10: Fault Part 2
10: Fault Part 2
# Points
“You are bad luck usually. We won though Easton was off at the beginning, having to sit out because he was late. Maybe that was your fault.” He snarls. I panic a little with his hand tightening.
“Luci!” Barrett shouts and I stomp on Maxton’s foot before shoving his chest. He’s not putting his hands on me again, especially with the littles watching. I didn’t have time to react last time.
“You have no right to touch me!” I tell him angrily.
Barrett runs and I shove him behind my legs. He gazes down at his little hands and narrows his eyes.
“Not over, little mouse.” He snarls and turns to stomp off angrily. He calls out, “MOVE!”
But the girl in front of him doesn’t register he’s talking to her. He shoves her and she hits the ground hard. I hear her cry out in pain. The others with her move immediately to help her up.
“PORTER!” I turn at the sound of Coach Humphries‘ angry voice.
“Coach Humphries, he just pushed my daughter!” A woman says sharply. “He needs to get his temper under
“It wasn’t my fault, Coach. Forrester caused it.” He snarls and I glare at him.
“Sorry about that, Mira. I will handle it. Take her in that door and ask for the team physician to look her over.” They do just that before he moves toward Maxton.
“That was Kendall’s cousin, you f*****g i***t! And Mira will call the dean, who is a relative. You’re suspended for three games. Get gone now and don’t show up at practice until I call you!” Humphries says pointing
toward the cars.
Maxton opens his mouth, b
Humphries shakes his head angrily. “Go before I make it six games.”
He leaves not before mouth at me, “You’re mine.” His glare is murderous. He climbs into a black Mercedes
sporty sedan and peels out.
Humphries stands watching. I take a deep breath. I need to do this to make amends for my mistake. Gathering all my courage, I step closer, but not within arm’s reach.
“I made him late…Easton Reed.” I say quietly, hoping he doesn’t see how badly my hands are shaking. He stares down at me with disgust as I continue. “It was my fault. I got…I got the time wrong to show up. He…he
He gets right in my face and Cole grips my leg tightly. Barrett holds tighter too.
“You are nothing but a pain in the ass and cause problems everywhere. I had to suspend a player after he reacted to you. Not to mention, your self–admitted screw up forcing my star player to sit out the first few minutes for his tardiness!”
“Leave her alone!” Barrett yells in his little voice as he shoves his way between us. “Barrett, it’s ok. I got it.” I assure him, cupping his little chin as I gaze down at him. Standing my ground because there are two little boys watching what happens, I speak softly raising my eyes
10: Fault Part 2
+8 Points
to meet his. “You should be upset with me for making Easton late. I understand your anger and you expressing it. I don’t appreciate you talking that way in front of the boys and calling me names though. I will make sure it doesn’t happen again. Maxton Porter is responsible for himself.”
Nick Humphries stares down at Barrett and Cole for a second. He blows out a breath before adding very quietly. “Yes, he is, wasn’t your fault.” It’s all he says before he turns and storms back inside the arena.
I let out the breath I was holding and sit down on one of the metal benches. I know that’s as close to an apology for his erroneous comments about Maxton as I’ll ever get.
Cole climbs into my lap. “Luci, you ok?”
Barrett is watching me. He looks so much like his father right now with his mutinously angry face.
“I’m fine. Let’s wait for your daddy here.”
“Luci, why did you let him be mean to you?” Barrett asks softly.
I think for a minute. I always tell him to stand up for himself and others who cannot. “Because I did something wrong and he was expressing his anger for it. He has that right to tell me how what I did, my actions, affected him today.”
“But he called you a pain in
you. That part was wrong.”
know bad word.” Barrett continues. “He shouldn’t say things like that to
“Yes, it was wrong, and I told him that. You have to decide sometimes when people react in anger how you
yelled back or called him a name too, but then I would feel bad later.”
Insufferable asshole came to mind.
will respond to it. I could no
“Every time you make a decision how to react…” I search for a better word they will understand. “How you talk back to someone, you have to be ok with it later on. Like before you go to bed. Words are like swords and lightsabers. And if you aren’t careful how you use them, you can slice someone up so badly they can’t get better. We get to choose what we say to someone else, but also how what we say to them will hurt us. If I yelled at you, I would feel bad later because I’m not like that. Instead, I need to be Luci at all times. Not change when I get mad. I can defend myself, but still be Luci about it. Not call them ugly names or say something that turns me into a monster. Be the bigger person with words. And sometimes they just need to let their feelings out as long as they do it the right way. Make sense?”
I look down at the two little faces. They nod and I hope they get it.
“And some people never get better. They are just mean horrible ogres. Those people, I like to ignore them. It makes them more upset. Sometimes that’s the only power you have in those fights. Like when Luke refuses to fight Darth Vader because it’s the only way Luke won’t turn to the dark side.”
Especially in my case, I add silently.
saints (0/10) >