Tale The 107

Tale The 107

107: Unmasked Part


Hi.I step closer to Vince and Catalina. She turns immediately and her eyes light up. They wear Jessica and Roger Rabbit masks if I’m not mistaken. I’m” 

Immediately she has me engulfed in a hug. Luceeeee.Her beautiful Spanish accent comes through immediately. I have been so ready to meet you since Vee came home and told me all about that hijo de puta, Maxass.” 

I can’t help but laugh at her nickname for him. Now, dulce dama, I want to thank you soooo much for all the ideas for Celestina and Leandra. I am not good at that type of thing in any way. I’m the tea party, dress up costume mamá.” 

You’re very welcome. This is Easton.” I introduce him as he steps up behind me

Yes, Vee gave me everyone’s names. You need to meet some more brunettes, Luci. It’s like a blonde entourage.She gives me a wide smile. I saw you on tv too, with the football team 

before we knew you. I wanted to march there and kick them all in the balls. Even that b***h, the wife. She definitely had balls because she had no brains.I hear Sydney laughing next to me. She already met Catalina

Vince shakes his head. She’s intense. Tell her when you need breathing room and she won’t 

take offense, Luci.” 

I’m sorry about what’s coming.I sincerely apologize to them both

Catalina snorts. Don’t be. If she steps out of line, she will lose a tooth or two. Messing with 

your little one. Nothing gets me more fired up than messing with los bebes.” 

Vince gives me a lopsided grin. Keeps life interesting.” 

Two more people move in as Vince pulls Catalina away to meet others

Luci, this is our coach, Matt and his wife, Jade.I shake their hands. They are Fred and 

Daphne from Scooby Doo

Nice to finally meet you, Luci.Matt says with a smile

Mrs. Isabelle and Mr. Logan are laughing with Baker and Mr. Jason. They make their way over to us and hug Easton and I. Mrs. Isabelle’s searching gaze sweeps over me. You are happy sweetie. I love to see it. Maybe prod my daughter a bit. And my son. The romance rascals need some business.She winks before they step away


107: Unmasked Part

Cole and Barrett come running. Mommy, can we make a hat?” 

And a confetti blaster. Like a big one, Luci?” 

Yes. Go finish your dinner first and we’ll make both.I point to their plates they abandoned. They nod and run back over. Grandpappy moves to sit with them along with Banning. Marco leans on the wall behind their table. A reminder that while this is a party, we have an unwanted guest coming later

Maybe Kylie can come help Banning with Barrett’s arts and craft time.Easton whispers in 

my ear


Not yet. It’s coming though. For now though, photo booth. You need something other than me 

with a rabbit to frame.” 

I laugh. We end up visiting it again after Cole finishes his dinner. He laughs so hard as we make funny faces in the last of the pictures. I won’t let anyone spoil his night

Go grab Barrett and let’s make confetti blasters. You know you are going to have to outdo 

your uncles.I point to Kingston and Becker making some kind of cannons

As we are about to go make hats and guns, Becker leans down and whispers into Barrett’s ear

Banning comes to join us. To no one’s surprise except Banning, Kylie moves in to join us 

laughing. I stare at her mask for a minute and Sydney whispers in my ear. Jem and the 

Holograms.I nod recognizing it now. The light pink color with a little silver fringe on the 

edges and two big distinct reddish pink star shapes on each side. Good thing we all watched 

80’s cartoon DVDs.She whispers. Now who put Barrett up to fetching Miss Jem?” 

I can’t imagine who….I say as I stare at Becker who sticks his tongue out at me and then 

moves away with his confetti cannon

Got any new year resolutions, Syd?I ask as I catch Jackson staring at her

You know we don’t believe in those.She scoffs at me and continues to decorate her hat

Stormi comes to join us. The guys have taken over the confetti blaster project with Kylie 

helping the boys decorate them

I find myself believing in a lot of things lately. Maybe yours should be find your star and follow it homehmm?I squeeze her arm and Stormi leans in behind me, laughing in my ear

Is star a code word for the IceWall?She whispers so Syd doesn’t hear me

Synonym.I joke and she laughs. I don’t mention that she might have her own stargazer


+15 Point 

107: Unmasked Part

How are you doing tonight, Luci Lou?Syd asks me and I see Banning and Stormi both 

staring at my face

I’m alright so far. This is much better than how I usually spend tonight. Much happier and lighter.I reassure them

Mr. Jason joins us and looks over our hats. Hi Octopus Prime.” I say with a grin and he 


I mean it almost fits. Those two are having a blast. I think we will make this a new tradition

Maybe go more elaborate and add fun costumes. Doing ok, Luci?” 

