Chapter Sixty–Nine
We all stayed in the hospital until the afternoon, then we were discharged and went home. We
walked into our suite and my whole family.was there. Nana and my sisters made dinner for all
of us. I went and put Piper in her bassinet in our room and grabbed the baby monitor. I walked
out to see my family and get something to eat.
“How are you feeling, sis?” Blade asked me, putting his arm around my shoulders.
“I am a little sore and a bit tired. But I didn’t want to be rude and avoid all of you. I haven’t seen
all of you in a few months and wanted to spend some time with you, Colton, Siobhan, and Chloe. I missed all of you.”
“I understand, sis. You just gave birth twelve hours ago. You don’t need to play host to us.
Besides, Nana has been hosting us and ensuring we are all taken care of.” Thank goodness
for Nana. She is such a blessing to this family; if something happened to her, I believe it would
tear us apart.
Blade escorted me to the couch, making me sit down and relax. Greg came and sat next to
me, pulling me close to his side. When dinner was ready, Siobhan had brought over plates for
both of us, so I didn’t have to get up. Nana made a pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and celery.
It was so good that I asked for seconds.
Piper woke up while I was eating, so my mother went to get her so she could nurse. I could
hear mother talking to her through the monitor, telling her that she was going to change her
diaper, and then she would be with me. A few minutes later, my mother brought my daughter
out to me and one of my covers and handed her to me so she could nurse. Piper was
aggressively nursing; the event of coming home must have drained her of energy, and she was
acting like she was starving.
When she was done and burped, everyone held her, passing her around, so everyone would get
to hold her. Piper stayed awake the whole time, looking at everyone like she was trying to memorize their faces. She reacted towards Blade and Siobhan since we all knew that they were already fated mates. She would lie in their arms, watching them closely, and act like she
would try to talk to them.
Siobhan’s POV
Sitting here, holding my niece made me want to have pups with Blade someday. Our bond had grown stronger over the months. We hang out every day and with his birthday coming up in
November, he has gotten more possessive over me. He would get jealous of the male wolves
+8 Point
Chapter Sixty–Nine
talking to me, even his brother. We all know that we are mates, so I try to just my friends‘
group to Luci, Lexi, Donna, and a couple of Omegas in the pack, Jenni and Morgan.
My life at Ocean Bay was so much better than at Blood Stone. In Blood Stone, I acted like a
spoiled b***h towards everyone, except my best friend. With her gone, I do miss her, but I
know that she would want me to move on and make new friends. I am a sophomore in high
school, getting excited about finishing school and becoming Luna. Mom has been showing
me the Luna duties, even passing a couple of them to me that I could handle. I plan activities
for all the pups and young wolves, with the help of Luci and Lexi. We have movie days at the
center, one during the day for the pups and one in the evening for the teenagers. The parents
of the pups love movie days because it would give them a break from their pups, get things done around their homes, or just relax. I also took Tovi’s idea of having a kids‘ day, and we are
going to have it this weekend. Luci, Lexi, Jenni, and Morgan are finishing up the last of the
details while I am here but keeping in touch with me about some of the events we are
I finally learned how to surf! It took me a month to learn, with Blade and Colton’s guidance,
and we go surfing every day after school when the weather allows us to. I am sticking to the
smaller waves right now until I am comfortable.
Luci, Lexi, and I are becoming fast friends. When we are not making plans for the younger
wolves in the pack, we hang out either on the beach or we go shopping. Pete gives me an
allowance every month for what I can spend. I don’t go crazy like I used to with dad’s credit
card, spending thousands of dollars every time I go shopping. My allowance is two thousand a month, but it is more like a salary for me since I am one of my mom’s assistants. I only buy
what I need, like toiletries, snacks, lunch at school, and gas and insurance for the car they
gave me, so I can get around. I buy a couple of outfits a month and a pair of shoes. I keep an eye on my money and budget because I need to learn to budget that kind of stuff when I become Luna over Ocean Bay. Yes, the pack is extraordinarily successful when it comes to money, but I have been taught since I have been here that the money is for the pack, not just for high–ranking wolves. Yes, when mom and I first got here, we went on a shopping spree because we left a majority of our stuff in Blood Stone.
My relationship with my stepfamily is great. All of us kids get along wonderfully, always hanging out and being there for each other. Chloe and I would sit in our rooms for hours, talking about things like clothes to boys. She calmed down after a couple of weeks when she found out that she had two sisters, not becoming the annoying little sister that I was afraid she was going to be. Chloe is so sweet, smart, and caring. If she is mated to an Alpha, she would make a great Luna. She has Tovi’s traits of caring for people and neglecting herself.
+8 Point
Chapter Sixty–Nine
When a family in the pack lost their house to a fire, she donated half her closet to the girls that were her age and size and talked Pete into letting the family move into one of the empty homes in the pack and furnishing the house with everything.
Colton is more focused on becoming a fighter since he knows that he will never become an Alpha. He would be Blade’s second Beta, with Chase being the first. He heads the training classes for the teens in the mornings and a small one for the pups after school for an hour,
three times a week. Pete wants the pack to be strong and everyone to be able to defend their
home. I have even been taking training classes and after the pack sluts tried to kick my ass, I
surprised them and ended up breaking Dakota’s nose and leaving a long cut down her face
and Sienna got her leg and arm broken. Since we do not have our wolves yet, it took them a long time to heal, Dakota has a scar on her face and Sienna had to miss school for eight
Blade is caring like his father, looking out for the pack. He has been working alongside Pete, learning the responsibilities of the pack, and learning the businesses, too. Pete owns a law
firm in San Francisco and Los Angeles. So, Blade will be going to college when he graduates
in the spring, to become a lawyer. So, he won’t be able to take over the pack until he graduates. That gives us time to enjoy life a bit and start a family before we take over the pack. Blade has been saving up money so we could build our own house in the pack, close to the packhouse. I cannot wait to spend my life with him.
After four months at Ocean Bay, I have become a completely different person. I will become an even better person, especially for my niece. I will become a positive role model for her and any other future nieces and nephews.