones. You do too

Jason. This will help us too. See where this guy stands on thisissue. He’s never gone this 

route and if he’s going to in our own backyard, we want to know now so we can end it.” 

The distinctive sound of footsteps approach the door. Three men come into view and I stand 

rebuttoning my suit jacket as they enter. Easton moves in to my right while Marco remains 

where he is. Mr. Reed, I do like the hospitality of your employees.The front man says. He’s 

not Italian though his last name is. Carlos Greco, the current head of a very small Italian mafia 

family. They lie on the fringe of the main families running the Italian syndicate in the US

Mr. Greco, thank you for meeting with us. Would you and your men like to sit down? We have 

coffee if you’d like some.I offer and indicate the chairs before my desk

He waves his hand dismissively as he takes a seat. He has a distinct scar from the corner of 

his eye straight down to his jawline. Dark brown hair and cold pale green eyes finish out his 

lightly tanned round face. No, thank you though. My wife insists upon only one cup for me per 

day. My associates are Tommaso and Danny.” 

I nod at them. This is my son, Easton and my associate, Marco. These two gentlemen are 

Gunner and Blitz. They belong to the Chaos Riders Club.” 

His lips twitch slightly and he nods their way as his eyes narrow. You’ll forgive me if I don’t 

shake hands with anyone. Your club dismantles trafficking organizations. You took out one of 

my marks recently. Horace Graves.” 

Gunner, who is about six three and the size of a mini tank, gives him an evil smirk. He thought he should beat his wife and little girl. We showed him what happens when he picks on people 


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who aren’t his size.” 

Greco assesses them before he purses his lips together and gives an approving nod. I hope he screamed well. He thought he’d date my cousin, Antonia. Shoved her into a wall instead of having an adult conversation when he became upset over what she was wearing. She was unaware he had a family until I became involved upon discovering her injuries.” 

He didn’t get the chance. We like quiet sometimes and those vocal cords are easy to snip.Blitz remarks calmly, his expression not changing

We should try that.Carlos murmurs. You saved us a trip.” 

Mr. Greco, I contacted you regarding Vivienne Winters and her recent offer to you about paying off her gambling debts.I go straight to the point

I appreciate a man who doesn’t dance around the issue. She owes a lot of money. The woman is…..incredibly stupid. She tried to offer herself as p*****t to my men and to me.His lip curls with disgust. “I decided to lie to her and see how far she’s willing to go. Once I explained that the only services like that we take, are arranged marriages within the family, she offered herself up again. I laughed, telling her my cousin who needs a wife, is only 26. He wants a family. Never occurred to that delusional woman she might not be what we were 

looking for. Too old is not something she believed herself to be.” 

Too insane.Marco mutters and Greco gives him a hint of an amused smile

That too. She screams mental illness or pathetic desperation, especially with her gambling 

proclivity. Instead, she informed us her daughter will take over paying off her debts and she 

offered another girl. Her grandson’s nanny as a bride for my cousin. Smart of her. A way to have a debt payoff person and a sacrificial lamb. I didn’t bother to correct Vivienne that

wasn’t serious. I preferred watching her sweat.” 

I conceal my shock. Easton vibrates with fury and I swear I hear his teeth crack. Marco shakes 

his head, muttering angrily. “I had no idea she offered Luci up for that. I wanted to meet with 

you because Lorelei informed you my son was marrying her and would be responsible for the 

debt. That she told you Luci could be used as leverage to have Easton pay off the debt faster. 

Vivienne has no contact with MY grandson. She has laid eyes on him once and that was one 

time too many.” 

Did Lorelei know her mother offered Luci up as f*****g compensation for her debts?Easton 

inquires with steel

Luci Forrester is my son’s intended fiancée. She is my grandson’s mother, not his nanny.



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The guy named Danny sits up straighter and nudges Carlos who nods. I’m sorry. Luci Forrester….brown hair, big brown eyes, sweet to a fault with kids. Goes to Kenton, orphaned at a young age. That Luci Forrester?” 

