102: Five to Life
My phone goes off as I look over the ice one more time before leaving. It’s even more peaceful tonight. I open my phone to find a picture of Luci with Sydney and Stormi next to her. She holds up some pink and white swirled slushy looking drink. Her happy smile warms me to my toes. I know she isn’t drinking after her parents‘ accident.
“Is that some fruity strawberry slush?” I reply to her.
“It is. It’s a strawberry limeade ice crush. I have a new addiction.” She replies.
I make note of that as I step out of the exit with my bag in my right hand. A low whistle breaks the silence and I see the shadows on my right move.
Two guys stand between me and my truck which I see has a front passenger flat tire. That just pisses me off even more now. One is wearing a goalie mask with a plain black hockey jersey. The other wears a full on black goalie mask with black visor making it impossible to see his face. He’s in bright green jersey of our rival team for tomorrow night’s game, the Greenwings.
“Look what we found… A lone Reed King douche without his backup. Gonna be hard to play with broken legs.” The first one muffles his voice. I see the other raise their arm a little and catch the metal bar in his hand. Left hand I note because the right one is probably encased in a very awkward cast. Brains were in short supply when they were born……
“You really are a dumb asshole aren’t you….Porter?” He flexes his arm and I catch the glint of
the knife in the light as it moves. I’m more on alert now.
“Mouthy fucker to the end, aren’t you? You think your little slut will come near you once we finish up with that face of yours?” He asks, no longer disguising his voice.
“I told you not to insult her, Maxton. Pisses me off something fierce.” I grip my bag tighter now.
“You had to bring a knife instead of your fists to take me on when it’s already two against one.
Tell me, what happens after you hurt me? You two ride off into la la land?”
Maxton blows out a breath and grins. “I’m going to teach that little slut of yours some
I let out a snort. “Which one of you identifies as the stupidest one? Is it you, Marshall?” He
turns his head quickly to Maxton. “Did you really think I wouldn’t figure out who you are? Especially with that awkward–as–hell stance of yours trying to hide your cast.”
103: Five to Life
Maxton advances finally and raises the knife. I swing the bag in my hand in a sidearm pitch and connect with his face and chest as hard as I can. The impact knocks him back to the ground. The knife clangs as it hits the concrete.
“Folded like a lawn chair.” Becker clucks his tongue as he steps next to him. Maxton goes to reach for the knife and Becker stomps his foot down on his arm. The sickening crunch has Maxton hissing with pain.
Marshall lifts that pipe and starts my way when Jackson yells out. “Toss me that, East!” I throw the bag his way and he swings it at Marshall’s injured arm. It connects and he crumples to the ground, whimpering in pain.
“Seems a bit tender still. You must not be taking your vitamins or getting enough protein for it to heal.” Jackson admonishes him with mock disappointment. He goes to sit up and Kingston slaps his hockey stick on his chest.
“I’d stay down unless you want me to open that bag and start taking aim at you with the
pucks in there. I’m damn accurate for a goalie even off concrete.” Marshall freezes and Kingston smirks.
Maxton says something and Becker lifts him by the jersey before punching him in the throat.
“We told you to shut up about Luci.” He turns to us. “Hey, we got time to strap him to the
crossbar inside and take shots at him with the pucks?”
Marco moves in closer. He’s holding his phone up and I hear Vince ask with amusement.
“What is in that damn bag?”
“Pucks. About a hundred of them.” I call out as I step over to Maxton, who continues to run his
mouth. I lift him by his throat, squeezing painfully. “You just can’t help yourself, can you? Keep
her name out of your f*****g depraved mouth.” I punch him square in the face and drop him.
He lifts his head in a daze and stares at Marco. His jaw drops open as he realizes who he is.
Marco grins at him. “Hi there little spoon. You haven’t been a good boy for me. I warned you I
liked a good chase.” Maxton swallows hard at that. “Did you like our little mice we left you?
Squeaked so nicely all night long the one I bought.”
“Do they have time to take shots at him?” Vince asks sounding like he’s jealous. “Because I am so pissed I don’t get to help if so.”
“No. They don’t. FBI is only about five minutes out. I might have delayed them a bit.” Marco
grins widely.
“FBI?!” Marshall says with surprise.
103: Five to Life
“Yeah see when you attempt to kidnap someone and write it down on paper or text about it, that’s called intent. And when your accomplice over there has another accomplice that tries to hire someone to do it professionally and that person is an undercover agent, well that’s called conspiracy to commit kidnapping. All federal offenses.” Becker explains with a huge s**t
eating grin.
“Kidnapping? I didn’t intend to kidnap anyone. I only wanted to break his damn legs.” He
nudges his head toward me.
“Intent to assault will do for now. Unfortunately for you, see, the FBI is going to hold you
anyway until they determine your role in that possible scheme due to your association with
said kidnapping instigator over there. You still haven’t figured out the kind of people you
should be hanging around with.” Jackson tells him mockingly.
