Chapter 11 Nadine 0011
I turn to see Logan looking at me, his eyes filled with love and pride. A smile graces his lips as he mouths something I
can’t hear over the noise around us.
Daniel notices where I’m looking, and his expression darkens. If looks could kill, Daniel would be six feet under. But Logan’s gaze is like a thunderbolt, causing Daniel to stagger and almost lose his footing.
With menacing steps, Logan closes the distance between them, tension crackling in the air as they lock eyes. It feels like
they’re on the brink of a confrontation, each daring the other to make a move.
Feeling shaky and unsure, I summon every ounce of courage and move closer to Logan.
As I draw nearer, Logan notices my shaken state.
“Are you alright?” he asks softly. I nod, grateful for his presence.
Meanwhile, the tension between Logan and Daniel reaches its peak, each refusing to back down from the silent standoff. Logan’s voice cuts through the tension like a knife, dripping with warning and authority. “Stay away from my wife. The next time you cross paths with her, I’ll make you regret it. I’ll forget we’re family and deal with you ruthlessly. You heard what she said–she’s over you, and you should be too.”
With that, he gently takes my hand, and we walk into the house, leaving Daniel to stew in the wake of his warning.
Once inside, Logan wastes no time. “Pack your bags; we’re leaving this minute.”
With all eyes on us, Logan’s mother came closer, in concern. “Logan, why are you both leaving:
“I’m sorry, Mother, but something urgent needs my attention.”
suddenly? You just got
She isn’t entirely convinced, pressing for more details. “Son, what’s wrong?” she asks, her maternal instincts kicking in. Logan leans into her touch, his voice barely above a whisper. “Mom, I’m sorry. I had to leave in a hurry. We’ll visit soon, I
His mother pulls him into a tight embrace before motioning for me to join them. “Be safe, and make sure to visit soon.” As we make our way out, I can’t help but feel relieved. Whatever forced our visit to end so abruptly feels like a blessing in
I wasn’t ready to face Daniel again, and the charade was becoming increasingly difficult to uphold. Besides, pressing
matters await me back at work.
The drive home is shrouded in silence, the only sound is the hum of the engine. I steal glances at Logan, noticing his furrowed brow and distant expression as if he’s wrestling with his thoughts.
I consider asking if he’s okay, feeling it’s the least I can do after he helped me with Daniel. But before I can speak, he beats
me to it.
“I’m sorry about Daniel,” he says, his apology taking me aback. Logan is a mystery, leaving me more baffled with each passing day. I struggle to find words, managing only a faint, “It’s okay… Thank you for your help.”
In that instant, he locks eyes with me, his intense gaze sending shivers down my spine. He doesn’t look away, and I feel lost in his dreamy stare. My instincts scream warnings, reminding me not to open my heart to love again. I break our gaze, looking away, my heart racing with emotions.
“Would you like me to treat you to dinner? I’ll cook,” Logan says, with a wide smile.
I’m taken aback, glancing around the car to ensure we’re alone. “Oh, come on, Nadine, it’s just the two of us. I’m a better cook than you, and I’ll prove it,” he teases, his eyes sparkling.
I feel like pinching myself to see if this is all a dream. But honestly, I don’t want to wake up. “Okay, we’ll see about that
Chapter 11 Nadine 0011
once we get home,” I reply, trying to sound casual despite my racing heart.
As we step out of the car, Logan gallantly helps me with my door, and I murmur a thank you. He nods, and we walk inside together. Our housekeeper, Kayla, is in the living room, but Logan dismisses her for the day, saying, “I want to give my wife
a special treat.”
I bite my inner cheek, reeling from the moment. This new side of Logan is confusing, but I can’t help but be swept up in it.
“First, my dear wife, you need to go upstairs and freshen up. Wear something comfortable while I do the same,” he says,
his eyes crinkling at the corners.
I nod, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. As I reach my room, I gaze at myself in the mirror, noticing my flushed face. I
gently touch my skin to calm my nerves, my heart still racing from the surprise dinner invitation.
I obey his instructions and head downstairs, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Just as I wonder where he might be, his voice
calls out, “In here, Nadine!” from the kitchen. I follow the sound and find him donning an apron, his fitted black tee and
sweatpants showcasing his physique. He looks undeniably sexy, and my heart skips a beat.
As I enter the kitchen, he lifts his head and flashes me a warm smile, making my heart flutter. I silently chastise myself,
repeating, “You can’t be feeling this way,” like a mantra in my head. I take a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island,
watching him cook with fascination.
He moves away from the stove and approaches me, carrying a wine bottle and a glass. He pours a generous amount into
the glass and hands it to me, his eyes sparkling. “Thank you,” I say, with my gaze locked on his, genuinely grateful for his
thoughtful gesture.
As I watch, Logan expertly chops fresh vegetables, releasing the strong aroma of garlic into the air. He sautés them in olive
oil, then adds juicy shrimp, paprika, and parsley. The sizzling pan is like a piece of music, and the resulting dish, garlic
shrimp linguine, is steaming hot and irresistible.
He sets the table, and we sit down to eat. “Do you love the aroma?” he asks, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.
I considered teasing him with a “no,” but decided against it, unsure how to go about this unexpected display of affection.
Instead, I opt for sincerity. “Yes, it smells amazing, and thank you so much for going to all this trouble. It means a lot to
As I prepare to take my first bite, Logan’s intense gaze locks onto mine, his eyes revealing nothing.
My heart races, and I wonder what he might say next. He opens his mouth, then closes it, as if reconsidering his words.
“Nadine,” he begins, with a neutral tone, “don’t misinterpret my actions. I feel guilty about cutting our visit to my parents
short, so I wanted to make it up to you. That’s all.”
His words are devoid of emotion, but his actions speak louder than any declaration of love. I’m torn between confusion and
gratitude, unsure how to respond.
The Logan I know is back, and I chastise myself for getting swept up in this fleeting display of affection. I gulp hard,
nodding to conceal the emotional crack in my voice.
We finish our meal in silence, lost in our thoughts as a multitude of emotions swirls within me.
“You should rest,” he says, his gentle kiss on my forehead sending a soothing sensation through my skin. “It’s going to be
a long day tomorrow. We need to be somewhere important.”
I nod, watching him leave, the question echoing in my mind: Where are we going?