Carlos gazes at him as I slowly nod. Boss, she was Eva’s babysitter for a few weeks while Tanya was out for her surgery.” 

The one who built the puppet show for all the kids?” 

Danny nods. Carlos makes a sound in his throat. More repugnant than I believed. Luci is safe

Not that I intended to take her for any reason. Now I see why the younger i***t offered her up 

as leverage. She was unaware of her mother’s plans. Lorelei is your son’s mother?He points 

to Easton

Egg donor incubator. Unfortunately for us. She signed all her rights away last night though 

with a bit of….persuasion.Easton answers her

He rises to his feet. “They will pay their debts and you will not be involved in any way.” 

Mr. GrecoI begin

He waves his hand. Carlos please. My children loved Luci.” 

Then I extend the same courtesy. Call me Jason. I have a proposition for you regarding your 

money. Not that I wish to help her but I want to give her nowhere to go.” 

He takes his seat again. What did you have in mind?” 

I grin and lay out my plan. He leaves and we are all satisfied with what we finalized


Why are you here?She tries to freeze in the doorway to the private visitation room. I lean farther back with my leg casually crossed over my thigh

Sit Vivienne.I command quietly

She moves in and takes her seat staring at me defiantly. Navy blue does nothing for you.” 

Did you get the money from my daughter? And you took the nanny?” 

I give her my coldest smile. Your daughter doesn’t have enough. But you do have something 

that will cover it all.” 

I hold my finger up and Danny slides the paper across to her

She blanches. My…..my house. You want me to sell my house to you? No, it’s mine. All


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Which means it’s mine because I own you otherwise.” I stare at her. Or you can go work in

brothel overseas and pay off what you owe in about fifteen years. Many men would love

chance with a famous actress even one as old and washed up as you. Choose.” I drop the last 

word softly

Tommaso holds the pen out. She swallows hard. I sign this and I’m clear?” 

Yes. Until you run your tab up again. You might take advantage of the prison’s offerings and 

get treatment for your vices.” 

She blows out a slow breath and then signs her name. Danny seizes the paper and I stand.

reasonable encounter for once. Enjoy the walls here for the next ten to fifteen years.She looks 

stunned as we leave

I lift the phone once in the car. Done Jason. Send me the paperwork. House will be empty 

within fortyeight hours.I end the call and look toward Danny. Tomorrow morning.He nods understanding what I want

The next day I leave with them to personally supervise this event. Lorelei is out as we already 

knew when we let ourselves into the house. The movers arrive and begin working. When she 

waltzes in the door an hour later, she freezes in the foyer

What is this? What are you doing?She asks as two men pass her with the couch

Eviction notice Miss Winters. The house was sold yesterday and all the furniture along with it. You have twentyfour hours to pack your things minus these on this list and vacate the premises or you will be arrested.He pulls a white folded stack of papers out and hands them 


I stand in the background observing. You cannot do this! This is my home. Did my mother 

authorize this?She screeches looking terrified. That’s my cue to step out

She did. You should be pleased, Miss Winters. It means we no longer will hunt you for what she owes usonce you pay out two million. That and Easton Reed asked us not to take you as the remaining collateral. Apparently, he doesn’t want his son upset that he handed his mother over to an Italian repo man.I slip my hands into my coat pockets

Who bought it?She glares at me

Not me bambola. You never know what designs others have on your home. Twentyfour hours, Miss Winters. I would start packing. Don’t touch any of the downstairs furniture. It’s already been claimed and will be leaving for auction to further her p*****t. Any holes in the 


109: No Place to Call Home 

wall and you’ll be held responsible. I keep my eyes on her with a secretive smile and back out of the foyer before turning to climb into the door that Tommaso holds open for me

Think she’ll listen, boss? Danny asks. I meet his eyes in the thirror

I hope she doesn’t. It will be even easier to send her where she belongs.I turn toward the 

window with a smirk. Get Marcelle on the phone. He will have use of the jet.” 

Tvory Row 

Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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