Yes thank you for the no alcohol.I tell him, very touched he would do that

Not a problem, sweetheart. I know today cannot be easy for you. You are very tenacious Luci.” 

He hugs me for a minute before wandering away to go talk to Dean Rogers, who I didn’t even 

realize was here. Before long, he gets everyone’s attention. Since it’s getting late for those 

closest to four feet tall, we will award the best hats and let our two smallest rascals tell us 

confused tall people who they are and set off their confetti blasters.” 

Cole, Barrett and Kylie win for best hats. Cole steps up I’m Bumblebee the car robot.” 

Barrett follows him I’m a ninja turtle….which one am I, Luci?I whisper in his ear and he 

smiles. Leonardo.Everyone applauds for them and they set off their guns, showering 

themselves in confetti pieces

Ten minutes and then bedtime you two,I tell them and they nod obediently before running off to see if they can get Grandpappy to give them another cupcake. He crouches down to talk 

to them before lifting them in his arms with a big grin. Barrett seems to have an honorary 

grandfather already. All around us, everyone is laughing and I close my eyes to let that image 

take root in my memories. Two familiar arms wrap around me. Luci, are you alright? Too much?Easton whispers in my ear

I shake my head before opening my eyes. A better memory to hold onto.” 

I don’t want to get rid of you but it’s time for you to take the boys. Syd and Stormi are going to 

go with you.” 

I grip his shoulders. Promise me to be careful.” 

I will. I’m going to have lots of help


Barrett Look! Cole stops running. I run into him


*15 Paint 

107: Unmasked Part

Sorry Cole.” 

S’okay. Look. Over there.He points his finger and I look

I knew it.I clap my hands

Luci said we have to wait. She will tell us when we help them.Cole scrunches his nose up 

like I do when Dad tells me no

I smile. Luci said we had to wait for candles. She didn’t say we can’t help them.” 

He smiles. They need tons and bunches of help. That’s what Daddy and Uncle Becker said.

heard them.’ 

Uncle Becker can help us. We’ll ask him.I tell Cole. Will Baker let us have more chips?” 

Uh huh. The please eyes work on him really good. I show you. If he’s your grandpa, you will 

need them. Grandpappy says they do him in. Not know what that means but I always get ice 

cream when I ask with them.” 

Baker gives in for more chips as Luci, Aunt Syd and Stormi come to say bedtime. Cole pokes my arm and I nod. We give them our please eyes. Stormi laughs. Can you say no to that?” 

Yes sometimes. But not for chips. Bring them with you boys. You can finish them off during 

story time.Luci says with a big smile


Ready, Cat?I check in with my wife

Yes. I’ll behave unless she touches you beyond your arm.Her eyes flash with the truthfulness 

of her statement

I nod to Easton and leave the house before sneaking through a side gate. My car is parked right outside on the road. I drive to her house and she’s waiting by the front door. I act like

don’t notice Wallace hanging around in his car off to the side

Hi Vincent. You’re running a little late.” 

Had to finish having dinner with my parents. You don’t cancel on an Italian family.I tell her truthfully as we make the short trip to the Reed house. Once I park, she waits expectantly and I go around to help her out. She has her purse with her and she fits a Cleopatra mask over her head along with a black short wig. Umm did you forget it was 80’s cartoon heroes?” 

No. I just think that’s stupid. I prefer something more elegant. I mean this was made by a famous costume designer and I wore it in my last movie. Let’s go. I’m sure you want to see 


+15 Points 

107: Unmasked Part

Luci suffer sooner rather than later.Her nostrils flare as she says her name. She does hate 


We enter the party room and no one really bats an eye. Jason warned all of his extra guests. Catalina has put on a gray oversize cardigan and has her back turned to me. Ah the nanny dressed up a lot tonight.She mutters. Don’t forget to follow my lead. And avoid Jason Reed 

at all costs.” 

Got it. There’s the big blonde frosty devil.I say lowly in her ear. Her lips twitch as she looks 

Easton over. He thinks I’m his friend because we worked on a project together and I told him 

no hard feelings for dating Luci after she ended things with me.” 

Don’t worry. He’s going to wish he hadn’t done that.” She pats my arm and I want to roll my eyes. I assume he’ll accept a drink from you.” 

Yeah.I say arrogantly

Let’s go grab a few then.” She smiles brilliantly up at me. I walk over and make three lemonade cups. The lemon should disguise the taste. Stand behind me and make sure they 

can’t see me.She orders

Jackson’s eyes are on her and they narrow as he scowls harder. There, all finished.She hands me two cups. It’s the one in your left hand.I tap my left foot lightly and Jackson nods subtly. I wanted to make sure she didn’t drug both. I put nothing past a desperate toad no 

matter what mask she wears


Tale The

Tale The

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Tale The


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