Maxton is glancing around and I see his eyes light on the knife triumphantly. He dares to
move like the true dumbass he is.
Marco stands over him with his gun drawn. He kicks the knife farther behind us and leans
down slightly, his tone cold and threatening. “I’d be very still unless you want them to break
more of your bones. Or you can try for it and we’ll find out how accurate my aim is. I’ll even let you pick how you find out. Choose whether I shoot your right or left ball first.” Maxton
swallows visibly and leans back.
The black SUV pulls up and five agents climb out. Marco goes to talk to them. Two of them
walk over and start reading Maxton and Marshall their rights. The first one pulls Maxton to his
feet and cuffs him. I find myself grinning as his face contorts with pain.
Becker cups his hands around his mouth. “Hey Mr. Agent, what kind of sentence does intent
to kidnap or conspiracy to kidnap carry?”
The agent’s lips twitch, but he manages to keep a straight face. “Anywhere from five to life.”
Maxton’s face pales completely as Marshall is loudly proclaiming his innocence.
“Don’t think Daddy Dale will be getting you out of this one.” Becker says with that disappointed parent tone. He holds his hand over his chest with his other over his forehead like a damsel in
distress. “I’ll write to you.” He straightens up. “No wait, I won’t. Only to congratulate you on not
getting parole again.”
“You are such a smartass.” Kingston says with a laugh.
“I mean you know I have a PhD in that. But come on, when am I ever going to get the chance
to say that again and it be true. Never pass up a good opportunity.” Becker explains.
18 Point
103: Five to Life
“They slashed another tire on the other side, East.” Kingston says grimly.
“Assholes. Guess I’m not changing it.” I lift the bag to take home.
“Dad said to leave it and he’ll have them tow it to the repair shop in the morning.” Jackson holds up his phone.
Marco comes back from talking to the agents. “You don’t need to give your statements right
now. I gave them video of it from them slashing your tires to lying in wait for you. I cut it off
after you hit him with the bag.”
“Thanks Marco.” I shake his hand.
“Not over yet. Next arrest will be in about an hour he said. I’m going to your house to watch.”
He grins, leaving us.
“Perfect. We need popcorn for that.” Jackson says as he and Kingston head for his SUV.
I turn to Becker. “Take me to the restaurant first? I’ll be quick. Just need to see her for a
He smiles. “Already figured we were stopping there.”
At the restaurant, I tell the hostess “my girlfriend’s here” as I bypass her quickly. I find Luci laughing with Syd and Stormi. Everything settles as I watch her laugh for a minute or two. I
turn to leave, but see her suddenly begin to look around. Her eyes find me and she’s up
instantly, her mouth moving as she darts my way. I hold my hands out for her and she grips. my arms inspecting me. “You’re ok? They didn’t hurt you?” She asks worriedly.
I pull her to me and lean my head on top of hers. “Not even a scratch, sweetness. I’m fine. I didn’t mean to interrupt your dinner. Needed to see your face for a minute. How’d you know I
was here?”
“Interrupt please, especially with what just happened. I could feel someone watching me. Wish
you would have let me come be nearby.”
Instantly, I’m pulling away to look down at her, shaking my head. “No, I don’t even want them to lay eyes on you if I can help it. You would have been worrying in the cold instead of enjoying time with your friends. You need that. I honestly hesitated to tell you when Vince and Marco texted a few hours ago about their plan, but I won’t lie to you, love. They were both arrested. Next one happens in about an hour. We’re going to watch it. Go finish and I’ll see you at home
*I called Cole. He was wearing a train hat and happily showing me the town they built.”
49 Point
103: Five to Life
“Best mom ever. I told Dad I’d tuck him into bed. Enjoy yourself. I love you.”
“I love you too.” She hugs me again before I kiss her goodbye.
We drive home and find all the reporters camped out in the semi–darkness around the
entrance to the Winters‘ home. Dad, Kingston and Jackson wait with Marco right at the end of
the reporters closest to our house. Becker parks in our gate and we walk out to join them.
“Poor gate security. It’s about to bite them.” Marco adds with a smirk.
Right on time, we see the lights of the black SUV heading down the road facing us. They turn
right into the open gate and all the reporters get ready. Within minutes, they are crowding the
entrance; aiming their spotlights and cameras toward the house. I can hear the indignant shrieking loud and clear. We can hear the reporter closest to us as he talks into his microphone. “What you see behind me is the home of Vivienne and Lorelei Winters. Both
famous actresses in their own right. Currently, the FBI is executing an arrest warrant for the
charge of conspiracy to commit kidnapping. You can hear the screaming as Vivienne Winters is being led out in handcuffs for attempting to hire an undercover agent for kidnapping with
intent to harm.”
Ivory Row
hehe sometimes it’s not who you think, Guess Maxton knows what it’s like for the cat to catch the mouse now. I won’t post another chapter tonight. Going to work on my other two books and then take the night off.